My heartburn is horrible. I get it from water at this point. I do use TUMS, doesn't kill it, but helps. I also started taking all my vitamins earlier. I used to take them right before bed to avoid the nausea, but now I taken them earlier to avoid drinking too much water before bed. My bladder is still a trooper, but a glass of water before bed and I'll be up with heartburn. Last night I actually woke up due to acid in my mouth. Nasty.
I think I've been having BH, told my nurse that I feel like I have menstrual cramps, but if I get up and walk around they go away. She said they were probably BH, but everyone feels them differently. For me, they don't hurt, but if I was in first tri they'd probably be making me nervous because it's just a dull ache, like AF is coming.
In exciting news, our baby's room is nearly done! Her name (Felicity) is painted and will hang from the limb above the crib, but we won't put that up til she's born since the name's a secret. Other than bedding, we're all ready! She'll be sleeping in our room in a bedside co-sleeper for awhile anyway, but I may use the crib for naps, and will use the room for feeding/changing too.