January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Anyone ever get chills during AF? I usually get bad cramps but the chills are terrible...took a 2 hour nap this afternoon and I am still tired and ready to go to bed early tonight.

I have hot and cold flashes. Usually only a hot shower feels good...and Tylenol pm before bed...about 4 ibuprofen during the day. But usually only feel bad day 1 and 2.

I was feeling really bad and worried something might be wrong. My hubby covered me with about 5 blankets and made me take a nap. Then I went to bed around 10 and slept a full 8 hours last night. Feeling okay today, still a bit cold. Extra sweatshirt on and heat turned up here! Thanks for the reply!
Savvy, I'm glad you're feeling better today, I was happy to read that. Sounds like a bad AF, huh? Add those extra symptoms to something that already sucks, and that is NO fun. So glad you're a bit better today.

beaglemom, has the brown spotting continued to stay away? I hope so. Seriously, I'm just like you, I get it several days before. Although for me, sometimes it can be 3 days before, and sometimes it can be 5 days before. I recall thinking to myself that it should've already arrived, and when I looked at my charts, they ALL showed I had recorded the brown spotting by that time. I had a strong feeling I was prego then. Sure enough, that super faint line on xmas eve. So that is something I will probably be looking out for next time. I RARELY have AF without the brown spotting a few days before. I hope yours has still stayed away today.

Girls, remind me, what does the raspberry leaf do?

So, DH was home at a good time yesterday, and we got our BD session in. I hope it was in time to catch that egg. I realize that our chances are decreased this month since we only managed to BD Wed night and Sunday. And I don't even have any idea if the egg was still hanging around by the time he got home. But we certainly had to try! But normally, we BD just about everyday during the week that I O. My temp did jump today, so that confirms that an egg was released. But with my crazy temps after the m/c, my chart looks a bit funky, lol. If it continues upwards the next two days, then I'll feel better.
Savvy, I'm glad you're feeling better today, I was happy to read that. Sounds like a bad AF, huh? Add those extra symptoms to something that already sucks, and that is NO fun. So glad you're a bit better today.

beaglemom, has the brown spotting continued to stay away? I hope so. Seriously, I'm just like you, I get it several days before. Although for me, sometimes it can be 3 days before, and sometimes it can be 5 days before. I recall thinking to myself that it should've already arrived, and when I looked at my charts, they ALL showed I had recorded the brown spotting by that time. I had a strong feeling I was prego then. Sure enough, that super faint line on xmas eve. So that is something I will probably be looking out for next time. I RARELY have AF without the brown spotting a few days before. I hope yours has still stayed away today.

Girls, remind me, what does the raspberry leaf do?

So, DH was home at a good time yesterday, and we got our BD session in. I hope it was in time to catch that egg. I realize that our chances are decreased this month since we only managed to BD Wed night and Sunday. And I don't even have any idea if the egg was still hanging around by the time he got home. But we certainly had to try! But normally, we BD just about everyday during the week that I O. My temp did jump today, so that confirms that an egg was released. But with my crazy temps after the m/c, my chart looks a bit funky, lol. If it continues upwards the next two days, then I'll feel better.

The red raspberry leaf helps tone the uterine muscles. If you google some people will say it causes miscarriage. But the research I have seen says that is not the case. It tones your muscles which is a good thing. Also good to take during pregnancy to help when you deliver. But as always, I am no expert. When I remember to take my vitamins, that is one of my supplements.

Thanks for your experience. It would be very helpful for me to keep a chart showing when things like this happen. I just don't. So it leaves me in my current situation of just wondering. So today, not really any brown. Yesterday it was more like a slight brown tint to cm. But my first morning bathroom break at work I got a pad, but what I saw was more a cream color cm. Still not trying to get my hopes up.

So I am still having ligh AF like cramping, my neck & shoulder were super sore last night for no reason, and the past few days when I wake up in the morning my breasts are sore. These could all be related to an upcoming AF...we'll see. Oh & I walked in to the kitchen this morning & couldn't make my lunch because I was slightly queasy. We made chocolate cake last night & my husband was preparing a piece for my boss & I got a whiff & just had to turn away. I think this was due to the vitamins I took before bed. I had not drank a whole lot of water. Also sometimes I am just queasy in the mornings. I can't eat breakfast until I get to work.

Every time something happens I think man I need to test!!! But then I calm down & realize nothing is definite. So IF I can hold out & AF stays away (& I know I keep changing this on you guys) I plan to test when I am on vacation. We leave on Sunday & come back Thursday. I am thinking I will test our first morning of vacation...so Monday when we wake up CD 30 about 19 dpo). I just think that would be fun...& a negative I don't think is really going to bum me out because I know IUI is coming afterwards if needed.

Can anyone tell I am in a constant state of confusion, anticipation, & indecisiveness? LOL :)
Beagle - as all of us are!!

I bought some target brand tests this AM - I think I am going to test the trigger out tonight or tomorrow morning - just to see what it looks like. Then I will test day 10... I think. Or wait until day 14... I don't know. I am feeling confident this month. My old high school best friend has been trying since last fall and started the testing process this month (day 21 labs, SA, etc) - she just sent me a message that she got a faint line at DPO 9! So I am happy for her. Now it is my turn!!
oh temp went up this morning so I did ovulate this weekend - really wish I hadnt lost yesterdays number... We BD 2times yesterday for the "gravy"!
beaglemom, you choose when you want to test, if you think your first day of vacation is the best, then wait! Of course all of us are patiently waiting for you to test! :) Your symptoms are sounding good, so I am hoping it is your turn to get a bfp!

moni - glad your temp went up! Sounds like you definitely BDed enough this weekend. Looks like you and ERose are definitely in the TWW.

ERose, thanks. Still taking it easy today, since my hubby told me to! It only takes one sperm to make it and you did BD on your most fertile day. Glad that your DH was able to get home quick! :)
Oh haleiwamama, so sorry to hear about all that! Ugh, what a mess that was, huh? :growlmad: I know that's really tough having to explain a story like that to your boss. Its not everyday they hear stories like that, so it sucks having to try and explain! TTC is a very difficult journey indeed. But you were able to go to your fertility appt on Friday, right? How'd it go? Are you taking the shot this weekend?

I did go to my appointment and the follicle was 17mm and lining had grown to almost 7mm, which is great! But my TSH (thyroid) level had exploded from 2.4 to 8.1, its never been that high... and that means that even if I do conceive, there will be a high probability of m/c.... this made me really sad..

I just took my shot 30 minutes ago... The nurse called me yesterday after they got my blood test back and said that I should take it in the morning and that I would O exactly 36 hours after that. Can they really tell with that much accuracy? Every where else i looked it said between 24-36 hours.... But she said BD in 36 hours on the clock!

I'm not sure if they can tell with exactly that much accuracy... you'd think that every woman would be a little different, but I dont know... If I were you, I think I'd BD before then also. BUT that's just me though... I dont want to tell you NOT to follow your Dr's instructions. But the sperm live in there for a while anyway, so I don't see why it would hurt. And then maybe do it again at the 36-hr mark as well. I've just never heard of them estimating such an exact figure!

Regarding your thyroid... sorry if you already mentioned this, but isn't there medicine that women can take for that, even when they are prego? I feel like I've read tons of other women with hypothyroidism who had babies.

Update': It worked out great! I took the shot at 7:45am and doc said that we should BD 36 hours later, so we did. Crazy thing was that exactly 8:45 I felt a little pain on my right ovary and it must have been ovulation right? Thats the ovary that had the large follicle! so we BD'ed 3 times more to celebrate! I was so excited, i had never felt ovulation pains before! I really hope this one sticks!
Update': It worked out great! I took the shot at 7:45am and doc said that we should BD 36 hours later, so we did. Crazy thing was that exactly 8:45 I felt a little pain on my right ovary and it must have been ovulation right? Thats the ovary that had the large follicle! so we BD'ed 3 times more to celebrate! I was so excited, i had never felt ovulation pains before! I really hope this one sticks!


Looks like we have quite a few girls here entering the TWW, can't wait to see some BFP's soon!!
Moni, I was wondering where you were! Glad that you are on to the TWW...keep us posted!!

Beaglemom, hoping the cramps are a good sign! Are you like 12dpo now? I wouldn't drastically change you diet unless all you eat is candy and chips. I would just try to add one more fruit or veggie daily if possible. Eating healthy is extremely hard for me, I buy more veggies and force myself to eat them so I don't waste them. Rather eat some chips though!

Those bbt are so loud...beeping constantly and then it is dark so I couldn't read it. Half asleep I am running to the bathroom to turn the light on. Hoping I can keep up with checking and not forget! :)

Yeh I have been trying to add good stuff to the my diet. I am no good at fresh veggies. We started buying frozen. The fresh always get wasted.

I am 11 dpo. I hope it is a good sign too. We will see. My neck & shoulder have been aching today. I don't think that means anything...but it is weird & out of the ordinary.

I kinda eat veggies, but not so much fruits... On Xmas DH gave me a Nutribullet and I've been making smoothies to take to work every morning.. You guys should try it, it makes it so easy to eat your veggies and you can all all kinds of goodies in there... The veggies I Use are baby kale, spinach, beets, carrots and cucumbers and I buy frozen fruit from Costco to add in... I also add almonds, trace minerals, coconut water, protein etc... Its like a health bomb and you cannot taste the veggies. Of course I dont add all those things at once as it would not fit in the cup hehe... I totally recommend it!

If you guys have heard of trace minerals you should check it out... our soil is depleted and we need those on a cellular level. I'm sure you've heard of macrobiotic diet? They say that trace minerals its one of the most important supplements we need to add to our diets.. I'm not on any diet, I like to eat everything... but Ive been definitely on a health kick since I started TTC... worst case scenario it's making me healthier...
I have a ninja for smoothies...but I am not very good at drinking fluids. It is hard for me to finish before it gets cold/hot.

I have been buying slimfast & V8 splash & regular. Easy for me to just pick up & go...also to leave in fridge to drink later.
I have a ninja for smoothies...but I am not very good at drinking fluids. It is hard for me to finish before it gets cold/hot.

I have been buying slimfast & V8 splash & regular. Easy for me to just pick up & go...also to leave in fridge to drink later.

V8 is great for you! Tons of veggies there... I think its always better to make your own though... these companies put so much stuff in our food nowadays...

I feel you with the smoothie thing.. I have a hard time finishing quickly too.. I pretty much only like to drink water and coffee, not a fan of juices at all... but hey, gotta do whatcha gotta do! hahaha

You should try making yourself a small smoothie in the morning and taking it as a shot.. I make mine big, but I just take big gulps of it until its done... I not everyone feels the same way, but eating fresh feels so good... Here in Hawaii everyone seems to be really into healthy eating, not just my friends, so it makes it easier...

My challenge is that my parents moved in with me and they do not eat healthy at all.. lots of cheese, butter, fried foods, and anything with dairy, my mom pretty much lives on sandwiches and they dont eat veggies (pretty much) at all.. that was a challenge at first but now I just cook for me and Dh instead of relying on them to cook for us...
So I don't know if I had mentioned, but I had some cramping yesterday...very mild on 2 separate occasions. Had it again today just once. Not sure what that means. We went to this awesome seafood buffet last night...LOTS of crab legs. Husband said that caused the cramps. But I had one before we ate & one a bit after. And I know the difference. These are typical AF like cramps. I have not started the brown spotting I normally get before AF. So I am still hoping for this month. We'll see.

Good luck!! :)
Savvy, I'm glad you're feeling better today, I was happy to read that. Sounds like a bad AF, huh? Add those extra symptoms to something that already sucks, and that is NO fun. So glad you're a bit better today.

beaglemom, has the brown spotting continued to stay away? I hope so. Seriously, I'm just like you, I get it several days before. Although for me, sometimes it can be 3 days before, and sometimes it can be 5 days before. I recall thinking to myself that it should've already arrived, and when I looked at my charts, they ALL showed I had recorded the brown spotting by that time. I had a strong feeling I was prego then. Sure enough, that super faint line on xmas eve. So that is something I will probably be looking out for next time. I RARELY have AF without the brown spotting a few days before. I hope yours has still stayed away today.

Girls, remind me, what does the raspberry leaf do?

So, DH was home at a good time yesterday, and we got our BD session in. I hope it was in time to catch that egg. I realize that our chances are decreased this month since we only managed to BD Wed night and Sunday. And I don't even have any idea if the egg was still hanging around by the time he got home. But we certainly had to try! But normally, we BD just about everyday during the week that I O. My temp did jump today, so that confirms that an egg was released. But with my crazy temps after the m/c, my chart looks a bit funky, lol. If it continues upwards the next two days, then I'll feel better.

Fingers crossed for you!!
Update': It worked out great! I took the shot at 7:45am and doc said that we should BD 36 hours later, so we did. Crazy thing was that exactly 8:45 I felt a little pain on my right ovary and it must have been ovulation right? Thats the ovary that had the large follicle! so we BD'ed 3 times more to celebrate! I was so excited, i had never felt ovulation pains before! I really hope this one sticks!

How exciting!! Much luck and positive energy your way!!
Man, I go out of town for the weekend and there is a lot to catch up on! Glad you're all doing well! Love all the healthy eating talk. I try really hard to eat well, also. I just buy a bunch of veggies because I know if I have them I won't want to let them go to waste. And they're pretty reasonably priced at warehouse stores (Sam's, Costco, etc.) Of course after several days of veggies, fruits, grains and beans, I inevitably cave and have, like, 3 cookies in a row. But, hey, it doesn't undo the good I did!

Also can't remember which one of you mentioned yoga earlier in the thread, but thanks! I've been letting my Y membership sit fallow for the last couple of months. I kind of fell off the wagon exercising when my hubby was worried it would keep the egg from implanting or knock it loose. My doc said that was not the case. Anyway, that comment was enough to make me think, "Why am I NOT doing this?" So went to the Y 3 days last week :happy dance:

Finally got onto Fertility Friend. I have been charting with an app that doesn't have very good sharing capabilities, but I got all my info switched over. Figured out how to put my chart in the signature and also there is a link to my "homepage" (?) to see past charts. Would love anyone's feedback as I'm still kind of a newbie to charting!

Savvy, hope you're feeling better today!
Erin, hope you caught that eggy!!! :happy dance:
Every time something happens I think man I need to test!!! But then I calm down & realize nothing is definite. So IF I can hold out & AF stays away (& I know I keep changing this on you guys) I plan to test when I am on vacation. We leave on Sunday & come back Thursday. I am thinking I will test our first morning of vacation...so Monday when we wake up CD 30 about 19 dpo). I just think that would be fun...& a negative I don't think is really going to bum me out because I know IUI is coming afterwards if needed.

Can anyone tell I am in a constant state of confusion, anticipation, & indecisiveness? LOL :)

Beaglemom I am soooo right there with you!! In many ways, actually! We're about the same amount along. FF says I'm 14 DPO. And Hubby and I are also about to go on vacation! Leaving on Friday :happy dance:

And also having some weird things going on (tiny bit queasy, pinchy feeling in my lower side stomach area), but don't want to read into them. Also boobs not really sore at all (I did have a few strange sensations in my nipples, like a little bit stinging, shooting pain…but not much), so that makes me doubtful.

Could be AF on her merry way. I have psyched myself into thinking that I was having major symptoms twice before during these 13 months only to test and get a BFN and AF arrive on time. So I'm not testing until Thursday, I think. (If my temp doesn't drop and AF stays away.) Sick of BFNs!! And if it's a chemical or something, I think I'd rather not know and just think it's AF, so I don't undergo that roller coaster of getting a BFP then being heartbroken.

If it is a BFN I'd rather know before my vaca so I can just have fruity drinks, relax, and think, "Maybe next month." The limbo kills me!
Every time something happens I think man I need to test!!! But then I calm down & realize nothing is definite. So IF I can hold out & AF stays away (& I know I keep changing this on you guys) I plan to test when I am on vacation. We leave on Sunday & come back Thursday. I am thinking I will test our first morning of vacation...so Monday when we wake up CD 30 about 19 dpo). I just think that would be fun...& a negative I don't think is really going to bum me out because I know IUI is coming afterwards if needed.

Can anyone tell I am in a constant state of confusion, anticipation, & indecisiveness? LOL :)

Beaglemom I am soooo right there with you!! In many ways, actually! We're about the same amount along. FF says I'm 14 DPO. And Hubby and I are also about to go on vacation! Leaving on Friday :happy dance:

And also having some weird things going on (tiny bit queasy, pinchy feeling in my lower side stomach area), but don't want to read into them. Also boobs not really sore at all (I did have a few strange sensations in my nipples, like a little bit stinging, shooting pain…but not much), so that makes me doubtful.

Could be AF on her merry way. I have psyched myself into thinking that I was having major symptoms twice before during these 13 months only to test and get a BFN and AF arrive on time. So I'm not testing until Thursday, I think. (If my temp doesn't drop and AF stays away.) Sick of BFNs!! And if it's a chemical or something, I think I'd rather not know and just think it's AF, so I don't undergo that roller coaster of getting a BFP then being heartbroken.

If it is a BFN I'd rather know before my vaca so I can just have fruity drinks, relax, and think, "Maybe next month." The limbo kills me!

Well I hope you are not allowed to drink on your vacation ;)

We are going to the mountains with our dogs...we love it up there.

I am still going back & forth on the testing. I think the main thing is I really don't have high hopes on a positive this cycle...so I figure it's a waste to test. Then I started thinking today if I did get a pos, I would want to know so I can get it confirmed before vacation if possible.
Man, I go out of town for the weekend and there is a lot to catch up on! Glad you're all doing well! Love all the healthy eating talk. I try really hard to eat well, also. I just buy a bunch of veggies because I know if I have them I won't want to let them go to waste. And they're pretty reasonably priced at warehouse stores (Sam's, Costco, etc.) Of course after several days of veggies, fruits, grains and beans, I inevitably cave and have, like, 3 cookies in a row. But, hey, it doesn't undo the good I did!

Also can't remember which one of you mentioned yoga earlier in the thread, but thanks! I've been letting my Y membership sit fallow for the last couple of months. I kind of fell off the wagon exercising when my hubby was worried it would keep the egg from implanting or knock it loose. My doc said that was not the case. Anyway, that comment was enough to make me think, "Why am I NOT doing this?" So went to the Y 3 days last week :happy dance:

Finally got onto Fertility Friend. I have been charting with an app that doesn't have very good sharing capabilities, but I got all my info switched over. Figured out how to put my chart in the signature and also there is a link to my "homepage" (?) to see past charts. Would love anyone's feedback as I'm still kind of a newbie to charting!

Savvy, hope you're feeling better today!
Erin, hope you caught that eggy!!! :happy dance:

I am the same way with food. I eat snacks through the day...good stuff, just snack size. Then when I get home, I am starving & have to try hard not to devour everything.
Sara, I hate wasting veggies too! Of course I stock up on a bunch of veggies and then as I make my way to the cashier I notice the large display of chips that I of course grab a bag or two! I figure as long as I eat the veggies I deserve some chips too. I feel like I prepare my meals like you would a child, I "hide" veggies in my regular meals. I hardly noticed them when I started.

I sure hope that you cannot drink on your vacation! Keep us posted when you test!!
I am the same way with food. I eat snacks through the day...good stuff, just snack size. Then when I get home, I am starving & have to try hard not to devour everything.

Before I started the low FODMAP diet I was always sick after I ate, so I didn't have much of an appetite. Now that I am feeling better, I am always starving. If I don't eat when I am hungry, I start binge eating and end up getting sick. I try to space out about 5-6 meals daily including fruit or veggies in each small meal. I also don't mind leftovers like grilled chicken, so I always make extra. Then when I am overly hungry I don't have to wait to cook a meal!

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