@goldstns- My doc said the results wouldn't be done for a week (for HcG and glucose I had results either same day or next day, so they must be sending this one out). They said they would just tell me at my weekly appt next week since it just means antibiotics during labor, nothing to do about it now anyway.
I had my phone conversation today with my insurance lady (i'm part of a program where they call me once a trimester). Apparently I was a little bit off on my insurance travel rules. She said they don't want me going more than 40 miles from the hospital after 37 weeks. I'll be 37.5 weeks at Christmas and I really want to go home to my parents which is 80 miles away. I guess I'll give in to them checking my cervix at my last appt before Christmas, take a good look at the weather forecast and make the decision from there. Also, my grandmother died on Monday (not a shock, she was 99.5) but the funeral won't be until the 21st, once again, 80 miles away and I'll be 36.6. I would think that I wouldn't be going that early with our first, but baby has definitely shifted down. My maternity shirts barely cover the bottom of my belly. I'm not sure how much time that gives me...