January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Ladies, I was right about AF. She is HERE! I have never been so excited to see her. Of course a :bfp: would have been nice, but I am now on the countdown to IUI!!! Also, with her being early, I do not have to be as concerned about an early O...my luteal phase was 15-16 days which is good. Also I have today & tomorrow to get the bad cramps out of the way for smooth sailing on vacation. I am also relieved the fertilitea did not mess up my cycle. It can screw it up for some people. So a very weird 1st cycle after clomid with 26 days as opposed to 28 - 29 days before clomid. The tea could have affected that as well. Early O at CD 11. I feel so great right now, I can't even tell you! Of course, I also feel AF about to turn her wrath on me, so I will get my usual ibprofen now & some mt dew & a hershey's at lunch. Then tonight I will bring home some take out, take a hot showr, put on some comfy warm pjs, & relax on my couch with my husband & 3 pups. February is going to be a great month for us, ladies! I hope my positive vibes really rub off on everyone else.

I am sorry...I am just too excited right now!


Yay! So excited for you and your hubby.
I need some help. I did my fertile focus last night like you all know and it was positive and this morning had more ferns but no + opk. Do you all think I am O? I am on CD20 today of a 36 day cycle. Maybe it all the water I have been drinking that's diluting my opk?? Don't you all just love the what if game? Lol
I need some help. I did my fertile focus last night like you all know and it was positive and this morning had more ferns but no + opk. Do you all think I am O? I am on CD20 today of a 36 day cycle. Maybe it all the water I have been drinking that's diluting my opk?? Don't you all just love the what if game? Lol

I would play it safe & count this as ovulating. You can also keep using the fern method & opks the next couple of days & see what happens. If the fern goes away & still no pos opk, you can pretty much assume now is O time. It is good you have another method to compare & confirm. You may def be diluting your sample...not sure. I have the monitor, so I do a test with fmu...then if I back up with opks, I use my first morning bathroom break at work. That is usually after coffee around 10-11. So I have about a 3-4 hour build up. Then I will do it again my first break after lunch which would be about 4 in the afternoon.
I need some help. I did my fertile focus last night like you all know and it was positive and this morning had more ferns but no + opk. Do you all think I am O? I am on CD20 today of a 36 day cycle. Maybe it all the water I have been drinking that's diluting my opk?? Don't you all just love the what if game? Lol

I would say that how much you drink could definitely alter your opks.
Last night I just felt like I was ovulating. I had some major cramping especially on my right side. So yesterday I took 5 ovulation tests. 3 opks and 2 saliva. I got the + saliva in the evening when I felt like I was ovulating. I have been drinking a lot of water to help with my cm. I have seen a difference but I am still using preseed also. I want to do the baking soda douche tonight before dh and I bd. I wanted to wait to do that for when I got a + opk but oh well.
I need some help. I did my fertile focus last night like you all know and it was positive and this morning had more ferns but no + opk. Do you all think I am O? I am on CD20 today of a 36 day cycle. Maybe it all the water I have been drinking that's diluting my opk?? Don't you all just love the what if game? Lol

I would play it safe & count this as ovulating. You can also keep using the fern method & opks the next couple of days & see what happens. If the fern goes away & still no pos opk, you can pretty much assume now is O time. It is good you have another method to compare & confirm. You may def be diluting your sample...not sure. I have the monitor, so I do a test with fmu...then if I back up with opks, I use my first morning bathroom break at work. That is usually after coffee around 10-11. So I have about a 3-4 hour build up. Then I will do it again my first break after lunch which would be about 4 in the afternoon.

I wanted to be very sure this month about O. Never gotten a + opk before so I thought what the heck why not spend $21 on this saliva based test to see if it works. You can use it as much as you want too. And I did see the change. Now if it is accurate I don't know. But all I can say is that I do not feel cramping like I did yesterday. And I had a bad headache. I noticed my nipples felt a little sore too. My breast are more tender today and a few breakouts. I just feel like I did O. I am going to take another OPK later today around 7ish when I get home. Going to try and hold it for 3-4 hours and drink very little water. See what it says. Either way though I have the stuff for the BSD so I am going to just do that tonight too. I rather be safe then sorry in like a week when I am like dang it I did O and didn't do the BSD.
I wish TTC wasn't so confusing! If you are thinking you are ovulating try to fit in a day or two of BDing.

I sometimes think that I drink to much to get a positive opk. I drink quite a bit of water throughout the day and unfortunately my bladder is quite small. If I don't drink much 3 hours is about my max, if I am drinking then it is much less. The lines were always driving me crazy, looking 'almost' positive...but not quite. I am using the clearblue opk's this time to see if I get a smiley positive. I might check out the saliva kit though.

Good luck, keep us posted on the opk status. :)
I wish TTC wasn't so confusing! If you are thinking you are ovulating try to fit in a day or two of BDing.

I sometimes think that I drink to much to get a positive opk. I drink quite a bit of water throughout the day and unfortunately my bladder is quite small. If I don't drink much 3 hours is about my max, if I am drinking then it is much less. The lines were always driving me crazy, looking 'almost' positive...but not quite. I am using the clearblue opk's this time to see if I get a smiley positive. I might check out the saliva kit though.

Good luck, keep us posted on the opk status. :)

Savvy it is sooooo confusing. I have never felt like I know so much and so little at the same time before. I am a very petite women. My RE even wanted to test me for some chromosome that can cause me to be so small. I am only 4'11. I teach and some of the kids who are in second grade are as tall as me lol. So I have practice holding my bladder but I have tried to drink A LOT of water this month. I have cut out almost all caffeine too. I don't know what water does to me but it makes me have to go all of the time lol. I always get like a faint line, not super faint but medium faint on opks... if that makes sense lol. I will keep you all posted to see what they say the next couple days. I am thinking I will test until Monday CD23 to see if I get a +. I love the saliva test. I have found myself getting so excited to test with it. I do it first thing in the morning. Then in the evening. I try not to eat or drink for like 2 hrs. before I test with it. Super easy to use and easy to read results. I thought it would be hard but its not.
I am very curious about the saliva test. I thought they would be confusing.

There is also a first response digital yes/no ovulation test. I found good prices on amazon for them. I have never tried them, though.
I am very curious about the saliva test. I thought they would be confusing.

There is also a first response digital yes/no ovulation test. I found good prices on amazon for them. I have never tried them, though.

Oh my gosh it is so easy and I love it. The one that I have is Fertile Focus. I got it from Walgreens for 20.99 plus and additional 14% off. It comes in a lipstick looking tube. You take the lid off then the pull the microscope thing out. turn it over and take some saliva from under your tongue. I use my pinky. I put just a drop of saliva as close to the center as I can with no air bubbles. I do not put it back in the tube until it is dry. It usually dries in like 10 min. Then I put the microscope back in put it very close to my eye and press the button. Then twist the zoom thing to get an image. If you are not fertile it will look like spots all over. If you are transitional about to ovulate you will see a mixture of ferns and spots. If you are fertile it will be all ferns. It changes due to the increase in estrogen before you ovulate and when you ovulate. Its really cool!
I will have to check out amazon for those first response tests. Thanks!
Oh I meant to say that I have tried the digital ones but it has been years and I got to so upset seeing circle after circle and no smiley face that I kind of gave up. I think I gave up too soon. And I was not on any ovulation medications.
I am very curious about the saliva test. I thought they would be confusing.

There is also a first response digital yes/no ovulation test. I found good prices on amazon for them. I have never tried them, though.

When I bought my tests I researched a bit and noticed that the first response digital yes/no opks had terrible customer reviews. I think a few customers mentioned that once you get a positive test the whole testing unit turns off so you can't use the rest of the sticks in the box. Erin told me about the clearblue tests and I really like them so far...waiting to get my smiley though! I do think amazon has better prices for some of the tests, combine that with amazon prime 2 day free shipping...not having to go to the store is a bonus to me! :)
Savvy it is sooooo confusing. I have never felt like I know so much and so little at the same time before. I am a very petite women. My RE even wanted to test me for some chromosome that can cause me to be so small. I am only 4'11. I teach and some of the kids who are in second grade are as tall as me lol. So I have practice holding my bladder but I have tried to drink A LOT of water this month. I have cut out almost all caffeine too. I don't know what water does to me but it makes me have to go all of the time lol. I always get like a faint line, not super faint but medium faint on opks... if that makes sense lol. I will keep you all posted to see what they say the next couple days. I am thinking I will test until Monday CD23 to see if I get a +. I love the saliva test. I have found myself getting so excited to test with it. I do it first thing in the morning. Then in the evening. I try not to eat or drink for like 2 hrs. before I test with it. Super easy to use and easy to read results. I thought it would be hard but its not.

What is funny is that I am super tall (5'-9") and I still have a tiny bladder - it is actually a joke in our family since we are always all running to the restroom! If I want to drink anything at all I can't hold it long. My best bet is to run some errands and not drink, then test when I get home after a few hours. I think I will have to check the saliva test out, though I am hoping after this cycle I don't need it!! :)

Can't remember if I mentioned it or not...I am using clearblue opk in the morning and wondfo opk in the afternoon. If I get a positive looking wondfo I would double confirm with a clearblue.
Beaglemom, on to the next cycle, and yay for IUI!!! You said you got your clomid, right? I'm getting so excited! Can't wait to hear about that bfp!! It's gonna be happening really soon, I can feel it. :)

misaacs, how's the opk going? Still neg? Is the saliva still pos? I agree that you should just keep BDing and assume you're at ovulation time, but maybe just keep testing, like you said, for a few more days. I use the CB digital with smilies, and I'll use a cheapie in the evenings too, basically same as savvy. If I were to see a pos on the cheapie at night, then I'd use the CB to back it up at night too. But this month, I got my smiley around 1pm (I was waiting for a new kit to come in the mail from amazon). And I tested again the next morning with fmu, and it was still a smiley. I've had real good luck with the CB in most cycles. I've always been curious about the saliva test. I'm just so fascinated at what our bodies do, and the ways we can detect it! I also temp, and I'm always amazed when my temp jumps the next day, even though I've been doing it for months, lol!

When I entered my temp this morning, FF changed my O day to cd16. Which makes more sense to me anyway. My coverline seemed a bit low when comparing to my other charts. And my post-O temps are more consistent with my other charts now too. Thank goodness I was feeling cramps that day and thinking I might O that day (since my temps weren't as high as usual). If I hadn't had a suspicion, we may not have BD that day. But I had told DH I thought the egg might be taking its sweet time, so we did BD that evening when I got home from work. And the next morning was when my temp went up to my more typical post-O temp. So I at least feel better about our bd schedule than I did before. We got some spermies in there 2 days prior (since DH rushed home), and then on the day of. :) Feeling better about that.
I think I got a + opk this morning with fmu. I went yesterday and bought the cheapies from Walgreens since I only had 1 left of the ones from earlypregnancytest.com. I took a picture of it to ask you all about it but I can not figure out how to put pictures on here. Ugh!! I also took my temp. this morning but it was 98.something. Do you all think I have already O sine my temp. is up. I have kind of been taking it here and there.
But dh and I bd again last night. I did the BSD before. I also used preseed and I let it stay in there before we did anything. DH was so tired but I told him to take one for the team lol.
Not too happy, I was out late last night and didn't get home until 1am (I am not a night owl!) - still woke up at my usual 6am time and actually remembered to take my temp but it was a lot lower than before. Then I totally forgot about my opk and remembered about an hour ago, the clearblue flashed an error message and the wondfo had a super faint line...I sure hope I didn't miss O! I had AF/spotting until Thursday and now my lines are getting faint? Not totally freaking out yet...testing this afternoon again.

Edit - After seeing my chart I am thinking I couldn't have O'd since my temp is getting lower? Sorry, I am so confused - first time ever temping!
Beagle have a great vacation and good luck with the IUI - you know where to come with questions! I was on 100mg clomid day 3-7 and took the trigger this month on day 9 with the IUI on day 11. SO I am now 7 dpIUI. Nothing really to report.
I am very curious about the saliva test. I thought they would be confusing.

There is also a first response digital yes/no ovulation test. I found good prices on amazon for them. I have never tried them, though.

When I bought my tests I researched a bit and noticed that the first response digital yes/no opks had terrible customer reviews. I think a few customers mentioned that once you get a positive test the whole testing unit turns off so you can't use the rest of the sticks in the box. Erin told me about the clearblue tests and I really like them so far...waiting to get my smiley though! I do think amazon has better prices for some of the tests, combine that with amazon prime 2 day free shipping...not having to go to the store is a bonus to me! :)

you are totally right. I remember now. That's why I didn't buy them. I have some dip tests by answer for back up to my monitor. I am really interested in the saliva test.
Beaglemom, on to the next cycle, and yay for IUI!!! You said you got your clomid, right? I'm getting so excited! Can't wait to hear about that bfp!! It's gonna be happening really soon, I can feel it. :)

misaacs, how's the opk going? Still neg? Is the saliva still pos? I agree that you should just keep BDing and assume you're at ovulation time, but maybe just keep testing, like you said, for a few more days. I use the CB digital with smilies, and I'll use a cheapie in the evenings too, basically same as savvy. If I were to see a pos on the cheapie at night, then I'd use the CB to back it up at night too. But this month, I got my smiley around 1pm (I was waiting for a new kit to come in the mail from amazon). And I tested again the next morning with fmu, and it was still a smiley. I've had real good luck with the CB in most cycles. I've always been curious about the saliva test. I'm just so fascinated at what our bodies do, and the ways we can detect it! I also temp, and I'm always amazed when my temp jumps the next day, even though I've been doing it for months, lol!

When I entered my temp this morning, FF changed my O day to cd16. Which makes more sense to me anyway. My coverline seemed a bit low when comparing to my other charts. And my post-O temps are more consistent with my other charts now too. Thank goodness I was feeling cramps that day and thinking I might O that day (since my temps weren't as high as usual). If I hadn't had a suspicion, we may not have BD that day. But I had told DH I thought the egg might be taking its sweet time, so we did BD that evening when I got home from work. And the next morning was when my temp went up to my more typical post-O temp. So I at least feel better about our bd schedule than I did before. We got some spermies in there 2 days prior (since DH rushed home), and then on the day of. :) Feeling better about that.

glad you were able to O a little later to get more time. cd 16 is a decent O day too.
Do you all think that I already O or am O based off of my last post?? Sorry I just need some help. Don't know what it means...

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