January Hopefuls...What's next for us???

No! Not yet... Lol. Surprised I've held out this long. Thinking I'll wait until Friday to see if AF shows
Congrats ladies on your BFP's Ladies! Lots of baby dust to all of you that are still trying, don't lose hope I was almost a year trying, but acupuncture (a month ago), changed my cycles and I fell pregnant, I highly recommend it!
Beaglemom, anxiety is the worst. I try to think of better things or get myself involved in a conversation while I am out if I start to panic (about getting sick from stomach issues). Worst thing I did was start eating mints, now when I panic I grab a mint...this lead to 4 cavities in 6 months :(

Sara, sorry for the confusion with the temp/opk. It sounds like you have been busy BDing that even if you missed a day the sperm are hopefully still patiently waiting! I don't temp but I will start the next cycle just to see what my pattern looks like, though it won't be super strict because I get up throughout the night, that is why I never started in the first place. Keep us posted.

My new doctor said don't temp or use opk's...all I need is folic acid and to BD at the right time. Would be helpful if my body spit out a report on when the right time is!

One dumb question...does anyone stop BDing after they are sure they O'd? I didn't use opk's so I have no clue when I will O, so we just keep BDing...could that be bad if I already O'd and could possibly be pregnant? Thanks for any info!
Beaglemom, anxiety is the worst. I try to think of better things or get myself involved in a conversation while I am out if I start to panic (about getting sick from stomach issues). Worst thing I did was start eating mints, now when I panic I grab a mint...this lead to 4 cavities in 6 months :(

Sara, sorry for the confusion with the temp/opk. It sounds like you have been busy BDing that even if you missed a day the sperm are hopefully still patiently waiting! I don't temp but I will start the next cycle just to see what my pattern looks like, though it won't be super strict because I get up throughout the night, that is why I never started in the first place. Keep us posted.

My new doctor said don't temp or use opk's...all I need is folic acid and to BD at the right time. Would be helpful if my body spit out a report on when the right time is!

One dumb question...does anyone stop BDing after they are sure they O'd? I didn't use opk's so I have no clue when I will O, so we just keep BDing...could that be bad if I already O'd and could possibly be pregnant? Thanks for any info!

Savvy I usually stop...but that is a lifestyle thing...exhaustion & schedules get in the way. But I don't think there are any issues continuing on through. Unless you are high risk for some reason, they may tell you to stop...but usually that is later in the pregnancy I think. I wouldn't worry about it. Not much harm you can do, I wouldn't think.
Yes, anxiety is the worst. I am anxiety-prone at times. I think it's one of the yuckiest feelings ever. Stomach in knots, an uneasy feeling, can't enjoy myself. It's really awful. I dont get it that much, but when I do, I just hate it. I'm sorry you girls suffer with it occasionally as well.

savvy, DH and I always BD the morning after O too, just in case the egg is still hanging around in there. But as for the rest of the TWW, we aren't really careful about it. I find as I get closer to testing time, I might abstain a little bit, but I'm really torn on whether its necessary. My doctor had told me a few months ago to "take it easy" WHEN/IF I find out Im prego (just early on, while it's still a fragile bean). He never said anything about being careful prior to testing though. If I hadn't had a loss recently, I would be saying I see no issues with it whatsoever. But now I'm emotionally confused about just about everything. Hoping that will pass!
Yes, anxiety is the worst. I am anxiety-prone at times. I think it's one of the yuckiest feelings ever. Stomach in knots, an uneasy feeling, can't enjoy myself. It's really awful. I dont get it that much, but when I do, I just hate it. I'm sorry you girls suffer with it occasionally as well.

savvy, DH and I always BD the morning after O too, just in case the egg is still hanging around in there. But as for the rest of the TWW, we aren't really careful about it. I find as I get closer to testing time, I might abstain a little bit, but I'm really torn on whether its necessary. My doctor had told me a few months ago to "take it easy" WHEN/IF I find out Im prego (just early on, while it's still a fragile bean). He never said anything about being careful prior to testing though. If I hadn't had a loss recently, I would be saying I see no issues with it whatsoever. But now I'm emotionally confused about just about everything. Hoping that will pass!

I know I have never been through what you have, but I really hope you can find some closure & not think about all the what ifs.
So some ladies on my other thread are saying I should ask for femera. I don't think I recall any of you ladies using it. I am just curious over how femera works versus clomid. I don't think my side effects were that bad. And since I O on my own, I am just unsure. I may do more IUI research.
Thanks for your replies ladies!

Beaglemom--crazy how docs vary on their recommendations! I took the same approach as you and Savvy not temping for the first year of TTC. I also get up usually a time or two throughout the night and just didn't want the stress of TTC to prevent me from getting pregnant. But, after reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" (highly recommended!!), I decided to start so I could possibly get some answers as to why it wasn't happening.

I'm glad I did…as Erin said, getting that thermal shift really helps you understand when you have ovulated and can relax for the month. Also, when the temp falls, it's easier for me to deal with than actually waiting for AF. I get a little heads up a day or two before and can let myself down easy. But it's not for everyone!!

As for IUI, I personally would abstain for 3 days before just to give the best chance. My reasoning is that if that is what they ask for to do an SA, that is probably giving the guy the chance to get the optimal amount of spermies. ;) But I'm no expert!

Erin, I think I will try BD today just in case. I did try the OPK again, but not really sure it was a reliable result. I first did it a couple days ago after drinking water just trying to figure out if I had LH spike still (though my test says not to test after you get your first LH spike). Then when I have tested since then, it has been flashing smilies, which indicates a rise in estrogen. I think that was just because the first test was diluted, so any normal test would be a rise. I think either you're right…it's an anovulatory cycle, or I have low progesterone. Either way, if it's one of those two I think I will be able to tell from tomorrow's CD21 progesterone test.

Savvy..thanks! If you are just starting to temp and have not read it, I would really recommend the book I mentioned earlier, Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. I know you're all about a bargain, so I'll mention that there are copies on Amazon for around 10 bucks! (I promise I'm not paid to endorse it…it just helped me so much!!) I can't believe your doc said don't use OPK or temp just BD at the right time…what does he think we do those things for? Enjoyment? LOL!!

Venus--thanks for the info. I have heard some positive things about acupuncture and am seriously considering it. Anyone else have any experience?

Sorry about the anxiety…I'm right there with you guys sometimes. I feel like this process can bring out weaknesses and doubts that you never would have otherwise. Glad I found these forums and you ladies, though…you really do help me with your kind words, feedback, and giving me a place to be able to talk freely about this crazy experience that is TTC!! So thanks!!:hugs:
Beaglemom and ERose, I think I read once that you shouldn't BD in the first trimester...I guess that is what worries me that BDing so much could actually harm my chances! I just googled it now and of course there are different thoughts on the topic. Some doctors say it is okay and others say that orgasms cause uterine contractions which wouldn't be good for a sticky bean! So now I am thinking about hpt testing before anymore BDing...

Sara, thanks for the book suggestion! I think ERose recommended it last month. I am really terrible at reading books, I buy them and then I never read them! Maybe I will check it out though, I am sure it is very helpful. I am not sure if he said I didn't need to temp/use opks so that my cycle would be less stressful...I feel that I want to know that information so I know what to expect.

I am very glad everyone else here used OPKs this month and have tracked when they ovulated!
So no orgasms for 3 months??? Not sure I like that idea!
So no orgasms for 3 months??? Not sure I like that idea!

lol! I am sorry, I hope it isn't true either. It does make sense when you think about it but I agree 3 months is a long time but worth it for baby! :)
So no orgasms for 3 months??? Not sure I like that idea!

lol! I am sorry, I hope it isn't true either. It does make sense when you think about it but I agree 3 months is a long time but worth it for baby! :)

Oh No! I've read before that orgasms are supposed to help with conception.. something about vaginal contractions helping the spermies get up there...Plus its so good!! Don't skip i! ;)
So some ladies on my other thread are saying I should ask for femera. I don't think I recall any of you ladies using it. I am just curious over how femera works versus clomid. I don't think my side effects were that bad. And since I O on my own, I am just unsure. I may do more IUI research.

I have taken femara the last cycle and this cycle. Clomid made me nuts. I was so emotional and had hot flashes. Femara is actually used for breast cancer patients. It stops your body from taking on any estrogen. This tricks your body into producing more FSH which stimulates
follicle development. Femara also is a drug that is out of your system quickly versus clomid which can stay in your system for months. Some doctors say that it clomid may cause miscarriages or birth defects because it stays in your system. Femara is out of your system in like 9 days. Plus it doesn't mess with cm or uterine linings. This is what my RE told me and some of this came from research also. I hope this helped you!
I think that clomid and my 2 LEEPs I had done is what messed up my cm. I am thinking that if the only problem I have is cm then I am going to try and fix it with home remedies for the next 2 cycles and see if it works. I honestly have a very hard time staying positive after almost 4 yrs. So I am telling myself that the remedies won't work. "I hope they do but they probably won't." is what I am telling myself. This is starting to put a strain on my DH relationship too. We both want one but we are both so frustrated, angry, and hurt. So we bicker especially a day like today when I find out that I can't even do my ultrasound because of insurance. I just cry and feel angry.
So some ladies on my other thread are saying I should ask for femera. I don't think I recall any of you ladies using it. I am just curious over how femera works versus clomid. I don't think my side effects were that bad. And since I O on my own, I am just unsure. I may do more IUI research.

I have taken femara the last cycle and this cycle. Clomid made me nuts. I was so emotional and had hot flashes. Femara is actually used for breast cancer patients. It stops your body from taking on any estrogen. This tricks your body into producing more FSH which stimulates
follicle development. Femara also is a drug that is out of your system quickly versus clomid which can stay in your system for months. Some doctors say that it clomid may cause miscarriages or birth defects because it stays in your system. Femara is out of your system in like 9 days. Plus it doesn't mess with cm or uterine linings. This is what my RE told me and some of this came from research also. I hope this helped you!
I think that clomid and my 2 LEEPs I had done is what messed up my cm. I am thinking that if the only problem I have is cm then I am going to try and fix it with home remedies for the next 2 cycles and see if it works. I honestly have a very hard time staying positive after almost 4 yrs. So I am telling myself that the remedies won't work. "I hope they do but they probably won't." is what I am telling myself. This is starting to put a strain on my DH relationship too. We both want one but we are both so frustrated, angry, and hurt. So we bicker especially a day like today when I find out that I can't even do my ultrasound because of insurance. I just cry and feel angry.

I am looking up some stuff myself. That is very good info. I am really interested in the success rates & differences it does to your body. But I guess all women are different.

I am sorry for your stress levels. I really hope you guys are able to keep pushing through. Try to keep your relationship fun & take a night to just relax & not think about ttc. My husband & I tried for about 4 yrs then gave up. We did not want fertility treatment nor could we afford it. So after 6 years of a break, we are back at it. I know how hard it can be. I am able to be a little more optimistic because even though I have not been on bc for all these years, it feels like we are just starting to try because of all the new things we are doing. And now we are more stable & able to do the fertility stuff. So for me, some days it feels like years but most days it only feels like 6 months. Wow...even when I say 6 months, I cannot believe we have been at it this long. Just try to remember why you are together. A baby will make your life great...but your marriage still needs to be #1...especially now when you both need each other's support.

Some days are better than others and I know that it is me doing it because of my anger. I end up taking it out on him. He is always saying that it is what it is. It will happen when it is supposed to happen. I can not think like that. Its like a vicious cycle. I am always very hopeful around time of O. I am like this worked I know it did. Then I take a test after 2weeks and its a BFN. That is when I get depressed, angry, and frustrated until around next ovulation. Then it starts all over again.
I know it's hard. You know what may help? Yoga if you haven't already tried it. I used to do hot yoga & I loved it. I just got lazy & stopped going. But the heat felt amazing...I could just feel poison (emotional & psychological) leave my body. Then we had meditation at the end & I would visualize all my shit of the day go away...felt great. This was before TTC. Maybe I should try it again...not sure how it would do post ovulation...I know you can't do it if pregnant.

Also I had an awesome instructor who allowed you to do as you could...if you couldn't do a pose you just relax & it was fine...no judgment...& no room full of a bunch of skinny, slender, flexible women...just normal women. It was at the YMCA.
I tend to get snappy with my hubby over stupid things. ..I don't think guys understand how hard it is to be a woman at times. He gets to enjoy the bding while we are constantly trying to improve our chances. Taking meds, eating certain food, creams, etc. We devote every free minute to ttc research. At times I think my hubby thinks I am crazy. Very thankful for my buddies here. ..you all understand and we all are working towards the same goal. It is terrible at just how much tests and stuff cost. Luckily we have great insurance but if we require more I doubt it is covered. Taking each day at a time and trying to be thankful for what I have. Keeping positive and looking forward to the day I get to bring my little one home!
Me & my husband had ahuge fight & all this came out. That is how it happens. I have a temper & he is a pleaser. So he never wants to fight & I don't think nodding in aggreement solves anything. So we had it out. And I think after that plus I gave him the book what to expect when she's not expecting he really started to understand. He is under pressure...both of us are. But I am taking on most of it. I have to get most of the testing & most of the procedures & most of the meds. So he quit complaining about vegetables & vitamins. Now we are more in sync. I am sensitive to his stresses & he is appreciative of all my researching. He has even got hooked on a vlog I have been keeping up with. He wants to do a pregnancy vlog!

We each need to figure out how to get our partners on the same page as us & both sides of the partnership needs to understand what the other is going through & feeling.
So seriously, you guys, I am only 6 dpo? I guess I am almost halfway there. It is driving me crazy...again.

I have been all over online about IUI & I am freaking out. So I read that washed sperm only survive 6-12 hours. That's crazy. The timing is freaking me out. And then what if I get a pos opk on the weekend? Have I missed my shot? I don't think my office is on the weekend. I have made a list & I am going to call the nurse & give her the list of questions. I am concerned about my linng which has never been tested...not being monitored...no trigger shot...relying on my momitor & opks...progesterone...femera. My mind is swimming.

I also need more monitor test strips & I am buying regular opks. I was going to get the cheapos online, but I hate dip sticks & I have never used them.. I want something I know won't fail. So I am buying Answer tests. They are less expensive & I have used them before.

Again with another slow day at work that leaves me alone with google. Plus it is freezing so I am completely unmotivated to leave my desk where my heater is.

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