January 2020 Garnets

Just came back from my appointment, bloods were all fine, water works are all fine, low risk for ds/Edwards and patau thank God but where I live they don't listen for the heart beat at 16 weeks anymore, not until 24 now :sad2:
I am too impatient though so me and my girl are going to go to the local scan centre and get a heartbeat bear today, I booked for 1:45pm, fingers crossed everything is ok x

Red is also due 29th aren't you red? I guarantee I'll go in to February though knowing my luck, I was due October 28th with my daughter but she came November 1st x
Yes I’m 29th too :)
Just saw a baby born on a tv show (flicking through channels while I grab a sandwich between work appointments!) and I can’t stop crying! Lol!!
Have fun at the scan! I love the idea of those bears :) glad the appointment went well x
Hi ladies,

Sorry I have been absent for quiet a few weeks. We were very busy moving country and I am trying to wrap my head around how pregnancy and birth goes where I now am.

I had my what should have been my 12 weeks scan at 14 weeks as at that time we were moving so I didn't have a midwife. Baby is all fine. I had my bloods taken last week at the hospital and tomorrow I have my 2nd midwife appointment. Next scan is 26th, can't wait! My Due date has changed to the 23rd Jan instead of 25th. Me and hubby felt the baby for the first time on Saturday, that strange fluttery feeling, was a nice moment.

I wanted to ask, and sorry if it's already been brought up, is there a FB group for our group of people in this thread?

I hope you're all keeping well xxxx
Bumble bee - that is weird that they don’t check the hb now until 24 weeks! Seems like a very long time. They already checked it at my 12 week appointment. Nice that you and red share dates. I don’t think anyone has mine. I am worried about going into Feb too though.

Mummy - wow, lucky that even your hubby can feel movement! I can’t even feel anything myself aside from some vague flutters every few days. Not exactly satisfying.

No fb group that I know of, but I won’t be joining one unless it’s at the very end. I like to get to know people quite well before that stage.

Red head - awww! Do you ever watch call the midwife? That would probably make you cry as well haha.
Mummy2be that sounds stressful hope the move went smoothly! Is the system over there very different in terms of prenatal support?
That’s amazing your husband felt baby! I can’t wait for that moment!
Let me know if there is a Facebook group if it’s a private one? I’m a bit weird about that stuff and privacy but my profile is quite locked down!
Literati I can’t watch anything like that! It always made me sad before because I felt so jealous! Now I just feel so hopeful I can’t stop blubbing! Lol!

I’ve had my 16 week appointment through - it’s this Friday when I will be 17+2. My midwife was away on holiday and was supposed to be back this week but somethings obviously happened as her office said it’ll still be a few more weeks before she’s back. I hope she’s ok! I’m a bit worried about Friday as this was the life changing appointment last time and having to explain everything to someone new on that specific appointment is going to be awful. But we’ll see. Hopefully it’ll be ok.
Bumble bee - that is weird that they don’t check the hb now until 24 weeks! Seems like a very long time. They already checked it at my 12 week appointment. Nice that you and red share dates. I don’t think anyone has mine. I am worried about going into Feb too though.

Mummy - wow, lucky that even your hubby can feel movement! I can’t even feel anything myself aside from some vague flutters every few days. Not exactly satisfying.

No fb group that I know of, but I won’t be joining one unless it’s at the very end. I like to get to know people quite well before that stage.

Red head - awww! Do you ever watch call the midwife? That would probably make you cry as well haha.

OK, that's cool I just asked in case there was one. When I had my son the thread I was in here had one so I wasn't sure if it was a common thing.

The movement was really low down and we pressed firmly, I was surprised he'd feel anything, I've not felt much since, I've not been told if it's a posterior or an anterior placenta, unless it's too early.
Dh felt Bee but its inconsistencies in movement still, so he might have his hand there for a bit waiting. Im not calling it the official moment yet for him. ;-)

Im supposed to start my food journal for my midwife today. Off to a healthy start...chili spaghetti. Oops. Im human, I like to eat things outside of salad and lean meats. At least that's what I'm justifying it as.
Mummy2be that sounds stressful hope the move went smoothly! Is the system over there very different in terms of prenatal support?
That’s amazing your husband felt baby! I can’t wait for that moment!
Let me know if there is a Facebook group if it’s a private one? I’m a bit weird about that stuff and privacy but my profile is quite locked down!
Literati I can’t watch anything like that! It always made me sad before because I felt so jealous! Now I just feel so hopeful I can’t stop blubbing! Lol!

I’ve had my 16 week appointment through - it’s this Friday when I will be 17+2. My midwife was away on holiday and was supposed to be back this week but somethings obviously happened as her office said it’ll still be a few more weeks before she’s back. I hope she’s ok! I’m a bit worried about Friday as this was the life changing appointment last time and having to explain everything to someone new on that specific appointment is going to be awful. But we’ll see. Hopefully it’ll be ok.

The move was a little stressful it was hard the first few weeks, getting used to different things. Compared to the UK it is different. It's mandatory to get insurance here unlike the UK with the NHS.

I registered for aftercare where a maternity nurse will come to the house for up to a maximum of 8 days after birth to help with light household duties, cleaning, depending on personal needs. We don't have that in the UK that I know of.

Prenatal care seems good here, nothing really that different, they are contactable 24/7 I've been provided with lots of advice and had many questions answered as I heard a lot about the Dutch being reluctant to provide pain relief in general as well as childbirth but my midwife assured me that if I want/need it I will receive it. So far so good on that front. Tomorrow I will see her again.

I can understand the whole FB thing, I just enquired if it was there as there was one in the thread for my son :)

Red Head: Are you able to go to a different office as they said a few more weeks? Or maybe that'll take you to 20 weeks anyway?
I wish we had someone to come after birth! They send you from the hospital and say see your doctor in 6 weeks. That's it. Done. Good luck
Ah sorry I didn’t say it right - I do have the appointment Friday still, just not with my normal midwife.
Tha after care sounds amazing!!
I finally went and got my first progesterone injection done today. I put it off until 17 weeks (can start them between 16-20 weeks) because each prescription has 5 doses. I need to have an injection each week until 36 weeks. This way it lines up perfectly with me taking my last dose of the 4th refill at 36 weeks. Instead of 35 weeks and having to go get a new 5 doses and only using 1 of them. So, I was pretty nervous about the injection. Take a look at the length of that needle! My husband and I went into my OB office where the nurse showed my husband how to do it from here on out so I don’t have to go back to the office each week. The entire needle needs to go into the top of my butt area. I was freaked out but was shocked it didn’t hurt that bad. I’m hoping this means it will be like this every time! But, I did almost pass out after anyway. It was just the work up to the shot that caused me to get really light headed, sweaty, and almost throw up. I had to lay down in the waiting room for a couple minutes. I’m sure it won’t be like this next time since I don’t anticipate it to be as bad as I initially thought. And I will be at home so that way i don’t feel so awkward if I do almost pass out again.
Here’s to hoping and praying that these help me go longer without bed rest and this baby comes full term!

I'm back, sorry about the break, I fell into a funk with my depression and was pretty much using all of my energies to just go through the daily routines. And I was camping over the weekend (do not recommend while pregnant unless you are "glamping" and don't have to walk a ways to the nearest bathroom 6 times a night). But I'm doing a bit better now and checking in :)

With the Braxton Hicks, Ashley, you're not alone. I've been dealing with them, and painful ones at that, since about 16 weeks. I was the same way with my daughter too, I get them pretty much daily, but usually only when I over-tax myself with lifting things at work or being on my feet too much.

I messed up my foot last week, I have to stand the entire time at my job with exception of my single 15 minute break and bathroom breaks, and with me being a fluffy girl to begin with and now the additional weight from the baby I wound up with something called Plantar Fasciitis. Basically I overstressed the tendon that runs from your heel to your toes so when I step down it feels like glass is stabbing into my heel. I was put on sit-down work only for last thursday and friday, which can't happen with my job so I was forced to use my last sick day and got a warning for using it too :/ I'm not too happy with basically getting in trouble for having to take a doctor ordered sick day, but luckily because of the doctor's note the two days only counted as one. It still hurts but I can't afford to take any more time off.

I also had my 20 week scan yesterday (at 20w+5d), and everything is great :) He is definitely a he, there was no doubting that potty shot lol and he's measuring 2 days ahead and at 14 ounces already. I'm feeling some movements but not as much as he is, he was practically doing martial arts/break dancing during my scan but I only felt a few kicks here and there. I am going to have another appt on thursday where hopefully the doc can explain why I am getting these red blotches on my breasts that itch and from time to time sting like needles stabbing into me. It's driving me nuts.

What really shocked me though, was the other day I came to realize that I am only 2 inches shy of being the same size I was at 40 weeks with my daughter :shock: I started out much larger than I did with her, but I've still gained 4, nearly 5, inches already and since I've only gained about 4 pounds that's pretty much all baby. I am only 21 weeks and I'm already huge, I am afraid to see how big I'm going to get at the end.

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I just came back from my midwife and I am actually 18 +1!! so I am now due 21st January. Blood-work came back all OK, next appointment in 5 days with someone else to check heart, brain etc, as the MW doesn't look for that stuff.

Beadle: Great to hear all went well with the 20 week scan :D I hope your foot eases quick.
Beadle - beautiful scan photos! And I totally second you on not recommending camping when pregnant! :haha: Going back and forth to the bathroom all the time was torture! Plus, I found I just didn’t have the energy to prepare for the trip or do the hard work involved.
That is absolutely appalling that you got in trouble at work for calling in sick with a doctor’s note. I don’t know about where you live, but where I live it is illegal to discriminate against someone for being pregnant or take action against them for missing work due to pregnancy. I would be complaining to the labour board if they give you any more grief! You poor thing. And I can’t imagine standing all day at work when pregnant. I can’t even handle that when not pregnant. I hope your feet recover soon. Do you think you’ll have to go off work towards the end of the pregnancy if it becomes too much? How long of a maternity leave will you get?

Mummy - exciting that you’re 18 + 1 already! Hope the upcoming scan goes well.

Ashley - sounds like smart timing with when you started your injections. I hope next time it doesn’t make you so light headed after and that this is successful in helping you not need bed rest!

Afm - here is my 17 week bump photo! Definitely showing quite a bit now! Anyone else want to share their bumps?

I am already finding it difficult to go for walks or get around much as my hips are quite stiff and my legs get sore very easily even though I used to walk for hours before getting pregnant. Anyone else having that problem?

Literati_Love they can't discriminate against me for being pregnant either, but because it wasn't directly caused by the pregnancy it wouldn't count toward it. I don't get any maternity leave because I only work part time, but they did tell me that they will hire me back whenever I am ready to return to work, I just won't be paid during my break. But as of now I'm probably going to have to go on leave a lot sooner than I planned, I hoped to keep working until November or December but with the complications I'm already having, I will be surprised if I make it through September. My boyfriend and I talked about it and unless we run into some sort of financial stress I'm going to take at least the baby's first year off of work.

Walking and standing is tough for me too, I have something called Snapping Hip Syndrome (basically the tendons in my hips don't stay put where they are supposed to), and the pregnancy is making it act up a lot more. But my legs also get sore pretty quick and my feet swell up quickly too.

Your bump is so cute <3 This is my bump from today, I am 21 weeks as of today :)

Beadle - that’s a beautiful bump as well! Thanks for sharing!

That still makes me mad that they would get mad at you for taking a sick day, especially with a doctor’s note! I hope they smarten up. That does sound like you’ll probably have to finish up work a bit sooner than expected. That is nice that they have agreed to hire you back afterward. It’s great you’ll most likely be able to take a full year off! I think that’s so important. I took a year off with my other 2 and it was wonderful. Thankfully, the laws have changed since then and I should actually be able to take a whole 18 months this time! Can’t wait. :)

Sorry to hear you’re having hip and leg trouble as well. And I’m having a bit of the same with the feet swelling, although it’s fairly mild. Hopefully yours doesn’t get too much worse! With my first, my feet got SO swollen I could only wear flip flops. Thankfully, that didn’t happen the second time. The summer heat definitely makes it worse.
Beautiful bumps guys! I still just look fat half the time! Depends what I wear!

Ashley those progesterone shots looks scary! Well done for doing it. I hope the rest go ok!

Beadle hope you’re feeling better now. We’re glamping next week! Was going to camp but the thought of bathroom trek put me off lol! I’m sorry about your foot and your work not being understanding. Congrats on the good scan! Beautiful pictures! That foot is adorable!

Mummy2b glad the midwife appointment went well - hope the scan does too!

Literati I don’t have stiff hips but am having lots of pulling pains where I’m growing I think.

Afm - just had my midwife appointment. Very emotional but heard the heartbeat which was just perfect :) feeling very lucky. Just hope things continue xx
Red head - Thanks. I’m sure you look amazing. I’m definitely still at the awkward stage, especially when I wear a looser shirt that doesn’t emphasize it. I am looking forward to a proper bump, but also don’t mind not being huge for a bit longer.
So wonderful that you heard the heartbeat! This is real and your baby is okay! I hope you can start believing that and enjoying pregnancy soon.

I am extremely tired and cranky today and just wish I could take a vacation from all the responsibilities of life. :( Working and parenting are sooo hard while pregnant. :(

Also...sometimes I feel a bit sad that this thread isn’t more active.

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