January 2020 Garnets

OnErth - that’s great the LC went great and that Nora is on the right track!!

MommyPrice - wow, your doctor sounds terrible! I would definitely want to switch but it’s too bad that isn’t really an option at the moment. I sure hope someone is able to schedule your induction for the date you had agreed upon. I completely understand why you’d be so stressed out! Hugs!

bumblebee - I hope all your appointments go well! Try not to stress! That’s kind of exciting that you’ll most likely get your c-section date but I understand being nervous about it. I haven’t had a c-section so no advice on hospital bag. I’m also dumb and have never written down what I actually packed in my hospital bag even though this is my third baby! So I’m probably forgetting something haha.

Going for it- your in-law situation sounds really stressful! I wouldn’t be able to handle my in-laws staying over for even one night. I just need my personal space way too much and it is so different than with your own parents. I like the suggestions that you and some others have had on how to avoid it, so I hope you’re able to do that! It would be nice to have some space during their visit. I’m glad you had a talk with your husband and I hope he can start to see your point of view.

Beadle - congratulations! He is so adorable! Definitely a big baby! Would love to hear your birth story if you feel like sharing once you have time again! Thanks for popping on to announce! Like MommyPrice, my babies are also pretty bald and my almost-3-year-old still doesn’t have much hair!
Goingforit, I also have a smother-in-law who manages to turn her 6 foot 2 big burly man of a son in to a little boy every time she feels like, I am just lucky with the timing on this baby as her other son decided to leave his wife and he is dragging her in to all his business so she's too preoccupied to bother me. My advice to you would be just to put your foot down, it's your home and whatever you want to do should be understood as it's tough enough adjusting to life with a newborn, let alone doing that while stressing out about in-laws. I fell out with mine for a bit after the birth of my daughter as she said that I wasn't letting her have a look in because I decided to leave my job to stay home and take care of my baby when she kept trying every which way to get me back in work because she knew that would mean that she would have to mind my daughter while I was there as my mum works full time, she was even trying to convince my husband that we'd lose the house if I didn't go back but my husband has a really good job and can pay all the bills comfortably every month :-k:rofl:
Congratulations on the new arrival (sorry, I didn't notice who posted ](*,)maybe Beadle was it?) Hope all is well with you all.
I have all my big appointments tomorrow, I keep getting heart palps as I'm so nervous! I'm like 99% sure I'll be coming out of the hospital tomorrow with a date and I'm bricking it! On another note, anyone know if what I pack in a hospital bag for a C-section is any different to what I'd pack for a natural birth? Aaaargh so scary/exciting!! 8-[

Bumble this was totally my in-laws too! Desperate for me to return to work so she could have my child. Even says I need to have 4 as she thinks the more I Have the more she'll get time with them. Baring in mind my children have been been conceived by IVF I always find this unreal. Anyhow she offered to fund this round but I didn't want her to buy my child. I know that might seem petty but she calls them hers as it is and I couldn't cope with hwr thinking she should have more privileges due to paying for them. Some people can be so manipulative. I know full well she wouldn't accept it from her MIL. Oh and did I mention their house is on the market and they are trying to follow us here Anyhow can't stress about that right now.

C section...just ensure really comfy home clothes. I had an unplanned section with my first and didn't need anything extra.

Mommy that is awful re your care. How can he just forget I am so sorry you are having to deal with this extra stress...maybe it'll be a good thing that someone else will be able to do your induction?

OnErth that's amazing that she is doing so well. Well done you
Bumble this was totally my in-laws too! Desperate for me to return to work so she could have my child. Even says I need to have 4 as she thinks the more I Have the more she'll get time with them. Baring in mind my children have been been conceived by IVF I always find this unreal. Anyhow she offered to fund this round but I didn't want her to buy my child. I know that might seem petty but she calls them hers as it is and I couldn't cope with hwr thinking she should have more privileges due to paying for them. Some people can be so manipulative. I know full well she wouldn't accept it from her MIL. Oh and did I mention their house is on the market and they are trying to follow us here Anyhow can't stress about that right now.

C section...just ensure really comfy home clothes. I had an unplanned section with my first and didn't need anything extra.

Mommy that is awful re your care. How can he just forget I am so sorry you are having to deal with this extra stress...maybe it'll be a good thing that someone else will be able to do your induction?

OnErth that's amazing that she is doing so well. Well done you

OMG my story is so similar to yours!! Mine aren't IVF babies but my first took 3.5 years to conceive (naturally) and this one took 4.5 years with help from a fertility specialist and lots of tablets, basically her oldest son was a crap father with a wife who was a crap mother and so she had to take over and muscle in with the care of her other grandchildren but then couldn't seem to understand why she didn't get the same input with my daughter when I had her. After 3.5 years of TTC and being told it was a possibility that it would never happen (Polycystic ovaries) like hell was I just going to hand her over! M-i-l also offered to pay for private treatment and IVF on both babies, people thought I was mental when I turned her down but like you I knew that it would be used as a bargaining chip. I hope I don't turn out to be a needy old mother sticking my oar in all the time :shock:
My mil isnt around (since we kicked her out in the spring) but my mother is currently being overbearing. Last year with the cancer saying I should have a hysterectomy, I didnt need another baby...to when I got my BFP and she claimed it was a faulty test...throwing a fit when I wouldnt tell her the gender....and the last 3 weeks? She wont leave me alone! Shes buying things we dont need or want. Showed up whenever at the NICU. Very opinionated on every choice we make. She was never this way with the other kids.
If I had to deal with my MIL too, I might crawl in a hole!!
I'm trying to reply to everyone but if I miss people out I'm sorry.

Red - don't beat yourself up about weight gain, you are 9 months pregnant and I'm sure once baby arrives you won't care about any extra pounds.

Literati - I'm so glad that the fluid has reduced and you may not have to have an induction. I hope your birth goes just the way you want it too.

Beadle - congratulations, he is gorgeous and his hair is amazing! Enjoy your new bundle.

Onearth- I'm so glad to hear that Nora is doing well and going down the correct path!! Are you planning on sharing any pics of her? All these baby pics are making me want mine haha.

Goingforit - my MIL used to be extremely overbearing. Constantly at our house as she only lives a few streets away. Tried to tell me what to do with the kids etc all the time. It was really dragging me down. Now we try and keep our distance. Only see her once a week and she never comes to the house. The problem is, my baby is her 1st biological grandson so she's booked 2 and a half weeks off work for when he's here!! Why, I have absolutely no idea because she is not coming to sit at the house all day everyday. I've told my hubby that visits are limited to 1hr per day, I don't want to be suffocated. When she found out about the csection, she said oh ill come and sleep on your sofa for 3 days to help and ill bath him and dress him so you don't have to bend down. Absolutely not!

MommyPrice - I hope you get your induction sorted, I could only imagine how stressful that must be for you.

Its 7;15am where I am now, and that is the time I need to be at the hospital on Thursday for my section. It all feels so real, its actually happening. This day next week, I'll have my baby in my arms at some point!

Oh and I passed my driving test!! So I've had an amazing start to the year x
Update. Baby girl ended up going to the NICU when she was a day old because her blood sugar kept bordering low. They said it would be 24-48 hrs. She was also falling asleep too quick during feeds. They said once her blood sugar was up it should resolve. It didn’t really though. They had her hooked up to a glucose IV. Then slowly weaned her off. I was told once she was eating 50% of her feeds and gaining weight they would release her. But they ended up keeping her 10 days in the NICU even though she was doing well with feedings and gaining. Of course my milk supply really suffered. Mostly due to my breast augmentation 5 yrs ago. I was extremely engorged but could not get my milk to let down with pumping. I was getting just drops though my boobs were so full! And I wasn’t allowed to nurse her more than 5 min. But she wanted nothing to do with nursing since she was getting bottles. I still continued to pump and purchases oxytocin nasal spray which signals a let down. It actually works but by then my milk supply had really suffered as it had been days since my milk came in without any being taken out. But I’ve been slowly getting my supply back up and she has slowly been doing better with latching. Still not great, and sometimes I will spend 10-15 min trying to get her to latch and she will latch, but immediately pull off. It’s made for lots of tears from me as I want so badly to nurse. When I first started using the oxytocin spray I was getting about 3 oz total in a 24 hr period of milk. That was 8 pumping sessions. I’m up to about 16 oz in 24 hrs now. I nurse her until she starts to fall asleep then I pump both sides and feed it to her with a bottle since I’m not sure at all how much she is getting from me. But I do hear lots of swallowing for at least a couple minutes before she falls asleep. I am taking fenugreek and brewers yeast. I purchased legendairy pills that I heard great things about. The one I bought is supposed to help milk flow and increase supply. I also went to an acupuncturist and he put the needles on points that help increase supply and flow. He said I should go twice a week for at least 2 weeks and see how it’s working for me. I’m so hoping I can build up to a full supply. Right now we are not having to use formula since she only eating about 16 oz or so a day. But that will increase quickly. I hope when she is more alert and my supply is up she will only nurse and no more bottles. She prefers my right breast and sometimes will completely refuse my left breast which is frustrating. I need to get her weighed before and after nursing to see how much she is taking from me. It would help if she nurses from both sides but she falls asleep too quick. Sorry that was lengthy but it’s been a complicated and tiring process!! Especially at night. She has only been home since yesterday and last night I barely slept. She was more alert all night and also nursing and pumping every 2-3 hrs I barely got more than 2 hrs of sleep. She won’t sleep in her basinette. She just fussed and thrashed about all night until I held her. Which is crazy because In the NICU she slept so soundly in the basinette all night. Even with how loud it was in there and with the bright lights.
She has her first pediatrician visit tomorrow to see if she is gaining. I’m so nervous. I’m afraid they will make her go back to the NICU if she isn’t. But she wetting and pooping several diapers a day. So that is a good sign. Just really praying she starts to just chunk up!
I’m so glad things are going well for you OnErth. And that she is catching on with nursing. How often does she nurse?
Congrats Anababe and Beadle!

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Wow, Ashley - it sounds like you've been on quite the adventure! I'm sorry that it was such a rocky start, but it sounds like you're very knowledgeable about breastfeeding. And your determination is outstanding! I've never been able to breastfeed for more than 6 weeks, so I'm hoping to really try some tricks to help my supply stay up.

And thanks everyone - it's been frustrating to say the least (in regards to my doctor!). Yesterday they called to say that they could get me in for next Friday (January 17th). However, last night I had contractions every 5 minutes, then down to ever 4 minutes for 8 hours, but they never got too painful. Definitely uncomfortable, but not enough to have a baby. I started to bleed (not mucous like, but like an actual bleed). It slowed up during the night, but I brought it up to my doctor today at my appointment. We couldn't determine where the bleed was really coming from, but my placenta/fluids/NST all look good. Still, with how fast I've had previous labors (3.5 hours), and still having some issues keeping my blood sugars under control (even on insulin), they're now inducing me THIS Monday (January 13th)! That's only 1 day before DS2's birthday! Within 4 days time, I'll be holding my last little man. It seems so surreal, but I can't help but be a little excited. No, it's not the home birth I wanted, and it's an induction, but I get to meet my baby soon! :)
Mommy - wow! That’s exciting that your induction is already on the 13th! That’s coming up so soon! It’s interesting that a few of us have had false labour lately! I never experienced it (or at least for as long or consistently) in my previous pregnancies. That is weird about your bleeding but I’m glad that there wasn’t anything wrong with the placenta or anything. Are you hoping your baby and your DS2 don’t have to share a birthday? Or would you be happy if they did? Because it certainly could be very close!

Ashley - I am sorry that your sweet baby ended up with a NICU stay and was having trouble either her blood sugars! I’m glad she’s out now, but very sorry to hear about your trouble breastfeeding! That is my biggest fear regarding a NICU stay as it seems to make breastfeeding so difficult. It sounds like you’re doing your absolute best to make it work and that you’re doing awesome! That’s amazing that you haven’t been having to give her formula or anything! Hopefully she will eventually be able to nurse full time, as it is so important to you! BFing is also so important to me so I totally get where you’re coming from! Hugs!!

sophie - thank you! And congrats on passing your driving test! That’s so great! That’s amazing that your c-section is Thursday already!

I’m noticing that quite a few of you have c-sections and inductions coming up! Who all is waiting to go into labour naturally (all things going well)? Two of the people with due dates closest to mine already had their babies! Looks like I might be the last one to give birth after all. I am one of the last due dates and I tend to go all the way to 40 weeks or beyond.
Red head - I forget... are you also having a c-section or being induced?

OnErth - I’m sorry your mom is being difficult and overly opinionated about everything! My mom tends to stress me out a little after I have a baby as she gets kind of judgmental and controlling because I parent very different from my sister (who formula feeds, barely holds her children, and they always sleep through the night very early because they’re naturally good sleepers). I breastfeed on demand and hold my babies as much as I can, and I can’t stand the judgment I get from her sometimes! Ugh!

bumblebee - I’m sorry you’ve had difficulties with your MIL as well! Sounds like a common problem!

Fit mama - how was your last day of work? Congrats on being off now!

AFM - tomorrow is my last day of work and I can’t wait! Some of my co-workers and I are ordering pizza together at lunch to celebrate. I am hoping it is a fun day!
Ashley, the NICU makes it impossible!! They mess with everything. They only let you nurse 5 minutes?? That's not enough time to barely catch a letdown!
I would see la leche league and a lactation consultant. Definitely do a weighted feed. You could buy or rent a scale. A fishing scale works and is cheap. I've gone to the grocery and used the fruit scale! Not naked but it gave a general idea of her weight. If she didn't gain with clothes, she probably didn't without was my thought. I'd get her to the breast as often as possible. A pump isnt as good as she is but doing both is ok.

Nora nurses every 1-3hrs. Both sides. Takes around 40+ml from me. Shes around 5.5lbs as of yesterday's fruit scale weight. Lol.
Just trying to get caught up - had a very busy Christmas and New Year which took up most of my time (that and being absolutely exhausted by the end of the day and falling asleep when my children did :lol: ).

Congratulations OnErth, Ashley, Ana and Beadle on the safe arrival of your babies! Sorry to hear a couple had to have a short stay in NICU but glad they are doing better now!

Beadle - omg that hair :D It's fabulous - all of mine never have that much until about 2 years old :lol:

With regards to the in-laws - I must be the exception as I really like mine :lol: They have offered to stay in a hotel close by the night before my c-section so they can help out with our older two on the day of the c-section which we have gratefully agreed to (we only have a 3 bed house and no guest room!). All our family live a good hour and a half away so this will be a huge help, but they won't stay afterwards.

AFM - I started my official maternity leave on Tuesday which was welcome! Slight issue in that the person who was supposed to be covering me never turned up and had apparently taken a different job instead - nothing I can do about it though! (they were in before Christmas to do a handover and everything so I assumed it was all sorted :-k ).

I had my 37 week midwife appt yesterday, she wasn't happy with my lack of movement so sent me to DAU for a check. I was getting several Braxton Hicks contractions at regular intervals (approx 5 mins apart) and the trace showed the baby's movements were coinciding with the tightenings I was feeling (so I felt the tightening rather than the movement due to my anterior placenta). DAU were happy enough with the trace but warned me that if they got more painful then I would have to go straight back in, even if they were 20 mins apart, as due to 2 previous c-sections I can not go into labour naturally. They were a bit too regular for their liking for Braxton Hicks, but since I said they weren't overly painful they let me come home. I have a tentative c-section date of 23rd, but will only find out for definite on the 17th when I go in for my pre-op checks. There could be some movement during that week (20th -24th depending on how booked up they are for each day...) but I now have less than 2 weeks to go :shock: I still have so much to do :? I am hoping little one stays put a little while longer but we now have to be prepared for the fact she may come a little earlier than planned...

Hope everyone else is doing ok x
Just popping on long enough to say that I'm on my way to get induced! It's surreal to me that it's actually time!

Literati - Personally, I hope they have separate birthdays, just so we can concentrate on each one for their special day. But, that being said, my son hopes he waits till tomorrow to show up, as he wants to share his birthday with him! So, whatever is meant to be will be!

Serenyx - Time is going by quick! I can't believe that we're all at the final weeks, if not days, of our pregnancies! I'll cross my fingers that your LO stays put a bit longer for you! :)
Oh how exciting good luck! I hope it goes lovely and quickly and smoothly for you!
MommyPrice - I hear you! I am also hoping that this baby and dd2 do not share a birthday but my due date is one day after her birthday so there’s a definite chance! I would like them each to have their own special day. That’s good that your son actually wants to share a birthday and it definitely will work out exactly how it’s meant to!
Good LUCK on your induction today! That is SOOO exciting! I hope all goes well and that the labour is quick and not too painful! Can’t wait to hear the news!

serenyx - congrats on your maternity leave starting! I am officially on mine too! It feels great! Sorry to hear that your replacement didn’t show up, but that’s definitely their problem now and not yours! I’m sure it’ll all work out.

I hope you don’t end up having too many contractions before your c-section so you don’t have to go in early. That’s so exciting that your section will be less than 2 weeks away! Woohoo! Hope all goes well! Enjoy the time off until then!

afm - first official day of maternity leave today! I am sorting some things out at Service Canada so I can actually finish my EI application later today. Dd2 was a terror this morning when dropping off dd1 at school, but now she is being pretty well behaved as we wait, so hopefully she keeps that up. I’m a little disappointed that I have quite a few appointments and errands to run this week and won’t have much down time or time to do baking/cooking as I’d hoped, but hopefully I’ll have a bit of time next week as well!
Hope all goes well MommyPrice! Exciting to think our next baby will soon be here!

Afm my C section a week today...come on baby so keen to meet you now!
Good luck mommy price, I hope all goes well with your induction today!

I'm currently in the hospital. Been having contractions since 1am but they just not get closer together. Hospital want to keep me in to make sure that when I do go into active labour, I will be able to go straight for an emergency csection. How long this will be, no one knows x
Sophie - oh, wow, you are so close! So many babies are going to be born in the next couple weeks! Is there any particular reason that they want to wait until you’re in active labour to perform the c-section? I hope you’re not in too much pain and don’t have to wait too terribly long in the hospital! Good luck with everything when it comes time!
Eek good luck Sophie!

Yes I'm curious as to why they want to wait but guessing it's because past 39 weeks is better for baby in terms of breathing issues.

So now ladies
Good luck mommy price!
It’s weird to think I would only be 38 weeks if I were still pregnant. It just feels like I haven’t been pregnant for a while. Her name is Violet btw. We decided on it the last day I was in the hospital. I was so torn between 2 names.
I’m still killing myself with pumping and nursing. She went 3 days refusing my left side completely! Today she nurses from it twice so that is good. But she still falls asleep while on the first breast and it’s so hard to get her to wake for the second side. But with how I don’t have a huge supply she needs both sides at each feeding. I’m trying to get her to nurse more often. It’s crazy because my other kids nursed every 1-2 hrs at this age. I had major over production with my other kids. The NICU trainer her to eat every 3-4 hrs which 3 is okay but 4 hrs is too long to go between nursing’s especially if I’m trying to build my supply. I just bought a new higher grade breast pump. It will be here in a couple days. The one I have it isn’t the greatest. I started doing something called power pumping. And I’m still waiting on my legendairy supplement. It’s taking forever to get here! I’m going to give this my best effort before I resign myself to the fact that she will start needing formula on top of breast milk. I have no clue how to combifeed though and it stresses me out. OnErth, they weren’t super breastfeeding friendly at that NICU. They were fine with my trying but I overheard them talking about another baby in the NICU and saying how great that his mom just wanted to bottlefeed and not breastfeed. Also, they were letting me do the supplemental nursing system at first. But her pediatrician talked to my husband and was very rude and asked why we wouldn’t give her a bottle and that she was going to get brain damage. Even though she was getting formula through supplemental nursing system. So then I felt pressured into giving her a bottle each feeding. Which obviously made this whole thing that much harder.
but thankfully she has gained weight. So she was 5 lbs 13 at birth. Then at discharge from NICU she was 5 lbs 15 oz at 11 days old. Then 2 days later at her check up she was 6 lbs 2 oz. of course I’m still stressing myself out with is she getting enough? I sure took for granted having a great supply with my others! Made life so much easier.

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