*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Jj ladies
Gosh it's been a while since I've been on here, congrats on all the scans/progression/genders I have my 20week scan tomorrow & still staying team yellow but it'll still be good to see baby on the screen again, 8weeks is far too long!! Hope you're all well? & your babies are all behaving for you! Mines a little wriggler!! The boys have all felt it kick but everytime hubby puts his hand there it stops kicking & moves what I'm guessing what could be a bum so it sticks right out!! On the name front we're having a nightmare :-( we did have Noah for a boy & violet for a girl but not my awkward husband has decided he's not keen on either so it's back to square 1 :-(
Hey Mrs! I am glad to see you back. I am also having trouble picking a name! It seems to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do. No name seems good enough.
That's a lovely idea brunette bimbo
I can't think of any names to help you out sorry. The only thing I could think of was using another word/meaning for your losses. For example I have a friend who had multiple losses and when her girl were born they had middle name Hope. I'm sure there are lots of names that have meanings that can relate to a precious rainbow baby.

Today....I cannot seem to stop eating! And I am still having real struggles thinking of a boys name that I LOVE

I had one of those days the other day.. i wanted to eat EVERYITHING... but then i have days like yesterday when i had 2 slices of toast and a sandwich and thats it.

Yeh I thought hope or blessing meanings but nothing!

He's being a monkey. He's been kicking really strong, I call Hubby over to feel him and he stops! :lol:

both of my boys used to do this lol. :haha:

That's so exciting that kicks cam be felt from the outside! I'm a little bit jealous. I'm not sure if I've even had definite movements yet, has me slightly worried, keep feeling quite nervous about my scan on Friday, even though various Internet searches tell me it is normal for first time mums

perfectly normal hun ithink the first time i felt movement (so tiny movements) with ds1 was 18/19 weeks.. first proper movement at around 22 weeks and a little later for dh to feel it.

Brunette - Asher means "happy, blessed", Jacob means "to follow, to succeed."

Sethsmummy - I can understand how you feel. I just found out I'm having my third girl. I'm sure we'll come around. :hugs:

:hugs: for you too hun.. im over it today.. ive been sat looking online for cute clothes <3 loads of superhero type outfits. I want to get a matching outfit for each child for their first photo together <3

Wow...so much has been happening! Congratulations on all the gender confirmations, healthy babies, gorgeous scans and beautiful bumps!

I thought of Gaelic words of rainbow BB, but I have no idea how to pronounce them or anything. But, you know the children's song "sing a rainbow"? Well, the Scots Gaelic word for sing, or song, or Oran, which I think is really nice. It's a bit of a tenuous connection, but there's something very hopeful and sweet about the idea of singing for your little rainbow! I won't be offended in any way if you think this is the worst suggestion of all time.

Oran is a lovely name :) and its a lovely reference as well.

is this day over yet... i woke up to a diaperless 18 month old with a wet bed and missing earrings- i bought expensive screw back earrings so they would stay in- then trying to potty train with no success, refusing to take either of her usual naps, making huge messes with her snack, and repeafedly kickimg and pinching me today. i feel like an awful mommy today because i yelled at her and put her in the crib fo go to sleep. shes not sleeping shes playing with her pillow, blanket, and the diaper she took off again. we have to leave in the morning for a comference for work. its at the beach, i need to go shopping, take a shower, and start packimg but cant get anything done. hubby is working and will be for quite a while.

oh no hun sounds like you had an awful day. your not an awful mummy :hugs: Sometimes they just need some tough love. Ethan is going through a horrendous phase right now where hes a little terror almost every single day.. its a nightmare.

Ab75 and Sethsmummy, congratulations on your :blue: bumps :D!

I went out this evening and now I'm really feeling fat!! Anyone else feel like people stare at their belly and can't tell if you're pregnant or not :shrug:

Thank you hun!

You look beautiful! Definitely not fat at all <3 <3 <3 that is a very obvious bump.

update properly in a little while.. im a little gutted.. im team :blue: again. He is very healthy though from the quick look she had so im very happy about that. And there were NO nice outfits for boys :( :( xx

Congrats on the boy! Sorry you were disappointed, but glad to hear he's healthy. My father-in-law is one of 7 boys. His parents kept trying and trying for a girl, and eventually just gave up, lol. They loved all their boys of course though:) Will this be your last baby?

Will update later as my mum is here and nobody knows we have been for a scan.
But its a boy!! Sooooooo happy xxx

Congrats!! That's so exciting:)

Ab75 and Sethsmummy, congratulations on your :blue: bumps :D!

I went out this evening and now I'm really feeling fat!! Anyone else feel like people stare at their belly and can't tell if you're pregnant or not :shrug:

you look great. And definitely look pregnant, not fat by any means. Very nice dress!

AFM, I went to a funeral yesterday and wore a black maternity T-shirt dress from Target. Love it!! It's so comfy. My grandma said to me, "well, it looks like you're going to have to buy something that fits now." I was like, "what do you mean? this is a maternity dress." She said, "well when I was pregnant, we actually wore clothes that covered our stomach." Yea grandma, that was 60 years ago. And from what I remember, the style back then was to make pregnant women look like whales with huge tops that flared outward. The dress I was wearing wasn't even tight. Ugh, that irritated me so bad. Probably because she's always kinda been rude and insulting:)

I've been feeling the baby move a LOT today. Seems like whenever I put my hand over the area though, it stops moving! Little rascal! My husband hasn't had a chance to feel it yet!

Thank you hun <3 haha i wouldnt go that far to keep trying :haha: This is definitely our last. Im over my dissapointment today :D Ill probably still be a little upset when i look at girls clothes but i dont have to worry about periods and all that jazz in later years so theres some bonus' to all boys :haha: 3 little men to protect each other <3

I'm so sorry you lost someone hun :hugs: haha i love your grandma... older people dont seem to have noticed times have moved forward and the fashion sense too :haha:

Jj ladies
Gosh it's been a while since I've been on here, congrats on all the scans/progression/genders I have my 20week scan tomorrow & still staying team yellow but it'll still be good to see baby on the screen again, 8weeks is far too long!! Hope you're all well? & your babies are all behaving for you! Mines a little wriggler!! The boys have all felt it kick but everytime hubby puts his hand there it stops kicking & moves what I'm guessing what could be a bum so it sticks right out!! On the name front we're having a nightmare :-( we did have Noah for a boy & violet for a girl but not my awkward husband has decided he's not keen on either so it's back to square 1 :-(

welcome back hun! Good luck for your Anomoly scan hun! hahaha i love that your baby sticks its bum out.. :D :D

oh dear i have a friend whos o/h was a pain in the ass like tht.. all the way up until 33 weeks when she gave him an ultimatum! lol he soon picked a name he loved and she loved. xx
Jj ladies
Gosh it's been a while since I've been on here, congrats on all the scans/progression/genders I have my 20week scan tomorrow & still staying team yellow but it'll still be good to see baby on the screen again, 8weeks is far too long!! Hope you're all well? & your babies are all behaving for you! Mines a little wriggler!! The boys have all felt it kick but everytime hubby puts his hand there it stops kicking & moves what I'm guessing what could be a bum so it sticks right out!! On the name front we're having a nightmare :-( we did have Noah for a boy & violet for a girl but not my awkward husband has decided he's not keen on either so it's back to square 1 :-(

Good luck for your scan tomorrow! I'm having trouble with decided on names because my OH doesn't like any I do, but Noah and Violet are lovely xx

- Thank you Sethsmummy, getting used to being pregnant again haha <3
welcome hun :) Id love to have a nice bump like yours.

instead i get sonographers trying to nicely tell me i might be too fat for a scan :dohh:
yeah but in a "nice technical way" lol. she started going on about how it has to get through all the layers bla bla bla.. and i was like erm well my 12 week scan was clear as day. She really didnt put any effort in to seeing baby properly.. i told her at the 12 week scan the woman pressed down and i was happy if she needed to do this too but she didnt at all.. just gently rolled it over my tummy. I know im a big woman but when people use this as excuse to be crap at their job that im paying them to do it really pees me off.. and the worst thing... it might be her doing my anomoly scan in 4 weeks time :S she best do a better job at that.
yeah but in a "nice technical way" lol. she started going on about how it has to get through all the layers bla bla bla.. and i was like erm well my 12 week scan was clear as day. She really didnt put any effort in to seeing baby properly.. i told her at the 12 week scan the woman pressed down and i was happy if she needed to do this too but she didnt at all.. just gently rolled it over my tummy. I know im a big woman but when people use this as excuse to be crap at their job that im paying them to do it really pees me off.. and the worst thing... it might be her doing my anomoly scan in 4 weeks time :S she best do a better job at that.

Tell her at your anomaly scan, you're not leaving until you're happy! She sounds like she can't be bothered to do her job :/
oo she was super lovely with the skinnier lady and the one who was a lot further on. I just dont think she likes bigger women. im hoping it will not be her and its the one who did my 12 week scan because although she didnt talk much she got a fab picture on the screen at the end when she showed me. xx
if you have her, tell her straight that you feel like you're being discriminated against x
I'd demand someone else and when asked why I would tell them!

Do many of you have journals? I'd like to stalk a few :) My link is in my signature if anyone wants to follow me!
With all the baby gender reveals on this group, I just realized I didn't post my dating scan up on this group when I had it done. No nub visible but anyone think girl/boy? xx


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With all the baby gender reveals on this group, I just realized I didn't post my dating scan up on this group when I had it done. No nub visible but anyone think girl/boy? xx

I want to say girl :D

I'd demand someone else and when asked why I would tell them!

Do many of you have journals? I'd like to stalk a few :) My link is in my signature if anyone wants to follow me!

we cant :( we get who we are given as theres only 2 of them and they're really busy. Ill be 21+6 so if she cant get the pics she needs then there is something wrong!

if you have her, tell her straight that you feel like you're being discriminated against x

i will do hun if she says anything about my weight.. its never been an issue before with DS2 so shes just using it as an excuse.. She was judging before we even got into the scan room at the private place x
yeah but in a "nice technical way" lol. she started going on about how it has to get through all the layers bla bla bla.. and i was like erm well my 12 week scan was clear as day. She really didnt put any effort in to seeing baby properly.. i told her at the 12 week scan the woman pressed down and i was happy if she needed to do this too but she didnt at all.. just gently rolled it over my tummy. I know im a big woman but when people use this as excuse to be crap at their job that im paying them to do it really pees me off.. and the worst thing... it might be her doing my anomoly scan in 4 weeks time :S she best do a better job at that.

oo she was super lovely with the skinnier lady and the one who was a lot further on. I just dont think she likes bigger women. im hoping it will not be her and its the one who did my 12 week scan because although she didnt talk much she got a fab picture on the screen at the end when she showed me. xx

That is so horrible :(. I am really sorry you have to deal with someone like that. It makes me sad to know that there are people out there like that. I hope you let her know next time if she does it again!

I'd demand someone else and when asked why I would tell them!

Do many of you have journals? I'd like to stalk a few :) My link is in my signature if anyone wants to follow me!

I have one! I also stalked yours :). Mine is in my signature if you wanted to take a look!

With all the baby gender reveals on this group, I just realized I didn't post my dating scan up on this group when I had it done. No nub visible but anyone think girl/boy? xx

That is a lovely picture hun! Too bad I suck at judging what it could be lol. I will take a guess in the dark here. Since there are so many boys already, I am going to guess girl!
So what do you make your PG journals on? Do you just start a thread and keep posting in it? x
So what do you make your PG journals on? Do you just start a thread and keep posting in it? x

Yup, that is what I have been doing. I treat it more like a "Journal" than a thread if that makes any sense lol. Not a lot of ppl follow me, but I still post anyway.
So what do you make your PG journals on? Do you just start a thread and keep posting in it? x

theres a pregnancy journal section and you just start a thread and keep it going and going and going lol. I talk about baby and the boys in mine. More for useless rambling than just baby updates lol :haha:

yeah but in a "nice technical way" lol. she started going on about how it has to get through all the layers bla bla bla.. and i was like erm well my 12 week scan was clear as day. She really didnt put any effort in to seeing baby properly.. i told her at the 12 week scan the woman pressed down and i was happy if she needed to do this too but she didnt at all.. just gently rolled it over my tummy. I know im a big woman but when people use this as excuse to be crap at their job that im paying them to do it really pees me off.. and the worst thing... it might be her doing my anomoly scan in 4 weeks time :S she best do a better job at that.

oo she was super lovely with the skinnier lady and the one who was a lot further on. I just dont think she likes bigger women. im hoping it will not be her and its the one who did my 12 week scan because although she didnt talk much she got a fab picture on the screen at the end when she showed me. xx

That is so horrible :(. I am really sorry you have to deal with someone like that. It makes me sad to know that there are people out there like that. I hope you let her know next time if she does it again!

Thanks hun. Shes the first one ive come across this time and hopefully i wont come across again. Although ive my anesthetics appointment on the 26th so im sure that will be fun :S xx
hey ladies - been away for a few days visiting some family. How is everyone?

massive congrats to all of you who have recently found out your gender! To me that feels like the moment where it wll all become real that I have a little person on the way as it will be a he or she not an it!! Thats how it was with my son anyway.

Sethsmummy - that is horrible that they treated you like that! A decent sonographer makes a world of difference to the whole experience. They need to remember that we are not numbers, we are people who are so excited to see our babies and deserve to be given the expereince of that that we are paying for! Its bad enough being a bit bigger and feeling self concious about it, you dont need people like that involved. ... phew sorry became a bit of a rant then! Ops!

2 weeks and 2 days till we find out gender... trying to keep busy as it seems like time is passing sooooo slowly!
yeah but in a "nice technical way" lol. she started going on about how it has to get through all the layers bla bla bla.. and i was like erm well my 12 week scan was clear as day. She really didnt put any effort in to seeing baby properly.. i told her at the 12 week scan the woman pressed down and i was happy if she needed to do this too but she didnt at all.. just gently rolled it over my tummy. I know im a big woman but when people use this as excuse to be crap at their job that im paying them to do it really pees me off.. and the worst thing... it might be her doing my anomoly scan in 4 weeks time :S she best do a better job at that.

Where do people get off saying stuff like that?? I'm fat, 5'2" and 233lbs, and I've never had anyone say anything, they just get on with it. Yes, they have to press a little a little harder , but it's not like it's hard, lol. What a lazy woman!!

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