January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Do you all think that I already O or am O based off of my last post?? Sorry I just need some help. Don't know what it means...

You will have 3 days in a row of higher temps. Then you will know you have O'd because you tempature will rise and stay high after O. Then drop below your cover line when AF is about to start. FF will give you a crosshair to indicated what day it happened. Just be patient :) I do not think you have O'd yet based on your chart.
Do you all think that I already O or am O based off of my last post?? Sorry I just need some help. Don't know what it means...

You will have 3 days in a row of higher temps. Then you will know you have O'd because you tempature will rise and stay high after O. Then drop below your cover line when AF is about to start. FF will give you a crosshair to indicated what day it happened. Just be patient :) I do not think you have O'd yet based on your chart.

What chart??
Misaacs, if you don't keep a chart with your temps, you probably won't be able to tell much from just random temping. If you feel like you got a pos opk, then you probably O'd. If you're not sure of the line colors and unsure if you had a pos one at all, you may have just missed the surge. Since you had a pos saliva test, just go by that, since that seems to be your best bet right now. :flower:

savvy, you're still fine... Temps are low. Just keep using the OPKs and keep taking that temp. This month I went from light OPKs to a pos OPK practically overnight. I would guess you'll see a pos opk in a few days, and you'll get a temp rise a day or two later. :flower:
Ugh, feeling a little frustrated today ladies!! I'm on CD19, and still no +opk :( Has anyone ever heard of the same dose of Clomid working one round, and then not working the next?? My progesterone was only 8.3, but my dr said I O'ed so he left me on the same dose. If it doesn't give me a good number this round, I think I might ask if we can up it next round....
17DPO and some brown discharge. An odd AF, or hopes of baby? Testing again tomorrow morning, but don't want to get my hopes up. Still crampy, tired, and lots of nausea.

Good luck to all~~~
17DPO and some brown discharge. An odd AF, or hopes of baby? Testing again tomorrow morning, but don't want to get my hopes up. Still crampy, tired, and lots of nausea.

Good luck to all~~~

brown spotting can go either way...it is a typical thing for me before af...some ladies get it before a positive...good luck
Not sure if this is the kind of thing anyone wants to read, but it's a free kindle download. It is a very short 100 page graphic novel on one woman's infertility struggle. I liked it. It's simple & relatable. I am giving the link plus the link to her blog.


Ladies I feel really good about this month! Better than I ever have and I know it's because of all of you wonderful ladies on here! You all have helped me out so much this cycle. If I get a BFP I know it's because of all the information you all have shared with me and advice that was given.
So I was doing some more research online and on one website someone was say thing that when you get a + it maybe too late? I don't necessarily agree with that statement. What do you all think?
17DPO and some brown discharge. An odd AF, or hopes of baby? Testing again tomorrow morning, but don't want to get my hopes up. Still crampy, tired, and lots of nausea.

Good luck to all~~~

I would think its possible as the human body is a strange and amazing thing. What are you cycle lengths usually?
Ladies I feel really good about this month! Better than I ever have and I know it's because of all of you wonderful ladies on here! You all have helped me out so much this cycle. If I get a BFP I know it's because of all the information you all have shared with me and advice that was given.
So I was doing some more research online and on one website someone was say thing that when you get a + it maybe too late? I don't necessarily agree with that statement. What do you all think?

you mean a pos opk? I don't think it is too late. but we know that the boys can live a few days in there, so getting some BD in before you O is def a good thing. it also helps to catch the egg. but a pos opk means you will O soon...so it is def not too late. but I don't think I would solely rely on the opk for your bd schedule. if you are one to get fertile cm, I would recommend BD anytime you see it even if you have not seen a pos opk.

I am very glad this thread is helping you stay pos & give you great info. I hate that negative crap especially on these kinds of forums where we should just be supportive since we are all having a rough, stressful, confusing time.
Ladies I feel really good about this month! Better than I ever have and I know it's because of all of you wonderful ladies on here! You all have helped me out so much this cycle. If I get a BFP I know it's because of all the information you all have shared with me and advice that was given.
So I was doing some more research online and on one website someone was say thing that when you get a + it maybe too late? I don't necessarily agree with that statement. What do you all think?

you mean a pos opk? I don't think it is too late. but we know that the boys can live a few days in there, so getting some BD in before you O is def a good thing. it also helps to catch the egg. but a pos opk means you will O soon...so it is def not too late. but I don't think I would solely rely on the opk for your bd schedule. if you are one to get fertile cm, I would recommend BD anytime you see it even if you have not seen a pos opk.

I am very glad this thread is helping you stay pos & give you great info. I hate that negative crap especially on these kinds of forums where we should just be supportive since we are all having a rough, stressful, confusing time.

Yea, a + opk. I mean I can see if someone is only testing once a day maybe missing it. But I don't think so. So dh and I have bd'd the past 3 night like the smep plan. Then we will again tomorrow skipping today. 3 days in a row about killed me lol. It has been years since dh and I have bd'd that many days in a row. But I feel good about the timing like really good. Especially since my opk was - this morning.
Ladies I feel really good about this month! Better than I ever have and I know it's because of all of you wonderful ladies on here! You all have helped me out so much this cycle. If I get a BFP I know it's because of all the information you all have shared with me and advice that was given.
So I was doing some more research online and on one website someone was say thing that when you get a + it maybe too late? I don't necessarily agree with that statement. What do you all think?

you mean a pos opk? I don't think it is too late. but we know that the boys can live a few days in there, so getting some BD in before you O is def a good thing. it also helps to catch the egg. but a pos opk means you will O soon...so it is def not too late. but I don't think I would solely rely on the opk for your bd schedule. if you are one to get fertile cm, I would recommend BD anytime you see it even if you have not seen a pos opk.

I am very glad this thread is helping you stay pos & give you great info. I hate that negative crap especially on these kinds of forums where we should just be supportive since we are all having a rough, stressful, confusing time.

Yea, a + opk. I mean I can see if someone is only testing once a day maybe missing it. But I don't think so. So dh and I have bd'd the past 3 night like the smep plan. Then we will again tomorrow skipping today. 3 days in a row about killed me lol. It has been years since dh and I have bd'd that many days in a row. But I feel good about the timing like really good. Especially since my opk was - this morning.

sounds like you are putting in a good effort. I can't keep up with smep...plus with my husband's low count, it is not recommended to go every day... we do every other day...no idea how this cycle will go since we are hoping for iui
Not sure if this is the kind of thing anyone wants to read, but it's a free kindle download. It is a very short 100 page graphic novel on one woman's infertility struggle. I liked it. It's simple & relatable. I am giving the link plus the link to her blog.



Thanks! I downloaded it and will read it later while hubby and I watch tv.

Hope you enjoy your vacation!!
savvy, you're still fine... Temps are low. Just keep using the OPKs and keep taking that temp. This month I went from light OPKs to a pos OPK practically overnight. I would guess you'll see a pos opk in a few days, and you'll get a temp rise a day or two later. :flower:

Thanks for making me feel better! :flower: Just getting worried since I am on CD9 and the doctor made it sound like I would most likely O between CD7-12...those super faint opks are really throwing me off especially since it was pretty dark the first day. Glad I am using opks twice daily and hoping I catch that surge!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend :)
Ugh, feeling a little frustrated today ladies!! I'm on CD19, and still no +opk :( Has anyone ever heard of the same dose of Clomid working one round, and then not working the next?? My progesterone was only 8.3, but my dr said I O'ed so he left me on the same dose. If it doesn't give me a good number this round, I think I might ask if we can up it next round....

How often are you using opks? How long are you cycles usually? Hoping that you are able to get a + soon!

17DPO and some brown discharge. An odd AF, or hopes of baby? Testing again tomorrow morning, but don't want to get my hopes up. Still crampy, tired, and lots of nausea.

Good luck to all~~~

I had a bit of brown discharge, when I wiped, the day before I got my bfp last month. Hoping that it is a good sign for you! Keep us posted!!

Ladies I feel really good about this month! Better than I ever have and I know it's because of all of you wonderful ladies on here! You all have helped me out so much this cycle. If I get a BFP I know it's because of all the information you all have shared with me and advice that was given.
So I was doing some more research online and on one website someone was say thing that when you get a + it maybe too late? I don't necessarily agree with that statement. What do you all think?

I sure hope we see a lot of bfps here this month! Glad that you are feeling good about this cycle - I think it really helps to stay positive.
17DPO and some brown discharge. An odd AF, or hopes of baby? Testing again tomorrow morning, but don't want to get my hopes up. Still crampy, tired, and lots of nausea.

Good luck to all~~~

I would think its possible as the human body is a strange and amazing thing. What are you cycle lengths usually?

So glad you feel good about this month! That just makes things a little easier doesn't it? :) Hoping for you!

My cycles are usually 28-30 days.
I started cramping almost two weeks ago, so if I'm not preggers, then my fibroids are acting up again and I need to go and get another balloon/saline ultrasound thing (I can never remember the name, but ugh, I hate them) to check on fibroid placement because this cramping has definitely been out of the ordinary.

My grandma and mom struggled with fibroids, so my OB and husband agreed that it's best to try and have children "young" to avoid all this, but every body is different. We'll see how it goes! This process is still new to me and I know I have lot to learn, and figure out about myself.

Hey ladies sounds like everyone is moving along. I am just getting caught up as I have been away with my nephew for the weekend. He had a hockey tournament and we had a lot of fun together.

Afm 9dpo and not much going on waiting to see if af will show up this week. I don't test anymore unless af is late now. My older niece(she is 19) knows about me taking clomid for the first time this cycle and keeps texting me asking if I have tested yet. She really wants me to have a baby.
Ladies I feel really good about this month! Better than I ever have and I know it's because of all of you wonderful ladies on here! You all have helped me out so much this cycle. If I get a BFP I know it's because of all the information you all have shared with me and advice that was given.
So I was doing some more research online and on one website someone was say thing that when you get a + it maybe too late? I don't necessarily agree with that statement. What do you all think?

you mean a pos opk? I don't think it is too late. but we know that the boys can live a few days in there, so getting some BD in before you O is def a good thing. it also helps to catch the egg. but a pos opk means you will O soon...so it is def not too late. but I don't think I would solely rely on the opk for your bd schedule. if you are one to get fertile cm, I would recommend BD anytime you see it even if you have not seen a pos opk.

I am very glad this thread is helping you stay pos & give you great info. I hate that negative crap especially on these kinds of forums where we should just be supportive since we are all having a rough, stressful, confusing time.

Yea, a + opk. I mean I can see if someone is only testing once a day maybe missing it. But I don't think so. So dh and I have bd'd the past 3 night like the smep plan. Then we will again tomorrow skipping today. 3 days in a row about killed me lol. It has been years since dh and I have bd'd that many days in a row. But I feel good about the timing like really good. Especially since my opk was - this morning.

sounds like you are putting in a good effort. I can't keep up with smep...plus with my husband's low count, it is not recommended to go every day... we do every other day...no idea how this cycle will go since we are hoping for iui

When do you go for your ultra sound to see your eggys? I loved that visit! Also, are you doing the trigger shot? I would ask about it to make sure you are ovulating day of IUI. I didn't and really really regret it now since i know I was not O. I think it will work for you. Hopefully within 3 cycles!
17DPO and some brown discharge. An odd AF, or hopes of baby? Testing again tomorrow morning, but don't want to get my hopes up. Still crampy, tired, and lots of nausea.

Good luck to all~~~

I would think its possible as the human body is a strange and amazing thing. What are you cycle lengths usually?

So glad you feel good about this month! That just makes things a little easier doesn't it? :) Hoping for

My cycles are usually 28-30 days.
I started cramping almost two weeks ago, so if I'm not preggers, then my fibroids are acting up again and I need to go and get another balloon/saline ultrasound thing (I can never remember the name, but ugh, I hate them) to check on fibroid placement because this cramping has definitely been out of the ordinary.

My grandma and mom struggled with fibroids, so my OB and husband agreed that it's best to try and have children "young" to avoid all this, but every body is different. We'll see how it goes! This process is still new to me and I know I have lot to learn, and figure out about myself.


I would think you would have O by now. I would call tomorrow and speak with a nurse about it.
Got some cramping going on tonight off and on. Mostly on for the past like 3 hours. I also feel so bloated. I am finding femara really makes me bloated around O. Worse than I have ever been bloated in my life. It's crazy!

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