*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Congratulations to everyone who has had a scan! Such fantastic pictured! i really hope mine is as clear next week!

Hi Everyone!! My name is Amanda, 27, and this is my first pregnancy. January 19th is the expected DD. :) My husband and I are VERY excited! We just had our second scan last week and I loved watching our baby's little feet move! Nice to be a part of this group!

that is so lovely! Imagine if you have a girl... i think it would be amazing.

Good luck at your scan ab75, look forward to your update! :)

Mrshumphreys, I can't see the nub on the top 2 but I agree your scans all look very similar! I'm still convinced :pink: for you though! Roll on January so we find out! :lol:

Ok just updating the front page now... Can anyone let me know if they're missing off the list or if there edd's have changed at all so I can get it all done now instead if trawling back through hundreds of pages! :flower:

I will update my EDD after my scan on Tuesday hun :flower:

Has anyone heard about sleeping on your left side and not your right? I'm such a wriggler, I can go to sleep on one side and wake up on my back or my right. Don't really need another thing to add to my list of worries! Has anyone got any knowledge or experience?

you dont have to worry about it till your a bit futher on. but as others have said hun its to do with the blood flow to baby, its much better if you sleep/lie on your left but it wont cause too many problems if you toss and turn in sleep hun. xx
Due 30th jan - thanks!!!

Will add you to the list :thumbup:

Has anyone heard about sleeping on your left side and not your right? I'm such a wriggler, I can go to sleep on one side and wake up on my back or my right. Don't really need another thing to add to my list of worries! Has anyone got any knowledge or experience?

As all the other ladies have said, it's due to blood flow and I also think there's some nerve that can be pressed on by sleeping on your right. I think it's after 16w anyway, so you're ok for now :thumbup: I'd highly recommend a maternity pillow if you're a bedtime wriggler! I have a full body one and it enabled me to sleep all night long on my left side. I'm a stomach sleeper usually but I haven't been able to do that in weeks now, my uterus is like a rock!
Hey ladies!!! I hope everyone is doing well!!!

I have had a couple really bad weeks. First, I lost my job and I'm 100% positive it's because I'm pregnant. I was practically forced out the door and my job was made beyond unreasonable ever since I told my boss I'm pregnant. We did end up working out a deal where I would stay and train my replacement in exchange he would approve unemployment. (This would allow me to keep my job until about November, as it's a lot to train someone on.) I know if I took him to court over this I would win, without a doubt. But to be honest, it's not worth the time, stress or money. I'd rather just move on. In a way, this has kind of worked out for the best. I wouldn't of had a ton of time built up for maternity leave, so money would be very tight. Now this way, I'm really just taking maternity leave 2 months early, will be paid throughout and even a for a couple of months after the baby is born. But here's the problem...about 6 months ago I spoke to my boss about going back to school and he gave me his blessing. We spoke about how I would need to move around my schedule sometimes, but would take as many evening/online classes as I could. He was more than ok with it. Gave me his blessing and even told me he was proud of me. So I enrolled. This was one of the problems we ran into. All of a sudden this wasn't ok and that was that. So I went from having a very flexible boss to a boss that could care less. I've already enrolled and will be completing my second semester in a month. This will only better myself and my family and I won't give up on this dream of mine. So instead now I will have to work a part-time job, be a full-time student and a full-time mom. It's going to be tough. Not impossible, but really tough. Thankfully I have a very supportive husband and I'll do whatever I need to do in order to provide for my family, continue going to school and graduating. It will be 2.5 years of hell, but all worth it in the end. Moving on.....one of the other issues I ran into at work is my previously approved time off in August is no longer approved. My best friend is getting married, I'm her MOH and her family planned her bridal shower around when I would be traveling up to NY. I haven't had the heart to let them know I can no longer come up. It's not just not having the time off, it's also not fair to my family to spend money we really don't have anymore. So I feel like the biggest piece of crap right now. Her family is like a second family and would 100% understand, but that still doesn't take away from the guilt. In addition, I grew up in NY and was going to have a baby shower while I was there, since all my friends and a lot of my family would be there. That can get thrown out the window now. :cry:

Moving on....my brother, the only family I have close by, and I had a huge falling out because he's not making the best decisions in life and I'm too protective to not say something. I have been at rock bottom, I know what's it like. I can't just sit back and watch him throw away his life. I just can't. But he's stubborn, just like me, and won't listen to anyone. I finally came to the realization, after 2 sleepless nights that you can't change people that don't want to change and the only thing I can do, is sit back and watch. I've bailed him out of jail once and told him I would never do it again. That was his one free pass, anything else he was on his own. (He got a DWI a few years back. He's not a thief or drug addict or anything super terrible. He's an alcoholic who won't admit it and I'm afraid he's going to make the same mistake since he just got his license and car back.) We have since put the bullshit behind us but it still hurts my heart.

Moving on....my family is visiting. My mother and step-father are very heavy smokers. I was too until the day I found out I was pregnant. Being around smokers has never been a problem for me. Obviously it's not wise to be around smoke while pregnant, but they smoke outside and I decided to sit down and spend some time with them. I tried to stay away from the smoke as much as possible, (I was sitting about 15 feet away) but with my brother also being there, there were 3 heavy smokers surrounding me. The smoke wasn't bothering me and then out of nowhere, made me ill. I went inside to get away from it and for the first time all pregnancy, threw up. I think I threw up for 10 minutes straight. It hurt so bad. I couldn't breathe. I feel sooooooooo bad for anyone that has thrown up during their pregnancy. I don't think I've thrown up in like 10 years.

Moving on....I have a UTI. Fucking awesome.

Sorry for the extremely long rant everyone. I'm sure there are plenty of people that have it worse than me. Like those who can't even get pregnant. I know, I was there for a very long time....I'm very grateful for the experiences I am going through, I just needed to vent to some women who can really understand. :hugs:

Wow, you really have been dealing with a lot right now! I hope you're ok :hugs: I hope things improve with your brother; at least you know you've been honest and that your honesty comes from care. Aside from that, there's nothing else you can do.

Sorry about your job: what an ass your boss is! I wanted to respond a little to what you were saying about continuing to study. I've recently submitted my PhD thesis, and have completed it whilst looking after DS full-time and teaching/working part-time. It has been HARD! No lies, there were moments of total misery, but I'll tell you right now that the feeling of pride, self-esteem and respect that you have for yourself once you complete your course is 100% worth it. If I can do this, you absolutely can :thumbup: I had to be so disciplined, working every single night after DS went to bed (read: even less social life than normal Mums :haha:), but ahhhhh the feeling of relief when I handed my thesis in was amazing! You can do it, and if you ever want any support, or to vent about the difficulties of juggling studying and motherhood, don't hesitate to PM me on here.

I also wanted to say (and this is a wierd coincidence!) that I'm also facing the same issue with a friend's wedding (I'm MOH). It's a destination wedding and we simply cannot afford it, and I feel awful letting her down, but I have to put my family and obligations to them first. I haven't told her yet, but I'm hopeful that she'll understand. I hope we both get on ok with our wedding situations!
Hi ladies, can I please join you?? I'm pregnant with our third jellybean who is due to appear into the world on 1st Jan.
I haven't joined any groups recently as last time I did, I had a mmc and it was an awful experience, but moving onwards on upwards now. I have a little girl who is 20 months old today, she is a little pickle but us also my rock along with my husband.
We have had 2 scans, one at 6+4 and the last one being at 12+5. We had an early scan due to me falling pregnant straight after my mc (11 weeks of bleeding!!)
Now the scans say I have a perfect baby, I am relaxing and starting to enjoy it :)
Hope to meet some lovely ladies on here xxx
Hi ladies, can I please join you?? I'm pregnant with our third jellybean who is due to appear into the world on 1st Jan.
I haven't joined any groups recently as last time I did, I had a mmc and it was an awful experience, but moving onwards on upwards now. I have a little girl who is 20 months old today, she is a little pickle but us also my rock along with my husband.
We have had 2 scans, one at 6+4 and the last one being at 12+5. We had an early scan due to me falling pregnant straight after my mc (11 weeks of bleeding!!)
Now the scans say I have a perfect baby, I am relaxing and starting to enjoy it :)
Hope to meet some lovely ladies on here xxx

Of course you can lovely :flower: jump right in! Welcome and congrats!

Is your current ticker from a previous baby!?
Yes it is... I can guarantee that I am still not pregnant with my daughter, otherwise I would be way over due!!
I think I've made it disappear now x
How's everybody doing? I'm falling asleep constantly the past two weeks. Other than that sore boobs are subsiding which is nice. Heartburn is still constant and driving me nuts. Other than that I can't complain. We finally started telling people about the baby which feels really great! I have my next Dr.'s appointment on Thursday and we should have the results of our MaterniT21. Well as I type this I need to go take my second nap of the day… ZzzzzZzzzZzzz!
Welcome buckles and congratulations xx
ttc_lolly could you change my EDD from the 11 to the 7th of January please?
I had an awful day at work- my bosses are driving me up the wall, not telling me somethings, then giving wrong info, telling me to go home because I don't feel good, then telling me that I'm at risk of losing my benefits because my average hours per week isn't high enough (which it is-my bosses suggestion was to use my pto, which I have been doing she just didn't take that in to account before opening her mouth)
I'm so glad I'm officially on vacation until Monday! I even turned off my phone so they couldn't call! LOL!
And I got my appointment made for my private gender scan- August 5!
SMandel22 - im so sorry your having such a hard time hun :hugs: I really hope things pick up for you soon.

Hi ladies, can I please join you?? I'm pregnant with our third jellybean who is due to appear into the world on 1st Jan.
I haven't joined any groups recently as last time I did, I had a mmc and it was an awful experience, but moving onwards on upwards now. I have a little girl who is 20 months old today, she is a little pickle but us also my rock along with my husband.
We have had 2 scans, one at 6+4 and the last one being at 12+5. We had an early scan due to me falling pregnant straight after my mc (11 weeks of bleeding!!)
Now the scans say I have a perfect baby, I am relaxing and starting to enjoy it :)
Hope to meet some lovely ladies on here xxx

Congratulations and welcome hun :D

How's everybody doing? I'm falling asleep constantly the past two weeks. Other than that sore boobs are subsiding which is nice. Heartburn is still constant and driving me nuts. Other than that I can't complain. We finally started telling people about the baby which feels really great! I have my next Dr.'s appointment on Thursday and we should have the results of our MaterniT21. Well as I type this I need to go take my second nap of the day… ZzzzzZzzzZzzz!

Im not so sleepy but my boobs are still very tender, and im with you on the heartburn front.. it sucks. I also still have MS :(

I'm glad you now feel comfortable enough to tell people about the pregnancy hun :Dance:

I had an awful day at work- my bosses are driving me up the wall, not telling me somethings, then giving wrong info, telling me to go home because I don't feel good, then telling me that I'm at risk of losing my benefits because my average hours per week isn't high enough (which it is-my bosses suggestion was to use my pto, which I have been doing she just didn't take that in to account before opening her mouth)
I'm so glad I'm officially on vacation until Monday! I even turned off my phone so they couldn't call! LOL!
And I got my appointment made for my private gender scan- August 5!

so so sorry this is happening to you hun! Seems to be happening to quite a few people and its rediculous. Im glad you have a little break for a few days! :hugs:

6 days till my scan :dance:
Sorry your having a rubbish time with work :hugs:

I booked our private gender scan too. 3rd August :)
Has anyone heard about sleeping on your left side and not your right? I'm such a wriggler, I can go to sleep on one side and wake up on my back or my right. Don't really need another thing to add to my list of worries! Has anyone got any knowledge or experience?

I heard about sleeping on your left and have been trying to for about 4 weeks already, I'm usually a right sleeper, being abit over paranoid but...

Good luck at your scan ab75, look forward to your update! :)

Mrshumphreys, I can't see the nub on the top 2 but I agree your scans all look very similar! I'm still convinced :pink: for you though! Roll on January so we find out! :lol:

Ok just updating the front page now... Can anyone let me know if they're missing off the list or if there edd's have changed at all so I can get it all done now instead if trawling back through hundreds of pages! :flower:

Please can my due date be changed to 7th January.

Thank you

I'm having no luck at the minute after a string of things going wrong for my boyfriend and I. I was driving home yesterday from my mums and luckily only about 8 miles from home had a flat tyre in the pitch black at 11pm... Nightmare, luckily my lovely boyfriend came and rescued me, but now I have to find money for a new tyre...

This is in pregnancy discussions so doesn't need moving :)

My ticker says 2nd tri today. Is it not next week?
I always heard 13w3 (1/3 of 40 weeks), but there's varying sites. Maybe like differences on when it becomes a fetus haha.
I always went with 13:3 for 2nd trimester.

Ok ladies. I need advice. I have my monthly midwife appt tomorrow so of course I will be asking her. But I'm slightly stressing. My feet are already swelling. Granted I did fracture my foot at the end of April. But it's both of them. If I stand for long periods or walk, Ect. I'm going to try lime or lemon water to help. But I'm worried this is a sign of things to come. :-(
Does anyone know anything about Hand, Foot and Mouth in Pregnancy? It's going around Tristan's nursery so I'm now worried about going there.
Hi ladies, my mistake - I thought this was in first tri boards!

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