January Jelly Beans 2014!

Good luck, Lindsay. Looking forward to hearing of your baby's arrival.
Good luck Lindsay!!!

Mommytobe - glad it's not just my oh!!

Yesterday evening had quite a a few sharp pains accompanying bh between my legs shooting upwards (sorry tmi). They settled for a while then I had more about 2am. I've only had one this morning. Will keep an eye on it, no idea what it is.

Going for a nice long walk with hubby this afternoon.

Em xxx
Hi ladies I hope everyone's had a fantastic Xmas. Congratulations to anyone who has had their babies! We had a stressful but lovely xmas as my sister gave birth to a healthy little girl on boxing day. Ellie Rose weighed in at 7lb 1oz and was born at 4.24am. Me and my mum were there and I have to say being the one watching someone in labour is a whole new experience and not easy at all, my poor sis had to be helped by use of ventouse as baby as back to back and turns out she had her arm up by her head hence why she was struggling down the birth canal. I got to see her born though which was amazing. I have added a pic, sorry its not fab got a tablet for xmas and still working out how to send pics to it.


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Delamere- Congrats on your little niece! I am sure watching a labor/delivery that close to your own is kind of freaky! Glad baby is ok!
Del, congrats on your little niece!

Having one of those cr***y days :(
Well, still pregnant over here! Lol. I went in for monitoring and to run my 24 hr urine test yesterday morning. The baby looked great on nst, my BP was high but started coming down, my protein was 225, and all lab work came back fine. I was having regular contractions, but they were so weak I wasn't even feeling them. They said it was a good sign, though, and sent me home. I know it's best for the baby to keep on baking, but I was definitely a little disappointed I didn't get to meet her yet! I'm 38 weeks tomorrow ad he will definitely induce at 39 weeks soil hoping and praying my BP stays decent and I go into labor naturally this week. :)
Linds...sry no baby yet. It can totally be disappointing.

question: I think IV already lost my plug, however I just had a good poop and when I wiped my lady bits I had a light tinge of bloody mucous. Is this normal? Maybe more plug? I haven't had sex or check for dilation since Monday.
Goldstns - I'm a ftm so can't give you any personal experience but I've heard that the plug can come away in bits and that it can regenerate, so maybe you just lost the next bit of it?? Not sure

Lindsay - not long left to wait! Exiting!

Del - congrats on your niece!!

Em xxx
I wish I would lose my plug, or SOMETHING! :haha: It feels so weird being this pregnant and actually labor symptom spotting!
I'm with you! I hit 38 weeks today and am anxiously awaiting labor...
I have had more mucousy discharge, but nothing brown or pink. I also had my most painful contraction thus far today. Almost had to sit down. Almost.
Also been waiting to leak? Anybody who'd had kids before know if it's an issue that I haven't yet?
Definitely been achy and crampy, it comes and goes, so I'm assuming it's BH. Ready to meet our little Felicity!
Well convinced hubby to dtd last night - was not the most pleasant experience!! Hasn't seem to have done anything and won't be doing it again!

Had a few tightenings afterwards but nothing this morning :(

Em xxx
Definitely some kind of cramping after dtd [tmi] but so far no clear sign of labour. Labour symptom sptting here as well... :haha:

I also wish that I lose my plug so I know its progressing. I'm not even sure if baby is engaged already..
Glad things are looking well for you, lindsay, though I'm sorry you didn't get to meet your little girl yet. But she'll be here soon I'm sure! :thumbup:

And goldstns, I would think the others are correct and it's just more of your plug. I've been told it's normal to loose it over time and that it can regenerate. So I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. :)

melann - when you say leak, do you mean from your boobs? I never had any leaking when I was pregnant with my older son and had no problems breastfeeding if that's what you are worried about. I haven't leaked at all this pregnancy either. So I don't believe there is any correlation between leaking and how well you bf. So I wouldn't worry about that if you have been. :)

My hubby and I have only DTD a few times since finding out we were pregnant. He has no problems with it but we honestly just haven't had time or I've been too tired. :dohh: I'd like to wait at least another week before my little man comes so I don't want to even chance it at this point. LOL

I've reached 38 weeks today!! :happydance: It's crazy to think I'll be meeting my little man soon. I had my latest OB appointment last Friday and everything seems to be OK. She checked my cervix again but I hadn't made any fruther progress and she said he's still "high" so I'm guessing that means he's not engaged. But with a second pregnancy that's really not a surprise, I guess. An I can still feel him in my ribs a lot so I was kind of expecting that. She did want me to get another ultrasound, which is scheduled for today, to check my fluid level, baby's estimated weight and to have a BPP due to my blood pressure, which has been fine but I think she's just being cautious. So I'm excited I get to see my little guy again and hopefully get a good pic of his face. :thumbup:
I'm not full term til Thursday but all I have had is a bit of period cramping but tbh I have have period tummyache on and off throughout but these have been a bit more uncomfortable. I was induced last time so I haven't the experience of losing plug or anything without help. Starting to feel bit nervous about labour . Anyone else? X
@vtjess, yes I did mean leaking colostrum. My nipples do look like they have white spots in the shower, but nothing comes out. I'm reading a couple books right now about BFing and they all say "it's normal to leak" I get that they're trying to provide reassurance to those who do, but it makes me feel like I'm supposed to be and not.

Just had legit diarrhea, so maybe more signs soon? A couple contractions this morning. One pretty strong. I know baby could cook a while longer, but I also heard that the 37-42 week range could have to do with your cycle length. I was a 29 day cycle before getting pregnant, so I'm hoping for 39-40 weeks...
My BF is coming to hang out with me today, so that's nice. I am planning to work from home still, but my boss is out of the country for a few more days and I'm waiting on feedback from her on our latest draft of my paper, and am not about to start a new project now... so just putzing around the house! My freezer easily has a month's worth of food, so no more room for cooking for me. I've always loved to cook/bake, but this has taken it beyond normal I think. I have 2 pans of shrimp enchiladas, 1 pan chicken enchiladas, 8 servings beef stew, 3lbs spinach fettuccine (homemade), 4 servings chicken curry meatballs, 8 servings squash soup, 16 stuffed sandwiches, cinnamon rolls, pumpkin muffins, maple scones, pumpkin bread, and apple cake. There's probably even more in there I don't remember making :) Add to that all the other dry goods in the house and I wouldn't have to go to the store for several months ;)
melann, I can understand being worried based of books saying things like that. They should also mention that you not leaking is not a sign that anything is wrong and that you can't bf. But as I said above, I never leaked before birth with my son and I was able to breastfeed for 6 months (probably would have been longer if I had been more diligent with my pumping once I went back to work) with no issues. I plan on doing the same this time and I'm hoping that I can bf for a full year. So don't worry yourself at all. I'm sure you'll be able to bf just fine! :hugs:

And it sounds like you have plenty of food! That's great. I wish I could say we were so prepared. LOL But my hubby is the cook in our house so I don't have to worry about us not eating. :winkwink: It would be nice to have stuff ready though so neither of us have to deal with cooking for a bit. :) But right now I still have a lot to do to prepare for the baby that making food is just not that high of a priority.

I finally starting putting together my hospital bag last night. Not much in it yet except some toiletries, some pajamas and a nursing bra but it's a start! I'm hoping to start filling it more this week. Fingers crossed! LOL
Wow I wish I had been as organised but between being pregnant and looking after a 3yr old I'm just too exhausted.

My ds starts nursery 5 days on monday and I'm gonna be shattered walking him there and back. He is in 9-12 mon, wed and fri and 1-4 tue and thurs. My dad said he can help out some but he can't drop us off on the morning starts. Early starts I reckon between me waddling and my ds being terrified of loud noises and cars atm will be fun!

P.S lots of bh tightening this afternoon. Quite uncomfortable and my baby non stop moving is not a nice combination.

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