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January Jelly Beans 2014!

Happy 38 Weeks Del

I also struggled last night seems baby is even lower and so it hurt to lay down :wacko:

I am defo going to try the dates thing :thumbup:
Me too twag!! I've sent hubby to get some while I'm at dentist!!

Em xxx

Saw this recipe on this morning yesterday for sticky date brownies! Could be a nice way to eat the dates lol
Thanks for the birth story Goldstns :)

I'm also taking 6-8 pcs of dates every day from week 36. Read that theyre supposed to help during labour. Of course, I wouldn't know. :haha: Still no progress here. Here, we also don't get any cervix check-up unless past the due date, so I have no clue what's happening down there. I don't want to be induced however I'll probably go nuts if I'll be overdue and still no symptoms.
Happy 38 weeks Del!

The dates thing is interesting. I haven't heard of that one before. May give it a shot if I hit 39 weeks ;)
I had night sweats at the end of my pregnancy with DD and they are back :( I wake up in the middle of the night soaked. So over it!
Happy 38 weeks, Del! :happydance: I hope you can get some good rest. Maybe try to take a nap while your son is at nursery?

I'd never heard anything about dates either. I may have to pick some up at the store when I go. I just hate that I'm so close to my due date with no signs. So I'm willing to try anything! LOL

I'm sorry about the night sweats, acorn. I can totally sympathize. While I wouldn't say that I have "night sweats" per se but I'm constantly hot at night and end up sleeping with no blankets even though I usually can't sleep without one. LOL My hubby is wrapped up in a comforter and there I am lying next to him hot as anything. It sucks!!
I am also a cold person cannot sleep with out my duvet but recently I have waking and having to sleep with no sheet or duvet whilst DH is wrapped up because I am so damn hot!

Lots of labour :dust: ladies
Night sweats are awful. I have been having them. Had a lie down this afternoon and am now putting my feet up whilst I wait for my son. My bump feels really hard all the time today, is anyone else like this? Def having loads of bh and just feel kind of full all the time. I've been very lucky today cos my mum has been a star and has taken my ds to nursery and is picking him up for me. Bit annoyed cos my oh has had to travel to Birmingham this afternoon for work and knowing that I was up all night with tightenings and discomfort it really stresses me out that he's about 3 hrs away plus it means he won't be home to help me sort ds out later. Sorry for the moan just feeling bit sorry for myself cos I'm tired and sore x
39 weeks today and no change since last week's MW appointment. The wee man was sleeping when listening to his heartbeat this morning, so much so that the doctor wanted to do a scan to make sure all is well with him. Thankfully no problem at all, just a sleepy baby this morning. :sleep: The current estimate is 3800g.

Can't wait for him to come now....
Sorry to hear that del.

My belly is definitely tight most of the time. So much so that it's hard to tell what side she's on some times because the whole thing is rock hard. Doesn't hurt though. Had a lot of cramping last night and more discharge this morning, still nothing bloody. I've been wearing a night pad in bed and when I go out in case my water breaks, but I took it off this morning when I got up and it was about 45 minutes before I got in the shower and when I took my undies off they were a bit wet (like a 50 cent piece), but I think it was just discharge, not water as it didn't seem to continue. No contractions or anything this morning, just a general achiness. I did wake up with a migraine though. Mine aren't debilitating, but my right eye gets really blurry and I have a lot of pressure around it. They are usually connected to estrogen for me (which is why I can't take combo birth control) and used to line up with estrogen surges in my cycle once off BC. I've had a couple during pregnancy, but this is the worst. So I'm the endocrinology nerd that googled this morning whether estrogen increases before labor. Turns out the placenta increases E 1000x leading up to labor. I have no idea what the time frame on that is (whether it happens a week or hours before labor), but regardless I'm telling myself that it means my body is doing what it's supposed to as one of my fears is being induced. Tylenol won't touch my migraines, so I'm having my first fully caffeinated latte (~180mg caffeine) since April which usually kicks it, but even that hasn't really helped. If it really is due to increasing E, I'm fine with it, and will just use it as an excuse to go lay down. :)
Have a good day everyone!
My stomach has been rock hard the majority of the time lately. It was at my appointment Monday too. Midwife thought she was feeling his back and realized that she was just feeling my hard stomach, ha ha. He is facing forward, so it's all limbs right now. Hopefully it doesn't take much to convince him to flip once labor starts. I've heard back labor is the worst. So far the BH don't hurt at all. I don't notice my stomach going hard/soft unless I am touching it.
My bump is very solid when I stand but a little squishier when sitting or laying down and I do know his back is front left bum up top and limbs are all out to the right so the left is kinda an empty space :wacko:
Sorry you are feeling so rough, Del. :hugs: I hope you feel better soon!!

My bump is solid a good bit of the time too though it's still soft at others. I've been thinking its dependent on where baby is laying. I'm actually concerned that he may have moved from head down to transverse. :wacko: Which I hope is not the case and I may ask my OB about it at my appointment tomorrow. Occasionally I've been able to feel his back on one side of my bump or the other and it reassured me he was still head down, though not engaged. But yesterday and today, I've felt like he's lying transverse up high near my ribs if that makes any sense. My bump has been tight up high across the very top of my bump (and soft below)which has made me wonder if it was his back I was feeling. I'm hoping not and it's just my hard bump. I'd hate if he's moved after being such a good position for so long! :dohh: Hopefully I'm worrying over nothing!
My oh has made it home in time for ds bed time :happydance: I do feel bit anxious about bed tonight incase its like it was last night. I feel really conflicted cos I am excited to meet my little man but I know what I have to through before he gets here and then I'm going to be a mum of 2! Scary.
I feel really conflicted cos I am excited to meet my little man but I know what I have to through before he gets here and then I'm going to be a mum of 2! Scary.

I could have written this myself, Del.
I'm with you both as well. I know it'll be so worth it once he's here...but being a mom of 2 is terrifying! LOL
Right there with you ladies! I am so excited to meet him most of the time and then I have a moment of panic knowing what's coming and that I will have another little one to take care of this time around. Yikes!
Had the migraine this morning, but it passed. Just now had some cramping and legit diarrhea. I've had soft frequent stools for a couple days, but this was more violent... I know disgusting, but I'm hopeful. I had the same thing for dinner tonight as I did yesterday, so that can't be why...
I guess I'm just a little confused because yesterday the doc said the baby was still pretty high, and I would've thought that in order to be causing the issues the last couple days she would've needed to be lower, but I supposed the intestine runs the length of my back, so who knows. Anyway, send labor vibes this way ladies!! I'd LOVE to have her this weekend!

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