January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

Savvy I feel really good. i have a head cold but i have had it for a while now. I dont have any symptoms. Honestly I feel like i have miscarried bc i have no symptoms yet. i know that sounds silly and i should just enjoy this time but i really am scared to miscarry no matter how much people say dont worry. i dont have any cramping or bleeding, so i will keep saying my prayers for a healthy baby and for everyone to get their bfp soon.

FBG, I agree with ERose. Please try not to worry. I have read of so many women who don't have any symptoms until the sixth or seventh week or longer. Honestly when I think about things, I have "symptoms" every cycle, but I never did before I started TTC. I think while we are in the TWW we noticed things a lot more than we would have before. That is probably why most woman don't have too many symptoms until the hcg starts really doubling into those super high numbers.
Hi everyone,

freeking out here as I am not sure I am seeing things, I have run out of the digital tests so using these strips but not sure if you can see the lines or if they could be evap lines.

We have been trying to conceive for 9 months and nothing, this month I was so sick with a cold thought I was out. Yesterday had spotting so thought AF was here, but tested anyway, please help!!! I am 12 DPO

I have attached the photo.

Looks positive to me! Congrats girl! :thumbup:
So ladies...not much time this morning...bossman is back & it is a busy day. Basically my other reading says conceive a boy April 2014 which lines up with Cheri if I deliver in January 2015. I think her name was Gail. Website is psychic123ukreadings.net.

Had my dr appt this morning. My husband's 2nd analysis is not back, but basically she wants to go with IUI after his appt on the 15th. With 50 mg of clomid. I am very excited especially since they can do the IUI at her office. I was afraid I would have to go to the specialist. I love my dr & feel comfortable plus she is 15 min away...so I think that helps a lot with stress & everything. So my cycle won't start until after his appt, so the timing is working out great. I feel good & again very high hopes.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Beaglemom, So glad to hear you had a good appointment and can keep your doctor for IUI too. I still have a positive feeling for you this cycle but it is also good to have a back up plan, plus you can always cancel!

Not so much going on here, got hit by the major snow storm and basically everything is closed around here. Still have lower back pain on and off, now my armpits really hurt and I am incredibly tired today after sleeping 9 hours last night.

Hope everyone else is doing good, hoping more girls check in and let us know how they are doing!
Hi everyone,

freeking out here as I am not sure I am seeing things, I have run out of the digital tests so using these strips but not sure if you can see the lines or if they could be evap lines.

We have been trying to conceive for 9 months and nothing, this month I was so sick with a cold thought I was out. Yesterday had spotting so thought AF was here, but tested anyway, please help!!! I am 12 DPO

I have attached the photo.

I think I see a line...very faint...congrats!
So ladies...not much time this morning...bossman is back & it is a busy day. Basically my other reading says conceive a boy April 2014 which lines up with Cheri if I deliver in January 2015. I think her name was Gail. Website is psychic123ukreadings.net.

Had my dr appt this morning. My husband's 2nd analysis is not back, but basically she wants to go with IUI after his appt on the 15th. With 50 mg of clomid. I am very excited especially since they can do the IUI at her office. I was afraid I would have to go to the specialist. I love my dr & feel comfortable plus she is 15 min away...so I think that helps a lot with stress & everything. So my cycle won't start until after his appt, so the timing is working out great. I feel good & again very high hopes.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

beaglemom, so exciting about the IUI!! I feel REALLY good about that for you! That's so great that your doc does that. I love my doc so much, but I dont think he does it, so if I don't get prego again in the next few months and have to go that route, I think I will have to go to a specialist. But maybe I should check with him, huh? I've never thought to ask him if he does it, because we hadn't gotten that far yet. I just dont have the impression that their office does it. Anyway, SO excited for you! 2014 is gonna be your year girl. :happydance:
Thank you ladies for all your positive thoughts. it does help to have positive people. i will try to be as positive as possible. i will do everything in my powers to help this babe grow.

Looks like we have another positive in the group. cant wait to see everyone else's bfp. thanks again ladies. i will stay here until i am in the clear.
Thanks. I am trying to stay positive for this cycle, but it just feels good to know where we are headed. She also feels his analysis is good enough to try IUI. The specialist is about 1 1/2 hrs away, so I am so happy she can do it. I just need to figure out a way to talk to my boss. Basically I will take clomid & call them before I expect to ovulate. The thing that worries me a little is she is not indicating any type of monitoring. I see people all the time checking follicles & all that. Maybe I don't need it since I am thought to ovulate without clomid. So the monitor def will come in handy if it predicts high fertility a few days before peak. I just hope I don't have a wacky cycle again. I also need more info on how long my husband should abstain before if any. She did not talk any about trigger shots or anything. I am just a little nervous my cycle will be off & we will miss it. Crossing fingers.

Also because I know the plan, I can go ahead & schedule my vacation.

I have also been buying more baby stuff. Not spending a whole lot of money or anything. But one of the psychics told me to just envision things happening...and I think looking at baby stuff & buying a few things helps me do that.
Venus, I definitely see lines on both, no doubt. Congrats Hun. :)
So ladies...not much time this morning...bossman is back & it is a busy day. Basically my other reading says conceive a boy April 2014 which lines up with Cheri if I deliver in January 2015. I think her name was Gail. Website is psychic123ukreadings.net.

Had my dr appt this morning. My husband's 2nd analysis is not back, but basically she wants to go with IUI after his appt on the 15th. With 50 mg of clomid. I am very excited especially since they can do the IUI at her office. I was afraid I would have to go to the specialist. I love my dr & feel comfortable plus she is 15 min away...so I think that helps a lot with stress & everything. So my cycle won't start until after his appt, so the timing is working out great. I feel good & again very high hopes.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

beaglemom, so exciting about the IUI!! I feel REALLY good about that for you! That's so great that your doc does that. I love my doc so much, but I dont think he does it, so if I don't get prego again in the next few months and have to go that route, I think I will have to go to a specialist. But maybe I should check with him, huh? I've never thought to ask him if he does it, because we hadn't gotten that far yet. I just dont have the impression that their office does it. Anyway, SO excited for you! 2014 is gonna be your year girl. :happydance:

Thanks! I didn't think mine would either but their website says they specialize in infertility. So I would think that kind of statement implies more than clomid. Maybe you will get lucky with your doctor...& maybe you will not even need it considering the upped dose in clomid worked for you once. I am def going to have to ask about taking the progesterone after IUI.

I really need to stay off here & get back to work !!! lol
Thanks! I didn't think mine would either but their website says they specialize in infertility. So I would think that kind of statement implies more than clomid. Maybe you will get lucky with your doctor...& maybe you will not even need it considering the upped dose in clomid worked for you once. I am def going to have to ask about taking the progesterone after IUI.

I really need to stay off here & get back to work !!! lol

Haha, I'm at work too, so I'm being very naughty jumping on here every ten minutes, LOL.

I am trying naturally this cycle since they advised against the clomid until I have AF. I've already started tracking for O though, as everyone in my 35+ thread said they O'd within a couple wks of an early m/c. We'll see what happens! And then, yes, since the 50mg Clomid worked for me, I plan on trying it for another 2-3 months, and I do feel very confident it will happen again. :) BUT if nothing does happen by then, I do believe I will move on to IUI at that time. I've heard that a skipped clomid cycle has resulted in pregnancy many times, and I've also read tons of women getting prego right after m/c. So I feel pretty optimistic about things. But I always look to the future, just in case. I'll be so excited when its time for your IUI. I can't wait to hear how it turns out!! :)
All of the positive hpt are getting me excited!! I can't wait to see more!

FBG and Venus - h&h 9 months! congrats girls!

beaglemom, I agree with the psychics, buy some baby stuff if that is what makes you and hubby happy. I think it is true that you can envision things happening...with my stomach issues I know I have talked myself into being sick because I worry so much. Now I just need to talk myself into being pregnant and carrying the baby for 40 weeks and I will be all set! I think a little vacation is just what is needed to unwind and spend some time with your hubby.
Savvy I def know what you mean about negative thoughts. Sometimes I have high anxiety in certain situations & I can't stop it because all I can think about it getting hot & fainting. So I try breathing & I have meds. But I don't take the meds too ofter because of ttc...even though I have not been told I can't...but I think just taking the pill helps.

My husband also has this axiety in the bedroom...after 1 failed attempt, he always has it in his head he will always fail. So I have to be so careful not to stop abruptly or do anything that can mess up his concentration. I try hard to help him, but our brains just don't work the same. I can be very visual & calm & he just can't seem to turn off his brain.

Erin, I am so excited too...I am just excited for everyone! I just know that if this cycle doesn't work for us, it is coming soon...& that always keeps me going. Although I still doubt this cycle, I would love to be celebrating a pregnancy when we go on our trip!
Hi ladies! It's been a few days since I checked in, though I have been following! :) Everyone seems to be doing great! I have to say, I have enjoyed reading your stories about hubbys' SA experiences! How awful to be locked in a little stall and expected to perform with no help! LOL Mine has not actually done it yet. He wouldn't go earlier because he said that he had looked at it in a microscope and it looked great. I had my doubts! When I told that to my OBGYN (who incidentally went to Med school with him) she said, "Tell him that I will not go forward without it! Those guys are trained in specifically what to look for and I couldn't even tell by looking at it, much less him." Haha…well at least it was coming from another doctor and not from me. So he's got that next week some time.

Beaglemom, I saw you were needing info about how long to abstain before a SA. My doc said no less than 3, no more than 5 days. Not sure if that is universal though. Seems like things are moving along well for you! We are going on vacation soon too, and I'm sooo ready! Haven't been anywhere since our honeymoon over a year and half ago. With the stress of TTC, I'd say it's overdue!

FBG, so excited for you! Glad you're staying positive, but totally understand your wariness to go all out and get excited. It's scary!! But I'm sure everything will go smoothly for you!

Erin, Savvy, keep at it girls! Enjoy reading your comments!

As for my journey, I'm super confused right now. I'm on CD20. I got a peak reading on my CB Advanced OPK on CD14 and had EW on CD15& 16. So I thought I had ovulated, but my temperature has not gone up. Then today I wiped, and there was some more EW…ugh…I have no clue what is happening with my body! We did home IUI two days in a row (15&16) and have been traditional BD pretty much every other day except last night. That would be such bad luck if I was ovulating today! I'm pretty frustrated as my cycles were super regular--always between 27-29 days for a year. Now I have no clue…. Going for my day 21 Progesterone lab tomorrow. Anyone else had this experience? Where you think you're ovulating and get LH spike but then don't have the thermal shift? I'm thinking we should probably try again tonight.

Ok, well I'll sign off…stay warm all! :)
Hi ladies! It's been a few days since I checked in, though I have been following! :) Everyone seems to be doing great! I have to say, I have enjoyed reading your stories about hubbys' SA experiences! How awful to be locked in a little stall and expected to perform with no help! LOL Mine has not actually done it yet. He wouldn't go earlier because he said that he had looked at it in a microscope and it looked great. I had my doubts! When I told that to my OBGYN (who incidentally went to Med school with him) she said, "Tell him that I will not go forward without it! Those guys are trained in specifically what to look for and I couldn't even tell by looking at it, much less him." Haha…well at least it was coming from another doctor and not from me. So he's got that next week some time.

Beaglemom, I saw you were needing info about how long to abstain before a SA. My doc said no less than 3, no more than 5 days. Not sure if that is universal though. Seems like things are moving along well for you! We are going on vacation soon too, and I'm sooo ready! Haven't been anywhere since our honeymoon over a year and half ago. With the stress of TTC, I'd say it's overdue!

FBG, so excited for you! Glad you're staying positive, but totally understand your wariness to go all out and get excited. It's scary!! But I'm sure everything will go smoothly for you!

Erin, Savvy, keep at it girls! Enjoy reading your comments!

As for my journey, I'm super confused right now. I'm on CD20. I got a peak reading on my CB Advanced OPK on CD14 and had EW on CD15& 16. So I thought I had ovulated, but my temperature has not gone up. Then today I wiped, and there was some more EW…ugh…I have no clue what is happening with my body! We did home IUI two days in a row (15&16) and have been traditional BD pretty much every other day except last night. That would be such bad luck if I was ovulating today! I'm pretty frustrated as my cycles were super regular--always between 27-29 days for a year. Now I have no clue…. Going for my day 21 Progesterone lab tomorrow. Anyone else had this experience? Where you think you're ovulating and get LH spike but then don't have the thermal shift? I'm thinking we should probably try again tonight.

Ok, well I'll sign off…stay warm all! :)

Sorry I do not temp. But sounds like you are covering your bases. I mentioned to my dr I don't temp & she scrunched up her face at the idea of temping...so glad she didn't tell me to start...I hate it & I don't sleep well enough for it.

About the abstaining, I was actually curious about abstaining before the IUI. Any ideas on that? I am thinking we need at least 2 days worth (as if dtd every other day), but not sure if we need more.
Hi sarahok, glad to see you check in!

So far, in my temping, I've always had the thermal shift; however, there is one chart that I have where my temps were not as obvious as other charts, and that one still makes me wonder if it was anovulatory. Other than that though, I usually have it. But I've seen others who's OPKs are positive, and they still weren't Oing. It was like the LH was strong, and their bodies were trying really hard, but it just couldn't get there. I know every single month when I see that thermal shift, it always gives me major peace of mind. Even with the pos OPKs, I don't feel sure until I see the temp jump. Don't give up...it could happen tomorrow! Keep BDing, just in case! Have you tried another OPK to see if it is still positive?

Since you're going for your Day21 P test tomorrow, they'll be able to tell you if you O'd, just from that. FXd crossed!! :)
beaglemom, I think I recall them telling us to abstain for 48 hours, but sarahok's doc told them 3 days. We ended up abstaining for three full days for good measure.

Its crazy how different doctors are... with the temping thing, my doc didnt really care if I did it or not, but when I told him I did, he was happy that he had the charts to look at. It ended up being helpful information for him. But I have heard of others doctors who tell their patients to just throw away the thermometer, haha. For me, it just gives me peace of mind every month when I see that thermal shift.

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