January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Well I hope you are not allowed to drink on your vacation ;)

We are going to the mountains with our dogs...we love it up there.

I am still going back & forth on the testing. I think the main thing is I really don't have high hopes on a positive this cycle...so I figure it's a waste to test. Then I started thinking today if I did get a pos, I would want to know so I can get it confirmed before vacation if possible.

Boy I don't get to drink too!! Although if that's the case I will probably be giving my hubby the stink eye when he does…even though I don't mind indulging when he can't cause he's on call or something! LOL

Oooh, the mountains sound lovely! We're going to the beach! :) I've been firming up details today, so that's kept my mind off the "Bean or no bean" questioning! ;)
Sara, I hate wasting veggies too! Of course I stock up on a bunch of veggies and then as I make my way to the cashier I notice the large display of chips that I of course grab a bag or two! I figure as long as I eat the veggies I deserve some chips too. I feel like I prepare my meals like you would a child, I "hide" veggies in my regular meals. I hardly noticed them when I started.

I sure hope that you cannot drink on your vacation! Keep us posted when you test!!

Yep! Can't get too many! I love to cook and am often inspired to make new recipes based on whatever I have around. So I make sure to have healthy stuff stocked up. That's so funny that you hide your veggies like for a kid! Well, I guess you're getting good practice for when you get your picky little one :)

Thanks for your kind wishes! I hope I won't be able to drink too…but if I end up being able to, at least it will alleviate the pain LOL! I will definitely test before I leave on Thursday or Friday morning if AF has not showed. FXed!!
This is 1DPO for me but I'm feeling so crampy and bloated... could this be a sign? I usually don't feel like this until at least 1 week prior do AF...
Sarah, I'm so glad you posted your chart. I'm such a chart stalker. :) Your temps are looking good. FF made your crosshairs dotted because it's not totally certain that it has your O date right. If it feels sure of the date it gives you, you'll get solid red lines. One reason it can be unsure is because if you record fertile cm after the O date, it doesn't like to commit to the date it gave you. I tend to think you O'd on cd16 personally. You had a temp jump the next day and it continued going up from there. Since you also had EWCM on 15 and 16, I would've guessed O on cd16. Your pos OPK was on cd14, but they say you can O up to 48 hrs after, so with those other points combined, that would just be my guess. But I'm no expert! Just analyzing, hehe! :)
This is 1DPO for me but I'm feeling so crampy and bloated... could this be a sign? I usually don't feel like this until at least 1 week prior do AF...

Is this your first month on the fertility drugs & trigger shot? I am on some IUI threads & a lot of them have cramping & bloating but that was after IUI so don't know if it was IUI or drugs that caused it. Also I know the clomid made me feel bloated around O.

Good luck on your TWW!

I hope everyone has good results this cycle.
This is 1DPO for me but I'm feeling so crampy and bloated... could this be a sign? I usually don't feel like this until at least 1 week prior do AF...

Is this your first month on the fertility drugs & trigger shot? I am on some IUI threads & a lot of them have cramping & bloating but that was after IUI so don't know if it was IUI or drugs that caused it. Also I know the clomid made me feel bloated around O.

Good luck on your TWW!

I hope everyone has good results this cycle.

Hi Beaglemom, yes its my first month on Clomid and 5000iu hcg trigger... no IUI, we opted for timed intercourse first... do you think/know if its to early to feel anything?

Thank you and good luck to you too! :)
This is 1DPO for me but I'm feeling so crampy and bloated... could this be a sign? I usually don't feel like this until at least 1 week prior do AF...

Is this your first month on the fertility drugs & trigger shot? I am on some IUI threads & a lot of them have cramping & bloating but that was after IUI so don't know if it was IUI or drugs that caused it. Also I know the clomid made me feel bloated around O.

Good luck on your TWW!

I hope everyone has good results this cycle.

Hi Beaglemom, yes its my first month on Clomid and 5000iu hcg trigger... no IUI, we opted for timed intercourse first... do you think/know if its to early to feel anything?

Thank you and good luck to you too! :)

There's no way to tell really. I know clomid made me feel that way...so that could be it. If you search online everyone will tell you 1 dpo is too early to feel anything. But you can also find women who just know they are pregnant...some women who know because it's not their first child. I have never been pregnant, so I am def not one to say what you're feeling means nothing. The wait is all about overanalyzing & we never know if anything means anything until it means something :)

What I do know, is it never hurt anyone to try & stay positive.

I am also in the over analyzing boat myself. I personally feel like the wait is worse towards the end...then you really start thinking everything means something. I looked back at past posts & I start brown spotting about a week before AF. So like I said before it could be right on schedule if the early O doesn't effect my number of cycle days...or it could be a good sign.
Sarah, I'm so glad you posted your chart. I'm such a chart stalker. :) Your temps are looking good. FF made your crosshairs dotted because it's not totally certain that it has your O date right. If it feels sure of the date it gives you, you'll get solid red lines. One reason it can be unsure is because if you record fertile cm after the O date, it doesn't like to commit to the date it gave you. I tend to think you O'd on cd16 personally. You had a temp jump the next day and it continued going up from there. Since you also had EWCM on 15 and 16, I would've guessed O on cd16. Your pos OPK was on cd14, but they say you can O up to 48 hrs after, so with those other points combined, that would just be my guess. But I'm no expert! Just analyzing, hehe! :)

I am glad I got my chart up too!! I love having a second (or third) opinion. If you'll recall, I was really confused by my temps this cycle!! I would tend to agree with you, that I O'd on cd16! I thought maybe FF had some magic formula, but yeah, that's what I was thinking before I input my info to FF. Thanks for the opinion! :)
Sounds like I need to jump on that BBT train so you ladies can start analyzing my temps!!!

I'm also loving the healthy eating convo!! DH and I went to Subway today and I got a meatball sub, but I put green peppers on it so I think that makes it healthy, right?? I was looking up meals today where you can hide the veggies, cause DH isn't a huge veggie fan. In his defense though, if I make them he'll usually at least try them. Found a meatball one with shredded carrots and zucchini, I might have to try that!! I also love V8 Fusion (the one with fruits and veggies), it's super yummy. I know I need to work on my eating habits though, been gaining weight (about 15 lbs in the last 2 months), but I'm hoping that's partially from the Clomid, stress, etc.

I'm on CD13, and I think we might try SMEP this cycle. I'm sure my other half won't mind 3 days in a row!!! I started OPK's yesterday, last Clomid cycle I'm pretty sure I O'ed on CD17 so hoping this round is similar!!!
Reading everyone's eating healthy makes me think about all the veggies I haven't eaten lately. I do try to eat healthy but the last couple weeks I have fallen off the wagon. I did do subway with lots of veggies for lunch today.

I am 3 dpo today according to my opk's. No symptoms as of yet but I haven't been paying attention. I was a bit moody today but not sure whether to count that a system. I want to hold out testing until the 25th. Hoping that my first round of clomid did the trick for us!

Everyone talking about vacation and I am counting down to my vacation with dh we are heading to Vegas for a week in February. I can't wait to escape winter for a few days and get some sun.
It sounds like we all have the same idea of adding more veggies/fruits to our diet! Small changes really start to add up over time. I wish potato chips could count as potatoes though!!

So excited (and a bit jealous) for everyone going on vacation! I always love looking forward to and planning a fun trip. My husband travels a lot for his job during the summer, I usually try to tag along if possible. He really didn't want my due date in the summer because of his job!

Jayhawk, I recommend SMEP! I am a planner so I liked knowing the "schedule" for the week. I made it fun for DH so it didn't seem so routine, but he would never complain about more BDing!
I broke down & tested this morning...it was a negative. My husband has a follow up tomorrow with the urologist & I really thought how awesome if we could walk in & say we were pregnant. But oh well. And I know I still have a shot...I am not technically late yet. So I put in a call for my clomid prescription...just waiting for them to call me back.
beaglemom, sorry about your test. Hopefully it is just too early still. Sending positive thoughts and baby dust your way!
beaglemom, sorry about your test. Hopefully it is just too early still. Sending positive thoughts and baby dust your way!

Thanks...it is always the same this point in my cycle...I just want an answer...& if it is no, I just want to move forward. I think more so this month since I have such high hopes for next cycle.

Stronger cramping off & on today...still not exactly brown spotting. We will see what lies ahead.
Sorry to hear that beaglemom :( It's so hard to get your hopes up, and then see that negative test. I'm feeling about the same way with my OPK's this round of clomid, I didn't do them last time so I'm afraid I'll "jinx" this round lol. But I'm doing them anyways, since we're trying SMEP this cycle.

I had a slightly funny experience this morning. I sprained my ankle pretty badly playing soccer last night, so I went into immediate care this morning, and they had to do an x-ray. So one of the standard questions is, "Is there any chance you're pregnant?" :shrug: That made me chuckle!! I was like ummm....probably not?? But maybe? Hopefully?? They ended up putting extra shields on me just in case, but since I haven't had really even close to a positive OPK, I'm not too worried.
Beaglemom, I totally understand. I wish we could know right away. Last week I had so many symptoms, AF arrives and leaves me wondering what just happened. I feel like I wish away so much time because I just want it to be time to test.

Jayhawk, you can never be too careful. Unless you catch me the first day or two of AF, there is no way I am taking a chance! Is this your first time following SMEP?
Thanks...it is always the same this point in my cycle...I just want an answer...& if it is no, I just want to move forward. I think more so this month since I have such high hopes for next cycle.

Stronger cramping off & on today...still not exactly brown spotting. We will see what lies ahead.

Isn't this the worst time in the cycle!! Geez, it's like your body is just out to fool you and your mind just plays along. Sorry about the test! Assuming AF comes, at least you have IUI to look forward to!

I ended up getting a test done as well. I had an appt to follow up an irregular pap smear by taking tissue samples for culture, and since I was so close to AF (she's due tomorrow), they asked if I wanted a test (urine). I said sure, of course it was BFN :(. But I didn't really have a feeling about this cycle either way, so I'm not heartbroken or anything. I am just glad to know!! I'll never forget something my mom said when I was little about the unknown being so much worse than even bad news…it's so true.

Now I feel like I can just relax and get ready for my vacation (where I will be indulging!)…bring on the fruity rum drinks!!! :) I think I will even take a month off from testing/temping. I think it would be good for me to just take a month to clear my mind and revive my spirit a little.

Then when I get back, I can schedule the surgery to get that polyp removed and hubby needs to get his SA done. And I guess we'll just go from there!
Looking forward to some good news from you ladies though! Always gives me hope to see some BFP's! :)
Sara, I am sorry about the BFN today. I guess at least you will be able to have a few fruity drinks on your vacation, relax and come back ready to go!
Beaglemom, I totally understand. I wish we could know right away. Last week I had so many symptoms, AF arrives and leaves me wondering what just happened. I feel like I wish away so much time because I just want it to be time to test.

Jayhawk, you can never be too careful. Unless you catch me the first day or two of AF, there is no way I am taking a chance! Is this your first time following SMEP?

Yeah, it made me a little nervous but they took extra precautions. Yes, this is my first time, I actually hadn't heard of it until a couple days ago lol. Having a plan always makes me feel better!!!

My hubby also made me smile yesterday, he has a couple days off so sometimes when he gets bored he has "alone time", if you know what I mean. (TMI alert!!) But I asked him about it, and he said he wasn't going to so that he could keep everything "fresh" :spermy: Sometimes it feels like I put in so much effort, so it's nice to know it's a priority for him too!!
Ladies (sarah and beaglemom), you are giving up too soon! I know WAY too many girls who had to miss AF before getting a pos HPT! I always had a feeling I'd be one of those girls that doesn't get those nice early BFPs, and I was right (at least this time). I didnt get my positive until 14-15dpo. So don't give up hope yet!

As for me, my temps are NOT my post-O temps, so I'm thinking even though I got the LH surge on the OPK, that I may not have managed to spit an egg out. I got the temp jump yesterday, but only because it had dropped so much the day before. I expected it to continue rising today, but it dropped a little. So I believe this may end up being my first ever anovulatory cycle for me! Could be because of the recent m/c. I am feeling super crampy right now though, so who knows....maybe by some fluke, I am O'ing much later than normal after a pos OPK. I guess I'll know tomorrow, IF my temp finally jumps.

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