Congrats again on the boy, Lucy!!

I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that reaction from your friend. You haven't done anything wrong and even though she is hurting, it's no reason to take it out on you. Maybe when she's had time to think about things, she'll realize that she was wrong. I agree with your hubby and that you should just ignore the negative comments. You'll both love your son no matter what and that will be enough!
On a different note, I had my OB appointment yesterday and it went well. I got to hear my bean's hb and it was about 150. She found it pretty quickly but we didn't hear it for too long before he/she moved away. My doc tried to find it again, but didn't try to hard as she'd heard enough.

So while I'm not feeling too much movement yet, my bean is definitely active!

I got some blood work done to test for downs and a few other things and since I've been having some cramping they are going to test me for a UTI, just to make sure. My nurse said they should have the results for that by Monday. I was also given my slip to schedule my 20 week scan and she wants it done between 2-3 weeks from now. She said no sooner just to make sure they can see what they need to see. I didn't get a chance to call and make the appointment yesterday but I'm going to call on Monday. So in a few days I'll at least have a date to look forward to!
I hope everyone is having a good Saturday!