I had been so excited that baby was upside down, until two days ago. I had a great, very exciting weekend, a big baby shower and a surprise visit from my BFF across the country, just to attend. Also Dh's family who lives all over the country sent gifts as well, even though I hadn't sent them invitations (I didn't want them to feel obligated). Yesterday however LO got hiccups and instead of being down in my crotch as they have been, they were way up on my L side. This morning in bed she had them again, and they were even higher up on the L side. I know she can still move, but she's going the wrong direction!
Have a doc appt this morning and lots of questions for him. We're doing public cord blood donation for one, and I need to get that all sorted out since our hospital doesn't do it, we're doing a mail in program.
Have a good day ladies, I got a NEW FRUIT!