January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Well sorry for the bfn this morning beaglemom. But you could very easily be getting a super sweet valentines surprise. :) I know I've said it a thousand times, but I think I'm almost as excited as you about the IUI, ha! I get really excited when people start IUI since it has such a high success rate, and from what you've said about your DH's SAs, I just can't help but feel like that's all you guys are gonna need! And you SO deserve it after all this time!

Savvy, I know, the charts are kinda boring at the beginning, lol. I can't wait to see your temp spike after you O though. That's always exciting!

Afm, I'm feeling good this morning, as my temp continued upward today, and FF gave me my CHs. Looks like I did O on the day I originally thought, so I'm 4dpo today. I'd feel better if DH had been in town, because I'm used to us BDing a lot more around O time. But that's ok. At least I know I had a good O, and he made it home early that day. That's something.

Beaglemom, I'm guessing you're probably going to start a new thread for IUI soon, I bet...? If you decide in a couple days that you're done with this one and you're moving on to your next cycle, let me know, and I could probably also start another one that's not specific to anything, but more just a thread for us girls to hang out and chat. I really want to keep up with you during your IUI journey. :flower:

I am on some IUI threads already...so don't feel like I will abandon you guys. I was thinking since we are all over the place with our cycle, to restart this thread the first of February. I guess it doesn't matter who starts it. So we need to think up a cute February title...I was thinking maybe something around V-Day...maybe February is for lovers...and making babies...I dunno...something cute. Anyone have some ideas? Obviously I hope a few of us drop off the TTC thread, but not because I don't like you :)
I think it is neat we are all in different parts of our cycle & all have different journeys. I don't want outsiders to think they can't join because they don't fit in. Which is another reason I like keeping the threads short. I feel so overwhelmed when I see a thread with like 2,000 responses.

I love that we have some who are trying for 3 months, some 13 months, some 10 YEARS (like me). Some of us are recovering from m/c, some of us are on hormonal roller coasters with fertility drugs, clomid, & IUI. We have PCOS, low count, no ovulating, weak ovulating, late ovulating. So I always just want the theme of our thread to be hope & support no matter what road you are taking. And I really hope that is what everyone is getting from this. There is nothing I hate more than reading discouraging responses to people or negativity. We are here to boost each other up. For me, it is SO much easier to create hope for someone else & be positive...even if I can't always do it for myself.

The nurse practitioner at the urologist yesterday gave us this huge pep talk. We never met her before so it was great to just have an outsider boost us up. She didn't give false hope or was super negative. She said IUI is a great start, you are still young, and if IUI doesn't work, listen to your doctor & stay aggressive. If you need a fertility clinic, JUST DO IT!

Ok...now enough rambling...I have SO MUCH to do at work between today & tomorrow so I need to stay off here (ha, ha...I've said that before).
I agree, I like that we're all at different points in our cycle too. :) And some of our journeys are the same, and others' are different. It's nice to be able to share our experiences and get insight from each other. That sounds good to me then. We'll keep this one going until Feb and then start a new one. I like that it'll have a valentines theme. :)
I love the positive vibes I get from the threads each month! Here our little group started back in November and we have grown, learned and remained positive! Everyone has a different journey but we all want the same thing and I am hoping to see tons of bfps over the next month or two!

I think a Valentine's thread would be perfect. It is nice to keep the thread shorter like you said to encourage more woman to join us on their journeys!
Hi ladies sorry i have been absent. i really didn't/dont have anything to report. finally stopped getting pinkish red cm the day before last so hopefully this cycle can be a lucky one. if not i hate to say it we may stop trying for 3 months (bc i am silly and dont want a Nov-Jan baby).
i have an appt with ob gyn on Wednesday. dh has decided he needs to accompany me so i guess we will see how that goes. what else is new with everyone?
Hi ladies sorry i have been absent. i really didn't/dont have anything to report. finally stopped getting pinkish red cm the day before last so hopefully this cycle can be a lucky one. if not i hate to say it we may stop trying for 3 months (bc i am silly and dont want a Nov-Jan baby).
i have an appt with ob gyn on Wednesday. dh has decided he needs to accompany me so i guess we will see how that goes. what else is new with everyone?

When you say stop trying does that mean using birth control or just not tracking anything? Because if still no bc, you may just fall prego without trying :)

I understand not really wanting a baby in those months...it won't stop me from trying, but I think the one thing that would drive me crazy is a late Dec early Jan baby...only because if my kid comes in January I will be mad I can't claim it on the previous year tax return :p

Good luck with your appointment...and good luck whether you take a break or keep going.
Hey ladies, haven't been updating much. Things are uneventful here. Just waiting for O, which will be in a week or so. Boring. Lol

Funny you say that though, beaglemom. My bday is December 31. I was due dec 19, so when I was already that late, my mom told them that they better get me out before the new year bc she wasn't going to wait another year got her tax break. Hahaha!
Hey ladies, haven't been updating much. Things are uneventful here. Just waiting for O, which will be in a week or so. Boring. Lol

Funny you say that though, beaglemom. My bday is December 31. I was due dec 19, so when I was already that late, my mom told them that they better get me out before the new year bc she wasn't going to wait another year got her tax break. Hahaha!

Haha that's hilarious! I would be mad too, if I had an early January baby. But at this point I'd take a :baby: anytime :) Fun fact, my hubby was born dec 19!! I actually have a lot of friends born that day, my theory is spring break has something to do with it :sex:

I agree savvy, at least with the TWW you know you have a chance!! Waiting for a positive OPK is nerve-wracking cause I'm afraid it just won't happen. And I also love that everyone is in completely different places, it gives me something else to focus on and be excited for when I'm in a boring place in my cycle.
I really enjoy this thread and all the positives in it. I'm glad I found it. 6dpo and nothing to report. Haven't really been symptom spotting this cycle just going with it. Speaking of due dates lol if I did get a BFP this cycle then my due date would be early October. DH and my birthdays are 2 weeks apart his late September and mine in October so LO would come in between them not to mention that almost my whole families birthdays are in October as well. We have 6 birthdays all within a month.
At first my DH did not want a summer baby since he travels a lot for work in the summer, so I finally think I am in the clear and then he says he really didn't want a fall baby either since he enjoys hunting and likes to go away a few weekends in the fall. I finally told him we are always busy and once our little miracle is born, all the things we always used to do will just be different but we can still do things we love. Plus I told my hubby that it will be our luck for my due date to be right in the middle of November (his biggest hunting week!).

Hi Allison and FBG...I am just sitting here waiting to O too. Used a cheapie opk and it wasn't positive but looked dark...going to start using the clearblue opks tomorrow morning! FBG, I sure hope this is your month...remember we are extra fertile for like 3-6 months after a m/c!

Frustrated, our family has a ton of birthdays that first week or so of October too...including mine...my baby born around then would be the best birthday present ever! :)

(TMI alert) I am still spotting - would that delay O? I usually never had AF this long, I am on CD6. Was planning on BDing tonight since my new doctor told me I could O as early as CD6-12, but I am afraid of making a terrible mess, but I don't want to miss our chance!
Hi all :).

I'm new here... I hope I'm posting this to the right section! If not, please forgive me! I'll share a little of my journey.

My husband and I are TTC. This is our first month officially charting and trying, but we've been hopeful for almost 6 months now. Although it's very early in our journey, I'm worried we may be infertile due to my fibroids and this makes me feel sorta guilty. I know that because we are new to the process there is a lot we can still do to try and make a baby, but I still wonder. I'm 23 and my husband is 28.

I O'd around the 4th of this month and am just DYING to take a test. Lots of cramping, bloating, and moodiness. But again, this could all be because I'm about to pass another fibroid (yuck). This two week wait thing is awful, right?

Joined this site to get some support from other hopeful mothers :)

Baby dust to all~~*
At first my DH did not want a summer baby since he travels a lot for work in the summer, so I finally think I am in the clear and then he says he really didn't want a fall baby either since he enjoys hunting and likes to go away a few weekends in the fall. I finally told him we are always busy and once our little miracle is born, all the things we always used to do will just be different but we can still do things we love. Plus I told my hubby that it will be our luck for my due date to be right in the middle of November (his biggest hunting week!).

Hi Allison and FBG...I am just sitting here waiting to O too. Used a cheapie opk and it wasn't positive but looked dark...going to start using the clearblue opks tomorrow morning! FBG, I sure hope this is your month...remember we are extra fertile for like 3-6 months after a m/c!

Frustrated, our family has a ton of birthdays that first week or so of October too...including mine...my baby born around then would be the best birthday present ever! :)

(TMI alert) I am still spotting - would that delay O? I usually never had AF this long, I am on CD6. Was planning on BDing tonight since my new doctor told me I could O as early as CD6-12, but I am afraid of making a terrible mess, but I don't want to miss our chance!

My husband doesn't want me pregnant in the summer...at least not the big months...I think because he knows I will be moody anyways & the heat will make me worse. But we have a pool :)

As far as spotting, if it is pink, I may hold off. If it has started going brown, I may go for it...also depends on if it will bother her husband. If neither of you care, just grab a towel...after about 15-20 min if it were me, I would probably hop in the shower.
Hi all :).

I'm new here... I hope I'm posting this to the right section! If not, please forgive me! I'll share a little of my journey.

My husband and I are TTC. This is our first month officially charting and trying, but we've been hopeful for almost 6 months now. Although it's very early in our journey, I'm worried we may be infertile due to my fibroids and this makes me feel sorta guilty. I know that because we are new to the process there is a lot we can still do to try and make a baby, but I still wonder. I'm 23 and my husband is 28.

I O'd around the 4th of this month and am just DYING to take a test. Lots of cramping, bloating, and moodiness. But again, this could all be because I'm about to pass another fibroid (yuck). This two week wait thing is awful, right?

Joined this site to get some support from other hopeful mothers :)

Baby dust to all~~*

Kita, after being at this for a while & being on the threads, if I were you I would make an appt to talk to your dr if you have not already. I think any woman who has good reason to feel there is an issue, shouldn't waste 6-12 months naturally trying without talking to a dr first. And I think fibroids would be a good hint to speak to a dr. Personally, for us, we had nothing to indicate a problem in the beginning. So if no reason to think there is a problem, I say give it a good go first. Of course, I also do not think 6 months is a long time & someone should jump right to fertility treatment. But if you are over 35, or have had any issues with your cycle or anything related to that, just talk to a dr first. They may say you are fine to keep going naturally. But it is always good to make them aware.
Hi all :).

I'm new here... I hope I'm posting this to the right section! If not, please forgive me! I'll share a little of my journey.

My husband and I are TTC. This is our first month officially charting and trying, but we've been hopeful for almost 6 months now. Although it's very early in our journey, I'm worried we may be infertile due to my fibroids and this makes me feel sorta guilty. I know that because we are new to the process there is a lot we can still do to try and make a baby, but I still wonder. I'm 23 and my husband is 28.

I O'd around the 4th of this month and am just DYING to take a test. Lots of cramping, bloating, and moodiness. But again, this could all be because I'm about to pass another fibroid (yuck). This two week wait thing is awful, right?

Joined this site to get some support from other hopeful mothers :)

Baby dust to all~~*

Kita, after being at this for a while & being on the threads, if I were you I would make an appt to talk to your dr if you have not already. I think any woman who has good reason to feel there is an issue, shouldn't waste 6-12 months naturally trying without talking to a dr first. And I think fibroids would be a good hint to speak to a dr. Personally, for us, we had nothing to indicate a problem in the beginning. So if no reason to think there is a problem, I say give it a good go first. Of course, I also do not think 6 months is a long time & someone should jump right to fertility treatment. But if you are over 35, or have had any issues with your cycle or anything related to that, just talk to a dr first. They may say you are fine to keep going naturally. But it is always good to make them aware.

I agree, we had only been trying for 9 months when we went to the dr, but I had gone almost 90 days without AF (and definitely wasn't preggo). At first he just wanted us to keep trying, but I asked him at what point of not having a cycle do I come back?? He didn't have an answer for that, so he said we could try Provera/Clomid. I think after the first round didn't make me O, he realized there probably was an issue. For some reason I always had a feeling it would take some effort for me to get pregnant, not sure why!!
Hi all :).

I'm new here... I hope I'm posting this to the right section! If not, please forgive me! I'll share a little of my journey.

My husband and I are TTC. This is our first month officially charting and trying, but we've been hopeful for almost 6 months now. Although it's very early in our journey, I'm worried we may be infertile due to my fibroids and this makes me feel sorta guilty. I know that because we are new to the process there is a lot we can still do to try and make a baby, but I still wonder. I'm 23 and my husband is 28.

I O'd around the 4th of this month and am just DYING to take a test. Lots of cramping, bloating, and moodiness. But again, this could all be because I'm about to pass another fibroid (yuck). This two week wait thing is awful, right?

Joined this site to get some support from other hopeful mothers :)

Baby dust to all~~*

Kita, after being at this for a while & being on the threads, if I were you I would make an appt to talk to your dr if you have not already. I think any woman who has good reason to feel there is an issue, shouldn't waste 6-12 months naturally trying without talking to a dr first. And I think fibroids would be a good hint to speak to a dr. Personally, for us, we had nothing to indicate a problem in the beginning. So if no reason to think there is a problem, I say give it a good go first. Of course, I also do not think 6 months is a long time & someone should jump right to fertility treatment. But if you are over 35, or have had any issues with your cycle or anything related to that, just talk to a dr first. They may say you are fine to keep going naturally. But it is always good to make them aware.

I agree, we had only been trying for 9 months when we went to the dr, but I had gone almost 90 days without AF (and definitely wasn't preggo). At first he just wanted us to keep trying, but I asked him at what point of not having a cycle do I come back?? He didn't have an answer for that, so he said we could try Provera/Clomid. I think after the first round didn't make me O, he realized there probably was an issue. For some reason I always had a feeling it would take some effort for me to get pregnant, not sure why!!

I have never had any issues with my cycle or that dept...but for some reason I always thought I would have issues to...felt it since I was in high school. But now I am trying so hard to get those thoughts out of my mind.
My husband doesn't want me pregnant in the summer...at least not the big months...I think because he knows I will be moody anyways & the heat will make me worse. But we have a pool :)

As far as spotting, if it is pink, I may hold off. If it has started going brown, I may go for it...also depends on if it will bother her husband. If neither of you care, just grab a towel...after about 15-20 min if it were me, I would probably hop in the shower.

My hubby told me the same thing, we really wanted to get pregnant back in September/October since then I would be due before the summer heat even started. Right now I could care less and I just want to be pregnant already! Whatever I have to deal with, whatever month my baby is born, boy or girl, one or more, I will be so thankful and right now that is all that matters to me! :)

Not happy - I really wanted to start my SMEP plan tonight but the spotting is more red turning darker and really only when I wipe but it is quite a bit so heavy spotting I guess? I never get this, so I am very confused. Thanks for the suggestions but maybe I am better holding off? Plus I am getting cramps, so odd for me so late in my cycle.
My husband doesn't want me pregnant in the summer...at least not the big months...I think because he knows I will be moody anyways & the heat will make me worse. But we have a pool :)

As far as spotting, if it is pink, I may hold off. If it has started going brown, I may go for it...also depends on if it will bother her husband. If neither of you care, just grab a towel...after about 15-20 min if it were me, I would probably hop in the shower.

My hubby told me the same thing, we really wanted to get pregnant back in September/October since then I would be due before the summer heat even started. Right now I could care less and I just want to be pregnant already! Whatever I have to deal with, whatever month my baby is born, boy or girl, one or more, I will be so thankful and right now that is all that matters to me! :)

Not happy - I really wanted to start my SMEP plan tonight but the spotting is more red turning darker and really only when I wipe but it is quite a bit so heavy spotting I guess? I never get this, so I am very confused. Thanks for the suggestions but maybe I am better holding off? Plus I am getting cramps, so odd for me so late in my cycle.

Your body is probably still adjusting.
Thanks beaglemom, I am just worrying about everything over here. I think I need to relax and let things happen this month! :)
Thanks beaglemom, I am just worrying about everything over here. I think I need to relax and let things happen this month! :)

I am not much of a morning person, but if you guys are, you could always see how things are going for you in the morning.

I am sure for people in your situation may be more anxious because now you know it CAN happen...so you want it to happen again as soon as possible.

I think all of us could use a little more relaxing ;)
Hi ladies!

Savvy, sorry about your spotting! :/

Erin, glad you got your thermal shift!

Beaglemom…hope you get it worked out with your doc before leaving on vacation! I want you to be able to just relax in the mountains, not worry about TTC!

Welcome Kita! Glad to have you on board.

Yeah, I too feared that I would have trouble conceiving before I even started. Didn't have any signs of abnormalities…regular cycles and all…just a feeling. Strange that so many of us experienced that. For anyone who just started trying, not trying to be a downer!! It's probably just a very common fear for females.

AFM, AF arrived this morning. Even though I was pretty sure I was out after the test on Tuesday at the doctor's office, it's nice to not be in limbo anymore. I also got the results back from the lab on the cervical biopsies they did yesterday. My doctor was hoping that it would be mild or moderate (in which case we would just have to monitor it) but it turned out to be severe dysplasia. (From my understanding, just meaning abnormal cells.)

So I will have to have a procedure done to scrape them off. Of course, my first thought was, "Is this cancer?" She said there was a very slim chance, but it was very unlikely. She said that if untreated, they could develop into cancer. The biopsied cells were definitely not cancerous, and she said that she biopsied the worst part, so the chances are very small that the other cells they scrape off will be cancerous. The good thing is, she said that the procedure should not make it harder to conceive. She said that it is theoretically possible, but that she has never seen it. Also good, I will be able to have that and the D&C polyp removal procedure done at the same time, so I will only have to go under once.

She said they are very minor procedures, but I still hate hearing things like severe abnormal cells. My mom passed away from cancer (though not a genetically inherited form) when I was a teenager, so I am very sensitive to anything that could even possibly be "the C word." But I'm just going to try not to make it bigger in my mind than it is. I'm going to try to put it out of my mind and enjoy my trip and trust in God.

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