Hi girls! Sorry I've been MIA the last week or so, I've been busy with work and today was my day off so I just relaxed even though I had tonnes of housework I shouldve done

I'm off the weekend though so will get it done then. I just have no energy!
OnErth it must be lovely to hear the heartbeat. I haven't heard mine yet, do any of the UK girls know if we get to hear it at any appointments?
I got quite a lot of cramping between what wouldve been 8-10 weeks but not so much now unless I'm constipated

I used to panic a lot because my stomach is quite tender at times but I'm learning the difference I think.
Nursery wise all I know is I have to swap my bedroom to my current spare room as it's bigger so I will have room for baby to be in with me until it goes in it's own room, but I'll do that over the next few months. That's if I don't end up moving, I live in a first floor flat that's only access is a set of outdoor stairs from the street and I'm worrying already how I will manage with a pram up and down on my own. I'll just have to think about what to do

just feels like yet another thing to worry about
I ordered some maternity jeans because my others have gotten so uncomfortable since about a month ago, so they are much more comfortable but a bit too big

I'm sure I will grow into them tho, I just hate living in leggings that's all!