January 2020 Garnets

Oh and I always constantly hold my babies. The NICU told me it is important not to hold her too much because then she won’t get into that deep sleep that she needs to grow. I’ve never heard of this and my other babies were chunky and grew great. I always thought baby wearing/holding was better for their weight gain? Well I hold her all day anyway. She doesn’t sleep as well when she isn’t held. I bought a baby scale but it only measures in oz. so it’s hard to tell exactly how many ml she gets from nursing.
Wow on earth one month already! That seems to have flown by!

Ashley - such a gorgeous name! It sounds like she is doing just fine.

Going for it is right, it's due to baby less likely to require help with breathing if we reach 39 weeks. Even though my consultant was happy to section me yesterday. It's really frustrating.

The contractions keep stopping and starting and don't really know what they are doing. Being my 3rd you would think it would know by now. I'm waiting for the doctors to make a plan but most likely be told to go home and wait. I've had a bloody show this morning. Lots of bloody and brown discharge which can only mean things are moving in the right direction. If he doesn't come today, he's coming on Thursday so either way, 2 days max to go!

Hopefully MommyPrice is getting on fine!
Hi everyone! I'm really bad at technology, so not sure if the picture will upload, sorry! (If it doesn't upload, as predicted, he's pretty much bald, haha). But... Quade Timothy Stephen Price made his appearance yesterday! Born January 13th 2020 at 4:46pm. Weighing 7lbs 05oz and measuring 19 inches. Definitely tied for my roughest labor (if not surpassing my previous hardest one), but it was so worth it.
Aww I can’t see the picture but congratulations! Well done for making it through! Xx
Congratulations Mommy...so glad he is here safely. Sorry to hear it was a tough labour. I am sure it was all worth it.

OnErth I cannot believe your baby is already 1 month old. Where did that time go?!

Violet is a lovely name Ashley. What was the other name you had? We are yet to agree on names here.

Sophie ...not much longer now! It sounds as though you might even have news for us pretty soon. I wish I could have some sign of impending labour.

Afm I am so uncomfortable ...my vagina is really sore. Feels like I've had rough sex and I'm feeling so much pressure down there now. Baby is 3/5 engaged but I know this doesn't really mean much. I've been on my birthing ball and walking to help things progress! Still lots of mucus but nothing tinged. I know my section is booked for Monday but I'd be happy if all started before. I wasn't this uncomfortable with my first.
Congratulations mommy price. I can't see a picture but I'm sure he's gorgeous.
Did it all go smoothly?

Going for it - the end stage is so awful isn't it. I hope the discomfort either eases up or gets you into labour. It's not nice being so uncomfortable.

I still haven't had the baby. Been having lots of bloody show all day but contractions have subsided, BUT, they have moved my section to tomorrow!!

The anesthetist has just been and I'm 1st on the list so all being well in 12 hours I should be in theatre having my baby boy. I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time. He will be born at 38+6 just like my little girl was. So ladies, next time I'm on here, it will be with an update. Eeeeeeeek!
Sophie that is amazing news...good luck! That's great that you are first on the list too...hopefully not a long wait for you. I look forward to hearing all about it! Thank you, I hope that one or the other happens too! I have even done the deed thie morning to see if it will help. I can't say it was enjoyable but hoping the semen may help soften the cervix. Was worth a shot

Hope everyone else is doing okay? Xx
Congratulations mommy price and Sophie! Sophie, my girl was 8lbs 9.5oz too but I'm hoping for this one to be a little smaller! :haha: How is everyone else doing? I've been feeling really well until the past 3 days or so, I have a really nasty burning sensation in my groin,t part where my thighs meet my lady bits and it hurts so bad it's making me waddle, I'm also getting some of those nasty ass ligament pains like the ones in 1st trimester, yesterday I couldn't get out of the car in the supermarket because they hurt so much. I'm going in tomorrow to get my induction date anyway so I won't grizzle too much, that's if the consultant hasn't decided to go down the C-section route. Baby turned head down and the growth evened out so she was happy to induce and then I mentioned my hernia and she wasn't even aware of it :dohh: She examined me, looked quite surprised when she saw/felt the size of it and then after spending about 15 minutes explaining to me that the risks of a c-section are way worse than those of an hernia (I don't want a c-sec anyway if I can avoid it!) on the way out she handed me a leaflet on c-sections :dohh::haha: the hernia may have changed her mind x
Congrats on the babies mommyprice and Sophie!
Babies are all starting to arrive quickly now.
The other name we wanted was Londyn. Probably weird to name a baby that for those of you in the U.K. but here while it’s not a common name, it is becoming a bit more common. My husband actually didn’t like the name though. He was all for Violet.
Literati- I went back and re read some posts and realized I never answered your question. I was kind of in a daze right after having her. But the night I went into labor my contractions started off not that close together. In fact far apart for what I was used to. Normally when they were calm they were 10 min apart. That evening they were 15 min apart or so. But the difference was with the pain level. While the last few weeks before she was born I was getting some that felt a lot of pressure and slightly crampy they suddenly felt very sharp and crampy. After having a few of those I got up to get ready in case. But that just made them start coming in closer. So I told my husband we needed to just leave. I was terrified my water would break with knowing how incredibly fast I progressed with dd3 when my water broke. I wasn’t sure if I even was in labor though. Obviously I was and it wasn’t the best experience with having to be put under general anesthesia and with them forgetting to even grab my husband to see our daughter be born! So both he and I didn’t get to see violets birth.
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We are yet to agree on names here.
Oh i'm glad we're not the only ones! I have a couple I like (but don't love) and DH isn't around much atm to discuss names (and when he does get home he is too tired :roll: ).
Obviously I was and it wasn’t the best experience with having to be put under general anesthesia and with them forgetting to even grab my husband to see our daughter be born! So both he and I didn’t get to see violets birth.
Sorry to hear Violet's birth was so stressful and that neither you nor your husband got to see it. Over here partners aren't allowed in if it has to be done under general.
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Serenyx it's such a big decision isn't it and agreeing with a husband or partner on it just adds another layer of difficulty haha .

Rant warning...4 sleeps til my section and I feel stressed out. In-laws are following us to Scotland to live. Their house is on market and had an offer yesterday and now MIL says once agreed she may fly up, rent a car and go look at houses. The amount of stress this causes me is unreal. I really don't want her staying here but how could we say no? My parents are here to help with toddler but there is one bed spare.

Wish these things didn't happen as I'm about to have a baby. I've loved my space from them. Must try to push it out my mind and focus on baby
Ashley - I’m sorry you’re having supply issues this time. That would be very confusing and hard to adjust to after having no problems with the others. I was the same with typically having oversupply at first. It definitely seems like the NICU is not breastfeeding friendly, which is odd considering that premature babies could probably benefit from it the most! That is awful about the comment about brain damage and you feeling pressured to give her a bottle. It sounds like you’re doing great with BFing though and it’s a great sign that she’s gaining weight! I would think that if she’s gaining weight and having enough dirty diapers every day that she is getting enough. Hopefully your supply increases soon and she gets much better at nursing.
That is really weird about the comment about not holding your baby too much. That definitely goes against EVERYTHING I’ve read! I guess maybe the deep sleep thing is maybe only relevant to preemies and that’s why we haven’t heard it before? It’s definitely so important for them to be held a lot and especially to have skin-on-skin. I would just keep doing what you’re doing and not worry too much as long as she’s doing well and growing.
Thank you for filling me in on your labour experience! That makes a lot of sense with the intensity of pain increasing a lot. I definitely found my false labour contractions not nearly as intense as the real thing. I am so sorry that both you and your husband missed the birth! That must have been sad for both of you. Hugs!

OnErth - wow, can’t believe she’s 1 month already! That’s crazy.

MommyPrice - congrats on baby Quade! So happy for you. Sorry it was your worst labour. I would love to hear your birth story if you feel like sharing!

Sophie - congrats on your sweet baby boy! Hope you’re doing well. How is the recovery from the c-section going?

Bumblebee - that is weird that your consultant didn’t even know about your hernia. Let us know if she ends up wanting to do a c-section now. I hope you are able to do a natural birth still since you aren’t really wanting a c-section.

I am sorry that you’re feeling quite uncomfortable as well! Hugs!

Serenyx and Goingforit - I am totally in the same boat! We have one we sort of like but just aren’t sure of and we keep waffling. We can’t agree on a middle name at all, and now some people we know just had a baby and stole the name we were going to choose! So now we are even less sure. Ugh! It’s so bizarre not having it figured out, considering the fact that we knew our other girls’ names before I even got pregnant!

Goingforit - so sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable! I have had that sensation before. I actually ended up having a bladder infection and I haven’t had that feeling since (even though the feeling felt nothing like bladder infections I’ve had before), but I know sometimes it can just get like that from the weight of baby. However, not a bad idea to mention it at your next appointment if it is persisting! My baby is also quite low and it feels uncomfortable feeling her head right in my pelvis! Hopefully you get some relief soon. I’m really not looking forward to pushing this baby out!

I am sorry that your in laws are stressing you out and that you feel obligated to let them stay with you. I would honestly hate that so much as I cannot stand anyone in my space. Hopefully they won’t stay for long. I am excited for you that your c-section is so close!

Afm - it’s my first week of mat leave. It has been very busy and filled with appointments so I’m feeling quite tired. My DH still hasn’t assembled the new dresser so I can’t even take baby clothes out yet! A friend is supposed to be coming over tonight to help, so hopefully that happens. I feel stressed about nothing feeling ready. Anyone else not even have a place for baby clothes? We haven’t even assembled our bassinet and we aren’t even bothering assembling the crib since she’ll just use the bassinet at first anyway.

My DH also announced that he’s going to be out of town (3 hours away) during the day next Wednesday when I am 39+1. I am not impressed! My last labour was 4 hours from start to finish, so he could easily miss the birth! This is causing me all sorts of stress, but he can’t be talked out of it. I can only hope baby decides to stick around an extra day.

We are celebrating dd2’s birthday this weekend (over a week in advance) since her birthday is so close to my due date. Hopefully that’s not too stressful, as I don’t have energy to do much for preparations.

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