*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!


I hope everyone is okiee, I am sorry i haven't been on for so long and I won't even pretend to have read the past 200 pages, I am sorry for everything I have missed.

Just to let you all know the reason I haven't been on is because I am suffering serious perinatal-depression and an eating disorder, I have been on a psychiatric ward since I was 21 weeks, I will be 32 weeks on Wednesday and thus have not been able to post or keep up to date.
I am waiting for the decision on when they will do a planned c-section to deliver the baby (hopefully by the end of this month) although that then doesn't solve any problems as the diagnosis is that I will develop post-natal depression and not be able to bond with the baby...

I hope everyone is okiee.

I have missed you all loads, I will try to keep you updated as I can but I understand that my position can seem horrible to some people.


Sorry to hear this hun :hugs:. Hope things start to look up for you soon. Fx you don't get PPD :cry:.
Hopeful - So sorry you're going through this. I couldn't even imagine. I really hope you're able to move past this and be even more aware of how strong you are.

Dawny - Same for you - I really hope you're able to get back on track - I don't think anyone faults you on how you're feeling at all! You're aware, and getting help. That's all you can do for now.

:hugs: for you both!
awww Dawny :hugs: :hugs: Im so sorry hun but i am glad you are getting the help you need hun :hugs: Dont let them put you out though.. there is every chance that you will bond with your baby straight away and if not then dont panic.. lots of women take a while to form a bond with their baby <3 <3 Wishing you so much luck sweetie <3

welsh - sorry your having so much trouble with this house hun :hugs: hopefully its all resolved soon :D xx
Hugs Dawn. Glad you are getting the help that you need. I hope you feel better after delivery xx
Huge hugs to you Dawny, I can't begin to imagine how hard all this must be for you, but I hope you're getting everything you need :hugs:

I'm so shocked to read about what you're going through too Hopeful, I just don't understand how someone can turn their back on their family! I really hope you're around people who really love you, and that you know we're all here for you as much as we can be. You've totally got our support and respect Mama, and we all believe you have the strength to cope with this! :hugs: I agree with the other ladies here too, that although he might leave emotionally, he can't leave his responsibilities and obligations. I'd like to think he'll take his role as a father seriously, and that you'll be able to work out the practical, financial and parenting schedule, but if he's being an idiot, get the lawyers involved. For what it's worth, it is 100% his loss: he's the one who will miss out, who'll feel the separation from his children. I know a man who recently left his family, and 6 months later bitterly regrets his decision, because he's finally realised that what he had was really what life is all about. You'll get through this Mama....:hugs::hugs:
Sorry you're having such a stressful time with the mortgage and what not Welshgirl :hugs: hope they don't keep you waiting much longer. Remember, the solicitors are working for you so demand them to hurry up. The amount they charge they really need to be on the ball a bit more xx

Dawn sorry to hear you've not been well :hugs: hope you're feeling better soon.
Dawny, so sorry that you've been going through such a rough time. I'm glad ur getting the help u need, though and praying it keeps getting better. :hugs:

Had a bit of a drama last night. I spent the day raking leaves yesterday. I guess I overdid it, cause I ended up having contractions for several hours last night. They were 2-3 min apart for 2 hrs, so I ended up going into L & D. Of course, when I got there, they pretty much had stopped. They monitored me for a while, and sent me home. I guess it was a good reminder to take it easy, lol.
Sorry you're having such a stressful time with the mortgage and what not Welshgirl :hugs: hope they don't keep you waiting much longer. Remember, the solicitors are working for you so demand them to hurry up. The amount they charge they really need to be on the ball a bit more xx

Dawn sorry to hear you've not been well :hugs: hope you're feeling better soon.

Thanks. I let OH do majority of the phonecalls as he is better on the phone lol. OH rang the bank yesterday and they said the mortgage had been accepted and an email sent to mortgage advisor so he rang OH this morning saying he was working on the last part then should hear today about the evaluation.
To be fair it's more the bank than the solicitors holding us back at the minute, they are still waiting on the mortgage offer so before they have that can't do much. The last search should be back soon. I'm just a bit scared this contamination risk may have an affect on the evaluation. OH did tell the solicitors I'm pregnant, hormonal and worrying we won't be in before Christmas lol.

dawny, so sorry to hear what you have been going through xxx
I got switched to insulin :wohoo: once a day before bed then back in next week again.

I picked up my pram today too. :dance: I'm in love haha need to have a good play with it when I'm not busy. Both boys fit in it nicely too and they love it haha. Seth's not happy it's not for him :haha: xx
I hope the mortgage stuff all gets sorted out soon Welshgirl, it's so stressful having it all to do. Fingers crossed you're all settled in by Christmas!

Dawny, so sorry that you've been going through such a rough time. I'm glad ur getting the help u need, though and praying it keeps getting better. :hugs:

Had a bit of a drama last night. I spent the day raking leaves yesterday. I guess I overdid it, cause I ended up having contractions for several hours last night. They were 2-3 min apart for 2 hrs, so I ended up going into L & D. Of course, when I got there, they pretty much had stopped. They monitored me for a while, and sent me home. I guess it was a good reminder to take it easy, lol.

Oh my goodness, what a fright you must've gotten! Take it easy lady...feet up, favourite snack and a movie! X

I got switched to insulin :wohoo: once a day before bed then back in next week again.

I picked up my pram today too. :dance: I'm in love haha need to have a good play with it when I'm not busy. Both boys fit in it nicely too and they love it haha. Seth's not happy it's not for him :haha: xx

That's great news, on both counts! Am I right in thinking it was the Oyster Max you got? Our Oyster (not the double one) arrived too and I love love love it! It's all set up and sitting ready in the baby's room. Roll on January!

As for me, 28 week midwife appointment went well, though I do have SPD and mild anaemia (both of which I can deal with!). After she palpated my bump though she just made this funny face and said "Baby isn't giving much away with position, but one things for sure, this is a BIG baby!" I'm not sure how I feel about that lol!!! DS was only 5lb 5oz and that felt big enough :haha: I kind of knew this one was bigger and stronger than DS was at the same point, but i still got a wee shock when the MW confirmed it!

How is everyone else doing?
I'm picking my pram up on Friday, so excited!!! :wohoo: might have to take it out for a spin with Millie in mono mode. How am I supposed to wait 5-10 weeks to use it!?
Thanks for the support ladies! I got in touch with him and caught his attention when I said I would go for sole custody of both girls. We finally sat down and talked and decided to pursue some counseling. We feel like it was overreaction on both of our parts. I still haven't figured out how he thought he would be able to walk away. Anyway, we've been busy! We're working on making a written budget, giving him the responsibility to pay the bills, and making sure we have the occasional date night. Apparently this kicked me into serious nesting and I'm staying super busy getting our baby gear washed and cleaned (we're reusing slot of things from Marianne) and washing clothes. Of course due to my wonderful luck state survey walked in by surprise Monday morning and is crazy at work this week. But it will be done on Thursday and we shouldn't have to worry about it again for a year and a half.
Still having contractions off and on, lots of hip pain, ans and my legs are swelling. Doctor thinks it's over exertion and told me slow down. I'm hoping they don't decide I need bed rest. 10weeks left!
So glad he decided that you are are worth staying for. &#128522; Try not to overdo. I ended up in L &D last night cause of that. Hopefully survey goes great, and u don't get dinged for anything.
Argh so my 2nd GTT today and I am hungry already. Roll on half 11 to eat!
So jealous of the ones getting new prams. I was debating on getting a new one but can't justify the cost when moving house and the pram I used for Alex is in perfect condition and was only used for a couple of months. It's just really bulky.
Started getting sorting Scarlett's vests and sleepsuits ready to wash. I need to go shopping lol. I have 10vests in newborn amd 2 sleepsuits. 12vests in 0-3m and no sleepsuits lol. Would you get more vests or do you think it's enough? If she's on the smaller side like they are saying, Alex was 6lb 12.5oz and was in newborn for quite a while, then she should get the wear out of her clothes. We don't actually have many outfits but I was told by OH's aunty not to buy loads or they won't know what to buy lol.

Glad you are both trying to work through it hopeful :)
I think that's probably enough vests :) I'm not getting a new pram either. We paid over £700 for ours and it's still in great condition so can't justify buying a new one!

Hopeful I'm so glad you are working through things. :)

I'm 31 weeks pregnant today. Down to single figures! It still doesn't feel real. It's just not sunken in. I don't know if it's because of everything we've been through etc or what. It just feels like a dream!
We're not getting a new pram either. I love my pram that I had for the girls and it is still in excellent condition so will be using that again.

Hopeful, I hope it works out for you both.

Good luck welshgirl.

Take it easy luvspnk.

Hope baby isn't too big buddy.

Happy 31 weeks bb. xx
So glad your OH is making an effort to work things out Hopeful. I hope you can get some time to relax too though; maybe after Thursday!

I think that's probably enough vests Welshgirl. Even if it's not its easy enough to get hold of some more (that's what I'm telling myself!).

We wouldn't have bought a new pram, but the chassis broke on our last one and I didn't fancy putting a newborn in it. We've still got our Ergo carrier from DS and I'm mega excited about getting to use that again.

Not long now ladies!
Iv only bought a few vests and loads of second hand sleep suits. I figure I can wear out the vests in no time and just buy more if I need to, this is one case I'd rather buy too little than too much, I think I have the essentials to see me through the first few weeks and then I can see what I really actually need. Plus I have no idea what I actually have because as I'm buying stuff oh is boxing stuff lol, my life is literally in boxes and we don't even have a moving date yet.

We had to text ohs step mum the other day to ask her if she would have the pram delivered to us, they seem adamant that they want to keep it at theirs until baby is here because it's apparently bad luck to have the pram before the baby is here. However it's not like they live just around the corner they are an hours drive away and trying to explain that we need the car seat.which comes with it is like pulling teeth!! I don't think they understand that the hospital don't let you leave without a car seat. I personally think they are doing it so they have to be told immediately that baby is coming so they can come up, they've already said they want to be the first to visit. They also said that if the baby comes on a Friday they will be up that weekend!! I don't want ppl over that quickly, I want to spend time as a family of 3 and getting used to feeds, changes etc without feeling like ppl are watching me, as it's my first I no ppl will be like ooo is she doing it right and to be honest I don't need that kind of shit a day or 2 after pushing a human out.of my body. I will try n time telling ppl so no one can come up for a few days lol.

I went to see occupational health yesterday, my boss is seriously messing with the wrong pregnant lady. He told them the reason he's reluctant to put me on permanent nights is because if the person I'm working with goes off sick and there's no one else trained in the clinic I will be left alone, firstly they wud never leave me alone, they wud bring someone none trained down just to be an extra body and help out where they could. Secondly even after my drs note stating to go onto nights and him saying no he's put me on nights for my last week!! I think iv done half my pregnancy on nights so if he genuinely had those concerns why would he put pregnant women on nights in the first place, he is such a class a prick!! All he's arguing about is 2 weeks where I'm on days, that's all, 2 bloody weeks, which I have now managed to swap with someone else. If he continues with this I will just say sorry but I don't need this.stress, I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant and shouldn't be getting stressed out by management playing little games to get a power trip and go off sick. Money wont be great as night pay is so much better but if it means I get away from that dick then it's.worth it. So glad I get my other boss back when I return, he's my temporary boss while iv be put into a non patient area.
We had to text ohs step mum the other day to ask her if she would have the pram delivered to us, they seem adamant that they want to keep it at theirs until baby is here because it's apparently bad luck to have the pram before the baby is here. However it's not like they live just around the corner they are an hours drive away and trying to explain that we need the car seat.which comes with it is like pulling teeth!! I don't think they understand that the hospital don't let you leave without a car seat. I personally think they are doing it so they have to be told immediately that baby is coming so they can come up, they've already said they want to be the first to visit. They also said that if the baby comes on a Friday they will be up that weekend!! I don't want ppl over that quickly, I want to spend time as a family of 3 and getting used to feeds, changes etc without feeling like ppl are watching me, as it's my first I no ppl will be like ooo is she doing it right and to be honest I don't need that kind of shit a day or 2 after pushing a human out.of my body. I will try n time telling ppl so no one can come up for a few days lol.

Around here, at least, it's expected that you have the car seat installed by the fire department. A lot of folks think they've installed the seat correctly, only for that not to be the case in an accident. Our FD's do it for free.

We're expecting our first, as well, and are definitely limiting visitors the first little while...and certainly no houseguests! Good luck. :)

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