Ashley - I’m so sorry you failed your glucose test and have GD! Your body is definitely not cooperating well this pregnancy! Sounds like you have the right idea about diet. What I found overwhelming was how few carbs you’re expected to eat. When I tried to limit my carbs to what I would have to eat if I had GD (when I thought I might have it), I ended up feeling really hungry and gross. I also craved way more sweets because I felt deprived. But hopefully you’ll find a way to adjust and won’t have any issues maintaining your sugar levels through diet! That’s too bad for your hubby that he has to make you special meals now. However, I’m sure he’ll adjust and I guess he can still make pretty foods but the balance of it has to be different. Also, that is so nice that he is cooking for you. I know he needs to because you’re on bed rest, but I don’t know that my husband would even if I were on bed rest.
To answer your questions (even though it’s probably too late now), I failed my first test by quite a lot. Limit is 7.8 and I got 10.2. I actually don’t know how much I passed the fasting one by, but now I’m curious! I was at the doctor on Wednesday but was in a fog and didn’t bother asking for my numbers.
Red head - congrats on passing your GTT test! Exciting that you have some growth scans coming up. I found out that I will have one as well between 30-32 weeks which I have never had in a previous pregnancy. However, for some reason I have been avoiding booking the appointment. I had 3 appointments this week (not all pregnancy related), so I guess I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with all the appointments.
AFM - I’m feeling extremely grouchy today and am in major need of a break! Work has been so busy and overwhelming, which is no fun when you’re 28 weeks pregnant and have had zero mental energy this entire pregnancy! Ugh. I can’t wait for maternity leave! Thankfully, it’s a long weekend for us this weekend so I just have to survive one more day before getting 3 days off.