Del, it's probably little consolation, but when I went to be induced I was 0cm.
Once they got the monitors on they realized I was contracting every 6-10minutes (I just felt crampy). All it took was the ripening agent to kickoff full labor. So, my body was very ready to go into labor, just needed a kick start. Probably would've happened on its own in the next day or two, but checking in and getting settled before being in true labor was pretty nice.
Checking in today and thought I'd see some new babies So sorry ladies! I know it's uncomfortable and so hard to wait.
Things are going pretty well here. Blake is doing great. DD is in love with him and although she has been acting out a little, she hasn't been jealous and loves him to pieces. She has been very jealous in the past of me holding babies, so it's been a VERY pleasant surprise that she has taken to him so well.
I am slowly recovering. Having so cracking/bleeding with nursing. This happened with dd too, even though she was latching correctly. I thought the 2nd time around it would be much better, so that's a bummer.
BP was lower today than yesterday but still a little higher than they like they are coming to check it again Saturday to be safe!
i am still spotting, very achy & twingy & apparently according to midwife having tightening's
Delamere- Last time around it took us 6 weeks to get the hang of breastfeeding. This time around I at least know what I am doing. I have some cracking/bleeding, but I know how to treat it and I think it will be ok soon. Just stinks that I couldn't prevent it to begin with.