*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Ugh. Scary morning.

Usually baby boy gives me a few jabs as I wake up and start moving around. Today- nothing. So after a bit, used my doppler (which has been getting crazy strong, and instantly found). Nothing. Searched for a few min, and in very bottom corner, found a very faint 144bpm- I'm praying it's baby. Trying to decide if it's worth being worried about!

They do sometimes have quiet spells but I'd definitely call MW and get some advice, maybe go in and get some reassurance. I hope there's no need though and that baby is giving you lots of kicks now x

So much for a bump update. Since upgrading to ios8 my phone is more hormonal that I!!

Keep track of all you ladies. The bumps are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Or at least this is what my hubby has had to continuously drill into me. After a mini meltdown on Saturday!

What do you do when your family keeps telling you how disappointed in you they are because your little miracle is a boy? Sigh. Then expects to be in the delivery room? My DH stated no one but our little family will be there. Bringin the older 2 and locking everyone else out. Not sure how this will actually work. He's rather irritated over it all. My family can be so loving and yet so harsh at the same time and I'm truly struggling with it all.

Still no name and baby shopping is frustrating me. I fear he isn't going to have much until after he is born. >.< hah.

Hugs hun! And, I hear you with the family demands; mine are already stating their case to be straight in visiting. Personally I'd love a couple of days with just the 4 of us getting to know each other, but that's not possible. My in laws will take DS while I'm giving birth, and will have to bring him in to meet baby. My Mum will then have an epic hissy fit if I don't let them meet baby on that day too. Its so stressy thinking about it though, when really I would just want some space!

Sorry they're acting so ridiculous about baby being a boy. I second what BB said: boys are awesome!

Rather blurry, but this is our baby girl today at her heart scan 22+6. All appears normal. :happydance: :happydance:

Fantastic news, congratulations!

hun you can still put your foot down. Even though in laws will have DS does NOT mean they have auto rights to see the baby. Your DH could always meet them at the front of the hospital to collect DS :hugs:

Hello all!
I haven't been on here in awhile, been super busy since going back to work after vacation.

I had a dr appointment yesterday and everything is great, I am now onto my every 2 week appointments and one week away from the third trimester (eek) I asked my dr. about the flu and whooping cough jab and after some thought I am going to get them. Where I am a teacher and in so much contact with illness and this being our first I thought I should. I was also told no more sleeping on my back (which is how I sleep) so I now have lots of pillows surrounding me and I may have had a hard time untangling myself this morning.

Also today had my GTT appointment, the drink wasn't as bad as everyone told me but man you do not feel good afterwards. I have had diarrhea (sorry tmi) all day and just a general feeling of yuckiness. Thanks goodness that is over with.

How is everyone else feeling?? When is everyone getting their GTT done??

glad your appointments went well hun :D I hopefully find out today when my GTT is.

Hello! I had a dr's appointment today. He went over the results from my glucose test and everything looks great! As for the results of my ultrasound, I knew about the low lying placenta, but today the Dr. advised me from any heavy lifting at all, and any "relations" - I'm assuming he means sex, until I have my 32 week scan to see if the placenta correct itself. That's on November 19th so it's not too far away. Good news is they moved my due date up by 2 days!

glad your results were good.. man wish i had to abstain lol DH would maybe leave me alone then :haha:

My GTT test is 3 weeks from today- ready to get that over with!

Baby gave me one quick kick this morning while I was eating breakfast, which had me in tears 'cause he was at least still alive. It was a crazy day at work, so I never got a chance to call my ob. Thankfully he became active this evening!

Went a bit crazy realizing there's 3 months to go, and we've done nothing to prepare... so we bought a crib tonight (and set it up) and played with some paint samples for the nursery!

im glad bubba gave you a good kick hun :hugs:

awww i cant wait to get my cot and get it all set up! Makes it all a little bit more real!

Hello all!
I haven't been on here in awhile, been super busy since going back to work after vacation.

I had a dr appointment yesterday and everything is great, I am now onto my every 2 week appointments and one week away from the third trimester (eek) I asked my dr. about the flu and whooping cough jab and after some thought I am going to get them. Where I am a teacher and in so much contact with illness and this being our first I thought I should. I was also told no more sleeping on my back (which is how I sleep) so I now have lots of pillows surrounding me and I may have had a hard time untangling myself this morning.

Also today had my GTT appointment, the drink wasn't as bad as everyone told me but man you do not feel good afterwards. I have had diarrhea (sorry tmi) all day and just a general feeling of yuckiness. Thanks goodness that is over with.

How is everyone else feeling?? When is everyone getting their GTT done??

Glad all is well! :)

I've had 2 gtt's this pg already. Annnnddd....I get to do another at my next appt. and probably at 32 wks as well. The first they did early on, then when I switched Drs, she did another. With my last baby being so much bigger than my others, they're thinking I developed it later than 28wks. I don't mind it so much. I've had the carbonated drink, which tastes like orange crush to me, and I've had the flat one. Yuck. :( The fizzy one is def better, lol. So far, I've passed each one. Hoping it stays that way!

oh gosh thats a lot of GTT's and sitting around... id probably go loopy :haha: Im glad all is going well though hun.

WAiting2c - thats a hard one hun. Because you need a good inbetween - DH is obviously excited about his daughter being involved and she would probably feel very pushed out if she wasnt involved in some way. Although from just him saying she can be involved helping with bum changes etc doesnt mean he wants her there right from the start :hugs: I personally wouldn't leave it for more than a week before she got to meet baby even if she only stays for a couple hours or one night that first time. She can help with bum changed even without physically doing it i.e passing you a nappy and the wipes etc.

One big thing to take into consideration in regards to her though is to remember, your elder child will be there all the time... and she wont be. She will need to be made to feel as welcome as possible otherwise theres a high posibility of jelousy starting and her feeling unwanted. But your not wrong for not wanting her there right at the start hun.. that bonding time is important. Lots more sit downs with your dh are needed to get across how you are both feeling about it all and so you can come to a happy medium :hugs:

Gorgeous bump you have :D <3 <3 And thank you! I have my fingers crossed i get a good scan this time xxx
Hey ladies :) sorry haven't posted much lately but have been reading up most days on how you all are :)

Congrats to those nearly entering third tri, seems to be going so fast huh!!

Hope you got checked out scgirl!

Sethsmummy - not long till your rescan!! Hope you get the results you are after this time around!!

Lovely lovely bumps all round girls!! I have worked up courage to take one and will try to upload In a sec!

I am going to be the same as you girls - I just want my husband and son around for a few days after baby born, have a bit of a problem as my husband has a daughter from previous marriage, she will be 12 by then. She will be with us for Xmas and New Years but I want her to go home before baby born, I have told oh this and thought we were sorted but this past week whilst she is here for hols he keeps making comments to her that she can help out and change nappies etc, am I being a bitch not wanting her here? Just find it a bit much as she is very confident and just tells h what she wants and she will want to hold her and do stuff and I really just want that to be me this time, didn't bond with Devon too well and just want that chance this time around. Haven't spoken to oh about it again yet as don't want to do that whilst she is here, would hate for her to think I don't like her around, we actually get on fine I just need some space around birth time.

I had the same problem when dd2 was born(dd1 was in hospital for 5 days so wasn't an issue with her). I had dd2 on a sat night and dh was due to get his son on the sun, I would've rathered that he never as I wanted dd1 to spend time with dd2 first. Dh's ex text and said he had a cold so wasn't coming, but he wanted to see the baby so came for half an hour. Honestly it wasn't as bad as I expected it was going to be.
Maybe wait until you have been home for a day or two and then have your sd over for lunch or something, she'll soon get bored anyway when she realises baby's don't do much, lol. Try to keep her involved but have your own boundaries xx
Morning/evening ladies :hi:

More gorgeous bumps :D and lovely scan pic too Izzie!

I was worried we wouldn't have anyone to look after our girls whilst OH came with me to the hospital for the labour as we moved further away from our in law's (who had DD1 when I was having DD2) but I've got some lovely friends close by who've said no matter what they'll watch the girls until our in law's can get to ours, or will just watch them if it's not the middle of the night. Which it probably will be! I want OH to be there, if only to see the birth and cut the cord quickly and then to go back home to take over with the kids, can't imagine doing it without him. Who else is going to steal the gas and air off of me!? :haha:

I still haven't got my appt through for my GTT yet, but just spoke to my MW who said she requested it mid last week so hopefully the letters in the post. Just want it out of the way, hate having bloods taken :sick:

A bit TMI but was having the worst BH yesterday whilst walking around town, and then felt really wet down below :shock: panicked and rushed off to a toilet and I think it was just lots of cm, which was a bit gross, but glad it wasn't fluids! My friend just had her baby boy @ 35w and I keep panicking about going into premature labour now.
Iv told everyone that they won't even be getting told when I'm in labour, iv said I will tell them after me and oh have had an hour or so of just being us 3 before the inevitable rampage of text messages and phone calls.

I though my belly was getting big until I saw your proper bumps lol, I do have one but only a small one, I got told the other day that I could still realistically hide it with the right clothes and it would probably look like I'd just ate a few too many cakes lol. I don't want to hide it but I think if I wanted to I could probably just about manage it.

24 weeks tomorrow!! 6 weeks until I want my hospital bag packed so I better start buying for it lol. Then only a few weeks till I finish work then baby will be here, going fast!!

I'm going off the name imogen since iv learnt ppl would shorten it to immy, I hate that!! Leona is my favourite at the moment and I think leona chloe goes quite well.

Got midwife and physio tomorrow, going to be a busy day!
Morning ladies! Well those on the east coast of Us!! :)

Thanks for the kind words. I'm starting to feel better about it and I just need to put my foot down and stick to my guns.

I can't tell if it's the technological age in which everyone feels the need to have an opinion and voice it or what? Not that opinions aren't important but spoken respectfully.

Anyway. Just checking in. Seems we are all close to the dreaded GD test! Mine is on the 20th and the 30th I get to see my lil man again!! I can't wait! I'm liking the name Kaden. Especially due to its meaning, "fighter."
Morning/evening ladies :hi:

More gorgeous bumps :D and lovely scan pic too Izzie!

I was worried we wouldn't have anyone to look after our girls whilst OH came with me to the hospital for the labour as we moved further away from our in law's (who had DD1 when I was having DD2) but I've got some lovely friends close by who've said no matter what they'll watch the girls until our in law's can get to ours, or will just watch them if it's not the middle of the night. Which it probably will be! I want OH to be there, if only to see the birth and cut the cord quickly and then to go back home to take over with the kids, can't imagine doing it without him. Who else is going to steal the gas and air off of me!? :haha:

I still haven't got my appt through for my GTT yet, but just spoke to my MW who said she requested it mid last week so hopefully the letters in the post. Just want it out of the way, hate having bloods taken :sick:

A bit TMI but was having the worst BH yesterday whilst walking around town, and then felt really wet down below :shock: panicked and rushed off to a toilet and I think it was just lots of cm, which was a bit gross, but glad it wasn't fluids! My friend just had her baby boy @ 35w and I keep panicking about going into premature labour now.

ee iv had the CM issue too hun! its digusting.. think im going to start wearing really light pads soon if it stays the way it is just now.

I get a call tomorrow about my GTT. Glad you have lots of friends offering to look after the girls hun :D that must be a weight off your shoulders.

Iv told everyone that they won't even be getting told when I'm in labour, iv said I will tell them after me and oh have had an hour or so of just being us 3 before the inevitable rampage of text messages and phone calls.

I though my belly was getting big until I saw your proper bumps lol, I do have one but only a small one, I got told the other day that I could still realistically hide it with the right clothes and it would probably look like I'd just ate a few too many cakes lol. I don't want to hide it but I think if I wanted to I could probably just about manage it.

24 weeks tomorrow!! 6 weeks until I want my hospital bag packed so I better start buying for it lol. Then only a few weeks till I finish work then baby will be here, going fast!!

I'm going off the name imogen since iv learnt ppl would shorten it to immy, I hate that!! Leona is my favourite at the moment and I think leona chloe goes quite well.

Got midwife and physio tomorrow, going to be a busy day!

:rofl: I did this to people with ds2! NOBODY knew my section date! I told them a date that was a week later.. the only people who knew my actual date were my parents and my sister and ladies on here. my mum had ds1 and took him to my sisters while i was in theatre otherwise they probably wouldnt have known either. IT will be the same this time. nobody will know iv had baby until a good few hours later or even days depending on when DH and the boys get to meet them.

Ive never heard Imogen shortened to Immy hun. Leona Chloe is nice though :D

I hope your MW and physio appointments go well hun

Morning ladies! Well those on the east coast of Us!! :)

Thanks for the kind words. I'm starting to feel better about it and I just need to put my foot down and stick to my guns.

I can't tell if it's the technological age in which everyone feels the need to have an opinion and voice it or what? Not that opinions aren't important but spoken respectfully.

Anyway. Just checking in. Seems we are all close to the dreaded GD test! Mine is on the 20th and the 30th I get to see my lil man again!! I can't wait! I'm liking the name Kaden. Especially due to its meaning, "fighter."

:hugs: Kaden is a lovely name... myfriends little boy is Kaden and she picked it for the same reason you have.. the meaning.

oh i had my MW appointment today. Had + protein but i always do.. bp was 130/74 so thats doing fab! my fundal height was 31 :haha: why they bother doing that on plus size people i dont know because its always going to be wrong :dohh: I get a call tomorrow about my GTT x
Waiting2c I am the same. I have 2 step sons. They will be 10 and 11 when baby arrives. we probably won't have them overnight around the time baby is due just incase I go in to labour. They also won't stay overnight straight away when I have him as I need some space. We did this last time when Tristan was born and it was fine :)

INMT my goddaughter is called Imogen and hers has never been shortened.
oh i had my MW appointment today. Had + protein but i always do.. bp was 130/74 so thats doing fab! my fundal height was 31 :haha: why they bother doing that on plus size people i dont know because its always going to be wrong :dohh: I get a call tomorrow about my GTT x

Believe it or not, I'm plus sized ( sz 20) and my fundal heights been spot on this time. My belly fat is pretty soft, though so maybe it's easier to feel my uterus. Oh the joys of being fluffy, lol!
My GTT test is 3 weeks from today- ready to get that over with!

Baby gave me one quick kick this morning while I was eating breakfast, which had me in tears 'cause he was at least still alive. It was a crazy day at work, so I never got a chance to call my ob. Thankfully he became active this evening!

Went a bit crazy realizing there's 3 months to go, and we've done nothing to prepare... so we bought a crib tonight (and set it up) and played with some paint samples for the nursery!

So glad you've had lots of kicks! Good work on getting the crib set up too; that's a big tick off the to-do list!

Hello all!
I haven't been on here in awhile, been super busy since going back to work after vacation.

I had a dr appointment yesterday and everything is great, I am now onto my every 2 week appointments and one week away from the third trimester (eek) I asked my dr. about the flu and whooping cough jab and after some thought I am going to get them. Where I am a teacher and in so much contact with illness and this being our first I thought I should. I was also told no more sleeping on my back (which is how I sleep) so I now have lots of pillows surrounding me and I may have had a hard time untangling myself this morning.

Also today had my GTT appointment, the drink wasn't as bad as everyone told me but man you do not feel good afterwards. I have had diarrhea (sorry tmi) all day and just a general feeling of yuckiness. Thanks goodness that is over with.

How is everyone else feeling?? When is everyone getting their GTT done??

Hope the results are all good with the test. I'm reading all about you guys having the test done; is it standard in the UK/Scotland too? I'm just wondering because it's never been mentioned. I know they test your urine at every appointment, so do you just do the drink stuff if anything shows up on that?

Hey ladies :) sorry haven't posted much lately but have been reading up most days on how you all are :)

Congrats to those nearly entering third tri, seems to be going so fast huh!!

Hope you got checked out scgirl!

Sethsmummy - not long till your rescan!! Hope you get the results you are after this time around!!

Lovely lovely bumps all round girls!! I have worked up courage to take one and will try to upload In a sec!

I am going to be the same as you girls - I just want my husband and son around for a few days after baby born, have a bit of a problem as my husband has a daughter from previous marriage, she will be 12 by then. She will be with us for Xmas and New Years but I want her to go home before baby born, I have told oh this and thought we were sorted but this past week whilst she is here for hols he keeps making comments to her that she can help out and change nappies etc, am I being a bitch not wanting her here? Just find it a bit much as she is very confident and just tells h what she wants and she will want to hold her and do stuff and I really just want that to be me this time, didn't bond with Devon too well and just want that chance this time around. Haven't spoken to oh about it again yet as don't want to do that whilst she is here, would hate for her to think I don't like her around, we actually get on fine I just need some space around birth time.

First off: lovely bump!! Nice clean loo too :winkwink: That's certainly a tough situation you have to deal with. I can totally see where you're coming from, and think it would be good to have a couple of days (or at least the first couple of nights) to just get used to the new baby. Of course, I can see the other side too, where it's so important to involve the older sibling and acknowledge her role in the family. It's going to take a bit of negotiation to find a balance you're all happy with, but you know you'll get there.

Thanks sethsmummy for the encouragement! You're totally right! I need to take some of my own advice and actually try to find a balance I'm happy with instead of capitulating just to avoid upsetting other people. But...I'm not as assertive as I should be!

I was talking to some Mummy friends, who both offered to take DS when I go into labour, and suggested I just not tell anyone I've had the baby until I'm ready for visitors. Whilst this would get me what I want, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of not informing the grandparents. Even though i want space, they're going to love this baby too, so I feel the need to involve them. Even still, I think I'm going to have to have some strong conversations with my hubby about this, and try and make it clear how much I want some pure bonding time with this little baby, uninterrupted by (well intended) visitors. I'm happy with a day or two...that's not much to ask is it!?

I don't mind them popping into the hospital, as visiting time is restricted, it's more the home visits I want to put the brakes on, because they'll end up staying for the whole flipping day! I just remember after I had DS, on our very first day home all of my in-laws came over for dinner, and stayed till about 9. I was an absolute wreck after giving birth (couldn't walk because of the 4th degree tear, felt very self conscious breast feeding In front of male in laws, and was experiencing shock and post traumatic stress) and it was the last thing I needed to have to put on a performance for visitors. I just want a bit of time to ourselves; time to bond and heal.

Wow....sorry for the massive post ladies. I think this is bothering me more than I realised!!

Good luck again for your scan Sethsmummy xxx
Here I am at 26 weeks, I can't make it un-sideways


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Lovely bump Maisypie!! Maybe one day I'll get one up!

With my 1st we had just one of my sisters (I have 5). She acted as my doula as DH wasn't sure at the time if he could handle it. With #2 we had same sister, and my mom. With #3 same sister, my mom, and mil. With #4 we had same sister, another sister, and my mom. This time, I figure it with be us, same sister, my mom, but probably no one else. I need them to watch the others. Lol. I've never minded having others, as they are always great and never interfere with what we need or want.

Had my cardiology appt yesterday since I had to reschedule. Dr did a ECG, was pleased with the results. He's ordered an echocardiogram as well. He's not concerned with the heart palpitations, but he wants to investigate the murmur more. Because this is my 5th baby, and never had a murmur during any of my other pg, I think he just wants to make sure there's nothing else going on. Have to wait for insurance to approve the echo before they'll schedule it. Hopefully they'll call tomorrow.
Glad all is well luvspink.
Nice bump maisypie.

Buddy, I am in Scotland. Mw said they test for glucose at the 28 week blood test at mw appt, so looks like we don't have the drink, maybe we would have to if something showed up in blood, I don't know.
I am not planning on telling anyone I have had this baby for at least 24 hours if I can get away with it. Like you, I know that everyone will be wanting to meet him, but I want the girls to have time with him first without anyone else being here. And because we moved away from family, they wouldn't just pop in for an hour, its a 2.5 hour drive so they would spend a whole afternoon and evening here.
Whereabouts in Scotland are you?xx
oh i had my MW appointment today. Had + protein but i always do.. bp was 130/74 so thats doing fab! my fundal height was 31 :haha: why they bother doing that on plus size people i dont know because its always going to be wrong :dohh: I get a call tomorrow about my GTT x

Believe it or not, I'm plus sized ( sz 20) and my fundal heights been spot on this time. My belly fat is pretty soft, though so maybe it's easier to feel my uterus. Oh the joys of being fluffy, lol!

im a 26/28 and VERY soft lol. To get a proper bump lying down i have to kinda tilt to the side to all the flob flobs down one side :haha: Plus my midwife doesnt press very hard she just lightly puts it over the top lol so shes measuring fat and uterus :haha:

My GTT test is 3 weeks from today- ready to get that over with!

Baby gave me one quick kick this morning while I was eating breakfast, which had me in tears 'cause he was at least still alive. It was a crazy day at work, so I never got a chance to call my ob. Thankfully he became active this evening!

Went a bit crazy realizing there's 3 months to go, and we've done nothing to prepare... so we bought a crib tonight (and set it up) and played with some paint samples for the nursery!

So glad you've had lots of kicks! Good work on getting the crib set up too; that's a big tick off the to-do list!

Hello all!
I haven't been on here in awhile, been super busy since going back to work after vacation.

I had a dr appointment yesterday and everything is great, I am now onto my every 2 week appointments and one week away from the third trimester (eek) I asked my dr. about the flu and whooping cough jab and after some thought I am going to get them. Where I am a teacher and in so much contact with illness and this being our first I thought I should. I was also told no more sleeping on my back (which is how I sleep) so I now have lots of pillows surrounding me and I may have had a hard time untangling myself this morning.

Also today had my GTT appointment, the drink wasn't as bad as everyone told me but man you do not feel good afterwards. I have had diarrhea (sorry tmi) all day and just a general feeling of yuckiness. Thanks goodness that is over with.

How is everyone else feeling?? When is everyone getting their GTT done??

Hope the results are all good with the test. I'm reading all about you guys having the test done; is it standard in the UK/Scotland too? I'm just wondering because it's never been mentioned. I know they test your urine at every appointment, so do you just do the drink stuff if anything shows up on that?

Hey ladies :) sorry haven't posted much lately but have been reading up most days on how you all are :)

Congrats to those nearly entering third tri, seems to be going so fast huh!!

Hope you got checked out scgirl!

Sethsmummy - not long till your rescan!! Hope you get the results you are after this time around!!

Lovely lovely bumps all round girls!! I have worked up courage to take one and will try to upload In a sec!

I am going to be the same as you girls - I just want my husband and son around for a few days after baby born, have a bit of a problem as my husband has a daughter from previous marriage, she will be 12 by then. She will be with us for Xmas and New Years but I want her to go home before baby born, I have told oh this and thought we were sorted but this past week whilst she is here for hols he keeps making comments to her that she can help out and change nappies etc, am I being a bitch not wanting her here? Just find it a bit much as she is very confident and just tells h what she wants and she will want to hold her and do stuff and I really just want that to be me this time, didn't bond with Devon too well and just want that chance this time around. Haven't spoken to oh about it again yet as don't want to do that whilst she is here, would hate for her to think I don't like her around, we actually get on fine I just need some space around birth time.

First off: lovely bump!! Nice clean loo too :winkwink: That's certainly a tough situation you have to deal with. I can totally see where you're coming from, and think it would be good to have a couple of days (or at least the first couple of nights) to just get used to the new baby. Of course, I can see the other side too, where it's so important to involve the older sibling and acknowledge her role in the family. It's going to take a bit of negotiation to find a balance you're all happy with, but you know you'll get there.

Thanks sethsmummy for the encouragement! You're totally right! I need to take some of my own advice and actually try to find a balance I'm happy with instead of capitulating just to avoid upsetting other people. But...I'm not as assertive as I should be!

I was talking to some Mummy friends, who both offered to take DS when I go into labour, and suggested I just not tell anyone I've had the baby until I'm ready for visitors. Whilst this would get me what I want, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of not informing the grandparents. Even though i want space, they're going to love this baby too, so I feel the need to involve them. Even still, I think I'm going to have to have some strong conversations with my hubby about this, and try and make it clear how much I want some pure bonding time with this little baby, uninterrupted by (well intended) visitors. I'm happy with a day or two...that's not much to ask is it!?

I don't mind them popping into the hospital, as visiting time is restricted, it's more the home visits I want to put the brakes on, because they'll end up staying for the whole flipping day! I just remember after I had DS, on our very first day home all of my in-laws came over for dinner, and stayed till about 9. I was an absolute wreck after giving birth (couldn't walk because of the 4th degree tear, felt very self conscious breast feeding In front of male in laws, and was experiencing shock and post traumatic stress) and it was the last thing I needed to have to put on a performance for visitors. I just want a bit of time to ourselves; time to bond and heal.

Wow....sorry for the massive post ladies. I think this is bothering me more than I realised!!

Good luck again for your scan Sethsmummy xxx

Thanks hun! 4 days and counting :dance:

Dont worry hun i never used to be assertive until ds2 came along and people tried to take the utter pee out of me. I just found my inner Hulk and haven't put her back since :haha: You could always have the friend take DS and then once baby is born and you've had a couple hours all to yourselves THEN you can let them know. Thats what we did. Grandparents knew before everyone else but that wasnt for a couple hours. Even my mum and sister didnt know for a couple hours as i was in recovery for a while.

oh im with you on the home visitors!! after ds1 as soon as i was out of hospital i had my parents, my sister and her husband along with their 3 kids all in my house! They stayed ALL night and didnt go home till around 9:30pm. i have a very strict rule now with visitors that theyre not allowed for the first week or two as my sister will bring herself/hubby and her 4 kdis over and stay for hours and hours AND i dont get a seat on my own furniture and have to sit on the floor (had to do this the day i brought ds1 home and a week after having my section with ds2). :hugs:

Here I am at 26 weeks, I can't make it un-sideways

gorgeous bump hun xx

Lovely bump Maisypie!! Maybe one day I'll get one up!

With my 1st we had just one of my sisters (I have 5). She acted as my doula as DH wasn't sure at the time if he could handle it. With #2 we had same sister, and my mom. With #3 same sister, my mom, and mil. With #4 we had same sister, another sister, and my mom. This time, I figure it with be us, same sister, my mom, but probably no one else. I need them to watch the others. Lol. I've never minded having others, as they are always great and never interfere with what we need or want.

Had my cardiology appt yesterday since I had to reschedule. Dr did a ECG, was pleased with the results. He's ordered an echocardiogram as well. He's not concerned with the heart palpitations, but he wants to investigate the murmur more. Because this is my 5th baby, and never had a murmur during any of my other pg, I think he just wants to make sure there's nothing else going on. Have to wait for insurance to approve the echo before they'll schedule it. Hopefully they'll call tomorrow.

im glad your appointments went well hun! heres hoping the echo goes well too :D

Glad all is well luvspink.
Nice bump maisypie.

Buddy, I am in Scotland. Mw said they test for glucose at the 28 week blood test at mw appt, so looks like we don't have the drink, maybe we would have to if something showed up in blood, I don't know.
I am not planning on telling anyone I have had this baby for at least 24 hours if I can get away with it. Like you, I know that everyone will be wanting to meet him, but I want the girls to have time with him first without anyone else being here. And because we moved away from family, they wouldn't just pop in for an hour, its a 2.5 hour drive so they would spend a whole afternoon and evening here.
Whereabouts in Scotland are you?xx

ooooo Ab! wish we had that lol... Down here you auto get the GTT if your bmi is over 30 or if there is a family history of GD. So iv had it with every pregnancy lol.

I think you should be able to get away with your 24 hours hun :) xx
Omgoshhhhh. I'm dying "Inner Hulk." Absolutely perfect.
lol i love my inner hulk :D she is the best :haha:

eeekk ladies this is tmi but has anyone thats managed to have a full night sleep had a problem with their Inner Labia sticking together? Mine did last night and its torn as theyv seperated this morning! :cry: It hurts like a biatch and from the look of it its going to take at least a week minimum to heal (although woohhoo means dh wont pester for any sex) xx
Glad all is well luvspink.
Nice bump maisypie.

Buddy, I am in Scotland. Mw said they test for glucose at the 28 week blood test at mw appt, so looks like we don't have the drink, maybe we would have to if something showed up in blood, I don't know.
I am not planning on telling anyone I have had this baby for at least 24 hours if I can get away with it. Like you, I know that everyone will be wanting to meet him, but I want the girls to have time with him first without anyone else being here. And because we moved away from family, they wouldn't just pop in for an hour, its a 2.5 hour drive so they would spend a whole afternoon and evening here.
Whereabouts in Scotland are you?xx

That's so useful to know: thanks ab! Sounds like we're in a similar situation as we've moved away from my half of the family, which means they do stay for a long time when they visit (which is lovely normally!). I think we'll not send out any announcement for a couple of days and buy us some quiet time. It's reassuring to know we're not the only ones! We live in a wee town right on the west coast, but DH and I met while we were at uni in Aberdeen. We lived there for 5 years....5 drunken, hilarious years :haha:

Love the Hulk sethsmummy!! So glad you ladies are all here for all the support and giggles :hugs:

So, DS hit his head earlier and I'm now a worried mess :cry: He's been absolutely fine, and I spoke to a Dr friend of mine who reassured me and told me just to keep an eye on him, but I'm still a bit of a wreck! Being a mummy is equal parts unconditional love and constant flipping worry!
Just realized I'm double digits today !!!!!! Yay!! 26 wks tomorrow!
om and husband will probably be with me. Since it will be flu season, we're not sure if we can bring our daughter in the hospital to see us afterwards, so she'll stay with either my dad and step mom or the friend that normally keeps her. We will have an hour to unless in recovery, then the baby goes to the nursery for a little bit. With my first I remember being ready to tell everyone to leave. I figure this time, I'm gonna tell everyone that im about to nurse and if it makes them uncomfortable and they will have to step out. I was very nervous last time, and uncomfortable I'm front of people. Once we come home I plan on it being just us or us and my mom for a couple days (I thought we when we first get home it might be nice to have my mom there to take pictures of us introducing the girls to each other.) Otherwise I plan to ask people to give us a few days of privacy. I know my mother in law was saying that she can take three days off for the birth, and she would like to be there, but my husband and I agreed that she could come see us the day of the birth (afterwards) but would not be in the delivery room or coming over afterwards. She drives me crazy!

On another note- I realized today that my v-day was Sunday! Yay!
Buddy, hope your lo is ok. We only moved to Aberdeen last year, lived in Fife b4 that xx

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