January 2020 Garnets

Hahah Red. Whatever works. You shouldn't be jealous. I wouldnt normally be like this. I wasnt with the other 3. I really think it's from the cancer last year. Its control and comfort.

Yes! I dont know your rules over the pond but educate yourself. I didnt know until dd2 in 2007 that I had choices medically. I didnt have to do everything the OB, hospital or pediatrician said without question.
Had my appointment today. I asked to have my cervix length checked due to my worries. Unfortunately another issue was seen on ultrasound today. My uterus is very thin in an area. Right next to where my bladder is. The ultrasound tech called the Dr in to check it and he said it is thin and I need to get in to see a specialist. So the specialist will call me either today or Monday to get that set up. And that many times they schedule a c-section at 36 weeks when this happens. Because going into labor would be bad and could cause my uterus to rupture. He also mentioned the risk of early rupture of membranes with a thin uterus. So now I’m freaked out because I’m already at risk of going into preterm labor and am scared since my labors are quick and what if it ruptures etc. I won’t know more until I have my appointment with the specialist. I came home and told my husband and burst into tears and could barely even tell him what’s going on.
My cervix length is okay. The tech measured abdominally first and it was around 3.7. At my last appointment 4 weeks ago it was 3.5. BUT she said doing it vaginally is more accurate so she did it that way after and it was more like a 3.0. So not sure if I should be worried or not. She said it was fine. And if I’m comparing it to last months done only abdominally it hasn’t actually thinned out. But now that seems like the lesser problem compared to my thin uterus. My Dr even said the thin uterus worries him much more. Ugh, just want everything to work out! The risks associated with a rupture are super scary. Death for me and baby being a risk.
Baby girl is measuring about a week big so that’s good
Oh gosh that sounds scary. I hope you get some positive answers from the specialist and they get a really good plan in place. It’s good that they picked it up and I’m sure they’ll keep a really close eye going forward.
That's a scare tactic. Having had a VBA2C, I heard it. I had to be monitored. I had to lay in bed. I had to do xy and z. I did research from legit sources and got help. I didnt do any of that and had an induced VBA2C...look up the statistics on that one, it's pretty rare or it was in 2007!!
The actual risk (%) of rupture is low. It CAN happen but it is rare. There ARE signs of it happening and they can catch it quickly.

It is good you're seeing someone but if you want a vaginal birth, fight for it with accommodations. Dont give up just yet. You're 25ish weeks, things can turn around by 36 or 40 weeks.
Thanks ladies.
OnErth that is reassuring. I wish I had her print out the ultrasound photo of where it is thin. She said she isn’t sure if it was a problem a month ago since she didn’t see it last time when I had the anatomy scan. She said maybe she just wasn’t looking or it had not presented itself yet. Do you know what the actual risks are if I do end up going into labor? I have to have a C-section because my pelvis is narrow and unless I have a 5ish pound baby she won’t fit through. But curious, if I were to go into before my scheduled c-section what are the risks? Also I’m guessing it depends on how thin it is? Hopefully my specialist appointment won’t be as depressing. I just feel so crappy right now.
I would love to even be scheduled at 37 weeks vs 36 weeks. So any insight you have for me or a website OnErth?
Also were you actually diagnosed with a thin uterus? Or they more just worry since you were wanting a vbac?
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It was a worry. It's a common disbelief with vbacs. Our uterus will magically rupture, they cant handle real labor or we would not have had a csection before. (Insert eye roll).
Mine was never thin.

I will ask at my local ICAN group and see. You might google ICAN too. They are a reliable source.

They should make you aware of problems and risks. They should check you. They should not scare you or " threaten you". I say that in quotes because a threat is " your uterus WILL rupture if you dont agree to a section" is a threat. Do this or else.

I would ask point blank to the specialist " how many cases have you had (not how many have they heard) with my specific case?".
If they cant or wont tell you or blame the hospital (" I havent but hospital c has seen 100 cases" kind of thing) RUN and go to see someone else. Why? Because if they arent confident in their answer, how can they be confident in your care plan?
Mine being confirmed as thin must have greater risks then just risks from a previous c-section. I’m having a hard time finding out actual stats though. Seems most I see are those doing vbacs but without having confirmed thin uterus. The risk of that is less than 1%. But with having a confirmed thin uterus I wonder how much higher my risk is if I do happen to go into labor earlier then my scheduled c-section. Hopefully it’s not done crazy high number and I will get more insight when I see the specialist. They never called me today to schedule so on Monday I will get a call. I still am feeling not quite so freaked from your post OnErth and hoping my risk is still relatively small.
Red - thanks. I have slept slightly better for the past week, with only one bad insomnia night out of 4.
I don’t think the misbehaviour is from baby’s impending arrival. I just happen to have incredibly strong-willed children. My dd1 is the hardest one to handle. Dd2 is more naturally compliant, but dd1 will get her riled up and they’ll both start fighting and crying and it gets exhausting and overwhelming to handle. My dd1 definitely has been acting up
more since starting Kindergarten. It is a big transition to make and can be difficult on them. Hopefully at least that will have calmed down before baby arrives.

That is nice you want at least 3 kids! I hope it works out. I understand your nerves about accidentally getting pregnant right away (or taking way too long). I am always super nervous about getting pregnant in the first year. It would be extremely unmanageable for a couple years! However, if it did happen, most people with close age gaps end up loving it later on, and there are some things that are easier in the early years (like them both still napping). So, I’m sure it will work out either way!

Ashley - that is really scary about your thinned uterus and risk of rupture. I definitely wouldn’t panic, because as OnErth said, it is a risk and not a for sure thing. However, your doctors know best on how to mitigate that risk and ensure baby and you are as safe as possible, so I personally would listen to them and follow their advice. They know what they’re doing! I would imagine you’re correct that the risk with a thinned uterus would be higher than simply having had a c section before. But, again, I am sure the risk is still relatively low and it’ll be ok. And maybe it’ll turn out to be nothing? Early on, my sister was told there was a small tear in her uterus from her last c section and it could be a problem. She was referred to a specialist, but he specialist assured her it was actually nothing to worry about. She went on to have a c-section at 37.5 weeks that went perfectly smoothly.
I’m sorry you have so much to worry about in your pregnancies, especially with the risk of pre term labour to boot. I hope you are able to find a way to feel at peace as you continue on this pregnancy and that none of your worries come true!

serenyx - Yes, we also had the perfect boy name picked out if we had had a boy! We are definitely in the same boat. Hope we are both able to find that perfect girl name soon.
That’s super exciting that you will tell family if your 25 week scan goes well! I hope all goes well.
Red - my last BP was a few weeks ago and luckily I haven't had anymore funny turns so hopefully all is settling. Hope yours is too.

I passed my theory test and my big brother brought me a new car as a gift for passing so all I need to do now is to pass my actual driving test. I am paying £40 for 1 lesson with my instructor and my brother has said he will now take me out on a few free lessons a week, so hopefully not be long before passing.

Interesting that you grow pumpkins. My kids are really wanting to do it for next year but I wasn't sure how difficult they are to grow (I've not got the greenest fingers lol). Any tips?

Ashley--really sorry to hear about your current issues. I hope the specialist can share some more insight for you and hopefully put your mind at ease a little bit. Hopefully will be a case of very close monitoring and all will be OK. Fingers crossed and let us know how you get on x
Hope everyone is doing good?

Sophie well done in passing your test!
Pumpkins are easy, they just need lots of water :)
I had my specialist appointment today and my uterus didn’t look thin anywhere! She figured my OB office ultrasound machine just wasn’t as sensitive and probably was casting shadows. Also, my placenta has moved off my scar. Weird because 6 days ago it wasn’t. And today it was quite a bit aways from it. My cervix did measure on the thin side of normal. I’m not sure if I should worry or not.
Anyone ever feel like they have a dead arm/shoulder ache? I’ve had that today. Started up this afternoon. I don’t know why. Maybe I slept on it wrong but it didn’t hurt until I was up for a few hours. I got a 3D photo today from the specialist too! She has a little chunky nose lol.
She is measuring 26+2 or 26+3. Can’t remember which.

I'm glad you got some good news regarding your uterus. Did they mention anything about your cervix being on the thin side? If not then I wouldn't worry. I find being pregnant, we worry about anything and everything but if there was something to worry about, the consultant would let us know.

That scan picture is beautiful! I've got my 4d scan tomorrow morning. I'm so excited, I just hope the anterior placenta doesn't spoil the view of little man xx
Ashley that’s fab news and such a gorgeous picture! She’s beautiful! Gosh it’s so strange seeing them as real tiny humans! I would try not to worry about your cervix - as long as it’s in the normal range it’s fine! And if it was under it’s still ok, they’d just monitor you - which they are doing anyway.

Sophie hope your scan goes well!

I feel like I need a scan to check on bump - it’s so weird going from having them every two weeks to a 12 week gap! I’m starting to freak and worry but the private place won’t do 4d until 27 weeks minimum so I’m trying to hold out til then. We’ll see!
Your little one is beautiful Ashley, and glad to hear your appointment went so well!!

We're not planning to have a 4-d scan and I'm told I won't be getting another for any medical reasons so I shall live vicariously through those of you who are having them!

So happy to be down to double digits now but we still have so much to do and so many busy weekends, ugh! DH's friend is coming over this weekend to help him do some work on the nursery so that will help for sure.

Happy to report that I had a midwife appointment and not only are they not firing me for opting for a c-section they were actually supportive and I learned that 1-2 of them will be accompanying me to offer support. Couldn't be happier with how it has worked out.

Oh, and after taking all those blood pressure measurements myself in anticipation of having a higher reading at my appointment my blood press was only 112/71 haha. I guess knowing that I had proof was enough to get me to relax this time.

Hope everyone is doing well, we're getting so close to the third trimester (and some of us are already there)!
Sophie, my placenta is anterior and it didn’t seem to cause any problems getting that photo.
The specialist did say my cervix is on the thin side. But he also said that they usually only worry if it’s 2.5 or less before 24 weeks. So I don’t know. He also said that the cervix length is not a huge factor in who who give birth preterm after you’re 24 weeks. That just because it’s on the thin side doesn’t mean much. Also that having a longer thicker cervix doesn’t mean you will have a full term birth.
I had my specialist appointment today and my uterus didn’t look thin anywhere! She figured my OB office ultrasound machine just wasn’t as sensitive
That's great news! I hope that puts your mind at ease a bit :) I do have a sore arm but only because I was accosted at the hospital when I went for my scan and given a flu jab :lol: That is a wonderful 4D scan photo :p

I hope your 4D scan goes well tomo and you get some good photos Sophie!

My 25 week scan went fine, all looked ok for this gestation and blood flow through the placenta and cord was normal. We told our girls yesterday - DD1 was very excited :lol: (DD2 is a bit too young!). Now to tell the in-laws tomo!

I just worked out I have put on 9 lbs in 16 weeks. As I was a bit overweight to begin with i'm not supposed to gain more than 25 lbs in the whole pregnancy which I seem to be on track for (just :lol: ).
I've just be trucking along. Midwife appointment on the 23rd. Basic stuff. Then I start every 2 week appointments!!!!

Been cleaning and organizing the house.
OnErth - glad all is well there. I forget when every 2 week appointments start for me but it’s on the later side.

Serenyx - glad everything looked good on the u/s and that your dd1 was really excited about the baby! Definitely sounds like you’re very on track for weight with your goal. I’m sure you’ll do fine!

Ashley - that is wonderful that your uterus is not actually thin! It’s amazing how much better quality the specialists’ equipment is. I’m sorry you’re still worried about a slightly thin cervix, but from what you said it doesn’t sound like it’s an overly huge deal. I hope baby stays put until 37+ weeks! Also, beautiful scan photo!

Fit mama - I won’t get any more ultrasounds either, so I’m with you on that. That is so great that your midwives are supportive of your c section and someone will be there for support! Also, excellent work with getting a better BP reading at the doctor! It’s great that taking so many on your own helped you feel calmer about it!

AFM - I am just doing my glucose test right now. Has everyone else done theirs already? I find it surprising that no one has mentioned it! I have been really stressed about this one because I was too busy to get it last week and my DH is away this weekend so I was going to have to find childcare to be able to get it done in time for my next appointment. I finally just decided to bite the bullet and go during work hours. I have to make up the time, but at least then I’m not having to find additional childcare or wasting my weekend!
So, the last two times I had the test done, I was given an orange drink which basically just tasted like orange pop that wasn’t carbonated. This time, they just gave me a clear drink with no flavour so it was just like drinking straight sugar! It was very gross! Here’s hoping I pass!
AFM - I am just doing my glucose test right now. Has everyone else done theirs already? I find it surprising that no one has mentioned it! I have been really stressed about this one because I was too busy to get it last week and my DH is away this weekend so I was going to have to find childcare to be able to get it done in time for my next appointment. I finally just decided to bite the bullet and go during work hours. I have to make up the time, but at least then I’m not having to find additional childcare or wasting my weekend!
So, the last two times I had the test done, I was given an orange drink which basically just tasted like orange pop that wasn’t carbonated. This time, they just gave me a clear drink with no flavour so it was just like drinking straight sugar! It was very gross! Here’s hoping I pass!
Fingers crossed you pass it fine :)

We have ours a bit later over here - around 28 weeks. Mine is scheduled for 7th Nov so still a few weeks to go yet! I also have my Anti-D injection that day - fun times :lol:

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