January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Welcome xhopefulsoulx! I hope everything you are trying in this new year helps you to get regular periods and regulates your cycles! I think you are on the right track. :flower: Keep us posted!

Thanks FBG! I'm glad my temps went down as well. I knew they'd be a bit rocky after the m/c, so it's nice to see them coming back down to earth. :winkwink: Looks like I got my pos OPK today also. Confirmed with the CB digital smiley. I wasn't expecting that (as you know from the other thread). So it caught me off guard, lol. Made me happy, but at the same time, DH doesn't get back into town until tomorrow. Historically, I will usually O a day after my pos OPK, but I'm hoping and praying that whenenever this egg comes out, that it will just stick around long enough for DH to get home tomorrow.

Savvy, i'm so sorry to hear that guafinesin upsets your stomach! Its good that your DH caught that, what a great man. :) But i know you were looking forward to trying that. Ya' know what though... don't even worry about that... You didnt use it in the month that you got your BFP, so clearly you're gonna be just fine without it. You'll be using the preseed, so that should help out with CM if you do need it. I do recommend using the applicators though. In my first month using it, I only used the applicator right at O time, maybe two days. The other days, we just applied it directly to DH. I realized since the point of it was to give the sperm a friendlier environment, that I wasn't doing much good just using it as a lube... in one of the Youtube videos I watched, it showed that a portion of the sperm will hang out in the walls of the cervix for a couple days waiting for the egg before continuing their journey. If some of that preseed can make it into your cervix, that gives them more chances of surviving for multiple days. It's not just an easier way for them to swim, but also gives them more chances for survival for several days, if the fluids are right. In my second cycle using the preseed, we used the applicators a lot more often. I did get my BFP that cycle, but again, I had also increased my clomid as well. So who knows! The logic just made sense.

Congrats on the pos opk...I think I know what kind of greeting your husband will be getting tomorrow when he gets home!

So this will probably sound stupid...but I was reading that Taking Charge of Your Fertility...she talks a lot about cm. And I started thinking...because of my husband's schedule on nights...I have only been focusing on the high & peak days on my monitor. But this past cycle I had cm before that. I should have been taking advantage. I feel dumb.

Anyways...not sure I told you guys but his third shift was supposed to be over Jan 1. He is a manager in retail. So anyways his store manager said no he has to stay until April (inventory). He has been on nights for a year! Anyways, the reason was because the person who would replace him sucks, so the manager said he had to stay...total BS! So my husband said either I go to days, or I transfer. Even explained the hardship on his marriage. He also put in a call to the market manager. So now he starts days Feb 1 (or some time near). I am so happy about this, I can't even tell you. No more rushing home to try to have a quickie. Almost makes me want a couple more natural cycles to give it a really good shot...but I know it is time to move on.

So I told my husband the plan is if I get the cm, we go...& if I get a high on my monitor, I will make sure my opk is still negative (usually peak on the monitor is a pos opk). If it is negative, we put in another session. By my math, even if the next day I get a peak, I still have that day in between the last time we were together & IUI. At least that is the plan unless my dr says to abstain longer.

I feel for you on DH working nights. My DH does a rotating schedule so a week of days, a week of nights and a week of afternoons. I always find the afternoons hard around O time because he doesn't get home until 11:30pm and I usually need to be up at 7am for work. This week he was on afternoons and of course it was O week so caused some late nights and early mornings for me. I was so happy today was Saturday and I could sleep in.

I am counting today as 1dpo had my positive opk Thursday and negative on Friday. This cycle was clomid and smep (with the exception of missing one day). Does anyone else find it very hard to smep or am I crazy. Sometimes it just feels like it is forced and not just because we want to do it but that we have to do it.
I am counting today as 1dpo had my positive opk Thursday and negative on Friday. This cycle was clomid and smep (with the exception of missing one day). Does anyone else find it very hard to smep or am I crazy. Sometimes it just feels like it is forced and not just because we want to do it but that we have to do it.

Personally I liked SMEP because I knew what to expect, I could be organized and know in advance that tonight is the the night. I didn't want my hubby to feel overwhelmed and even though he knew of my plan, I tried to keep it fun for him too. Like surprising him at some point during the evening. If your hubby was driving home from work you could send him a dirty text, eat dinner in bed, etc. I found that adding a little spice kept us going and made it not feel so routine!
beaglemom, thanks for a great explanation. I think that is what I was thinking it would be like, I don't want it to get crazy messy though! I think I will go with less and test it out a few days before I am thinking I will O so I can adjust as necessary. But it sounds like I should be using it consistently, not just on O day? Thanks :)
beaglemom, thanks for a great explanation. I think that is what I was thinking it would be like, I don't want it to get crazy messy though! I think I will go with less and test it out a few days before I am thinking I will O so I can adjust as necessary. But it sounds like I should be using it consistently, not just on O day? Thanks :)

yeh I would think using it the days before O as well.
SMEP is sperm meets egg plan. Google and you can find a good explanation. The book which is short used to be free on amazon kindle. I'm sure savvy can explain better. From what I can remember you start every other day around cd 8...then when you get a pos opk, do it 3 days in a row, skip a day, then go again.

Yes smep is too much for us. Maybe when husband shift changes things will be different. Right now and with ttc, we are exhausted and don't do a lot except during fertile window. Also we found out he has low testosterone which plays a part in his low sex drive.
The SMEP plan is "Sperm Meets Egg Plan". Basically BD every other day starting with the 8th day of your cycle. On the 10th day you start using opk's and when you get a positive opk you BD three days in a row, skip a day and then BD one more day. November was my first cycle trying the plan, I modified it because of my shorter schedule starting BDing on CD7 and using opk's on the 7th day too. It was the only thing I did differently in November and that is when I got my BFP! I am definitely trying it again this cycle but starting earlier just in case! I might start on CD5 or 6. :)
If I get pregnant my boss will know date of conception at this point! I've been out of work for three scans leading up to iui this week and have warned my boss I may need Monday off too.

Really hoping this is a lucky thread girlies! I'm hoping it is xxx

Good luck and baby dust!!!!
AF showed up this morning. I'm sad, but glad to move on. I am fully prepared for this cycle and looking forward to getting my bfp very soon.

haleiwamama, sending positive thoughts your way. Unfortunately I don't know anything about hypothyroidism, but I am glad you got good news about your follicle and lining.

beaglemom, I woke up all ready to test. At least AF showed up for me before I wasted a test. I hope your morning goes better than mine! Fx'd for a BFP for you!

Sorry to hear that Savvy. I'm glad you're ready for the next cycle - good luck and baby dust!
Oh haleiwamama, so sorry to hear about all that! Ugh, what a mess that was, huh? :growlmad: I know that's really tough having to explain a story like that to your boss. Its not everyday they hear stories like that, so it sucks having to try and explain! TTC is a very difficult journey indeed. But you were able to go to your fertility appt on Friday, right? How'd it go? Are you taking the shot this weekend?

I did go to my appointment and the follicle was 17mm and lining had grown to almost 7mm, which is great! But my TSH (thyroid) level had exploded from 2.4 to 8.1, its never been that high... and that means that even if I do conceive, there will be a high probability of m/c.... this made me really sad..

I just took my shot 30 minutes ago... The nurse called me yesterday after they got my blood test back and said that I should take it in the morning and that I would O exactly 36 hours after that. Can they really tell with that much accuracy? Every where else i looked it said between 24-36 hours.... But she said BD in 36 hours on the clock!

I'm so sorry, that sounds like a really frustrating and stressful few days. HUGE amounts of positive vibes and GL your way!!
Oh haleiwamama, so sorry to hear about all that! Ugh, what a mess that was, huh? :growlmad: I know that's really tough having to explain a story like that to your boss. Its not everyday they hear stories like that, so it sucks having to try and explain! TTC is a very difficult journey indeed. But you were able to go to your fertility appt on Friday, right? How'd it go? Are you taking the shot this weekend?

I did go to my appointment and the follicle was 17mm and lining had grown to almost 7mm, which is great! But my TSH (thyroid) level had exploded from 2.4 to 8.1, its never been that high... and that means that even if I do conceive, there will be a high probability of m/c.... this made me really sad..

I just took my shot 30 minutes ago... The nurse called me yesterday after they got my blood test back and said that I should take it in the morning and that I would O exactly 36 hours after that. Can they really tell with that much accuracy? Every where else i looked it said between 24-36 hours.... But she said BD in 36 hours on the clock!

I'm not sure if they can tell with exactly that much accuracy... you'd think that every woman would be a little different, but I dont know... If I were you, I think I'd BD before then also. BUT that's just me though... I dont want to tell you NOT to follow your Dr's instructions. But the sperm live in there for a while anyway, so I don't see why it would hurt. And then maybe do it again at the 36-hr mark as well. I've just never heard of them estimating such an exact figure!

Regarding your thyroid... sorry if you already mentioned this, but isn't there medicine that women can take for that, even when they are prego? I feel like I've read tons of other women with hypothyroidism who had babies.
Savvy and beaglemom, thanks for clarifying SMEP. I knew it had something to do with every other day, but didn't realize the other specifics right around O.

beaglemom, yay for the shift change for your DH soon! wuhu! I know that will help SO much, so I'm really happy to hear that for you. :)

FBG, when I was in your situation (just 2 wks ago), I started using the OPKs early too. I didnt want to miss it either, especially since I always O'd early on non-clomid cycles. As it turns out, I'm O'ing today, which is around the same time I was O'ing on the clomid. But I had plenty of cheapie OPKs, and once I got a pos on that, I confirmed it with the CB smiley. You'll be good to go with your OPKs and CB monitor. :)

Oh, and Savvy, I agree with beaglemom's description of the preseed applicators. It does sorta feel like its gonna come right out when you remove the applicator, LOL. But like she said, the liquid seems to stay in pretty good. I do try to lie down right after I put it in though, because it is more runny than most real CM. I also agree that you should start with a lower number on the applicator, see how you like it, and go up from there if you feel like you were ok w/ that amount. Practice with it, like you said. And yes, def use it a few days prior to O. My goal is to let those spermies live in there as long as they can, so if they have the preseed to swim and survive in, I always feel like its going to prolong that. Whether or not that is actually the case, who knows! But it gives me peace of mind. :winkwink: Also, I'm so excited you posted your chart in your siggy! I love looking at people's charts. When they are wondering something in their posts or asking questions, its so much easier to help when I can see a chart. :happydance:

To everyone else, hello! And I hope your cycle is going well. Keep on updating. :)
AFM, I woke up to another smiley face on my OPK. That's pretty typical for me to have the smiley two days in a row, and I'll usually O on the second day. I'm surprised that I O'd on cd14 without the clomid. It used to be cd10. But probably just had something to do with the m/c. Or who knows, maybe my body is following the same pattern this cycle just because it had gotten used to the clomid. Regardless, I am waiting for DH to get home this afternoon, and I'm praying that if the egg came super early this morning, that it will still be hanging out when he gets home. He normally makes it home by 4-5pm from these trips. But he left really early this morning, before anyone else was even awake, because he knew I was stressing over missing it. So he should make it home by 2:00 if he doesnt hit any traffic. Gotta love him.
Savvy and beaglemom, thanks for clarifying SMEP. I knew it had something to do with every other day, but didn't realize the other specifics right around O.

beaglemom, yay for the shift change for your DH soon! wuhu! I know that will help SO much, so I'm really happy to hear that for you. :)

FBG, when I was in your situation (just 2 wks ago), I started using the OPKs early too. I didnt want to miss it either, especially since I always O'd early on non-clomid cycles. As it turns out, I'm O'ing today, which is around the same time I was O'ing on the clomid. But I had plenty of cheapie OPKs, and once I got a pos on that, I confirmed it with the CB smiley. You'll be good to go with your OPKs and CB monitor. :)

Oh, and Savvy, I agree with beaglemom's description of the preseed applicators. It does sorta feel like its gonna come right out when you remove the applicator, LOL. But like she said, the liquid seems to stay in pretty good. I do try to lie down right after I put it in though, because it is more runny than most real CM. I also agree that you should start with a lower number on the applicator, see how you like it, and go up from there if you feel like you were ok w/ that amount. Practice with it, like you said. And yes, def use it a few days prior to O. My goal is to let those spermies live in there as long as they can, so if they have the preseed to swim and survive in, I always feel like its going to prolong that. Whether or not that is actually the case, who knows! But it gives me peace of mind. :winkwink: Also, I'm so excited you posted your chart in your siggy! I love looking at people's charts. When they are wondering something in their posts or asking questions, its so much easier to help when I can see a chart. :happydance:

To everyone else, hello! And I hope your cycle is going well. Keep on updating. :)

Looks like your ovulating today from the temp dip slightly. I am excited to see your temp spike in the am. It so silly what i feel like we get excited about anymore. Is your dh home yet? if he's not we know he's hurrying. Good luck and lots of baby dust!
Looks like your ovulating today from the temp dip slightly. I am excited to see your temp spike in the am. It so silly what i feel like we get excited about anymore. Is your dh home yet? if he's not we know he's hurrying. Good luck and lots of baby dust!

Thanks FBG! Yes, he's on his way! He left really early, before any of the others had even woken up. He's estimating he should get here around 2 if no traffic. And yes, I totally agree, it is funny the things we get excited about these days! I was praying my temp wouldn't jump this morning, because then I'd know I already O'ed, and I was afraid it wouldn't stick around long enough for DH to get home! So luckily there was that dip instead, hurray! And it will probably jump tomorrow. We shall see if we are lucky enough to catch it.
AFM, I woke up to another smiley face on my OPK. That's pretty typical for me to have the smiley two days in a row, and I'll usually O on the second day. I'm surprised that I O'd on cd14 without the clomid. It used to be cd10. But probably just had something to do with the m/c. Or who knows, maybe my body is following the same pattern this cycle just because it had gotten used to the clomid. Regardless, I am waiting for DH to get home this afternoon, and I'm praying that if the egg came super early this morning, that it will still be hanging out when he gets home. He normally makes it home by 4-5pm from these trips. But he left really early this morning, before anyone else was even awake, because he knew I was stressing over missing it. So he should make it home by 2:00 if he doesnt hit any traffic. Gotta love him.

What an awesome hubby you have! Fx'd that you catch the egg now!

Thanks for the confirmation of the preseed. I will start using it right away since I think I O early. That way I have a few days to try it out and adjust as needed! Also thanks for the tips on putting the chart in my signature, you made it super easy. Now is the hard part...remembering to take my temp when I wake up! :)
It has been a few days since I have been on. Just got caught up.

Savvy so sorry you got AF! I hate it and love AF all at the same time. Hate it bc I am not pregnant but love it because we can start again.

The SMEP sounds interesting and tiring. I have never heard of it.

Beaglemom My first experience with IUI was great. I honestly did not even know he was done. He put the spreaders in (that's what I call them lol) He did some stuff and then said ok I am done. I told him I didn't know he was even doing anything lol. I honestly was freaked out because of the stuff I read online. It said that you might cramp if your cervix is not open enough to get it through. So I was pleasantly surprised when I felt nothing. And like you know it didn't work. I firmly believe that it is because I ovulated days later. CD15 for me is too early. But honestly I don't know when I ovulate. Charting doesn't help because my temperature is all over the place. And then the OPKs never are +. I did get the fertile focus and think this might be better for me even though I am also doing the OPKs. That thing is so cool. I love looking through it!!

Gobo congratulations! H&H 9 months.

ERosePW Hoping you catch that egg. I am certain that you will!

So I have a funny story for you all. It is probably TMI but it is funny. So DH and I were BDing Friday. And right when we started he was like "why does it feel so soft? Not that you don't normally feel good but god." I said "its the robitussin" hahahaha (but it could be the EPO too.) I about lost it!
I'm on day 13 waiting to ovulate. I love these husbands that jump to on schedule:) xxx
Wow~ missed a week and had pages and pages to catch up on! Congrats on the BFPs sorry for those AF came!!

AFM - I had IUI #2 yesterday. Triggered on Thursday night in a restaurant bathroom! Very crampy yesterday. Feeling better today - but still a little crampy. Oh and hubbys post wash count was 55 million!! I had to ask a second time - I guess the no bike riding has been helping! (He used to ride his bike to work (10 miles each way). Anyways, on to the 2ww!! Feeling hopeful this cycle!
oh and of course - I temped this morning, but the temp left the screen before I could read it, so not sure if it went up or not. They will do blood work on thurs to confirm O since last month went so late.

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