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January Jelly Beans 2014!

Oh that's quite exciting melann. I guess things can change quickly reguarding your body changing for labour so who knows!:thumbup:

We have had a u turn with the name or I should say I have. Its a bit late but w have chosen Isaac Anthony. He has his middle name after my OHs dad, I think it has a nice ring to it so finally feel settled about it. Only taken nearly 9 months!:haha:

Really glad I'm not the only who is nervous about being a mummy of 2! :hugs:

Any one had more signs? I had a quiet night so it seems to be every other night for me!
Awww that is a lovely name Dela :thumbup: <3

Well I am not sure what just happened but I do know OMG it was painful TMI story - so I was sitting here and got this feeling of oh I need to go have a #2 so I went to the toilet and just this pain moved across my cervix/pelvis area & the rest of my bump felt weird! anyway I put this down to needing to go so I pushed and nothing but OMG this pain kept on so I stuck with it thinking it was just going to be a difficult one :wacko: (you know how it is being preggo!) so I think I was there for 20 mins eventually got one tiny one out but the pain kept on I almost cried, I couldn't move and was nearly sick! Anyway after the one little one came out I didn't try anymore I just breathed and let the pain pass - which is did but now I feel so achy/crampy in my lower bump/pelvis region! Bubs is still moving about but OMG when he does it hurts so low down!

So now was this a contraction, a bad BH or just a bad case of constipation :shrug: :wacko: :blush:

I have a midwife appointment this afternoon so I might mention it :shrug:
Awww that is a lovely name Dela :thumbup: <3

Well I am not sure what just happened but I do know OMG it was painful TMI story - so I was sitting here and got this feeling of oh I need to go have a #2 so I went to the toilet and just this pain moved across my cervix/pelvis area & the rest of my bump felt weird! anyway I put this down to needing to go so I pushed and nothing but OMG this pain kept on so I stuck with it thinking it was just going to be a difficult one :wacko: (you know how it is being preggo!) so I think I was there for 20 mins eventually got one tiny one out but the pain kept on I almost cried, I couldn't move and was nearly sick! Anyway after the one little one came out I didn't try anymore I just breathed and let the pain pass - which is did but now I feel so achy/crampy in my lower bump/pelvis region! Bubs is still moving about but OMG when he does it hurts so low down!

So now was this a contraction, a bad BH or just a bad case of constipation :shrug: :wacko: :blush:

I have a midwife appointment this afternoon so I might mention it :shrug:

Thanks twag xx

Sounds to me like a contraction. Maybe this is the start of things just easing you in :shrug: esp with the feeling like you needed the loo x
I dunno Dela I will see if it happens again I have my 38 week midwife appointment at 2.45 hoping to get some sort of sign from her that it might be soon :wacko:
Thought I should update here also, had my baby yesterday! :) 7.2oz (a whole two pounds less than DS!) and 20 inches long. I can't believe he's such a peanut. He also was breech as I had suspected! My csection was very positive this time! For those that don't know, my first was traumatic and I had to be put to sleep so I didn't even get to see DS when he was born :(
Nursing is going great! He has a great latch when he's not sleepy ;)
Beautiful mommytobe11! Congrats, glad things are going well!

Twag- How long did the pain last?

The joint in my right leg has been giving me trouble. Really sharp pain will run through it with no notice. Happened while I was doing Laundry yesterday and I was miserable. On top of that I have been just exhausted. Hopefully I can get some good rest this weekend. I don't want to go into labor until I have some energy for it!
Ah congratulations mommytobe, really glad you had a better experience this time. He's adorable. :thumbup:
Acorn - I get the same in my right hip, I wonder if it's her pushing on a nerve coz it seems to stop as suddenly as it started.

Twag - eek exiting, looking forward to hearing what the midwife says!

Mommytobe11 - congratulations!! Glad you had a better birth experience this time! He's lovely!! What did you name him?

Em xxx
Congrats again, mommytobe11! :) He's a cutie pie!

Still no signs this little guy is wanting to come any time soon on my end. I'm really wishing something would happen since my due date is Monday! :dohh: I have an OB appointment this afternoon so I'm going to talk with my doctor about her stance on going over due. I had my first son right around 39 weeks...so I've never hit my due date before. LOL And last time with my high bp, she didn't want me going much past my due date but hasn't said the same thing this time. So I want to ask her about that. I don't really want to be induced....but I'm getting so uncomfortable its insane! I'm so ready to meet my little man!! I'd love to go into labor naturally this weekend...but I really have no reason to believe that will happen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though! :winkwink:
Vtjess - did you get much warning of early labour with ds? The same in thinking there's no way baby will come this weekend but really I've got nothing to suggest she won't either!!

Em xxx
That's the thing, I didn't really have any warnings or signs with him either at least I don't remember having any! :dohh: But being a FTM at the time... I wasn't really looking for any either. So I'm not sure if I did and just missed them...or I didn't have any at all. I know I started dilating earlier with ds1. Starting at 36 weeks I was 1 cm and 30% effaced and I think by 38 weeks, I was up to 3cm dilated and fruther effaced though I don't remember the numbers. This time around I've been 1 cm and 30% effaced for weeks with no further progression. Again I know this doesn't mean anything but it's annoying to me! LOL With my older son, I lost my mucus plug around 7/8 pm the night I went into labor with my contractions starting around 10:30 that night. I was in the hospital by 12/12:30 and then had my son at 5:48 am the next morning. So it was a fairly quick process for me. So it's possible something similar will happen this time as well. I'm just so impatient!! LOL I want to meet my new little man. :)
Getting regular pains since 4am fingers crossed this is it going to L&D when DH comes home from eork
I think it's him on a nerve for sure. It seems to happen when he is moving around and I can feel an arm in that direction. It hurts so bad!

claudinator- I hope this is it for you!

vtjess- I hope something happens for you soon! I still have a couple weeks before my due date, so I am not really searching for signs or trying to evict yet. I'd love to have him soon, but I am trying to be patient.

Last time I hit 39 weeks and wanted dd out sooo bad. The night before my due date, I took out my new breast pump and played around with it, mostly trying to figure out how it worked so I would have it ready. Anyway, I tested it and colostrum came out (first time), and within an hour or two contractions started. I will likely try that again if I make it that far.
Well all my signs past. No migraine this morning, no more diarrhea. More mucous discharge this morning, still not bloody, that's been going on for weeks. Felt crampy during the night and this morning, which has also been going on awhile. Only 2 days til the due date. This weekend seems like a great time to have a baby. Wish she'd get the memo :)

Doc said 42 weeks is his limit.

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