Don't they have to scan you near the end so they know where your placenta is or what the position the baby is in? Or is there another way they find that out?
Don't they have to scan you near the end so they know where your placenta is or what the position the baby is in? Or is there another way they find that out?
My placenta was low at my 12 week so I'm hoping its moved up for my 20 week. I think they can feel if baby is breech sometimes cus they try and move the baby themselves first, I'm a first time mum so all my prior knowledge is from one born every minute![]()
WorriedK, like despttc said, its more than likely braxton hickds and nothing to worry about. From what I hear, it's possible to get them fairly early and I know of others who got them around 19/20 weeks (I'm not sure how far along you are). I never had any with my son and haven't so far this time either so I don't really have any experience. But I would think as long as they aren't painful and coming in rapid succession, I would think everything is OK. But if you are really concerned, it can never hurt to give your doctor/midwife a call and get their opinion.
Did you have a csection with your son? I never had any Braxton hicks with DS either and didn't have any contractions when I was induced too. I ended up with a csection in the end and was wondering if you experienced the same? I'm convinced my body is broken when it comes to getting a baby out![]()