January Jelly Beans 2014!

I still give baths and carry dd all over the place. I'm sure my dh would help if I asked, but it's just easier to get things done myself. Carrying her up and down the stairs is starting to wind me. I am not looking forward to having to slow down. DH was on a business trip the last couple of days, so I had to watch her on my own and try to get some work done from home. She didn't sleep well either. I am pretty exhausted!

My bump is bigger now than last time, but I still don't think it's too huge. Last time around I gained most of my weight at the end. I will be interested to see how it goes this time around. Right now I have gained about 10 pounds.

Still not 100% on a name. I still like Blake, dh hasn't found a single name he likes. Blake seems to be growing on him though. Hopefully he gets on board soon!
DH has recently started helping with baths. It really helps. I can't hunch over the bathtub or pick her up easily anymore. If I do it makes the back pain worse.
Had my private scan today. Bubba is fine and measuring well. Feeling happy :happydance:
I'm with you guys on it getting harder to give baths. I'm still giving our son his baths at the moment but it is getting more difficult. My bump isn't overly big so I think that helps. My hubby will give baths but he has a bad back so it isn't easy on him either. My son is still on the small side so I don't have any major problems carrying him around for the most part. Though I can't do it for too long as then it starts to kill my back. And unfortunately he still likes to be carried every where. I really need him to kick that habit! LOL

Acorn, I think Blake is a nice name. My cousin's son is actually named Blake and I've always liked it. :) So hopefully your dh will come around too. :thumbup:

And yay, desp! Glad to hear that your scan went well. :) I have a growth scan on Monday so I have my FX that everything is all right with my bean too. :) I'm interested to get an estimate on his weight. My older son was on the small side due to my blood pressure and I'm hoping it's not an issue thist time.
Glad to hear all is well Des.

Good luck Monday Jess.

Hope you all have a good weekend :hugs:
Glad to hear everyone is well:)

Happy new weeks !!!

Hope you all gave a good weekend :)
Acorn, there's no way I could carry DS up the stairs now! I give you major kudos! I have him climb up while I go up behind him, or have hubby carry him up if he's home. I have no choice but to carry him down though, thankfully that's not as bad.
I have always loved the name Blake! :)
Still no BH for me.. Oh well, i hope it doesnt mean an auto-c section for me :(

Zantac is amazing, no more snacking up on the orange-flavored Tums. One zantac a day is equivalent to half a box of Tums. Athough recently I'm starting to feel its effect be shorter than 12 hours.
I have slept terrible for a while. I spend all night turning from one side to another. When in do sleep I go in really vivid dreams and had an awful nightmare a few weeks ago. It's exhausting.

Going in the hospital tour this afternoon. My sister is coming too seen as she is due first. Feel bit nervous. When I had my ds they were building a new women's centre so I missed out on it by about 2 months. When I went on the tour of the old part I heard a lady giving birth and it actually terrified me. I came home and cried! Hope it doesn't happen again esp for my sisters sake! :nope: a This new part has a birth suite where it's consultant led and a birth centre which is just MW led care and you can have as little intervention as you like and try for a natural birth.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xx
Del- I'm falling asleep ok but I'm having the vivid dreams too. It's gotten to the point where sometimes I'm not sure if I've been asleep and having a vivid dream or awake and daydreaming because it's been so clear when I've woken up.

I'm going on the hospital tour on Wednesday. I'm dreading the screaming I'm going to hear but I've seen one born every minute enough to know what to expect :haha: I'm going to be induced so I really want to see where everything happens. I'm getting really anxious about it.
Hi ladies,

Not been sleeping great either. It is not helped by the fact that DS1 has started nursery 2 months ago and since he was hardly ever sick before, he has picked up pretty much every cold and bug going in there. :growlmad: So he has pretty much been coughing and waking up coughing during the night or not being able to breathe properly at night for the last 6-8 weeks.

Anyway, can't believe I am 31 weeks already. I am starting to get a bit panicky when thinking about labour happening soon again...:blush:

Had our last official scan two weeks ago, all is well with our wee man and it is unreal how much he already looks like DS1. Lots of movement here too, a lot more than with DS1, I think this is partly due to this being our 2nd baby, but also that he is in a different position to DS1. DS1 was transverse until about 36 weeks, so kicks etc feel a lot different and stronger this time around.

I am also unsure what sleep soothing toy to get for DS2. With our 1st we had a Fisher Price Seahorse, we were going to get another one for this wee one, but they had some issues with them earlier this year, which were also featured on Watchdog, so that has really put us off getting another one. So we are now going back and forth between a Slumber Bear and Ewan the Dream Sheep, although both seem to be a bit of hit and miss for people.... argh, I am not good at making decisions at the best of times, nevermind when I am pregnant.

Our hospital tour is on Tuesday. We had one with DS1, but since we have moved countries since, we figured it would be good to see how things are here.
I have vivid dreams as well and last night they were VERY stressful. In one I had a nasty parasite (like worms) you might think I was thinking of baby as a parasite, but in the dream I was pregnant and I was so worried about the baby.
In the second dream I had just had the baby and DHs family was mad that I was taking so long to get up and get going to church, and I kept saying I wasn't going anywhere, I had just given birth about 20 minutes ago, and they were determined to bundle up the baby and take her out to the car. I was livid.

We have our hospital tour on Wed. I hadn't even thought about what I might hear there... my hospital just redid their birthing center a few years ago. Private labor/delivery rooms with showers and baths. I've been told it's really nice, so I'm hoping to feel positive afterward.
Well the tour went well. There were lots of people who were waiting to go too, the mw even commented. It's totally different to the old bit where I had ds. The rooms have such a nice vibe and are fresher. They showed us both parts. The birthing pool looks interesting, I am considering that for sure. All the mw were lovely. Made it feel a heck of a lot more real though. Exciting and terrifying in equal measure!!
My appointment was rescheduled yesterday to next week because my new Doctor got called off to an emergency c-section. :nope: I haven't had an appointment since 26 weeks and I was really looking forward to meeting my new Doctor! Grrr.
Sorry to hear that your appointment got rescheduled, Srrme. That stinks. I've gotten my appointments pushed by a few hours due to my doctor delivering babies but not rescheduled. That especially stinks since it's been so long since you've been! Hope you like your new doctor! :hugs:

I didn't go on a hospital tour when I was pregnant with my first son as I didn't feel I needed to. I'd been to the birthing center a few times previously when my sister-in-law gave birth to my nephew and then again with my neice (which was only about 4 months before I had my son). I was also in there once a week at the end due to having weekly NSTs so I was pretty familiar with the center by that point! :thumbup: I never heard too much screaming when I was there any time, even when I gave birth to my son. And I know there were other births while I was there but it was pretty quiet. I think they must have some good sound proofing or something. LOL

Anyway, I hit 32 weeks today!! :happydance: And I'm also getting a growth scan done today as well to see how my little man is doing. About 5.5hours to go!! LOL I'm looking forward to seeing him as I haven't since 20 weeks. I'm hoping his growths right on target so I don't have to go through what I did with my older son. FX!!

I'm sorry for all those not sleeping well. Besides getting up a few times to pee, I've been sleeping pretty well, though I'd like to sleep much longer! With a 2 year old that's not really possible though. LOL I hope you guys can get some good sleep soon! :hugs:
Jess hope lo is growing perfectly. Enjoy seeing him :)
Happy 32 weeks Hun !!!

I have a NST in a few hours to see how Ivan is doing hope all is well still.
Good luck to those with appointments today or in the near future!

My super cautious, a bit over the top, doctor has stepped me up to twice a week visits now! I was doing once a week which I thought was a bit much, considering blood pressure and NST's have been just fine. I went Thursday and he goes, "Oh, you're 32 weeks on Monday so we'll go ahead and step up to twice a week." I was floored. It sounds like he will be having an NST done 1 visit and an ultrasound for BPP done the second visit each week. Thankfully I have really good insurance (I hope!!) because all these tests have to cost a fortune. I'm trying not to complain because I'd rather have an overly cautious doctor than a non-chalant doctor but it's becoming difficult to schedule appointments around work. I have to use my sick leave for maternity leave, so I can't miss work all the time for appointments because I need those days! Sorry to vent, just a little bit frustrating to be going twice per week already. :(
Happy New Weeks Ladies and hope all your appointments go well :hugs:

Our hospital doesn't do tours :grr: but they have an online virtual tour and I know they are currently doing up the labour ward :thumbup:

We have our 1st NCT class tonight I am super nervous and excited - All getting so real now :wacko: :cloud9:
Elliot has been very active lately but I cannot for the life of me work out which way around he is although I am sure on Saturday he was laying horizontally :wacko:
Lindsay I feel for you Hun I go twice a week if not three times like last week but at least once a week I have to drive 1.5 hours to get there my hubby has to take the time off his work to go with me :( luckily his boss is very understanding and covers for him but it's frustrating for me. I guess I'm just glad we're closer the the end now :)
Good luck to those with appointments and congratulations on new weeks! :thumbup:

I did NCT classes when I was pregnant with my ds Twag and I found them very informative and useful. It def helped me feel more prepared for things to come. Hopefully you with find that too and everyone was lovely. I'm still in touch with a couple from the class. Good luck :thumbup:

Been helping my sis out with sorting her baby clothes to see what see has. She's due in just over 5 weeks :wacko: it inspired me to do some of mine but I didn't get too far cos I had the worst back ache after only bout 10 minutes so OH will def have to be roped in. Lol

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