*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

yeah :( he looked from one hip to another but all we find is my heart beat and the wooshing of the placenta x
Please can I have some advice please...

I don't know whether I should phone my midwife. The doctor signed me off Monday cos of my dizziness which is staying the same even after resting loads but my sickness has hit a whole new level vomiting and hardly able to keep anything down, it's not been this bad really since the beginning but I could still eat then and wasn't actually being sick...
I don't want to bother her but I don't really know what to do??

Ring her. That is what they are for. She will probably send you to the hospital. Hope you feel better soon.
My scan was amazing :cloud9: Baby was sleeping at first, but woke up after I went to the loo and was bouncing around and waving...awesome! We got moved to the 25th of Jan so I'm a little further along than I first though :happydance: (would you mind changing that please lolly? Thanks! x)

Yay for all the lovely scans!!!

Some of you ladies are so organised...I'm impressed! We've still got the cot, and highchair but that's it so I have a fair few things to get. I'm hoping to BF, so I'm not going to buy any bottles or anything unless things go awry. I managed a few months with DS but I hoping to get to a year with this LO.

Aaaahhhhhhh so happy!! xxx

I'm so happy for you! And you got your date bumped up! :happydance:
Good luck with the BFing :) I'm doing the same I am only gonna get a couple to take with if I need to pump before an outing or something. Last time I had 3 unopened boxes of the Avent that I ended up just giving away lol

Maybe we can help support each other in the early days of BF? I struggled a lot with BF (had all sorts of issues that I wont bore you with!), and it was sheer determination that made me last as long as I did. I'm hoping it'll be way easier this time, and that I'll get to my target of a year.

Hey ladies :) How is everyone feeling today? Congrats on all the recent scans, so excited for mine next week!
Wow a lot of you are super organised, with my first I got nothing till about 25 weeks! This time round I need nothing as still have it all, will probably allow myself to buy a couple of new outfits once we know gender in september.
Ok so the thing I mentioned that I am struggling with at the moment is a decision. A week after my son was born and didnt seem to know how to feed they did an MRI and found that his brain had not grown properly, we have never found the cause of this, they did genetic testing but it came back clear for known genes (doesnt rule it out as could be a gene they dont know about yet). Now I have a wee dilemna at the moment as been offered a referral to a fetal screening board, who make a decision on a case by case basis to offer fetal screening for various defects. If they accepted our referral could potentially have a fetal MRI once or twice during the latter stages of this pregnancy to tell if the brain has grown properly or with the same issues as Devon. If the news was good then it would be so worth having as could relax and stop stressing, but if its bad I worry it would destroy me and make it so much harder to go through labour etc. Have to decide if the chance of good outweighs the risk of bad. I know me and I am also worried that if we choose not to screen and this baby can feed when born that wont be enough for me to relax and enjoy it as I will worry through every milestone patch that we wont achieve it and find out bad news. Ugh I hate that I am so worried about it all right now.

Sorry for the ramble just needed to put all my thoughts down somewhere. I apologise if I offended anyone by saying all that, I certainly dont want to offend or scare anyone else.

hope you all have great days!

:hugs: We're 100% here for you to talk about all this, and I'm so sorry that you have to face this question. I agree with the others, it might help you relax and enjoy the pregnancy if the uncertainty is removed. The odds are stacked in your favour that all will be well; can you imagine the relief upon hearing that news!? And, if the unlikely happens, although you'll be so upset, you'll have time to prepare yourself and enter into parenting this baby in full knowledge of what to expect. Plus, you'll have time to adjust and know that just as you love your first beautiful baby, you'll love this one too. :hugs: We 're here for you no matter what you decide, and will support you right the way through all this xxx

Lovely! Hooray for Jellybean Bumps!

Please can I have some advice please...

I don't know whether I should phone my midwife. The doctor signed me off Monday cos of my dizziness which is staying the same even after resting loads but my sickness has hit a whole new level vomiting and hardly able to keep anything down, it's not been this bad really since the beginning but I could still eat then and wasn't actually being sick...
I don't want to bother her but I don't really know what to do??


Bother them! So sorry you're feeling unwell, did they check your blood pressure? I think any Dr or MW would be happy to see you, and will be able to help. At the very least they might be able to rehydrate you which might help with the dizziness. I was with the Dr yesterday (I'm a "red path" pregnancy so automatically have to be under consultant care), and she said that if I'm feeling anything unusual, anything at all - no matter how slight - I was to call in and talk to a MW. They'd rather see you and send you away than not see you, and you end up in real difficulties. I hope you feel better soon xxx
Please can I have some advice please...

I don't know whether I should phone my midwife. The doctor signed me off Monday cos of my dizziness which is staying the same even after resting loads but my sickness has hit a whole new level vomiting and hardly able to keep anything down, it's not been this bad really since the beginning but I could still eat then and wasn't actually being sick...
I don't want to bother her but I don't really know what to do??


Ring her hun. If your not able to keep anything down at all including fluids then you need some help and possibly some medication :hugs: xxx
HI ladies, hope you are all ok! Sickness is still with me, yuck, enjoyed my chinese take away last night then Alex pooped and I could not handle his nappy and threw up..gawd I am such a bad mummy!
I tried breastfeeding Alex, he wouldn't take to it, he would latch on fine and then just wouldn't suck, we were readmitted the next morning when we went back for the doctor check, tried for 2 more days with the help of the midwives when I changed to bottle feeding, the midwife said I had made the right choice as I wasn't happy and obv neither was Alex. I'm not sure what I am doing this time. I would like to try again but think bottle feeding would be best. I have time to decide.

Hey ladies :) How is everyone feeling today? Congrats on all the recent scans, so excited for mine next week!
Wow a lot of you are super organised, with my first I got nothing till about 25 weeks! This time round I need nothing as still have it all, will probably allow myself to buy a couple of new outfits once we know gender in september.
Ok so the thing I mentioned that I am struggling with at the moment is a decision. A week after my son was born and didnt seem to know how to feed they did an MRI and found that his brain had not grown properly, we have never found the cause of this, they did genetic testing but it came back clear for known genes (doesnt rule it out as could be a gene they dont know about yet). Now I have a wee dilemna at the moment as been offered a referral to a fetal screening board, who make a decision on a case by case basis to offer fetal screening for various defects. If they accepted our referral could potentially have a fetal MRI once or twice during the latter stages of this pregnancy to tell if the brain has grown properly or with the same issues as Devon. If the news was good then it would be so worth having as could relax and stop stressing, but if its bad I worry it would destroy me and make it so much harder to go through labour etc. Have to decide if the chance of good outweighs the risk of bad. I know me and I am also worried that if we choose not to screen and this baby can feed when born that wont be enough for me to relax and enjoy it as I will worry through every milestone patch that we wont achieve it and find out bad news. Ugh I hate that I am so worried about it all right now.

Sorry for the ramble just needed to put all my thoughts down somewhere. I apologise if I offended anyone by saying all that, I certainly dont want to offend or scare anyone else.

hope you all have great days!

Such a tough decision to make. I think I echo the other ladies that if you have it done and it's good news then you won't continue to worry for the rest of the pregnancy. And if it's mot the news you wanted to hear then it would be heartbreaking but you will be able to prepare but it's a choice only you can make. Good luck with whatever you decide xx
Thank you. I just got home from the doctors. He did my bp and it was really low, he gave me some anti-sickness tablets, and sent me for blood tests upstairs. He reiterated that I'm to be off work for at least the rest of the week and to go back if there is no improvement.

I asked about the medicine being okiee with the baby and he put it a really good way that made me feel less guilty. He said is how I'm feeling okiee for the baby?? If the medicine makes me better then that is better for the baby... And obviously they aren't tested in pregnant ladies as no one would want to be a guinea pig for new tablets but they should be okiee.

I hope they work...

Hope everyone else is feeling a lot better then me

I'm loving the talk of buying things. I can't wait to start as soon as I've had the 20week scan, even though we are finding out the sex we are still gunna buy white/yellow. I have chosen my pram and will get it nearer the time. I already have a cot an original 1940's one £10 on eBay bargain, so my boyfriend is gunna strip it and reprint it =] I'm gunna buy a chest of drawers soon just to store the odd bit we already have in to keep it clean and safe.

Im so jelous of all you ladies finding babies on the dopplers. We tried again last night but still cant find it ...

I'm still finding it very low- barely over the pubic bone, but it's been right in the middle, where I can feel something hard (assuming my uterus).
also- 2 days ago i caved and had to get maternity shirts (after a growing gap between my shirt and pants)... look so much better b/c they fit (even dh complimented them- what?!) and so comfy!

Here's a pic from 13w5d when I got them...


  • 13w5d.jpg
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Thank you. I just got home from the doctors. He did my bp and it was really low, he gave me some anti-sickness tablets, and sent me for blood tests upstairs. He reiterated that I'm to be off work for at least the rest of the week and to go back if there is no improvement.

I asked about the medicine being okiee with the baby and he put it a really good way that made me feel less guilty. He said is how I'm feeling okiee for the baby?? If the medicine makes me better then that is better for the baby... And obviously they aren't tested in pregnant ladies as no one would want to be a guinea pig for new tablets but they should be okiee.

I hope they work...

Hope everyone else is feeling a lot better then me

I'm loving the talk of buying things. I can't wait to start as soon as I've had the 20week scan, even though we are finding out the sex we are still gunna buy white/yellow. I have chosen my pram and will get it nearer the time. I already have a cot an original 1940's one £10 on eBay bargain, so my boyfriend is gunna strip it and reprint it =] I'm gunna buy a chest of drawers soon just to store the odd bit we already have in to keep it clean and safe.


So glad you went to see the Dr and got some help! Really hope you start to feel better soon x

also- 2 days ago i caved and had to get maternity shirts (after a growing gap between my shirt and pants)... look so much better b/c they fit (even dh complimented them- what?!) and so comfy!

Here's a pic from 13w5d when I got them...

Cute bump! And the tops not bad either :winkwink: x I've been wearing maternity jeans for weeks already (cheers to the bloat!), but I'm struggling a bit with tops, just because I don't like the big over-the-bump elasticated bit showing at all. I think I'll need to buy one or two tops that are a bit longer, but I don't want to spend too much.

With DS I didn't buy a single item of maternity clothes! My bump was always really small (turns out there was low fluid, he was tiny, and I went early) so I got away with wearing belted dresses and leggings. No way will I be doing the same this time though...and I'm so happy about it!
I had to get maternity stuff too, just got a pair of trousers and a few tops, don't intend on buying much tbh
If you're in the states, the shirt I was wearing was $4.50 at old navy- they have a bunch of markdowns right now (online too). Got another shirt for $3!
Luckily I've still got my maternity clothes from my sons pregnancy. I always bought things in the New Look sale.
Hey ladies!!!

So has anyone found out the gender yet? I went for a check up today and was hoping for an ultrasound but didn't get one. I guess I should of known that, but in the beginning of my pregnancy I was considered high risk because of previous losses and was getting an ultrasound at each appointment. Thankfully, I'm no longer considered high risk, but that means I don't get as many ultrasounds. So I decided to book a private scan and was hoping to get in this weekend. To my surprise, they had an available appointment today at 4:00. :happydance: I'm only 15w5d, but they book anytime after 15 weeks, so they said I would be good. Plus I've been measuring on the big side, so maybe I'm a little further along than we thought? They guarantee the gender reveal, so if they can't find it today, I'll come back at no charge. I get 6 pictures and a cd. And it only costs $59. I was shocked at how cheap it was!! Anyway......I hope later today I get to fill you all in!!!

Kiwi-just so you know, it's in Fayetteville and the name of the place is Little Miracles Imaging, just in case you're interested.
I don't find out gender until Aug 1 (I'll be 16w2d)- so excited!
Hi Ladies:)

I'm just updating on my scan yesterday. Doc said everything looks normal and my chances for ds is 1/15 000! So chances are very low. Its a new doc and he didn't even measure babies, just went according to lmp and put my due date on the 25th Jan!

I go back on the 12th August to check gender, I'll be 16 weeks then and I can't wait!!!

I'm still throwing up and have BAD headaches every day! Are any of you ladies experiencing headaches?

Here are recent scans of babies, anyone wanna guess the genders? Just for fun


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  • Baby%20B.jpg
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I'm saying 2 boys! Pure guess though. :lol:

We find the gender out on 3rd August at 16+4. We found out at 15 weeks with our son but this new company won't look until 16 weeks. It's costing £79.
Hi Ladies:)

I'm just updating on my scan yesterday. Doc said everything looks normal and my chances for ds is 1/15 000! So chances are very low. Its a new doc and he didn't even measure babies, just went according to lmp and put my due date on the 25th Jan!

I go back on the 12th August to check gender, I'll be 16 weeks then and I can't wait!!!

I'm still throwing up and have BAD headaches every day! Are any of you ladies experiencing headaches?

Here are recent scans of babies, anyone wanna guess the genders? Just for fun

I've been having a few headaches, but hadn't really thought much of it. Should I be worried?? Xxxx

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