January 2020 Garnets

OnErth- that’s fun that you bought a bunch of baby stuff! Of course there are always some more essentials like diaper cream that are necessary before baby arrives! I usually buy all that in the last couple weeks once I start my maternity leave.
In the fall I’ll have to buy a bunch of maternity stuff. I have shirts from previous pregnancies, but they all seem extremely low cut to me now so I’ll need some things that are a bit more professional for work!
JD - beautiful scan! Glad all is well! I am slightly jealous of these 12 week scans, but I haven’t gotten them with any of my pregnancies and it’s been fine. So I’ll survive. :p
Lovely scans girls! <3 There's nothing like seeing your baby bouncing around, it's so surreal!

I'm starting to feel flutters too :cloud9: for the last few days i've felt a different sensation which I though could've been my pulse in my stomach because I assumed it was too early even though I'll be 15 weeks on Friday :lol: but it's not like a pulsing beat, it's random...feels lovely though. I was sitting on the till today in work and kept feeling it and I was getting all emotional :rofl: it's such a nice reassurance!

Erth how lovely you buying more stuff! I think I'm gonna hoold off until my next scan before I start buying more. pay day will be pretty soon afterwards so I can buy some stuff then. I'm going to Scotland for two weeks from the 5th August so will need to wait until after then I think.

These scans and flutters!! Love it! I’m very jealous! Can’t wait til my scan Friday.
I’ve been having this horrible pain on my right side - I’m hoping it’s ligament pain but can’t be sure. It’s like this dull (although quite sore at times) ache kind of where the ovary would be, but more towards my hip. I’m on the verge of messaging my midwife but have a feeling all she’ll say is wait til the scan anyway!
OnErth I can’t believe you’re nearly done! I keep wondering if I can wait until the January sales or whether that’s cutting it too close.
We’ve got to build an extension on our house and redecorate the whole thing as we moved and have been waiting for planning permission to come through, so I’m hoping that happens soon so we can start! At the moment we’ve been living in a few rooms downstairs and I am starting to panic about how much there is to do, and whether it’ll get done! But we can’t do the nursery until we actually have one so it’ll be a while at least!
Hopefully the scan will reassure you red_head, it's horrible feeling pains or cramps! I still get some cramps now but everything I've read says it's normal, doesn't always stop you worrying though.

I hope the planning permission comes through soon! That sounds like a stressful situation :lol: hopefully it all goes smoothly though. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with everything I feel I have to do, I've always been a one day at a time type of person so I'm finding trying to plan ahead quite hard to be honest, especially as things still feel so early on to me! But in 5 weeks I'll be half way :shock: I just feel like I don't know where to start! :lol:

Red, when I was 7+4 I had bad cramps for hours and hours that kept me up at night. My OB did not act concerned. He said it happens so often that unless you have bright red bleeding with it he doesn’t worry.
Anyone else so many blue veins all over your boobs? Mine even go up my chest.
Also Red I swear I read somewhere that your uterus finally up grows out of your pubic bone at 12 weeks and that can cause ligament pain.
Thank you all for the reassurance :) just got to make it til Friday! Xx
Had our nuchal translucency ultrasound this morning and everything looked great! We're going to tell DS tonight that he's going to be a big brother, can't wait. <3

The clinic we go to for screening is developing a new screening to test for the risk of developing pre-eclampsia so we were able to get tested for free and that thankfully came back low risk as well.

Im glad you had a good scan!

Thoughts: the mom of the 1 and 5yr old i watch every once in a blue moon, asked me to nanny 3x a week starting august 15th until birth. Mon, wed, fri. 8am until 4ish. The mom is a teacher. Before pregnancy, I would have gladly said yes....but I've never worked during pregnancy, I dont know what I can handle. Wwyd? Or say?
That’s gorgeous fitmama and congrats on the great result - did you get the NT result today too?
OnErth can you tell her you’ll do a trial run maybe start one day a week and see how you go? Build up to three days and say you’ll do it as long as you can - maybe just til the new year? Honestly I think you know best - if you found you didn’t have the energy to work in previous pregnancies or if they are particularly energetic kids maybe not, but if they can just slot around your own childcare and you’ve managed well in later pregnancy in the past go for it.
I've never worked while pregnant. The 5yr old has high energy. The 1yr old is cute and easy as a button.

Right now I watch them as they need me. I like that I can say no or have other things going on in the day. If I commit, I'm in. I cant say no. I cant plan other things. The mom prefers they stay at the house so I cant take them places or do things.
OnErth - that’s a hard decision to make. I trust that you’ll make the right one. I have always worked during pregnancy, but I find looking after kids much more exhausting than working in an office. I think if you’re feeling energetic, it would be fine, but if pregnancy makes you really tired then it would be a challenge.

Fit mama - great news about the scan and the test. That is neat that they are developing a new test.

Afm - I had my prenatal appointment today. I guess they had thought that baby’s hb was a little high at the u/s, but when she checked it today it was a perfect 150 bpm. Always nice to hear the heartbeat for the first time.
FitMama- great news! Glad all is looking good
OnErth- that’s tough. I would tell her you aren’t sure you can commit the entire time but maybe you can tell her you will try what you can for now.
Literati what is considered too high? I’m glad it’s all okay now just don’t think I’ve heard of a too high fetal heart rate.
I’m just so darn tired all of the time. It may be pregnancy but is probably also compounded by the fact that I have hypothyroidism. I found out in January that I have Hashimotos which is an auto-immune disease that attack’s my thyroid. Thankfully medication has my levels normal though I have to go monthly to my endocrinologist to get my levels rechecked meds adjusted since pregnancy will continue to deplete my levels. Even though my thyroid levels are fine I’m just low energy. Hard to tell if it’s from pregnancy and what not!
OnErth how do you find watching them currently, or haven't you had to do it while pregnant yet? I watch my friends son who is 18months now and again and last week I had him from 11:30 until he went to bed at 6pm, although I stayed much later because his mum was still out. I really REALLY struggled with my energy levels, and couldn't imagine doing it more than once a week while pregnant, however I also work full time so that could've played a part in it. Just do what's right for you, I'm sure you'll make the right decision either way.

Literati, I hope I get to hear baby's heartbeat at my 16 week midwife appointment! Glad everything seemed to be as it should :cloud9:

I watch them now. I watched them today. It is hard. My 13yr old has had to help a few times.

Im leaning towards saying I cant commit but will be her backup.
I think that's fair enough, you can only do what you can do and you need to look after yourself! At least you're not just point blank saying no

That’s gorgeous fitmama and congrats on the great result - did you get the NT result today too?
OnErth can you tell her you’ll do a trial run maybe start one day a week and see how you go? Build up to three days and say you’ll do it as long as you can - maybe just til the new year? Honestly I think you know best - if you found you didn’t have the energy to work in previous pregnancies or if they are particularly energetic kids maybe not, but if they can just slot around your own childcare and you’ve managed well in later pregnancy in the past go for it.

Yep, they gave us all the NT results. Baby's measurements were perfect and the FTS bloodwork was all low risk. Even though my NIPT results already came back low risk it was nice to hear that this bloodwork did too.

The doctor also confirmed that we are definitely having a boy LOL, he said it was very obvious.

OnErth I personally wouldn't take on extra work if it isn't necessary financially! Might at well relax and enjoy getting ready for baby.

Glad you got to hear the heartbeat Literati, such a lovely sound.

Ashley I don't have a thyroid condition but I'm still exhausted more often than not. Hope we both get some energy soon. I think the exhaustion stuck around until about 17 weeks with DS, ugh!
I always have yellow discharge during pregnancy. Today when I wiped it was extra dark yellow. Like almost looked a really pale tan. Kind of scared me but it was hard to tell if it’s just because there was more of it and darker yellow so it appeared Yellow/pale tan? Against the stark white toilet paper it makes it seems darker. Normally it’s more of a pale to mid yellow color. So I guess i will just wait and see Sorry I know it’s TMI.

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