January 2020 Garnets

Sophie - those are wonderful pictures!

Mixed news here - I had my 16 week midwife appt yesterday and got to hear the heartbeat but today I got a phone call from the company who took my bloods for the Panorama test saying that the fetal fraction was too low so they were unable to do the test. They re-ran the bloods against the normal screening methods and gave me an even higher risk for problems. I can have a redraw done and they will try the Panorama again but it took over 10 days for these results to come back and i'm not convinced they will get a result next time either (apparently some of the medication I am on can also cause low fetal fraction - so I am expecting them to get even less next time!).

So that really only leaves me with the option of an amnio, which I am not keen on having due to the risk of miscarriage :-(

I might call the screening midwives at the hospital on Monday to discuss it with them.

Sorry to hear this. Yes I would definitely contact the screening midwifes for a more detailed chat.

What is the miscarriage risk for amnio? I'm sure it would only be very small, although that is no comfort to the women who have to go through with it.

If the baby had the condition which you are being given high risk odds for, would that change your mind in contiuing with the pregnancy or do would you just like to be 'prepared'?

I know that some women have said it would change there mind and therefore an amnio would be essential to that decision but I also know women who have said they would continue regardless of the outcome and so therefore the risk (even though slight) of the amnio would not be worth it. I think you need to sit down and maybe right pros and cons of having it done if your panorama comes back as it has this time.

I wish you good luck with what ever method you do. Fingers crossed for a beautiful healthy baby who's just causing mummy stress before it's here x
I'd skip the amnio. I've never agreed to one actually. I figured no matter what, I'd carry and deliver. Take the odds.
Serenyx congratulations on the good appointment. I’m sorry you couldn’t get the results. I don’t know if this is helpful, but with my last pregnancy, when we were told he was ill, all it did was terrify me. I was on google reading worst case scenarios for hours a day. I don’t know if it helped me prepare for reality. Although we were told there was a small chance of the baby not surviving, it in no way prepared us for it happening. It was a massive shock. My point is sometimes having the information isn’t really helpful. You know what could happen, and you’ll deal with it as it comes and it doesn’t make it any easier. But it’s incredibly personal and every situation is different. And to be honest, I don’t know what I would want if something similar happened again. Hopefully you’ll get some answers at your 20 week scan. Wishing you so much luck xx
Thank you x

I will have the redraw anyway even if there isn't much chance of it getting a result the second time. I didn't realise the medication I am on can affect the results! I already have the 20 week scan booked so I guess it is a case of wait and see.
Sorry to hear this. Yes I would definitely contact the screening midwifes for a more detailed chat.

What is the miscarriage risk for amnio? I'm sure it would only be very small, although that is no comfort to the women who have to go through with it.

If the baby had the condition which you are being given high risk odds for, would that change your mind in contiuing with the pregnancy or do would you just like to be 'prepared'?

I know that some women have said it would change there mind and therefore an amnio would be essential to that decision but I also know women who have said they would continue regardless of the outcome and so therefore the risk (even though slight) of the amnio would not be worth it. I think you need to sit down and maybe right pros and cons of having it done if your panorama comes back as it has this time.

I wish you good luck with what ever method you do. Fingers crossed for a beautiful healthy baby who's just causing mummy stress before it's here x
Sadly I don't enjoy pregnancy! All my babies like to cause me stress lol (I had 13 scans with DD1 and 10 with DD2! I have to have daily injections and tablets throughout pregnancy).

The miscarriage risk is only said to be 1% but unfortunately statistics don't work with me and I always seem to be that 1%. Also, just for an added complication, I am Rh - and DH is Rh + so there is a very high chance of blood mixing during an amnio (both DD1 and DD2 are Rh + so I have to have Anti D anyway both during pregnancy and after).

Unfortunately both the conditions are life limiting and it is highly unlikely they would survive the birth, if they do then the mean survival time is only 7 - 10 days. I have 2 other young children to consider and I have already had a stillbirth. I really don't know if I can do that again.
I'd skip the amnio. I've never agreed to one actually. I figured no matter what, I'd carry and deliver. Take the odds.
Very difficult when I have 2 other young children to consider and there is a very high chance the baby won't survive or will die a few days after birth if they do have either of the conditions I am high risk for...
Ah I’m sorry I thought I had read you saying you’d continue with the pregnancy either way which is why I spouted I’m sorry!
I’m sorry you’re in such a difficult situation. Are there markers they can look for in the 20 week scan which will give you a better idea? If you are going to have to end the pregnancy, maybe the amnio as a last resort to make sure first would be helpful, but once you’ve done everything else you can. Can you briefly stop the medication for the redraw or would it stay in your system or put you more at risk? I’m so sorry it sounds like such an impossible situation. Fingers crossed this is just your little one preparing you for the cheek they’ll give you when they arrive safe, healthy and sound xx
Ah I’m sorry I thought I had read you saying you’d continue with the pregnancy either way which is why I spouted I’m sorry!
I’m sorry you’re in such a difficult situation. Are there markers they can look for in the 20 week scan which will give you a better idea? If you are going to have to end the pregnancy, maybe the amnio as a last resort to make sure first would be helpful, but once you’ve done everything else you can. Can you briefly stop the medication for the redraw or would it stay in your system or put you more at risk? I’m so sorry it sounds like such an impossible situation. Fingers crossed this is just your little one preparing you for the cheek they’ll give you when they arrive safe, healthy and sound xx
That's ok - at this stage i'm not sure what I would do either way!

From what I have read there are markers and one of the conditions has a good chance of being seen on ultrasound but the other not so much.

I'm really not sure about the medication, I will ask the screening midwives when I call. I have had the same medication in my previous 2 pregnacies due to placental problems. I need blood thinners to get an adequate supply through the placenta.

I could do amnio as a last resort but i'm not sure I could forgive myself if there were complications and the baby was healthy. The only other option I can see is to wait until the 20 week scan and look for soft markers, if there are some then have the amnio, if they don't find any then I could have an amnio later on (but past the point of viability) so if there is an issue they can deliver and give them a chance - I don't know... I'm not even sure the hospital would do that.
I have to do the clexane injections - is that what you do? I think there are different types you can do so maybe they could switch you. My doctor said the other day to start doing them every other day as the placenta has formed now, so the risks are lower although I don’t have the clotting disorder just previous issues, so hopefully if you stopped for a few days it’d be ok. It’s so hard to take any risks though.
I’m sorry you’re going through so much stress. I think your idea of the amnio after week 24 seems sensible. This must be torture for you xx
Serenyx - sounds like a very difficult decision and one that only you and your hubby can decide on in the end. I’m sure it’s a lot of pressure, and I can’t imagine the fear you must feel having experienced a stillbirth before. Hugs.

Sophie - I thought that was a very well thought out post. :)

Also, That makes sense if you’re borderline anemic that you’d be extra tired. Hopefully that corrects itself soon. Are you taking extra supplements for it? I would imagine it wouldn’t be a bit easier once your kids are back to school. They sure are exhausting! Haha.

My iron levels were fine last they checked. My thyroid was a tad low but they’ve adjusted my medication and it should be good now. I need to get blood work in the next couple days to check. However, this is just how I feel in every pregnancy regardless of how great my bloodwork results are. I think I’m just destined to be a very fatigued pregnant person.

Thanks to those with sympathy for potty training and my tiredness.
I have to do the clexane injections - is that what you do? I think there are different types you can do so maybe they could switch you. My doctor said the other day to start doing them every other day as the placenta has formed now, so the risks are lower although I don’t have the clotting disorder just previous issues, so hopefully if you stopped for a few days it’d be ok. It’s so hard to take any risks though.
I’m sorry you’re going through so much stress. I think your idea of the amnio after week 24 seems sensible. This must be torture for you xx
It's certainly very stressful!

I was on Clexane with DD1 and Fragmin for both DD2 and this pregnancy. I have to take both that and Aspirin daily to thin my blood otherwise I get placental clotting which prevents blood from crossing the placenta. I seem to be the opposite of yourself, I need it more once the placenta has formed to ensure it is functioning correctly.
Serenyx - sounds like a very difficult decision and one that only you and your hubby can decide on in the end. I’m sure it’s a lot of pressure, and I can’t imagine the fear you must feel having experienced a stillbirth before. Hugs.
Thanks x Yes it is a very personal decision and one that only we can make.

The fact that the trisomies I am high risk for generally end in stillbirth is terrifying, it is not something I want to ever experience again (nor something I want my children to have to see me go through) and that is the only thing which could make me go for the amnio.

I hope the potty training goes smoothly. DD2 is interested in the potty and goes on it sometimes but she is still in pull ups. I might try properly when she is 2.
Sorry sereny, pregnancy is stressful enough without having more issues to have to worry about! Do they know what your chances are at this point for having any of the defects? I pray all is well with baby!
I have my 16 week appointment tomorrow, a bit late as I'll be 17 weeks on Wednesday but that just sums up the kind of care we get around here, that was after me phoning the doctors to book and them telling me they had no record of me being pregnant or any of my scan/blood test results #-otook me 3 days of ringing around to finally get through to the right midwife who was really helpful I must say and got me this appointment. Considering I'm supposed to be consultant led due to a few different factors, I don't feel very well looked after I must admit. Not that I want any sort of special treatment of course but I would expect them to at least hold a record for me! I am hoping I get to hear the heartbeat tomorrow as I could feel a lot of flutters/pops on Saturday but not much at all yesterday so it makes me nervous.
Serenyx - I have a cousin who around 6 years back had down syndrome screening and her results came back that she was in the highest risk category and she refused the amnio test, the doctors and midwives kept saying things like "when he's born we will check him for all the other conditions associated with DS" etc basically certain he was going to have it, she gave birth to him and he didn't have it at all! No trace of it whatsoever so it's never certain, I hope you get some good news at your scan x
Bumblee I’m 17 weeks Wednesday and my midwife has been on holiday so my 16 week appointment isn’t booked yet! It’s worrying me (what a shock lol I worry about everything!). I hope it goes well :) hopefully mine will get arranged for this week.
So sorry you're going through all this stress Serenyx. Can they get you in for an earlier scan so you don't have to sit in limbo? With my first pregnancy they suspected significant abnormalities so I had a level 3 ultrasound with a maternal fetal medicine specialist booked so they could look at baby in more detail. Is something like that an option?

Keeping everything crossed that the Panorama test comes back with enough fetal DNA this time.

Nothing coming up until September for me when I have my next Midwife appointment and my 20 week scan. Just plugging along in the meantime.

Going to order our Halloween costumes now - I like to do this early in case shipping takes longer than expected. DS wants to be a skeleton (a surprise since dinosaurs are his current obsession) and wants me to be a "Mommy Skeleton" so I'm going to get one of those maternity skeleton shirts with a skeleton baby.
Sorry sereny, pregnancy is stressful enough without having more issues to have to worry about! Do they know what your chances are at this point for having any of the defects? I pray all is well with baby!
Thanks Ashley - my results came back as 1:17 - so rather high :-(
So sorry you're going through all this stress Serenyx. Can they get you in for an earlier scan so you don't have to sit in limbo? With my first pregnancy they suspected significant abnormalities so I had a level 3 ultrasound with a maternal fetal medicine specialist booked so they could look at baby in more detail. Is something like that an option?

Keeping everything crossed that the Panorama test comes back with enough fetal DNA this time.
I can certainly ask the hospital. I know they prefer to do them towards the end of the timeframe (i.e. closer to 21 weeks rather than 18) due to the fact everything is more developed but I could ask if they are willing to bring it forward. My scan is currently booked for when I am 21 weeks exactly (so another 4 weeks and 2 days to go :? ).

I tried to call the screening midwives today but it went to answerphone. I left my name and number and asked them to give me a call back so i'm now just waiting.

Hopefully I am having the second draw for the Panorama test tonight.

Loving your idea for Halloween :)
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I have my 16 week appointment tomorrow, a bit late as I'll be 17 weeks on Wednesday but that just sums up the kind of care we get around here, that was after me phoning the doctors to book and them telling me they had no record of me being pregnant or any of my scan/blood test results #-otook me 3 days of ringing around to finally get through to the right midwife who was really helpful I must say and got me this appointment. Considering I'm supposed to be consultant led due to a few different factors, I don't feel very well looked after I must admit. Not that I want any sort of special treatment of course but I would expect them to at least hold a record for me! I am hoping I get to hear the heartbeat tomorrow as I could feel a lot of flutters/pops on Saturday but not much at all yesterday so it makes me nervous.
Serenyx - I have a cousin who around 6 years back had down syndrome screening and her results came back that she was in the highest risk category and she refused the amnio test, the doctors and midwives kept saying things like "when he's born we will check him for all the other conditions associated with DS" etc basically certain he was going to have it, she gave birth to him and he didn't have it at all! No trace of it whatsoever so it's never certain, I hope you get some good news at your scan x
Thanks Bumblebee - I hope they get you booked in soon! My 16 week appointment was made when I went for my booking in appt, and they have already booked my 28 week midwife appt. I hope they improve the care they have been giving you - at least your midwife sounds good!

Nice to see another with the same due date :) They put me forward 2 days on my dating scan so I am now officially the 29th Jan too.

Very jealous you are feeling movement already :lol: I have another anterior placenta so i'm not expecting to feel anything for a while yet!
Bumble Bee - I am sorry you’re feeling not very well cared for this pregnancy! That is ridiculous that they didn’t even have record of you being pregnant! Hugs! If it makes you feel any better, I don’t have my “16 week” appointment until I’m 18 weeks because my doctor is on holidays. I also don’t feel all that well cared for, although at least they know I’m pregnant.

Red head - wow, guess there are a few of us in the same boat with late appointments! My dr is also on holidays and I’ll be getting in to see her at 18 weeks finally. It’s also stressing me out, especially because it gets my appointments out of sync so I might end up waiting an extra 2 weeks for another appointment later on since I will have to get my win rho at 28 weeks but seeing her every 4 weeks only brings me to 26 weeks so they might end up stretching it and that feels like negligence to me and is already causing me anxiety haha. So you are not alone!

Serenyx - I feel like I must have an anterior placenta this time too because I have hardly felt anything at all. This is also worrying me...

Fit mama - well done being so prepared for Halloween! I can’t stomach thinking about that yet.

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