January 2020 Garnets

Something really funny happened last weekend though. I was changing my shirt and DS pointed at my stomach and said “this is Mommy’s biggest belly ever!” THEN he started patting it gently and saying “hi Baby, hi Baby!” Then DH asked him if I have a baby in my belly and he started laughing and said “nooooo.” So we’re not really sure what he knows at his point! As long as all goes well we’re planning to tell him after my scan next week.

My kids did this too! I was maybe 6 weeks and really just bloated, but my 5yo DD (3 of 5) straight up pointed at my tummy and said "your belly is really big, is there a baby in there?" Right in front of the other kids, and I hadn't told them yet! Mortifying... I just rolled my eyes, patted her on the head, and didn't say a WORD because I didn't know what to say, but didn't want to lie. Luckily they dropped the subject. This far into it though, my belly is definitely starting to round out... not so sure I'd be able to just laugh it off anymore!
Only my husband knows about the pregnancy so far. I plan to tell my kids and family at 14 weeks. Like you literati, there is no way I could tell my kids without them telling everyone. Especially my oldest. I know this because when we first starting ttc, I had prenatals. Didn’t think she would even notice or know what they are but my neighbors told me that my dd had told her that I was trying to have a baby!! My neighbor asked how how she knew and she said That she knew because she saw my pills. Then I overheard my DD’s friends talking once about it! I was so mad! She was 12 at the time and knew better then to be going around saying that. I’m still annoyed at it. She never came to me about it just started telling others. Who knows how many people she told. I’m sure more that just never said anything to me about it.
I won’t tell my sisters either because I don’t trust them to keep it a secret. My younger sister actually asked me when I was 6 weeks along if I was pregnant. She had wanted me to take my kids to a carnival and I was so nauseous. I told her I didn’t feel well and she was like “ are you pregnant?? You are never sick unless you are pregnant!” I lied and said no. I want to tell my good friend who lives across the country in Georgia. I have debated so many times on telling her. But I think I may just end up waiting.
Any ideas on how to tell my girls? I don’t want to just tell them. I kind of want to do it in a special way. But nothing over the top. Simple but somewhat creative.
When the kids were toddlers, they had no idea I was pregnant. We also just told them I had a baby in my belly.

This time, the kids knew we were trying but had no idea I was pregnant. I told them at the same time as DH. Dd2 did spread the word but she asked and I said sure.

I think it's cute your littles kind of know!
Decided to pull out the Doppler again. It’s been 6 days since I’ve used it. Took forever to find the Hb! I was starting to get very concerned. It took a while the first time too but because I was in the wrong area with the probe. This time I knew where to look and yet it still took probably 15 minutes to find. Finally found it though. Oddly in the same area but just couldn’t find it at first, wonder why. Heart rate was about 162. I have my next appointment on Monday. I decided I won’t check again on my own until 13 weeks because it stresses me out. I hope by 13 weeks it’s easier to find
Hmm, weird. I can find it within a few minutes. It goes away and sometimes stays faint in the background and then comes back. Usually in the evening it's easier and stays put.
Whoa I missed a lot, but thank you for the welcome and I've been feeling good now that the nausea has passed for the most part.

I wasn't able to catch up on all the new posts since my last visit in here (oops I forgot about it) but I did see some. I've been craving foods since the beginning, from weeks 6-9 it was spicy things, and I have bad acid reflux so that was awful, so I'm glad that's done. But the entire pregnancy I've been craving tacos and banana pudding. Oddly ashley2pink I am allergic to a protein in milk too, but it's only mild so I can get away with eating cheese and other dairy products with only a little swelling and itching, which is good because I love cheese lol

I did find out last night that I'm having a boy though <3 Just like 5 of my friends, apparently boys are in the air lol I was supposed to get a call from my doctor with the results from my panorama test but I never got it so I checked my messages in an app my health provider has and my doc sent the results in a message on Friday. I was a little upset that I could have known 4 days ago. But I'm so excited, I was really hoping for a boy, I about screamed when I read my results. I'm a little worried now though because my doctor never said anything about my insurance possibly not covering it, just asked if I wanted it or not so I'm hoping I don't wind up with a massive bill soon, I was too excited about finding out the gender so early to think about it at the time.
So many baby boys so far!
I’m kind of the same dairy wise. Straight milk will make my throat feel swollen and I also break out into hives. I’m okay with cheese as well and little amounts of milk baked into foods etc but now am too scared to eat it just in case! I will definitely eat it after baby comes. I want cheese sooo bad
Met with my doula today. Im going to bite the bullet and hire her. Meeting the midwife this afternoon!!

Woke up to spotting/tinged. Appears gone so far. I blame my cervix. Clearly it needs to toughen up and quit being weird. Lol
@Beadle if your insurance doesn't cover the Panorama, you can maybe ask for them to change it to a self-pay option. It can cut the cost down by like 60%.

I really can't believe all the baby boys! I'm kinda hoping for another little girl myself, so hopefully I can be the trend-breaker! I should find out in 6 days. :)
@J.D. Can you please take me off of January 25th? I had to change my due date, but for some reason I'm now on the Garnets list twice. :)
I had my scan today, was put forward to 12 weeks exactly. All healthy and look g great.

JD - can you adjust my dd to 23rd please.

I'm due to have my section around 16th though. I've changed my gender scan to the 1st August so 3 weeks today, I cannot wait.

Here is my baby, looking at the nub I'm pretty certain this is another little lady, but we shall see. Xx

IMG_20190711_171400_176.jpg IMG_20190711_144510.jpg IMG_20190711_171400_175.jpg
Sophie - beautiful scan!!

OnErth - sorry about the annoying spotting

Wow, I can’t believe all of the boys on here either! Makes me wonder if that makes me more likely or less likely to have a boy! Haha.
Ahh gorgeous scan congratulations :)

OnErth sorry you’re still getting the spotting it must be unnerving.
Amazing scan Sophie. I have mine on Wednesday and am nervous/excited to see the difference. I plan to tell people after this scan all being well.

House all packed up and half empty tonight. New home tomorrow. Feeling rather emotional ...we've had such a lovely time living here and in this village I will miss it.

Erth sorry to hear about the spotting...so unsettling to see. I am still having the odd tinged mucus. I wonder if it happens as a result of me straining to be sick. Probably tmi but I've been wetting myself slightly whilst vomiting so I wonder if it's this.
Great pictures Sophie!
Same here Literati. I wonder if this means we are more likely to have boys too or if they just filled the boy quota so the rest of us are more likely to have girls. Lol. Probably all just random. I have no feelings either way on what the gender is but at the same time I think since i have 3 girls that I’m more likely to have another girl. It’s hard to imagine a boy at this point.
I don’t want to jinx myself but my nausea has been a tad better the last 2-3 days. Hoping this means it is starting to truly ease up and not that it’s just a random few days of feeling not so bad just to have it to come back fully.
Beautiful scan pics Sophie!!

Goingforit my scan is next Wednesday too!

Hope the spotting stops OnErth.

Wonder who will have the first girl LOL.

Still loving my doppler over here, it should keep me sane until I start feeling movement, which probably won't be anytime soon because I have an anterior placenta again. In the last week I've been able to hear Baby moving with the doppler which is really cool. I find if I eat ice cream before it really gets him going just like with DS. Good excuse to eat ice cream I say! :haha:
Hi Girls! Lovely to see a few more scans beng posted :cloud9:

I've just caught up, it's exciting when you can start to buy stuff whether it's maternity wear or baby stuff, starts to feel real!

I can't believe I'm 14 weeks tomorrow! I've felt like I've been on pause the last couple of weeks while I catch up after my due date was put back 2 weeks :lol: so now I'm back reading my pregnancy apps every day haha.

I've been having some sharp pain and cramps the last couple of days - i know it's normal to an extent but at what point would you call your midwife if you were concerned? I don't want to waste anyones time if it's completely normal, but the thing that's worrying me is that my stomach has been tender to touch, although I just don't know whether that's to do with constipation etc? Any advice would be massively appreciated ladies as I've been quite worried for the past few days <3

The spotting stopped. Idk. Its weird.

The meeting with the midwife didnt go well. She wont work. On to the next plan. Which may mean no midwife. Im not sure.

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