Hi, is there any room left for an extra January jellybean?
I'm due 15th January and I'm expecting my 5th baby (complete insanity perhaps-I'll find out in jan lol). We have two girls and two boys and this baby is a surprise but I do have the sex written down in a sealed envelope that I've hidden from my dh. :-D
I had a scan yesterday so I've tried to add a pic of my baby. Baby looks like my other babies but I have no idea at guessing the sex but my instinct says another girl.
I'm looking forward to chatting if you'll have me. Xxx
Jess I would call them and tell them just so they know what's going on you not want to go in there and get THE LOOK from your dr. LOL
By the look I mean this look they give you like your wasting their time mine does it to me if I don't follow their instructions unless I gave a valid reason
Welcome to all the new ladies!! Big congrats to everyone reaching awesome milestones and having great appointments.
My husband and I are trying to decide if we want to pay for a private 4D scan. I'm not sure if I'll have another scan with my obgyn or not, and I'm dying to see my lil monkey in 4d! For ladies that had 4d done, what week did you go in? Everything I'm reading says 26-30 weeks is optimal for best results. I would love to see an up close picture of her little face.There's a scan place only 45 minutes from here, but it will cost $100. I'm dying to do it, I just don't know if I should spend the money on that that I could be spending on something else for the baby.
Well just got back from seeing my midwife peanut still in breech position and has a good heartbeat gutted OH couldnt get time off work to come but did manage to record it so he can hear when he gets home. Heart rate of 156bpm fundus height is 26cm just over half way between the 50th and 90th centileall good