January 2020 Garnets

Congratulations Becca on a little baby girl! And congratulations Red on a little baby boy! It's so exciting now everyones finding out and we can put genders to bumps.

It's 6am here, my scan is at 10:30. Hopefully baby shows what it's made of and I can come and give an update later on. My son and oh would like a boy, and me and my daughter think it's a girl. Lets see xx
Congratulations Becca on your little girl and Red on your little boy!

Unfortunately my bloodwork came back as showing I am in the risk category for T13/18 so now I either need to decide on an amnio or a NIPT test. It will definitely be a NIPT test first, we went with Panorama last time as I think it was slightly more reliable? However the Panorama test isn't offered in many places in the UK and we have to drive a good couple of hours to our nearest clinic. The bloods then need to be sent off to the US and can take 14 working days, where as the Harmony test can be done at our local hospital and the results are processed in London so only take 3-5 working days. Not sure which to choose :/

As an aside though, we are on holiday thIs week and having a lovely time
Serenyx glad you’re enjoying your holiday! That’s a difficult decision - I’d be tempted to go with whichever is quickest but probably being more thorough is most important. It depends what you might do depending on the outcome. I hope you get a good result - often people come back high and it’s fine. Fingers crossed.

Sophie congratulations!! I love we’re having boys!!! I keep happy crying! Although I’m slightly concerned we’re going to me over run with men lol!
Congratulations on your girl Becca and congrats on your boys Sophie and Red!!!!! :pink::blue::blue: So glad you felt comfortable enough to announce Red, such an exciting and happy milestone. <3 I know what you mean about being over run, I'm going to have a husband and 2 boys soon LOL.

So sorry you're going through that stress Serenyx. I have heard that test comes back with a lot of false positives though, especially if you're over 35 (not sure if that's the case for you?). I opted to pay out of pocket for first trimester screening and NIPT because at 39 I felt like my bloodwork would definitely come back high risk because of my age alone. Whatever option you choose I hope you get the results quickly and that all is well for your lo.
So sorry you're going through that stress Serenyx. I have heard that test comes back with a lot of false positives though, especially if you're over 35 (not sure if that's the case for you?). I opted to pay out of pocket for first trimester screening and NIPT because at 39 I felt like my bloodwork would definitely come back high risk because of my age alone. Whatever option you choose I hope you get the results quickly and that all is well for your lo.
Thank you x I am 39 this year so definitely fall into the higher age bracket. Strangely my bloods were in the low risk category for t21 but in the high risk category for t13/18. I have very low papp-a which, coupled with my age, has made me high risk. Low papp-a comes with its own issues but I had low papp-a in my last pregnancy too so i'm not as worried about that.
One of these days I'm going to remember that I am back on this forum and not go a week between check-ins #-o sorry for the long post, there were more updates than normal since I had a doc appt. feel free to ignore :)

I had an appointment last week friday for just the routine measurement and heartbeat check and surprisingly the doctor had a hand-held ultrasound scanner and let me take a look at bub when he was doing a check on his heart and spine, it was so cool, I never knew they made them portable like that. And it was also very clearly confirmed that baby is a boy lol I was shocked since I see a lot of potty shots that are really difficult to decipher but this was very obvious. I also re-learned how to find my uterus since I wasn't entirely sure what to feel for. After the measurement I was shocked that it was already just above my bellybutton at only 17 weeks and the nurse taught me how to locate it, now at 18 I am a good inch above my belly button, I'm going to run out of room in my abdomen soon and I'm not even half way done yet.

I'm not sure if I posted this or not with the last update (I don't thinks so, but if I did then just ignore this bit), but I did get a letter in the mail from my insurance telling me that they denied my doctor's request to cover my Panorama test, so now I get to go and argue to get that figured out. And because of that I postponed my Carrier test just in case they don't cover that either. So here's to hoping I can get all that sorted out painlessly. I also really need to get a dentist appointment, I had a tiny cavity in one tooth and now the cavity has gotten absolutely huge, I need to get it filled before it totally destroys the tooth. My teeth are not a fan of pregnancy, I always have a lot of issues with them when I am pregnant.

Serenyx, sorry to hear you're going through all the stress of this, but I hope that soon you can get some more definitive answers so there aren't so many "maybes".

And congrats to everyone who found out genders <3 (sorry for not getting specific, I know there were a couple of you but I forgot names in the time it took me to write this out and I don't want to lose my progress to go find them again). I know the boy trend was finally broken, so far it's the first person I've seen here and irl with my pregnant friends who is having a girl. It's apparently year of the boy in 2020 haha
@Serenyx I had the NIPT done here in Ireland -was told 2 weeks but came back in one. I'm 43, and it came back low risk across the board. We don't do the other bloods so no idea if I was high risk before NIPT, but at 43 my statistical risk was high since we used my own eggs.

High risk for 13/18 is scary. I have loads of friends with DS kids and that didn't worry me too much, but Patau and Edwards are different :( (although, sometimes! humans are crazy random creatures and mosaicism is a thing that reduces the impact substantially) I hope you find somewhere quick to get the NIPT done - at least you'll know then if you want the more invasive testing. It's a great first step because there's no risk to baby. There's so many twists to this kind of thing. Important to let the doctors and facts guide you and try to distract yourself in the meantime.

I haven't been around much. Still super tired and fighting food aversions. 16 weeks today, which is when I recall feeling better last time.

I'm buying my pram tomorrow! And I bought a car seat yesterday. There have been sales, sooooo... Now just waiting on kicks! ... and my GTT test on the 13th. God I hope my aversions are gone before I'm diagnosed with GD.

If people have things that need updating in the original post, please @ mention me so it's easy to find when I sign on :)
@Serenyx I had the NIPT done here in Ireland -was told 2 weeks but came back in one. I'm 43, and it came back low risk across the board. We don't do the other bloods so no idea if I was high risk before NIPT, but at 43 my statistical risk was high since we used my own eggs.

High risk for 13/18 is scary. I have loads of friends with DS kids and that didn't worry me too much, but Patau and Edwards are different :( (although, sometimes! humans are crazy random creatures and mosaicism is a thing that reduces the impact substantially) I hope you find somewhere quick to get the NIPT done - at least you'll know then if you want the more invasive testing. It's a great first step because there's no risk to baby. There's so many twists to this kind of thing. Important to let the doctors and facts guide you and try to distract yourself in the meantime.

I haven't been around much. Still super tired and fighting food aversions. 16 weeks today, which is when I recall feeling better last time.

I'm buying my pram tomorrow! And I bought a car seat yesterday. There have been sales, sooooo... Now just waiting on kicks! ... and my GTT test on the 13th. God I hope my aversions are gone before I'm diagnosed with GD.

If people have things that need updating in the original post, please @ mention me so it's easy to find when I sign on :)
Can you update mine please to team blue. Thanks xx
Congrats Sophie and Red on the boys!
I wasn't offered any kind of testing. I think where I live most just keep the baby no matter what so that is why it isn't offered? Or maybe they did offer and I just don't remember. They also don't measure nuchal fold. I am 35 now and am barely considered older maternal age. Seems weird to even think that since I don't feel old!
Ashley - that’s interesting that they don’t offer the testing there! They offer it here but I never do it. I personally would keep the baby no matter what, and I’d prefer not to have the stress and anxiety for my whole pregnancy.

Serenyx - I am sorry about the baby being high risk, but hopefully everything comes back good with whatever screening you choose. Just remember that being high risk doesn’t mean baby will turn out to have anything. I’m hoping and praying that’s the case!
Glad you’re having a nice holiday!

JD - I am still fighting fatigue and food aversions as well, although I’ve noticed they’ve improved a little in the last few days. I hope yours improve soon. Do you always get GD in every pregnancy?

Beadle - sorry you have to get a filling. I just had to get one done last week. The dentist assured me it was totally safe in pregnancy. I also have trouble with my dental health during pregnancy. I also tend to get sore, bleeding gums as well. :(

Becca - congrats on the first girl of the group! So exciting!

Red head - yay for a baby boy!

Afm - we told the kids this past Sunday and they are both very excited for baby! They keep asking to hug and kiss the baby.

We also just got back from a little family vacation at the lake which was very lovely! Now we are home but on holidays for another week so enjoying the R&R!

My bump is huge now and can’t be hidden at all.
I finally made some baby purchases today! I got a tommee tippee Steriliser (the advanced one), 12 blue TT bottles, 2 Dummies and a bottle brush all for £75 which I thought was Brill considering the Steriliser was supposed to be £56 on its own. Love a sale. I have also found a Pram that I love! Only £350. I was determined not to spend £1000 like I have with the others, just to sell it around 6 months later for next to nothing. You get the Pram part with it and also the bigger seat for the pushchair. X
Hi Girls! Have struggled to get online with all the errors so I got too frustrated and left it to sort itself out before trying again, I was worried I would be left behind lol!

Congrats on the gender news ladies, I can't wait to find out mine!! only 19 days to go until my next scan, I can't believe how fast time is going.

Serenyx, I hope all comes back well with the further tests, I can imagine you to be quite anxious about that. We're all here for you to support you thru it! :hugs:

As for myself, not much to report...I'm showing slightly in certain clothes but still not enough to look pregnant to anyone who doesn't know, I just look fatter :rofl: symptoms wise I'm really REALLY suffering with (TMI!!) constipation the last couple of days, which is causing some discomfort. I don't really know what I can take to help, does anyone have any suggestions? I already have Dulcolax in the house but don't want to take it if it's not safe, and I'm reading conflicting things online.

Had my 16 week midwife appt last friday, blood pressure and urine test all fine, but they didn't weigh me? I am interested to see how much weight I have/haven't gained because people keep telling me I've lost weight, even customers in work who don't know I'm pregnant have mentioned it. I went to tesco to use their weights but it was broken :roll: I'll have to find somewhere else to weigh. I was always worried about it because I've always struggled with my weight, and I'd hate to gain too much unnecessarily.

Sophie that pram is gorgeous! Luckily a girl in work is giving me her pram so I don't have to stress about affording one, because moneyy is sooo tight at the minute, I hate it :(

Going for gender scan on my birthday, aug 15! Cant tell you ladies but I'm excited!!!!
15w1d. Flutters are inconsistent but it's not gas. Feel tired, still not really wanting food.
I cant remember when I felt kicking with the kids. I'd think surely by Halloween I will be.
Hope your gender scan goes well! And I'm glad your feeling baby moving around. I think I may have anterior placenta again. I have felt a few odd flutters but nothing since. Xx
OnErth - I’m sure you’ll feel long before Halloween. I think I could usually feeling the kicks OUTSIDE the stomach already by 21 weeks. However, I’m not really feeling anything yet aside from those few me flutters that I’m not even sure were baby.

I’m also really tired and no food really appeals to me, although I’m still eating a lot because I’m so hungry all the time. Yay for gender scan on the 15th.

Blueskai - try not to worry about the weight. It’s good for the baby to gain the appropriate amount of weight. gain too little, and you put baby at risk as well as yourself because baby will take your nutrients and you will go without. It’s hard dealing with weight gain, but what your body is doing is so much more important that that.

Afm - I’m completely worn out after a very busy day yesterday. We had my dd1’s 5th Birthday Party and ended up having people for supper and then company after supper as well. I’m wiped!

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