*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

I'm currently crocheting my girls their winter hats :) not long finished a bobble blanket for my friend's baby... that was long and tedious!

Just ordered my raspberry leaf capsules and EPO online! Will start the RL next week :thumbup: I just can't believe it's time to do this already. I'm not mentally there yet!! :haha:
Welcome annemarie and congratulations xx

Lolly, happy 31 weeks.

I wish I could crochet!! xx
I think I managed to resize n upload the hat mitten n boot I did. I added one of the heart to the hat in the middle of the lilac bit. Doing a blanket but it tells me that image is too large to upload too lol. The annoying thing about crochet is that it's hard to get a set to match, the other boot n mitten I did is a slightly different size so need to hope they stretch out to fit properly. I don't mind for my own children but if I did them for someone else it wud be annoying n it's also putting me off doing a cardigan cos I'd make the arms different length lol.


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My 3d scan that was scheduled (~5 weeks ago) for Wednesday got cancelled- apparently the 3d probe is broken. I'm not happy about that... it's been moved to the 14th. Seems so far away after waiting so long already!

I saw two photos taken of me in the last two days... holy cow I've become huge. I don't think this weight gain is just "swelling"!

Many of you are much more prepared than I! We have clothes, a crib and mattress, and that's about it. My mother did just bring my dad's old bassinet (from 1940's- my sister and I also used it) and my old cradle to clean up- figured the baby can use them for the first month or two before he starts moving too much! I was pushing on them and shaking them to make sure they still seem safe- even threw our cat in 'em to make sure they could withstand 8+lb movement!
Hi, everyone!

@INMT: I knit and crochet, and one of the supreme joys of knitting is being able to make both sleeves/socks/booties at the same time - guaranteed to be the same length, lol.

The kid has gone from flip-flopping around to constant squirming; I think things are getting tight in there. :) This is a bit easier to sleep through, though, which has been nice.

After a month of fighting various infections, I'm finally doing better. IBS is still an issue, but otherwise I'm back to being able to take care of normal daily stuff.

I've started a low dose of raspberry leaf tea (1 cup/day) that I'll gradually increase over the coming weeks. Planning to start evening primrose oil at 38 weeks. I'm also taking alfalfa to try to help with blood clotting. Apparently my vastly improved (since getting pregnant...pregnancy has actually been awesome for my routine bodily functions) clotting skills are still not up to par, lol. Does anyone have experience with that?

My baby shower is in a couple of weeks. We've bought a crib and reserved our cloth diaper rental, but that's all we've got so far. :S I think just about everyone is planning to do a special gift not from the highly essential things on the registry, which is awesome, but we also really, really need those things from the registry. :'( I feel really selfish for thinking that way, but money is tight right now, and baby needs a car seat.
Hi, everyone!

@INMT: I knit and crochet, and one of the supreme joys of knitting is being able to make both sleeves/socks/booties at the same time - guaranteed to be the same length, lol.

The kid has gone from flip-flopping around to constant squirming; I think things are getting tight in there. :) This is a bit easier to sleep through, though, which has been nice.

After a month of fighting various infections, I'm finally doing better. IBS is still an issue, but otherwise I'm back to being able to take care of normal daily stuff.

I've started a low dose of raspberry leaf tea (1 cup/day) that I'll gradually increase over the coming weeks. Planning to start evening primrose oil at 38 weeks. I'm also taking alfalfa to try to help with blood clotting. Apparently my vastly improved (since getting pregnant...pregnancy has actually been awesome for my routine bodily functions) clotting skills are still not up to par, lol. Does anyone have experience with that?

My baby shower is in a couple of weeks. We've bought a crib and reserved our cloth diaper rental, but that's all we've got so far. :S I think just about everyone is planning to do a special gift not from the highly essential things on the registry, which is awesome, but we also really, really need those things from the registry. :'( I feel really selfish for thinking that way, but money is tight right now, and baby needs a car seat.

What are the benefits of raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil please?
Hi, everyone!

@INMT: I knit and crochet, and one of the supreme joys of knitting is being able to make both sleeves/socks/booties at the same time - guaranteed to be the same length, lol.

The kid has gone from flip-flopping around to constant squirming; I think things are getting tight in there. :) This is a bit easier to sleep through, though, which has been nice.

After a month of fighting various infections, I'm finally doing better. IBS is still an issue, but otherwise I'm back to being able to take care of normal daily stuff.

I've started a low dose of raspberry leaf tea (1 cup/day) that I'll gradually increase over the coming weeks. Planning to start evening primrose oil at 38 weeks. I'm also taking alfalfa to try to help with blood clotting. Apparently my vastly improved (since getting pregnant...pregnancy has actually been awesome for my routine bodily functions) clotting skills are still not up to par, lol. Does anyone have experience with that?

My baby shower is in a couple of weeks. We've bought a crib and reserved our cloth diaper rental, but that's all we've got so far. :S I think just about everyone is planning to do a special gift not from the highly essential things on the registry, which is awesome, but we also really, really need those things from the registry. :'( I feel really selfish for thinking that way, but money is tight right now, and baby needs a car seat.

What are the benefits of raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil please?

I was wondering the same thing Izzie!
What are the benefits of raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil please?

Raspberry leaf tea (not raspberry tea, that's just black tea flavored like raspberries) is supposed to help tone your uterus for more effective pushing. I've definitely noticed an increase in Braxton-Hicks contractions starting about a week after starting the tea, so I'd say it's doing its job. At the advice of my midwives (I'm using a US midwifery center during my pregnancy, so it's probably a bit crunchier than most US OB's), I'm doing 1 cup/day for weeks 28-29, 2 for 30-32, 3 for 33-36, and 4 for 37-birth. At that point, I'll step back down to 1-2 cups/day, since it is also supposed to help with making periods faster. Mine were always traumatically heavy and long, so I figure it's worth a shot. :) RLT is also supposed to help increase milk supply, so that's cool.

Evening Primrose Oil is supposed to help prepare your cervix for birth - aid in effacement and dilation. I plan to start that around 38 weeks because a lot of folks say it's Very Effective.

I'm also taking a prenatal with DHA, encapsulated alfalfa (basically just has a lot of nutrients), and natural desiccated thyroid (Hashimoto's hypothyroid since age 8...synthroid stopped working a few years ago because my thyroid stopped being able to convert between T3 and T4...boo). I have no indications of risk in my pregnancy.

Don't start any medications, including herbal stuff, without consulting your medical team! I am only an expert on my own medical state, and don't know what interactions these supplemental treatments have with your particular health and pregnancy issues.
Hi ladies! I hope all is well. I just wanted to post a quick update. Had my 31 week apointment today. Dr. said that everything looks good. He told us that baby will be full term in six weeks. We're due on the 6th, but my dr said if he doesn't come by the 10th - 11th then I'll be induced. 15 more days until my second ultrasound to see if my placent went up on its own - I'm hoping it did!!
I'm having a panic attack day today- woke up worrying about baby stuff and how to get my daughter's party planned, went to work and had a rough day, came home late to a sick baby, and now having facial pain from a sinus infection.
We have a car seat, stroller, playpen(if I can figude out what I did with the other pieces), a crib that needs painting, some clothes, no diapers or wipes, bottles an pump accessories that I have to get back from my sis who lives 2 states away, a room that needs a piece of drywall and flooring before I can paint or decorate, and plenty of stress about money ( or lack there of). The only baby shower I know of is at work an I'm thinking I'll get cutesy but not essential things.
I'm still losing weight- down another 2 pounds this week.
Daughter's birthday is in a month and nothing is done for that either. I'm having lots of lower abdominal and hip pain this week too.
Sorry for the long post- but I'm freaking out. I had our first a week early and wondering about this one as she's already head down and staying very low according to the md.
:hugs: Hopeful. I'm sure it will all work out.

Wifey I'm glad your appointment went well :)

I used RLT with my son. I don't think it helped me. I was in labour thirty odd hours and pushed for 2 and a half hours. I'm still going to try it again this time but want to speak to my consultant first at 32 weeks as I'm considered high risk this time. I also used EPO and I do believe it worked, I went into labour at 39 weeks and had him at 39+2.

What do you all think of the name Coby? Hubby came up with it and it's kind growing on me. I'm just not sure whether it sounds alright for a grown man?
Hi Ladies, I posted this in the Third Trimester forum, but I wanted to make sure to share with all of you here as well. If it helps anyone out, I'm glad to share!

"Hi Ladies, I'm officially 31 weeks and my bump is growing. I'm also living in Montreal, Canada where the weather is getting colder (we're expecting snow this weekend!!). I was looking for a maternity winter coat for a while now and was having trouble finding something I liked. It also didn't feel so good looking at $250+ winter coats that I would only wear for half a season and weren't even that warm (cotton filing).

A lady in a Thyme Maternity store told me that I'd be better off going online and buying an extender for the coats I already had. I found a site called makemybellyfit and loved what I saw about the product. It extends your current coat to "make your belly fit"! And not only that you can use it as a protective layer when baby wearing after baby comes.

If any of you live in colder climates, I urge you to check it out! Mine arrived in the mail this morning and I immediately installed it on my North Face coat, it was easy to do, and now I don't have to walk around like a crazy woman in the cold with my jacket flying open."
Ugh. 30 weeks today, and was put on bed rest until delivery. I have very high blood pressure when I'm up and about, but it goes back to normal almost as soon as I lie down... Problem is it gets high enough to be worried. It could be a long 10 weeks...
Ugh. 30 weeks today, and was put on bed rest until delivery. I have very high blood pressure when I'm up and about, but it goes back to normal almost as soon as I lie down... Problem is it gets high enough to be worried. It could be a long 10 weeks...

I'm sorry to hear that! Good luck. Good time to get some baby clothes made? Or catch up on the reading/video games/shows and movies that require actual thought that you won't be able to do for a while after your LO arrives? :hugs:

Is there a chance the blood pressure issue will resolve before delivery?
That's not good scgirl, I hope things get better for you or it will be a long 10 weeks.

We got our appt for the MRI in the mail. So scared and nervous and everything really. Won't keep posting in here about it as it could be a real downer on things but will keep my journal up to date so if any of you want to know or follow along it will be in there.

Hope you are all doing ok, was glad to hear you are alright lolly!!
Raspberry leaf capsules definitely helped shorten my labours :thumbup: DD1 stage 2 was 13mins long and DD2 was just 5 :shock: will take it again this time but worried baby might just fall out :rofl: I didn't use EPO with DD1 but did second time and didn't tear at all. Tried it vaginally and orally... only lasted a couple of days doing it the first way as its messy and so, so gross!

I'm so annoyed with the hospital. They've had me coming and going waiting for this VQ scan appt, not informing me of the procedure or risks (I had to google it and we all know how that pans out - worries and lots of tears!). Anyway, I've been on these blood thinking injections since Friday and finally got my appt for the chest X-ray and VQ scan for today. It went well, a lot better than I'd expected (really built it up to be scary in my head!). Felt quite odd all day, and threw up a couple of times but I guess that's to be expected after inhaling and having been injected with radiation! The hospital were supposed to phone me back with the results this afternoon and they've just rung an hour ago to say the hospital I had to go to to have the VQ scan didn't send through the results properly via scan :wacko: that dept are now closed now so means another day, probably more with their track record, of waiting. :grr: sorry to keep moaning about this, I'm just fed up and stressed out now.

In better news... I moved up to the second third tri box in my ticker! Also, I'm due 2 months today!! :wohoo:
apparently some numbers were off in my blood tests from earlier... have to go back in first thing in the morning to get a urine collection kit for the 24 hour test. I wasn't worried until now... (there was apparently no protein in my sample this morning... so not sure what's going on or what numbers were off.)
My boss is a giant ass!! I.went in to.see him yesterday because a couple of appointments clashed with shifts n the mat policy states u get paid time off, he gave me the time off no problem problem, however when discussing another shift I needed off he responded with 'ur not on nights there' i politely reminded him that he has a fit note from my Dr stating I was to do night shifts, however his response to this was ur Dr can only make recommendations that I don't need to follow, it's occupational health that need to tell me u have to go on nights for me to have to do it. So basically he's saying that he will only help me out if he absolutely has to, I then politely told him that if I don't do nights I will be off sick, he just said ok. He is such a #@!()# he's only doing it because he likes to show who's boss, he wud rather me be off sick and cover the shifts with bank staff then help me out and reduce the amount of pain I'm in. I will be telling occupational health all of this when I see them Tuesday n no doubt they will agree with my Dr, it just makes me so mad, I was stewing over it all day yesterday n ended up pissing myself off even more.
Hi ladies. Hope you are all well. Will catch up when I'm at home.
Had my mw app today. There was glucose in my urine for a 2nd time so I have to go for the GTT again! Results will come back with me having it no doubt but will only have 10weeks to go so hopefully I will cope (im not one for eating my greens etc, i try but fail).
Has anyone had glucose in there urine after passing the GTT and still not had it?
Welshgirl I had to go for gtt because I have 3 pluses of glucose in my urine, but I stupidly did the sample after a night shift, I haven't heard back from it so I assume all is ok. Be very cautious when u do the sample, I will in future do the sample when I get up before work rather than before my appointment

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