January 2020 Garnets

@Serenyx I had the NIPT done here in Ireland -was told 2 weeks but came back in one. I'm 43, and it came back low risk across the board. We don't do the other bloods so no idea if I was high risk before NIPT, but at 43 my statistical risk was high since we used my own eggs.

High risk for 13/18 is scary. I have loads of friends with DS kids and that didn't worry me too much, but Patau and Edwards are different :( (although, sometimes! humans are crazy random creatures and mosaicism is a thing that reduces the impact substantially) I hope you find somewhere quick to get the NIPT done - at least you'll know then if you want the more invasive testing. It's a great first step because there's no risk to baby. There's so many twists to this kind of thing. Important to let the doctors and facts guide you and try to distract yourself in the meantime.
Thanks for that :)

I had the bloods for the NIPT test done today. Now I just have to wait and see how long they take to come back. All the paperwork says 14 working days. We went with the Panorama test in the end as it is more sensitive and has a better accuracy than the Harmony test for both T13 and T18. It just means a longer wait for the results!

T13/T18 are unfortunately the scary ones - I have done a fair bit of reading since my bloods came back as high risk but I will wait and see what the NIPT test shows up rather than scaring myself.

On the upside I got to see the bubba again, although they weren't exactly being very co-operative! The head was right down in my pelvis, pushed up against my spine and they refused to move I also have a retroverted uterus so it makes seeing things at this stage slighty harder.
Serenyx - I am sorry about the baby being high risk, but hopefully everything comes back good with whatever screening you choose. Just remember that being high risk doesn’t mean baby will turn out to have anything. I’m hoping and praying that’s the case!
Glad you’re having a nice holiday!
Thank you x

As an aside, I see from your later post you have a daughter born in 08/14. You weren't part of the August Sunflowers group on here back then were you? I just thought your name sounded vaguely familiar!
How is everyone doing?
Not much to report here. Still have nausea but it has eased up. Can’t wait for it be gone though. I told my kids on Sunday about the pregnancy. They are excited! My youngest who is almost 8 didn’t believe my husband and I at first. Then she got teary eyed because she’s so excited!
I have anxiety off and on. Like it almost feels too good to be true that I’m having a baby. So I will fear the worst at times. Woke up today just feeling un-optimistic. I’m not sure why I keep feeling like this off and on. I have to remind myself that it’s just my anxiety speaking and not an actual sign or whatever. I have no reason to believe anything bad will happen. But tell that to my anxiety!

So my oldest and youngest both want a baby sister. My middle daughter wants a baby brother. Though she did say yesterday she wants a baby sister. I find out around 20 weeks. I bought the baby’s first outfit too last weekend. That was fun! I had to buy a gender neutral outfit of course.
1 week until my gender scan (not sharing though). I recently got more cloth diapers, so that made me happy.
Serenyx I hope the time passes quickly for you to get the results, and they hold good news.
Ashley I get the same anxiety all the time. Some days I wake up and just don’t want to get out of bed I’m so worried! My mood swings seem to give me grumpy days, anxious days and happy days - I wake up in a certain mood and it sticks no matter what!
OnErth do you have any feelings about what the gender may be? Or preference?
Are you going to use solely cloth diapers or will you use disposable ones too? I think I plan to use cloth ones most of the time but I know my sister in law struggled with them and got quite stressed about it all, so I may get some disposable ones for if we go out etc. I’m very eco conscious normally though so I don’t know!
Im leaning toward girl but would prefer a boy.
Theres are so many different types of cloth diapers. What didnt work for her, mat work for you and you find what works. We are doing only cloth, even out and about. We did the same with dd2. Ds and dd1 had disposable but we switched dd1 to cloth later on.

For dd2, we started with prefolds and covers, then fitteds, then flats. For dd1 we switched to pockets (closer to a year old).
This baby is only pockets. Put it on the baby, snap and done. Unsnap, wipe and throw in wetbag. Done. Wash. Repeat.
What prenatal is everyone taking?

I was taking 2 Flintstones and the onc & ob were fine with that. Then the 1st crappy midwife said that wasnt good enough so I stopped. I went to a new OB who didnt say anything about the subject. The new midwife is pushy on her prenatal (Juice Plus or Megafoods) because she sells them but its $50 a month!

Im torn. I dont want to make her mad but I cant afford to literally pee out $50 of vitamins a month.
I’ve been taking a santogen one or pregnacare (but that one makes me super constipated!). They are less than £10 for a months worth, but that’s in the uk. Just compare what’s in the bottles - they all seem to have the same thing mostly anyway! Xx
I'm just using a tescos own brand. There like £3 for a whole month worth. Compared them all in the shop and they all have the same vitamins etc xx
I swear im already feeling Braxton Hicks. Which seems crazy early. I had an irritable uterus with my other pregnancies so it wouldn’t surprise me. With my 1st pregnancy I didn’t ever feel Braxton Hicks. But my amniotic fluid started leaking at 34 weeks. I didnt know it was amniotic fluid being clueless. I always thought when your waters break it was a huge gush. I didn't end up going into labor on my own and was induced once it was determined it was my amniotic fluid and she was born at 35+5.
With my 2nd pregnancy I started feeling braxton hicks around 27 weeks. I didnt know what they were at first. I was feeling pressure in my belly and was concerned about it and I even brought it up to my Dr and he told me he didnt know what it was which is crazy he didn't now that I look back. I think around 29 weeks I realized on my own they were braxton hicks. They would come on when I was up on my feet. Thing is I would get double the safe limit. Anything over 6 an hour can put you into real labor and I would get 12 an hour just being up for more than 10 minutes. So I was on modified bed rest from 31-37 weeks.
3rd pregnancy I started feeling them at 23 weeks. And once I started feeling them they came on a lot when I was up on my feet. Even being in a seated position I would feel them quite a bit. The only thing that got rid of them was laying on my side. So from 23-37 weeks I was on modified bedrest. It was awful. But I didnt dare risk putting myself into preterm labor and it was worth it have a full term baby. My 2nd baby was born at 39+2 and 3rd baby at 38+0.
Now here I am at 15+4 and I am pretty sure I am feeling them again. Its hard to tell 100% since my uterus is still small. I would always just feel my uterus get rock hard along with the feeling of pressure and tightness but since my uterus is still low in my belly it's hard to feel. I took my kids to the mall last night and I was feeling pressure off an on the whole time until I got home and laid down. I am going to my next appointment on Monday and I will bring it up and ask to be put on P17 shots that help prevent preterm labor. They are normally started around 16 weeks. I have never had them in the past but I can't be on bedrest this time. I can take it easy and reduce activities like shopping that I dont have to do, but my kids have places they need to be every day. So hoping the shots help ease these. I have heard that having an irritable uterus doesnt mean preterm labor. It does increase my chances, but honestly, I dont want to risk it! My labor with my last baby was 1 hour so what if I do end up going into labor early? I dont think there will be time to stop it with how quick my labors are. So better safe than sorry!
Only dd2 did I go into preterm labor early. (Which says something because DS and dd1 were born at 36wks). I was at a dr appointment and having contractions at 32 weeks. They rushed me to the hospital. Watched me and wanted to give me meds to stop them, I said no. Which they didn't like. In the end, I needed to be induced at 40wks.
Ashley I was reading about them this morning strangely enough and they can start very early (like 12 weeks) but you feel them earlier the more pregnancies you have - it can be normal but I completely understand your worry after your experiences! I hope your appointment Monday goes well! X
Ashley - that does seem early for BH but can be totally normal. I’m sorry you had so much hassle with previous pregnancies and needing to go on bed rest, etc.

I am also sorry about your anxiety. Hugs!

OnErth - honestly, I have had trouble finding a prenatal and haven’t actually found one i’m Happy with. I bought a cheap one originally but then discovers it had the wrong type of vitamin a and freaked out and ordered a new one. I got a Douglas prenatal that time but was really disappointed to discover you’re supposed to take 2 per day. Not only do I never remember to take it twice, but that makes it at least $30/month which I can’t afford either. So I’ll admit I’ve only been taking one and getting half the amount of vitamins I need. :/ Can you go with just a drug store brand or Nestle Materna? I think they are usually about $30 but last a few months.

Serenyx - I can’t remember what the thread was called, but I was definitely on the August babies thread back then. I was much more heavily involved with a post-miscarriage TTC thread, but I was on the August one from time to time. So, that must be where you’ve seen me before? I found that one wasn’t very active at all for some reason, and fizzled out as soon as the babies were born.

Red head - sorry about your anxiety as well.

Afm - we just got back from a 2-night camping trip. It was fun, but I found I was just way way too exhausted for it. The day we had to get ready to go, I was way too tired to be productive and we didn’t get out to the campsite until 8 pm. I was then very cranky and just wanted to go to sleep. Then we had a terrible night as we were all freezing and dd1 peed her bed. :/ ugh. The second night was better but I was still so tired all day and had to have a nap on the beach. My dh did almost all of the work and I think he resented it a bit. Ah well...
We love to go camping. Tent, no electricity kind. We were supposed to go before my surgery but it rained. We havent planned a trip this year.
No experience with braxton hicks as I've never had them in my other 2 pregnancies. Maybe give the midwife a call like you said and see but I'm sure it's normal and nothing to worry about.

We don't have any trips away planned this year. I just darent go abroad with my health problems and being classed as high risk, I would want the nhs is anything was to happen and not be stuck in a random place. Does anyone else have any holidays or anything exciting coming up soon?

I can't believe I am nearly half way already x
Literati that does sound like a less than ideal trip! I always find I need a holiday to get over holidays lol!
We’ve booked a glaming trip to wales for a few days as it’s our wedding anniversary in a couple weeks. I’m hoping the weather is ok for it! We’re calling it our baby moon as we won’t go away again before January! Weird to think it’s our last holiday just the two of us! (Well three as we’re taking our dog with us!)
Serenyx - I can’t remember what the thread was called, but I was definitely on the August babies thread back then. I was much more heavily involved with a post-miscarriage TTC thread, but I was on the August one from time to time. So, that must be where you’ve seen me before? I found that one wasn’t very active at all for some reason, and fizzled out as soon as the babies were born.
Yes it must have been - most people moved over to FB in the end and made a group on there. I'm actually still FB friends with several of the people who were part of the August group - it's amazing to think our LO's are all turning 5 now!

Your camping trip sounds very stressful! I haven't been camping for years but my 5 year old does keep mentioning it. I think we will have a trial run in the garden first though to see how she likes it :lol: It does mean buying a new tent so i'm not in any rush!!
We rented a cabin near a lake for the end of this month. Only way I will go “camping”.

I ran out of my nausea meds and am feeling it. I was hoping i wouldn’t feel much different without them since my nausea has been more bearable. But looks like I will need a refill.
Woke up to very solid little thumps from LO this morning :)
We publicly announced yesterday, which was a relief tbh. We'd put it off until after our daughter's one year anniversary. So it's nice to be celebrating something now. And then the wee kicks this morning :)
JD - yay for some solid kicks! I am feeling very little. I almost thought I was feeling nothing, but if I sit really still and concentrate, I can feel a few flutters but they’re few and far between and very hard to notice. I can’t wait until they’re more obvious.

Ashley - I prefer renting a cabin as well. That is what we did the first week of our holidays. However, I really wanted the kids to experience tenting for the first time.
I’m sorry the lack of nausea meds is causing a resurge of symptoms. I hope the nausea subsides soon.

Serenyx - oh yes, buying a tent would be expensive! Thankfully, we had friends who offered to lend us theirs. That makes sense if it ended up being more active on the fb group!

Red head - I agree about needing a vacation from the vacation! Haha. I’m glad you’re getting away for a little baby moon! That will be lovely.

Afm - being back at work was rough today. I told my manager and he didn’t have too bad of a reaction, so that’s good. I planned on telling co workers but in the end didn’t feel like it so I’ll tell them another day. This afternoon I was so tired and I found I just couldn’t concentrate all day. It will be hard to get back in the groove for the next 5 months!

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