*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

INMT, honestly!? That's so annoying, I'd find a friend who has a stage 0 seat and ask to borrow it just to take baby home in so you can stop your pesky MIL getting her own way!

Happy 30w hopeful and 31w BB!

I'm a self confessed pram addict so needed a new one :haha: hopefully I won't get too bored with this one and manage to keep it longer than a few months. OH will kill me if I even consider it!

I had my 32w growth scan and consultant appt today. Little miss is growing nicely away, estimated weight is 4lbs 11oz. Yikes! They say babies put on around half a lb each week in this final stretch so looks like I'm looking at pushing out a 9lber :shocker: I hope her growth slows down a teeny bit!
Anyone else had really sore legs? My calfs have ached so much this week and my ankles have started to itch leading me to believe they are slightly swollen. Seeing midwife tomorrow so will ask her the, but any thoughts?
Hello ladies. Seems we are all getting ready to be done and over with pregnancy!! It all went so fast.

Trying to catch up on all posts!!

So went in today because of cramping. Turns out it's pelvic girdle pain. Aka SPD. I'm not sure what to think. There are some horror stories online. I know a few of you have been diagnosed. Any tips? I don't want to just lay on the couch for the remainder of the pregnancy or discontinue what little exercise I've been accomplishing. I have my fitting appt for my maternity belt on Wednesday.

Sigh. 3rd babies kick your butt.
Oh no sorry to hear that Pix :hugs: I think PGP is more in the lower back though isn't it, where SPD is at the front - pubic area and top of thighs? I don't know if they're both treated the same, I suffer horribly from SPD, no advice as such just try and take it as easy as possible (easier said than done I know!), have yourself a long soak in the tub and try and sleep propped up a little in bed with your back well supported. I found swimming really helped in my last pregnancy, but just don't have the time or energy to go this time round! There are some exercises you can do to, and bouncing on a gym ball can bring some relief x
Big hugs to everyone going through struggles at the moment, sorry I can't multiquote on my phone.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. I am still struggling with back pain, My doctor says it's just normal pregnancy back pain but I find it hard to believe that That It is normal to be hardly able to move by halfway through the day because the pain is so bad. Also, sorry if this is tmi but I looked it up on the Internet and can't find any answers. I really need to wee a lot (I know this is normal) bit I find it really difficult to actually start going once I am on the toilet, is that normal? I'm just assuming maybe baby is in a funny position these past few days and maybe pressing on something just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing it.
Itsnowmyturn that's pretty off isn't it!? Holding you to ransom so they can see the baby first! If they honestly don't grasp that you need the car seat (at least) to be released from hospital, you can perhaps borrow a car seat from the hospital (some do have them to lend out, so it's worth asking). Alternatively, you could just buy your own car seat and tell them to keep the one they bought as an extra for their car!

I've got some light SPD too pix, mostly at the front in my pelvic bone. It's not too bad at the moment, but I know it can get worse as things go on. I've found sleeping with more pillows under my neck and spine, as well as one between my knees, has helped a little. Sitting on a gym ball and avoiding crossing my legs helps too. There's some good info in a physio association site (sorry, I can't remember the name of it!) for tips and things to avoid. I hope the belt will help you a bit x

Good news on the growth scan ttc lolly , she's obviously very happy and comfy in there!

0203, I've not experienced that, but Ive heard loads of ladies say they can have a bit of bother peeing when the baby is in a certain position. Hope baby moves and makes it a bit easier for you!
My legs have been really hurting this week and my feet are pretty swollen. Mine I think is due to survey and running around more than usual. I've been trying to prop my feet up at work when I can and drink nor water. I go back to the doctor next Friday so we will see what he says about an antidepressant, the contractions, and my legs.
Oh no sorry to hear that Pix :hugs: I think PGP is more in the lower back though isn't it, where SPD is at the front - pubic area and top of thighs? I don't know if they're both treated the same, I suffer horribly from SPD, no advice as such just try and take it as easy as possible (easier said than done I know!), have yourself a long soak in the tub and try and sleep propped up a little in bed with your back well supported. I found swimming really helped in my last pregnancy, but just don't have the time or energy to go this time round! There are some exercises you can do to, and bouncing on a gym ball can bring some relief x

Didn't really think of it as separate entities!! I know some days it's in the back but every night it's the front and wraps around. She said one I googled and as usual one thing led to another. By the end of the night it's horrible. Just got home from the movies and I'm feeling it! She wanted to send me to PT but I always found PT pointless and just another added cost. As horrible as it sounds I'll youtube it. >.< AND buy a ball. I've wanted one anyway!!

Big hugs to everyone going through struggles at the moment, sorry I can't multiquote on my phone.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. I am still struggling with back pain, My doctor says it's just normal pregnancy back pain but I find it hard to believe that That It is normal to be hardly able to move by halfway through the day because the pain is so bad. Also, sorry if this is tmi but I looked it up on the Internet and can't find any answers. I really need to wee a lot (I know this is normal) bit I find it really difficult to actually start going once I am on the toilet, is that normal? I'm just assuming maybe baby is in a funny position these past few days and maybe pressing on something just wanted to know if anyone else was experiencing it.

I don't believe it is normal to not be able to move. I would keep pushing until dr takes you seriously. At least that's what I do. I'm pretty sure at this point I've been flagged as difficult!! As for peeing.. Sometimes I have to lift my belly to empty my bladder completely. Lol!!

Itsnowmyturn that's pretty off isn't it!? Holding you to ransom so they can see the baby first! If they honestly don't grasp that you need the car seat (at least) to be released from hospital, you can perhaps borrow a car seat from the hospital (some do have them to lend out, so it's worth asking). Alternatively, you could just buy your own car seat and tell them to keep the one they bought as an extra for their car!

I've got some light SPD too pix, mostly at the front in my pelvic bone. It's not too bad at the moment, but I know it can get worse as things go on. I've found sleeping with more pillows under my neck and spine, as well as one between my knees, has helped a little. Sitting on a gym ball and avoiding crossing my legs helps too. There's some good info in a physio association site (sorry, I can't remember the name of it!) for tips and things to avoid. I hope the belt will help you a bit x

Good news on the growth scan ttc lolly , she's obviously very happy and comfy in there!

0203, I've not experienced that, but Ive heard loads of ladies say they can have a bit of bother peeing when the baby is in a certain position. Hope baby moves and makes it a bit easier for you!

I truly hope this doesn't get any worse. Even though it has crossed my mind!!

My legs have been really hurting this week and my feet are pretty swollen. Mine I think is due to survey and running around more than usual. I've been trying to prop my feet up at work when I can and drink nor water. I go back to the doctor next Friday so we will see what he says about an antidepressant, the contractions, and my legs.

You've had quite the time of it!! I hope you can rest and relax!!
0203 sometimes I feel like I'm bursting and when I go there's hardly anything. I think it depends where baby is laid. I remember with my first son my midwife told me to lean forward on the toilet when having a wee. I'm not sure why but it does seem to help slightly.
Lolly - I think chubbier babies are adorable! Of course, they all are no matter their weight! I can guess pushing out a 9lb baby naturally would be a little concerning though! :haha:

Izzie - My legs have been sore but so has my pelvic area and hips. Nothing with my ankles though. Sorry I'm not much help!

0203 - I've experienced the same thing! What would normally take 20 seconds to empty my bladder, takes over a minute because it's just sooo slow going. I was wondering if she was just in a weird position in there and pressing up on the tube and blocking the normal flow. No clue! Just a total theory.

Pix - I've been having consistent cramping the past 3 days. It got just a tad bit worse today but nothing I wasn't able to handle. Are there any other symptoms of pelvic girdle pain or is it just cramping?

I've been having horrible pressure down below (sorry tmi) even though she's sitting up high still. My hips have been SO bad the last two days that when I stand up after walking, I can barely lift my legs! I can't turn over in bed anymore without my husbands help because my hips hurt so bad. Getting in and out of the car has become a painful chore, too, due to not being able to lift my legs at times. My hips grind when I walk sometimes as well. Anyone else have that? If it's just normal pregnancy things, tell me I'm nuts and I'll move on :haha:
Pix I have it mildly, they don't differentiate spd and pgp anymore, they class them as the same. I find if I do too much, even just shopping for a few hours I can be left struggling to walk for a couple of days but if I really take it easy and put my feet up when I can, oh does a lot of housework n I take it easy at work I find that it's manageable, I get hip pain and pain in the backs of my thighs but it's manageable pain, don't underestimate what doing too much can do, one day ul do too much n be left worse off throughout the rest of ur pregnancy n recovery after will take longer.

As for the car seat, I don't have anyone I can borrow one off but if they don't agree to get it sent to ours Im in 2 minds what to do, oh is there for Xmas so do I wait it out and hope baby plays ball and doesn't come along early, wouldn't she need to stay in hospital for at least a few days if she did come that early anyway, il be 36 weeks at Xmas. Or whether I go out and buy a cheap one that can be used as a spare, it wud really grudge me to buy another as the one that comes with the pram is obviously going to be a better quality and fits the pram, it wouldn't hurt us to have a spare especially when oh gets his car but we're trying to keep costs down. I will absolutely demand that oh brings the pram bk with him unless he hasn't got his car by then. I do have options for getting out and about but it's really annoyed me that she doesn't seem to understand my need to have things organised and know that I'm prepared, not feeling organised stresses me out, I mean I'm the person who packs, repacks, repacks, repacks and repacks again her suitcase god nos how many times before a holiday to make.sure I have absolutely everything I need. I don't even no if they've ordered it yet n I'm 30 weeks on Friday, what if there's a wait for them, like delivery in 4 weeks or something. Bloody family hey
Jennuh that sounds like SPD.

INMT I would lose my rag, it's your pram so your choice! Do you drive? Could you go and get it? I wouldn't buy another when you have one already.
Jenna that's exactly what I am like. When I try to get up after sitting, I have to steady myself for a minute then I manage to shuffle my feet like an old man until I can walk/hobble to wherever I am going xx
INMT I would be going nuts too. I like to be organised and it would be stressing me out not knowing if I was going to have a pram and car seat in time. Can you just phone and say you were wondering if it had been ordered yet as you had heard delivery could take up to 8 weeks and if not you are just going to order it yourself.
I also think you should check if hospital have any. Also some taxi companies have car seats although that would mean taking a taxi home from hospital.
Don't let her get her own way over this or she will try it with everything lol xx
buddy - yep its the oyster we have :D its great i just need to buy a few bits for it and figure out how the cosey toes thing goes on properly. I hope the SPD and Anaemia clear up hun. Im with you on the big baby front... my last vaginal was 5lb 14oz and this one is "Big". could be an experience and a half :haha:

haha lolly - i got to push mine on the way home from the shop :haha: ooo do you know how many weeks ahead baby is measuring? I only got to see weeks not weight on my growth scan :(

hopeful - Im glad you guys are working things out :hugs: that must be a weight off your mind hun. So sorry this horrible patch had to come at such a stressful time :hugs:

welsh - i think 10 is enough vests to start with hun :D can always get some more after baby arrives if needed :D

inmt - I cant believe your MIL... If she refuses to give you it id just say " well ill just have to go buy one and you can return your car seat" and see if that gets her to give you it?? I hate when people try force themselves on you after baby comes.
I cant get over your boss :grr: he needs a slap!

Izzie - i get a lot of cramp in my lower legs now and last night my right ankle/knee were in severe pain all night.

Pix - the belt they give you will help A LOT.. just try and take things easy hun and stop when you can feel it starting to hurt :hugs:

0203 - definitely normal now were getting further on. Try not sitting down on the seat and leaning forward it might make it a little easier :hugs: Sorry your having so much back pain.

hopeful - :hugs: your having a tough time hun :hugs:

jenuuh - Thats not normal hun... it will be SPD or PGP :hugs: Its horrible and i get the grinding a lot and quite often get stuck if i sit on the floor lol. IT should ease as soon as baby is born :hugs:

afm - 31 weeks today :dance: my morning blood sugar numbers are still too high even with insulin but the day time ones are better :D back again next week and then midwife next week and growth scan the week after. i think im going to end up having appointments every single week now until induction time
0203- definitely normal!! I actually lift up my belly, it takes pressure off the bladder area.
I agree with the other ladies Jenuuha, it does sound like SPD/PGP. I sympathise with you!

I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse too Pix! Its bareable at the moment, but I don't want it to get worse and end up overshadowing enjoying being pregnancy. I hope the belt improves things for you, and definitely do get a gym ball...they are amazing! I used it in early labour with DS too and found it helped make things more comfortable.

:hugs: INMT, sorry all this stuff is causing you so much stress. I hate feeling disorganised too, so can relate to how you're feeling. The pram is such a big deal, and you really do need it, that's why I can't understand why your in laws are being so obstructive! It can take 8 weeks to order (though we got ours next day, free of charge, from an online store, so might be worth mentioning that to them), so they really do need to get it sorted asap. I totally get that you want to keep the cost down too. I hope you get them to see sense and get it sorted out Hun x

All those appointments will make the time fly sethsmummy! Can't believe we're already in the home stretch and will be meeting our babies soon...aaaaahhhhhhh!! X
Has anyone experienced bad pains under right breast while sitting/eating? Tuesday night I had a fever but no cold symptoms, went to labor & delivery and dr. suspects I may have gallstones - going for an ultrasound tomorrow morning on my birthday :S Anyone have this pain and it ended up being nothing??

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