@goldstns, I've been slowly packing mine. I have a list off of this site I think that I'm using, but I have: my L&D clothes (I didn't want to wear the hosp gown, so I got some really cheap stuff off Old Navy.com, a sweatshirt material skirt and a nursing tank). I have a swimsuit top to wear for L&D in case I want to take a shower or bath (I bought it during the pregnancy to fit these massive BBs
I have LO's going home outfit, hat and mittens and socks (its' cold here!), a receiving blanket to send home with DH for the cats to sniff. Nursing cover, my Moby carrier, some PJs with button down tops for after, snacks, money for vending machine, clothes for DH, my cord blood kit, birth plan, socks, nursing bras, couple magazines, toiletries, a bath towel (the hosp ones suck apparently). Baby book is on it's way so that I can get the hand and foot prints right away, still need to make an ITunes playlist and put a few seasons of Friends in the bag for the DVD player during labor. It's my comfort show. That's all that comes to mind... I just googled a couple lists and printed the most helpful one. Our hopsital keeps you at least 2 days after a vaginal birth, at least 4 after a C section. It's a nationally ranked baby friendly hospital, so they keep you longer to do a lot of education before sending you on your way, so that's why I have a couple days of clothes for me and DH. We only live 15 mins from the hospital, so he can go home and switch things out too if needbe.
Hope that helps!