I'm back, sorry about the break, I fell into a funk with my depression and was pretty much using all of my energies to just go through the daily routines. And I was camping over the weekend (do not recommend while pregnant unless you are "glamping" and don't have to walk a ways to the nearest bathroom 6 times a night). But I'm doing a bit better now and checking in
With the Braxton Hicks, Ashley, you're not alone. I've been dealing with them, and painful ones at that, since about 16 weeks. I was the same way with my daughter too, I get them pretty much daily, but usually only when I over-tax myself with lifting things at work or being on my feet too much.
I messed up my foot last week, I have to stand the entire time at my job with exception of my single 15 minute break and bathroom breaks, and with me being a fluffy girl to begin with and now the additional weight from the baby I wound up with something called Plantar Fasciitis. Basically I overstressed the tendon that runs from your heel to your toes so when I step down it feels like glass is stabbing into my heel. I was put on sit-down work only for last thursday and friday, which can't happen with my job so I was forced to use my last sick day and got a warning for using it too :/ I'm not too happy with basically getting in trouble for having to take a doctor ordered sick day, but luckily because of the doctor's note the two days only counted as one. It still hurts but I can't afford to take any more time off.
I also had my 20 week scan yesterday (at 20w+5d), and everything is great

He is definitely a he, there was no doubting that potty shot lol and he's measuring 2 days ahead and at 14 ounces already. I'm feeling some movements but not as much as he is, he was practically doing martial arts/break dancing during my scan but I only felt a few kicks here and there. I am going to have another appt on thursday where hopefully the doc can explain why I am getting these red blotches on my breasts that itch and from time to time sting like needles stabbing into me. It's driving me nuts.
What really shocked me though, was the other day I came to realize that I am only 2 inches shy of being the same size I was at 40 weeks with my daughter

I started out much larger than I did with her, but I've still gained 4, nearly 5, inches already and since I've only gained about 4 pounds that's pretty much all baby. I am only 21 weeks and I'm already huge, I am afraid to see how big I'm going to get at the end.