January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

I did get my clomid, so I am good to go with vacation. I wish my period would go ahead & start if this cycle is a bust. I hate the first couple of days, so I would rather that happen before vacation (we leave Sunday). But if it doesn't start, what a crazy bag I will be packing...clomid, tampons, pads, my monitor & strips, & pregnancy tests.
Hi ladies!

Savvy, sorry about your spotting! :/

Erin, glad you got your thermal shift!

Beaglemom…hope you get it worked out with your doc before leaving on vacation! I want you to be able to just relax in the mountains, not worry about TTC!

Welcome Kita! Glad to have you on board.

Yeah, I too feared that I would have trouble conceiving before I even started. Didn't have any signs of abnormalities…regular cycles and all…just a feeling. Strange that so many of us experienced that. For anyone who just started trying, not trying to be a downer!! It's probably just a very common fear for females.

AFM, AF arrived this morning. Even though I was pretty sure I was out after the test on Tuesday at the doctor's office, it's nice to not be in limbo anymore. I also got the results back from the lab on the cervical biopsies they did yesterday. My doctor was hoping that it would be mild or moderate (in which case we would just have to monitor it) but it turned out to be severe dysplasia. (From my understanding, just meaning abnormal cells.)

So I will have to have a procedure done to scrape them off. Of course, my first thought was, "Is this cancer?" She said there was a very slim chance, but it was very unlikely. She said that if untreated, they could develop into cancer. The biopsied cells were definitely not cancerous, and she said that she biopsied the worst part, so the chances are very small that the other cells they scrape off will be cancerous. The good thing is, she said that the procedure should not make it harder to conceive. She said that it is theoretically possible, but that she has never seen it. Also good, I will be able to have that and the D&C polyp removal procedure done at the same time, so I will only have to go under once.

She said they are very minor procedures, but I still hate hearing things like severe abnormal cells. My mom passed away from cancer (though not a genetically inherited form) when I was a teenager, so I am very sensitive to anything that could even possibly be "the C word." But I'm just going to try not to make it bigger in my mind than it is. I'm going to try to put it out of my mind and enjoy my trip and trust in God.

That seems like a very stressful bag of information...but also seems positive. Hopefully everything can be taken care of so you can get moving. Your dr seems very sure you are in no danger.
Savvy, I've had the same issue. This cycle and the last the spotting kept up until about cd9. It's weird. It didn't seem to affect O last cycle though for me, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Allison, thanks for your help. Hoping by tomorrow AF is over, or at least these cramps! :)

beaglemom, so great you and your DH get a nice relaxing vacation! Do you plan on testing before you leave?
Sara, I am sorry to hear about your test results and AF showing up. Glad that you are able to have both procedures done after your vacation. Hopefully after all that is taken care of properly you are able to go on to get your bfp! I can't remember when you leave, so just in case I miss it, have a great trip and enjoy a fruity drink or two! :)
Allison, thanks for your help. Hoping by tomorrow AF is over, or at least these cramps! :)

beaglemom, so great you and your DH get a nice relaxing vacation! Do you plan on testing before you leave?

Probably again sat morning...used a cheap test today and got neg
Hey ladies!!

beaglemom sorry about your BFN. That really sucks. But you are onto IUI. I was bloated after. I actually had to do the hair tie through the jeans button trick. Lol

So I have been taking 3-4 ovulation tests a day. 2 opks and 1-2 saliva tests on my fertile focus. I have not got a + opk but tonight I felt like I was ovulating. Major cramping especially on my right side. So I did another opk test which was neg but I have major ferns on my fertile focus which means ovulation!!! I keep looking at it. Lol. I think that I never get a + is because I can't hold my pee long enough. But maybe I will get a + opk tomorrow. But dh and I bd'd tonight. I used my preseed and input in a soft up. I honestly was beginning to freak out about me not O. I called me RE and asked what to do and they to wait through the weekend to see if I get a +. We are going to bd the next 2 days just to be safe. I hope it works!!
Hey ladies!!

beaglemom sorry about your BFN. That really sucks. But you are onto IUI. I was bloated after. I actually had to do the hair tie through the jeans button trick. Lol

So I have been taking 3-4 ovulation tests a day. 2 opks and 1-2 saliva tests on my fertile focus. I have not got a + opk but tonight I felt like I was ovulating. Major cramping especially on my right side. So I did another opk test which was neg but I have major ferns on my fertile focus which means ovulation!!! I keep looking at it. Lol. I think that I never get a + is because I can't hold my pee long enough. But maybe I will get a + opk tomorrow. But dh and I bd'd tonight. I used my preseed and input in a soft up. I honestly was beginning to freak out about me not O. I called me RE and asked what to do and they to wait through the weekend to see if I get a +. We are going to bd the next 2 days just to be safe. I hope it works!!

I have heard a lot of people being bloated. I may have to wear skirts. Did they tell you to abstain any before the iui? If they don't say different, we willty to have at least a day in between. We are dealing with low counts.
Hey ladies!!

beaglemom sorry about your BFN. That really sucks. But you are onto IUI. I was bloated after. I actually had to do the hair tie through the jeans button trick. Lol

So I have been taking 3-4 ovulation tests a day. 2 opks and 1-2 saliva tests on my fertile focus. I have not got a + opk but tonight I felt like I was ovulating. Major cramping especially on my right side. So I did another opk test which was neg but I have major ferns on my fertile focus which means ovulation!!! I keep looking at it. Lol. I think that I never get a + is because I can't hold my pee long enough. But maybe I will get a + opk tomorrow. But dh and I bd'd tonight. I used my preseed and input in a soft up. I honestly was beginning to freak out about me not O. I called me RE and asked what to do and they to wait through the weekend to see if I get a +. We are going to bd the next 2 days just to be safe. I hope it works!!

I have heard a lot of people being bloated. I may have to wear skirts. Did they tell you to abstain any before the iui? If they don't say different, we willty to have at least a day in between. We are dealing with low counts.

I believe my RE said 2 days but we did almost 3 days. I think any longer than that and it can start hurting the sperm. I am honestly not sure how long you can go with not "going" before it hurts. Might want to look that up and maybe do like 4 or 5 days to have better counts. Hope that helps :)
Hi ladies sorry i have been absent. i really didn't/dont have anything to report. finally stopped getting pinkish red cm the day before last so hopefully this cycle can be a lucky one. if not i hate to say it we may stop trying for 3 months (bc i am silly and dont want a Nov-Jan baby).
i have an appt with ob gyn on Wednesday. dh has decided he needs to accompany me so i guess we will see how that goes. what else is new with everyone?

When you say stop trying does that mean using birth control or just not tracking anything? Because if still no bc, you may just fall prego without trying :)

I understand not really wanting a baby in those months...it won't stop me from trying, but I think the one thing that would drive me crazy is a late Dec early Jan baby...only because if my kid comes in January I will be mad I can't claim it on the previous year tax return :p

Good luck with your appointment...and good luck whether you take a break or keep going.

no bc no way now how would i go back on any bc. we just would stop trying. if it happened it wouldn't be the worst thing just not planned or want i wanted. like i always say god has a plan for me so if that's what it is then he will have his way.
I agree, I like that we're all at different points in our cycle too. :) And some of our journeys are the same, and others' are different. It's nice to be able to share our experiences and get insight from each other. That sounds good to me then. We'll keep this one going until Feb and then start a new one. I like that it'll have a valentines theme. :)

i love ur chart last month i had a spike 4-5dpo 7dpo brownish ib.... then bfp. . . oh i hope u get one with a sticky baby!
So I had a very vivid dream last night that I went in for the IUI & I had 2 eggs in there that were both fertilized & I got pregnant with twins...a boy & girl.

I am sure it is because right before bed I had been googling IUI...but it was still a good dream to have.

I feel like AF may start today...not sure why I feel that way. It is usually here early in the morning full on & nothing yet today...also no horrible cramps which I will usually have the night before...but I just have this feeling. We'll see.

I am REALLY hating being at work today. I feel like I have already put in a full week...so just want to be home. But 5:00 is not too far away...I just hope it goes by fast.

Have a good Friday everyone!
Beagle have a great vacation!!! The IUI if needed will be right around the corner. My docs say you want the sperm to be between 2-4 days - this last time we did 3 days and the post wash count was great!

I am in the 2ww - trying to patiently wait it out. Progesterone test yesterday ws 15.5 - which showed that I did indeed ovulate this cycle. No weird cramps like I had the week after the last IUI - I had right sided crmaps, when my follies were on the left - turns out the cyst was on the right, so I am guessing the cramps was it forming. I may start testing Monday.... I'll keep you all posted.

Everyone else, FXed for you as well!
Beagle have a great vacation!!! The IUI if needed will be right around the corner. My docs say you want the sperm to be between 2-4 days - this last time we did 3 days and the post wash count was great!

I am in the 2ww - trying to patiently wait it out. Progesterone test yesterday ws 15.5 - which showed that I did indeed ovulate this cycle. No weird cramps like I had the week after the last IUI - I had right sided crmaps, when my follies were on the left - turns out the cyst was on the right, so I am guessing the cramps was it forming. I may start testing Monday.... I'll keep you all posted.

Everyone else, FXed for you as well!

Wow...that count is amazing! So 3 does sound like a good number. I am trying to think of a nice mix of natural BD & IUI. So maybe if I get a high on my monitor I can go...that should give me a good 2 safe days I would think. I def want at least one day in between at the very least. I am going to try to focus more on my cm this cycle & not focus so much on the monitor. Obviously it is important when scheduling my IUI.

How many days past are you? What drugs did they use? I would only be on clomid I think. Which I started thinking I am very happy with that because I don't have to worry about getting a fals positive because of the trigger.

Good luck on your wait...I think with that count you have an awesome chance!
beaglemom, that is an awesome dream!! I love positive dreams like that. btw, I want boy/girl twins :)

Hopefully the day will go quick - 5pm and then it is vacation time!! Do you have the entire week off for vacation?
beaglemom, that is an awesome dream!! I love positive dreams like that. btw, I want boy/girl twins :)

Hopefully the day will go quick - 5pm and then it is vacation time!! Do you have the entire week off for vacation?

Yes I come back next Monday. We are in the mountains Sun-Thurs which still gives us a few days at home to relax or catch up on home projects. And my husband's first day off is today & because of his schedule doesn't go back until the following Wed...so we get to spend the whole time together....then 1 more shift on nights & it is day shift for hopefully a very long time! Which is good because I am getting pregnant this year! And I don't want to spend my pregnancy with my husband on night shift.
Hi all :).

I'm new here... I hope I'm posting this to the right section! If not, please forgive me! I'll share a little of my journey.

My husband and I are TTC. This is our first month officially charting and trying, but we've been hopeful for almost 6 months now. Although it's very early in our journey, I'm worried we may be infertile due to my fibroids and this makes me feel sorta guilty. I know that because we are new to the process there is a lot we can still do to try and make a baby, but I still wonder. I'm 23 and my husband is 28.

I O'd around the 4th of this month and am just DYING to take a test. Lots of cramping, bloating, and moodiness. But again, this could all be because I'm about to pass another fibroid (yuck). This two week wait thing is awful, right?

Joined this site to get some support from other hopeful mothers :)

Baby dust to all~~*

Kita, after being at this for a while & being on the threads, if I were you I would make an appt to talk to your dr if you have not already. I think any woman who has good reason to feel there is an issue, shouldn't waste 6-12 months naturally trying without talking to a dr first. And I think fibroids would be a good hint to speak to a dr. Personally, for us, we had nothing to indicate a problem in the beginning. So if no reason to think there is a problem, I say give it a good go first. Of course, I also do not think 6 months is a long time & someone should jump right to fertility treatment. But if you are over 35, or have had any issues with your cycle or anything related to that, just talk to a dr first. They may say you are fine to keep going naturally. But it is always good to make them aware.


My OB knows about my fibroids but says they are not in a "problem" area. I feel that a woman knows her body, and I know something is up. 14DPO and got a BFN. We'll test again on Monday and see how things go.
Hi all :).

I'm new here... I hope I'm posting this to the right section! If not, please forgive me! I'll share a little of my journey.

My husband and I are TTC. This is our first month officially charting and trying, but we've been hopeful for almost 6 months now. Although it's very early in our journey, I'm worried we may be infertile due to my fibroids and this makes me feel sorta guilty. I know that because we are new to the process there is a lot we can still do to try and make a baby, but I still wonder. I'm 23 and my husband is 28.

I O'd around the 4th of this month and am just DYING to take a test. Lots of cramping, bloating, and moodiness. But again, this could all be because I'm about to pass another fibroid (yuck). This two week wait thing is awful, right?

Joined this site to get some support from other hopeful mothers :)

Baby dust to all~~*

Kita, after being at this for a while & being on the threads, if I were you I would make an appt to talk to your dr if you have not already. I think any woman who has good reason to feel there is an issue, shouldn't waste 6-12 months naturally trying without talking to a dr first. And I think fibroids would be a good hint to speak to a dr. Personally, for us, we had nothing to indicate a problem in the beginning. So if no reason to think there is a problem, I say give it a good go first. Of course, I also do not think 6 months is a long time & someone should jump right to fertility treatment. But if you are over 35, or have had any issues with your cycle or anything related to that, just talk to a dr first. They may say you are fine to keep going naturally. But it is always good to make them aware.


My OB knows about my fibroids but says they are not in a "problem" area. I feel that a woman knows her body, and I know something is up. 14DPO and got a BFN. We'll test again on Monday and see how things go.

Well I would also suggest you really need to have a dr you can trust. I am not saying your dr is wrong. But the 2 of you really need to be on the same page. In the beginning, my dr wanted to go faster than I was comfortable with...but she backed off when I showed concern. Now my husband has hit the gas, so he & my dr really keep me at the right speed. I tend to be more cautious, but realistically I need to be aggressive. At your age & the time you have put in, doing another 6 months to get at the year mark is not an awful plan.

Also, one thing you can do without your dr is get your partner's semen analysis done. It can be costly, most insurance doesn't cover it. Mine was about $200. But I have seen some on here say they were lower. If you got that done, it will really help you in your fertility picture. If his count is off which is a very common thing, he can go ahead & start making adjustments now. Mine uses a pillow for his laptop now, fertility blend from GNC, and some other vitamins. That is something he can be working on while you continue to work with your gyno. I have read many women who don't want to take on the cost because they know the problem is with them. But it could very well be a combo of both of you. No reason to waste time if your husband has a very low count or something else. It will just be one more thing you can check off the list & it is easy to do.

I would suggest both of you start making small changes in your health now if need be. I am not a health nut. But I have tried to add veggies & vitamins & healthy snacks to my routine. If you don't do that now I would start getting in the habit. I also plan to walk more as the weather gets warmer. I don't exercise much, so I don't want to get into a full work out mode while I am ttc. I think the rule of thumb is keep up what you normally do.

Also many women here have found great info in the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I have skimmed it & it really has some great info.
Yes I come back next Monday. We are in the mountains Sun-Thurs which still gives us a few days at home to relax or catch up on home projects. And my husband's first day off is today & because of his schedule doesn't go back until the following Wed...so we get to spend the whole time together....then 1 more shift on nights & it is day shift for hopefully a very long time! Which is good because I am getting pregnant this year! And I don't want to spend my pregnancy with my husband on night shift.

That is awesome, you and your hubby deserve a long vacation! Even better he is going on day shifts after you get back! Enjoy your vacation!
Ladies, I was right about AF. She is HERE! I have never been so excited to see her. Of course a :bfp: would have been nice, but I am now on the countdown to IUI!!! Also, with her being early, I do not have to be as concerned about an early O...my luteal phase was 15-16 days which is good. Also I have today & tomorrow to get the bad cramps out of the way for smooth sailing on vacation. I am also relieved the fertilitea did not mess up my cycle. It can screw it up for some people. So a very weird 1st cycle after clomid with 26 days as opposed to 28 - 29 days before clomid. The tea could have affected that as well. Early O at CD 11. I feel so great right now, I can't even tell you! Of course, I also feel AF about to turn her wrath on me, so I will get my usual ibprofen now & some mt dew & a hershey's at lunch. Then tonight I will bring home some take out, take a hot showr, put on some comfy warm pjs, & relax on my couch with my husband & 3 pups. February is going to be a great month for us, ladies! I hope my positive vibes really rub off on everyone else.

I am sorry...I am just too excited right now!


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