goldstns- I would absolutely tell your OB that you know exactly when you ovulated. Its way more accurate than any dating scan. Youd hate to get in a situation where they think you are overdue even though you really arent and then induce early when the baby isnt ready to come out. As much as wed love to have our little ones here, its safest for baby to come when they are ready unless you have some other medical condition.
Despttc- congrats on your anniversary and how scary! Glad you and baby are ok. Hopefully you wont be sore for long! I am totally freaked out about falling with winter coming.
mommytobe11- Scary on the surgery for your little one! I hope all goes well. May I ask why he needs it? We arent circumcising and my only fear with that is that it will need to be done later for a medical reason and then I will feel even worse! I dont know much about doing it later, hopefully its fast and painless for him.