Ashley - I am so sorry that your husband wasn’t nearly as helpful as you wanted during his time off. That must have been extremely frustrating. I don’t know why some husbands like to treat the time off to help with baby as a time to get their work or hobbies done. My DH was the same with our other babies as well. He didn’t have to work with the other but, but he squandered our time buying/selling vehicles and crossing things off of his to-do list. I’m sorry you felt you were mostly on your own taking care of Violet the whole time. (By the way, my dd2’s name is Violet as well.

You are so right that husbands do not understand what a huge thing it is to heal from birth - especially the mental/emotional aspect. It is so hard to deal with the roller coaster of emotions that come after birth, and we really need a lot of support. Then our bodies are healing from a traumatic event, we are feeding a child with our own bodies, giving up sleep and our own physical needs, and we are trying to adjust to a life with more kids. It is a huge deal and they should be way more supportive.
I am sorry to hear that you’ve also had a hard time with the baby blues.

Hugs. It’s so rough. The first 10-11 days were the worst for me, but even now I’m definitely emotional and having a hard time. I agree about not feeling normal until 4 months. I remember that being the time that I felt like myself again after dd1. After dd2, I unfortunately suffered from pretty bad depression until she was about 9 months. However, 4 months was still when I felt more up to getting out and doing more around the house. I hope that maybe you feel a bit more like yourself even before the 4 month mark.
I’m sorry you’re still having bright red bleeding. How did the ultrasound go? I hope you didn’t have retained placenta. I know my sister had excessive bleeding for months after having a c-section (probably unrelated to the c-section) and it ended up that her lining was just out of whack and they had to give her some hormonal pill for a week and then it got better. I hope they can sort out why you’re having so much bleeding.
By the way, thanks so much for your reply. I know I took a while to reply, but I appreciated reading about your experience so much and knowing that I wasn’t alone.