Ashley - I’m sorry you’re having supply issues this time. That would be very confusing and hard to adjust to after having no problems with the others. I was the same with typically having oversupply at first. It definitely seems like the NICU is not breastfeeding friendly, which is odd considering that premature babies could probably benefit from it the most! That is awful about the comment about brain damage and you feeling pressured to give her a bottle. It sounds like you’re doing great with BFing though and it’s a great sign that she’s gaining weight! I would think that if she’s gaining weight and having enough dirty diapers every day that she is getting enough. Hopefully your supply increases soon and she gets much better at nursing.
That is really weird about the comment about not holding your baby too much. That definitely goes against EVERYTHING I’ve read! I guess maybe the deep sleep thing is maybe only relevant to preemies and that’s why we haven’t heard it before? It’s definitely so important for them to be held a lot and especially to have skin-on-skin. I would just keep doing what you’re doing and not worry too much as long as she’s doing well and growing.
Thank you for filling me in on your labour experience! That makes a lot of sense with the intensity of pain increasing a lot. I definitely found my false labour contractions not nearly as intense as the real thing. I am so sorry that both you and your husband missed the birth! That must have been sad for both of you. Hugs!
OnErth - wow, can’t believe she’s 1 month already! That’s crazy.
MommyPrice - congrats on baby Quade! So happy for you. Sorry it was your worst labour. I would love to hear your birth story if you feel like sharing!
Sophie - congrats on your sweet baby boy! Hope you’re doing well. How is the recovery from the c-section going?
Bumblebee - that is weird that your consultant didn’t even know about your hernia. Let us know if she ends up wanting to do a c-section now. I hope you are able to do a natural birth still since you aren’t really wanting a c-section.
I am sorry that you’re feeling quite uncomfortable as well! Hugs!
Serenyx and Goingforit - I am totally in the same boat! We have one we sort of like but just aren’t sure of and we keep waffling. We can’t agree on a middle name at all, and now some people we know just had a baby and stole the name we were going to choose! So now we are even less sure. Ugh! It’s so bizarre not having it figured out, considering the fact that we knew our other girls’ names before I even got pregnant!
Goingforit - so sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable! I have had that sensation before. I actually ended up having a bladder infection and I haven’t had that feeling since (even though the feeling felt nothing like bladder infections I’ve had before), but I know sometimes it can just get like that from the weight of baby. However, not a bad idea to mention it at your next appointment if it is persisting! My baby is also quite low and it feels uncomfortable feeling her head right in my pelvis! Hopefully you get some relief soon. I’m really not looking forward to pushing this baby out!
I am sorry that your in laws are stressing you out and that you feel obligated to let them stay with you. I would honestly hate that so much as I cannot stand anyone in my space. Hopefully they won’t stay for long. I am excited for you that your c-section is so close!
Afm - it’s my first week of mat leave. It has been very busy and filled with appointments so I’m feeling quite tired. My DH still hasn’t assembled the new dresser so I can’t even take baby clothes out yet! A friend is supposed to be coming over tonight to help, so hopefully that happens. I feel stressed about nothing feeling ready. Anyone else not even have a place for baby clothes? We haven’t even assembled our bassinet and we aren’t even bothering assembling the crib since she’ll just use the bassinet at first anyway.
My DH also announced that he’s going to be out of town (3 hours away) during the day next Wednesday when I am 39+1. I am not impressed! My last labour was 4 hours from start to finish, so he could easily miss the birth! This is causing me all sorts of stress, but he can’t be talked out of it. I can only hope baby decides to stick around an extra day.
We are celebrating dd2’s birthday this weekend (over a week in advance) since her birthday is so close to my due date. Hopefully that’s not too stressful, as I don’t have energy to do much for preparations.