*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Wildchic- trust me you will definitely know the difference. I had so many false alarms when pregnant with my son. When the actual back labour set in, though... Lets just say I definitely knew!! I had those pains for almost 3 days o____o

Lolly- so sorry about all the trouble you have been going thru! I don't know what's happening since I have been in and out so much. I'm gonna have to read back a bit :x
Super congratulations Dr Buddy! We have our very own resident physician now ladies :haha:

Izzie, LOVE that little outfit <3 and gorgeous scan pic Princess mommy!

Thanks for all of your messages of well wishes and concern ladies :hugs: I had a Doppler scan on my legs on Friday which came back clear, so obviously that's great news. Still need to have a chest X-ray and VQ to rule out lungs and heart, think that's tomorrow but the hospital are going to ring me and let me know when to come in for that which is a bit of pain as childcare is tough at the minute and OH needs to know what day to take off work :wacko: we were also shown and given my injections to do at home. BB, I'm on fragmin injections. Bloody stings when it's going in and my thighs are bruised to hell already but apparently that's normal with blood thinners :shrug: OH is doing them for me as I'd probably pass out if I had to inject myself. Such a wimp! Strangely I've not had any more "episodes" since the injections but I'm sure that's just a coincidence... hoping that's the case anyway!

Bruises and blood thinners definitely go hand in hand and are nothing to worry about. My stomach was all colours of the bruise spectrum! Funnily enough they didn't hurt like bruises do when touched!
That's good to know it's normal :) my thighs are sore, but that might be because they're pretty chunky and so the bruises are getting big!

I just googled what a VQ scan entails :wacko: wish I hadn't, it's made me feel slightly ill! I can barely stand having bloods drawn so not sure how well I'll do having dye pumped into my veins :sick:
That's good to know it's normal :) my thighs are sore, but that might be because they're pretty chunky and so the bruises are getting big!

I just googled what a VQ scan entails :wacko: wish I hadn't, it's made me feel slightly ill! I can barely stand having bloods drawn so not sure how well I'll do having dye pumped into my veins :sick:

I also found that the bruising was less if I did the injection more slowly, counting to 10 as I pressed the syringe. Also, not to rub or put pressure on the area afterwards.
I think iv uploaded my bump picture but who nos if it's worked. I tried uploading a picture of some crochet stuff iv been doing too, now I'm on nights and also having to put my feet up in the day I needed a sitting down hobby to pass the time so I started doing crochet, iv made a white hat with pompom on top and still working on a blanket that will take a while but I tried uploading one of the matching stuff iv done, it's a pair of pink n lilac boots with a bow on, pink n lilac scratch mitts with a heart button and a pink hat with lilac heart, it wudnt let me upload the picture though it says the file is too big. Anyway I think they r super cute, need more projects to do lol.

I want a bit of opinion and advice. I plan on exclusively breastfeeding until she is well established on the breast then switching between expressed and breast. I was looking into how best to store expressed milk, seems that the general census is upto6 hours at room temperature, a few days in the fridge and upto 6 months in the freezer, all that im fine with, I just want some opinions on freezer.storage. I was going to buy breastmilk freezer bags but boy are they expensive then I saw that some people use little ice cube trays when weaning babies so they can mix with food so I thought what about using the ice cube trays to freeze it thenn when they are fully frozen to transfer them into a ziploc bag suitable for freezer. I no I can freeze the milk in a freezer ziploc as it's not sterile but does that matter once it's frozen? To defrost I plan to take out how ever many cubes needed for a feed and but them in a bottle and defrost in warm water. I feel that that way very little will be wasted and it will save space in the freezer, I'm just not sure if using ziploc bags is suitable. Also how lomg can milk be stored after defrosting, say for instance we took it out to defrost when we went to bed ready for morning feed for oh to do and give me a lie in, how long could that milk stay in the fridge or at room temperature? Thanks for the help ladies


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Super congratulations Dr Buddy! We have our very own resident physician now ladies :haha:

Izzie, LOVE that little outfit <3 and gorgeous scan pic Princess mommy!

Thanks for all of your messages of well wishes and concern ladies :hugs: I had a Doppler scan on my legs on Friday which came back clear, so obviously that's great news. Still need to have a chest X-ray and VQ to rule out lungs and heart, think that's tomorrow but the hospital are going to ring me and let me know when to come in for that which is a bit of pain as childcare is tough at the minute and OH needs to know what day to take off work :wacko: we were also shown and given my injections to do at home. BB, I'm on fragmin injections. Bloody stings when it's going in and my thighs are bruised to hell already but apparently that's normal with blood thinners :shrug: OH is doing them for me as I'd probably pass out if I had to inject myself. Such a wimp! Strangely I've not had any more "episodes" since the injections but I'm sure that's just a coincidence... hoping that's the case anyway!

Totally normal. I still bruise now and have been injecting since 5 weeks! The bruising does get better though :) I find it stings less if you press the syringe slowly.
I think iv uploaded my bump picture but who nos if it's worked. I tried uploading a picture of some crochet stuff iv been doing too, now I'm on nights and also having to put my feet up in the day I needed a sitting down hobby to pass the time so I started doing crochet, iv made a white hat with pompom on top and still working on a blanket that will take a while but I tried uploading one of the matching stuff iv done, it's a pair of pink n lilac boots with a bow on, pink n lilac scratch mitts with a heart button and a pink hat with lilac heart, it wudnt let me upload the picture though it says the file is too big. Anyway I think they r super cute, need more projects to do lol.

I want a bit of opinion and advice. I plan on exclusively breastfeeding until she is well established on the breast then switching between expressed and breast. I was looking into how best to store expressed milk, seems that the general census is upto6 hours at room temperature, a few days in the fridge and upto 6 months in the freezer, all that im fine with, I just want some opinions on freezer.storage. I was going to buy breastmilk freezer bags but boy are they expensive then I saw that some people use little ice cube trays when weaning babies so they can mix with food so I thought what about using the ice cube trays to freeze it thenn when they are fully frozen to transfer them into a ziploc bag suitable for freezer. I no I can freeze the milk in a freezer ziploc as it's not sterile but does that matter once it's frozen? To defrost I plan to take out how ever many cubes needed for a feed and but them in a bottle and defrost in warm water. I feel that that way very little will be wasted and it will save space in the freezer, I'm just not sure if using ziploc bags is suitable. Also how lomg can milk be stored after defrosting, say for instance we took it out to defrost when we went to bed ready for morning feed for oh to do and give me a lie in, how long could that milk stay in the fridge or at room temperature? Thanks for the help ladies

Lovely bump! As for the BM storage; I just stored mine in ice cube trays, and worked out how many cubes DS needed by trial and error. We'd defrost in warm water (they melted pretty quickly as they were frozen into small cubes). DS would usually get the expressed milk straight away, so not sure about the storage if not defrosting to feed straightaway. I'd probably feel ok with a couple of hours though. If you were taking out of the freezer at night for a morning bottle, I'd imagine it'd be fine to just put the frozen milk in the bottle, and then store it in the fridge. It'd defrost more slowly overnight, so it'll be fine for the morning. Hope that helps a little bit!
Hey all,

Sorry I haven't posted in forever. Lots going on in my life! Anyway, I ended up failing my first glucose screening test. They had me take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test on Friday. So, I was told that if my results were ok, that I may not have to stay for the last blood draw. They ended up letting me go early and didn't make me do the last blood test. This got me all excited, thinking I didn't have GD. I was able to check my results online yesterday, and two of my results were high:-/ Not majorly; one of them was only high by six points. Now I'm wondering...did they send me home because the results weren't that significant, or did they send me home because I have GD without a doubt? Now I'm freaking out. I know results in UK are different than in USA, but here were mine:

Fasting- Normal 65-99-My result: 85
1 hour-Normal 100-180-My result: 196
2 hour-Normal 65-155-My result: 161
3 hour-cancelled at physician request

Anybody have any opinions or knowledge on this? I'm just floored that there's a possibility I could have GD because sweets have been an aversion for me this pregnancy. I'm not overweight, my blood pressure has been super low, and no family history of diabetes. Appetite has been generally low as well. Ugh!!
Hey all,

Sorry I haven't posted in forever. Lots going on in my life! Anyway, I ended up failing my first glucose screening test. They had me take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test on Friday. So, I was told that if my results were ok, that I may not have to stay for the last blood draw. They ended up letting me go early and didn't make me do the last blood test. This got me all excited, thinking I didn't have GD. I was able to check my results online yesterday, and two of my results were high:-/ Not majorly; one of them was only high by six points. Now I'm wondering...did they send me home because the results weren't that significant, or did they send me home because I have GD without a doubt? Now I'm freaking out. I know results in UK are different than in USA, but here were mine:

Fasting- Normal 65-99-My result: 85
1 hour-Normal 100-180-My result: 196
2 hour-Normal 65-155-My result: 161
3 hour-cancelled at physician request

Anybody have any opinions or knowledge on this? I'm just floored that there's a possibility I could have GD because sweets have been an aversion for me this pregnancy. I'm not overweight, my blood pressure has been super low, and no family history of diabetes. Appetite has been generally low as well. Ugh!!

Developing gd really has nothing to do with how many sweets you eat, or having a hx of diabetes. While being overweight can Increase your risk, being a healthy weight doesn't mean you won't get it. Gd develops because your body creates a resistance to insulin. Insulin is the hormone your pancreas puts into the body to "burn off" excess sugar that our body doesn't need. when
Our body isn't getting the correct amout of insulin, blood sugar levels rise. Over time, high blood sugars are what cause a host of issues. With gd, the issues mostly affect baby.
not sure if ur in the US or UK, but where I am, (US) most of the hospitals offer a diabetes education class, or will at least have a nutritionist to talk to.
FYI- eating is SUPER important . If you don't eat, blood sigar levels can drop too low, which can be more dangerous. I know it's overwhelming, but there's lots of ways to get the info you need.
Hey all,

Sorry I haven't posted in forever. Lots going on in my life! Anyway, I ended up failing my first glucose screening test. They had me take the 3 hour glucose tolerance test on Friday. So, I was told that if my results were ok, that I may not have to stay for the last blood draw. They ended up letting me go early and didn't make me do the last blood test. This got me all excited, thinking I didn't have GD. I was able to check my results online yesterday, and two of my results were high:-/ Not majorly; one of them was only high by six points. Now I'm wondering...did they send me home because the results weren't that significant, or did they send me home because I have GD without a doubt? Now I'm freaking out. I know results in UK are different than in USA, but here were mine:

Fasting- Normal 65-99-My result: 85
1 hour-Normal 100-180-My result: 196
2 hour-Normal 65-155-My result: 161
3 hour-cancelled at physician request

Anybody have any opinions or knowledge on this? I'm just floored that there's a possibility I could have GD because sweets have been an aversion for me this pregnancy. I'm not overweight, my blood pressure has been super low, and no family history of diabetes. Appetite has been generally low as well. Ugh!!

from the results there hun i would guess they left the last one because you have GD. Any result thats too high is classed as definite. It doesnt matter how many points over you are. I failed mine by .1 and now officially diagnosed with GD and on medication for it. :hugs:

lolly - im glad your scan went well hun. sorry to hear your bruising all over with these injections. I remember clexane injections leaving me with bruises although they werent too bad but i always injected slowly.

inmt - gorgeous bump picture hun <3 <3 that is so lovely that you are making some of your own garments! I really want to learn to knit and crochet!

I weighed myself just before... and apparently iv gained 4lb in 2 days.. add that to the 2lb it said i gained 2 days ago iv gained 6lb in a week!! :cry: I just dont know how the hell i could gain 6lb in one week :cry: This stupid GD is going to be the end of me. Im eating less but gaining more :grr:
@SM- I gained around that in a week- possibly more. both taken by scale at Dr office. They said nothing to me about it, so I brought it up. Doc said it's normal and she's not concerned- she blamed it on swelling and fluid retention. They've said nothing about my weight to me even though I'm well over 200lbs now :/ I did pass my GD screening despite not eating well before it, so that may not be the issue...

30 weeks for me in 2 days, and a 3d ultrasound- getting excited!
I feel like a first time Mum! So rusty. So far we have the following items for baby -

*Car Seat
*Moses Basket
*Bouncer Chair
*Top and Tail Bowl
*Clothes and Vests
*2 Swaddles
*Changing Bag
*Breast Pump
*1 Box of Nappies
*Box of Wipes
*Snow Suit
*Changing Mat
I don't know what other essentials I will need. I need to get cotton wool, cot mattress, play gym and a coming home outfit but that's all I can think of. I'm sure I need more!
Welcome Annmarie !!! Never too late to join. &#128516;

I get so annoyed with people who make snarky comments and its clear they haven't really read through your post. I commented on someone else's post, and it was clear the original poster was a little confused. So, trying to be helpful, I posted info on what they were asking about. Someone else had to make a point that I was "wrong" even though if they had actually read through my entire post, they would see that I wasn't. Grrr...I know it doesn't matter really, just annoying sometimes.
Thanks ladies :) we are doing the injections slowly and he's leaving the needle in for 5secs before pulling it out (advised to do so my the nurse). The bruises aren't too bad actually, and they're fairly painless when touched. I just have one that OH did more to my outer thigh and that still stings a little, so maybe we'll just stick to front of thighs from now on! The machine for the scan is broke at the hospital I have to go to :wacko: so didn't have it done today, hoping it's tomorrow instead.

And I'm 31 weeks today!!! SINGLE DIGIT COUNTDOWN ARGHHHH!!

Could I be added to this please?Due Jan 12th with a girl :)

Of course you can! Welcome and a belated congrats!
Sethsmummy crocheting is really easy, I taught myself off utube, only just figured out that UK n us have different terminology for the same stitch but iv been watching mostly us videos and prefer the us terms because they seem to make more sense.

Had my 28 week apt today, firstly I had glucose in my urine, lots of it so they've got me an urgent apt for gtt on Wednesday morning. Hoping it's just because I did a night shift so it wud be like having a test last thing at night for normal non nocturnal people so hopefully as il be having the gtt when I'm off work it will be all normal. Then I mentioned some slightly reduced movements so they put me on baby monitor which was all fine. When they measured my bump it was below the 10th percentile so had to send me for a growth scan, that was weird because my bump is small but my baby is big, she's almost at the 90th percentile, estimated weight of just over 3lb already, hopefully they have that wrong or she will be a big baby lol, they repeat the growth scan in 2 weeks just to make sure she's still along the same growth path so get to see her again. Had my anti d injection n got such a sore arm now. I have also got my apt through for the pregnancy pain clinic for spd so including today's apt I have 6 apts in 4 weeks!! My final apt of those is with the haematology Dr due to having ehlers danlos hypermobility so at a slightly increased risk of excessive bleeding after labour.
Was hoping to breeze through pregnancy but it appears this little madam is going to be trouble.

Thanks for the response about the breast milk buddy, I think freezing in ice.cube trays is a genius idea, I will buy some new trays and get ones with lids, don't want to be cliché and end up crying over spilt milk lol. I think it will be nice to no how much the baby is drinking too which must be easier with small cubes, and It would upset me to take so long expressing only for her to waste it lol.
I feel like a first time Mum! So rusty. So far we have the following items for baby -

*Car Seat
*Moses Basket
*Bouncer Chair
*Top and Tail Bowl
*Clothes and Vests
*2 Swaddles
*Changing Bag
*Breast Pump
*1 Box of Nappies
*Box of Wipes
*Snow Suit
*Changing Mat
I don't know what other essentials I will need. I need to get cotton wool, cot mattress, play gym and a coming home outfit but that's all I can think of. I'm sure I need more!

Oh my goodness, I feel sooo disorganised! I have...

* Pram
* Car Seat
* Ergo with Infant Insert
* 10 Vests
* 1 Babygro

Hahaha! What a fail! I really need to get my ass in gear and get shopping!
Itsnowmyturn When I had anti d injections in the past they were in my bottom. Was assuming it would be the same this time. Can imagine it would hurt more in the arm. Less padding!

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