*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Growth scan shows she is estimated to weigh almost 4lb already, I predict a 8 n half lb baby
Sorry I also meant to ask, is it normal that the baby's femur length hasn't grown in 2 weeks?
Thanks for the birthday wishes! It was good! I was treated to a peaceful day and got some stuff Don for the registry. I sorted all the baby stuff we have and then couldn't sleep for wondering where to put it all. Other than a couple warm sleepers in newborn size, we should be good on clothes. I also need to find a coming home outfit, I bought one in newborn but it looks big, and judging by DD 1 she will need something smaller. Newborn clothes were too big on Marianne even she was full term. I also started buying for our hospital bags, and my sister bought me some stuff that should be here soon. I'm washing baby clothes now so I can start packing our bags and getting organized. Finally starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere.

OAN- I've been very uncomfortable all day. I keep having non painful contractions, heartburn and nausea. I think it's where she is sitting an causing Braxton hicks. We go back to the doctor on Friday so we will see then. I have to be careful at work because my boss worries and will send me home if she thinks I'm having contractions (Braxton hicks or not). Hope everyone is doing good!
Lovely pic Jennuuh, what a cutie!

I'm not sure about the femur measurement INMT. Are they going to do another growth scan in a couple of weeks?

I've been so uncomfortable the past few days Hopeful, not so much with BH, but the way baby is lying is giving me a fair bit of bother. My SPD has definitely gotten a little worse as my bump has grown significantly in the past couple of weeks. In fact, one of the nursery teachers shouted out across the room that I looked as if I was about to pop...yup, a little embarrassing!

I have a little question for the ladies who already have a child: How are you thinking the nighttime routine will go (obviously not so much at first, but later on)? My DH works at night a lot, so I'm on my own for bedtime. At the moment we take our time and spend about 20 or 30 minutes over bedtime (which I love; it's such a nice time for us!), but I know I'm going to have to cut it down once baby arrives. At first I'm planning on just bringing the baby upstairs with us so I can feed etc whilst putting DS to bed. But, once we start getting this baby into a routine, I keep wondering how I'm going to put both of them to bed by myself. I guess I'll have to leave DS alone for a wee while, maybe while he's having his supper or something. How do you ladies do it? X
Lolly- yeah, twins do sometimes come earlier, I just hope its not the case with me!

I'm actually not laid back with not having things ready yet, but dh says I stress to much, so I'm letting him take control of getting things in order. If babies do decide to show early, I'll be in hospital for 3 days, which should be enough time for dh to get things organized at home and both our moms will help out where they can, so I think that's why I'm ok with it.

Buddy- sorry hun, can't help out! I'm still thinking of how I'm going to work things out with my dd, but luckily she 7 years old, so she understands. I actually think she'll want to help out with putting babies to sleep. I hope one of the other ladies have some advice.

INMT- no idea about the femur hun! If your Doc didn't say anything about it, then I'm sure it should be ok. When do you go for another scan? Maybe ask then or give them a call as I know how frustrating it must be worrying if bubs is ok.

Jennuuh- adorable pic hun, she looks so uncomfortable though!
Not having another as the 2 iv had have shown she's a good weight and put weight on between the 2 scans, that was the only reason they sent me as I have a small bump when I'm laid down it seems to disappear. Just found it weird that stomach and head circumferences have grown and weight gone up but thigh measurement hasn't. I'm not too concerned as its a good measurement and her height isn't on my list of things to worry about lol
Yay for hitting 33 weeks ttc_lolly!! I hit it today - it's so amazing that full term is in only 4 weeks :) We are all so close.

Today I have my 33 week appointment at my obgyn. I'll book an appointment for another two weeks and then I start to see the Dr. every week. I find the short time between appointments makes time go by quicker. Also, we started our prenatal classes last night, that was fun - I look forward to our weekly classes from now on, they'll bring me right up to 37 weeks!

Tomorrow I finally have my followup ultrasound to see if my placenta moved up. I'm a bit nervous.

Anyways, have a great day ladies!
Glad to see all of you ladies are doing great! :wave:

I finally went shopping for all of the extra things we still needed before Riya comes home from the NICU. Go figure I still forgot a couple items lol..... At least they are small so it won't cost too much to get them.

Here is an updated picture of Riya. She finally got upgraded to a big girl crib!! Now all she needs to do 100% is learn to breastfeed. I am going to spending whole days there will her until she learns. Although I will have to take a couple days to stay at home since I am getting all 4 wisdom teeth pulled on Thursday.


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Beautiful riya. She is doing so well!

Had anyone started maternity leave yet? I've still got three weeks left at work but don't know of I can continue. It just makes me sad that if I leave earlier I will have less time off when the baby is born
Growth scan shows she is estimated to weigh almost 4lb already, I predict a 8 n half lb baby

Does everyone get a growth scan? I gave had plenty of scans, but no one ever mentioned weight or predicted weight. Mind you they were looking at more specific things. Would be interested to know.
I've got them for my high blood pressure- to make sure the placenta is still working... Not sure if they're a usual thing!
Glad to see all of you ladies are doing great! :wave:

I finally went shopping for all of the extra things we still needed before Riya comes home from the NICU. Go figure I still forgot a couple items lol..... At least they are small so it won't cost too much to get them.

Here is an updated picture of Riya. She finally got upgraded to a big girl crib!! Now all she needs to do 100% is learn to breastfeed. I am going to spending whole days there will her until she learns. Although I will have to take a couple days to stay at home since I am getting all 4 wisdom teeth pulled on Thursday.

Aw, look at her in her new crib! Lovely! Hope the dental stuff goes ok. You should maybe mention you're BF as it might affect the pain meds they give you. X

Beautiful riya. She is doing so well!

Had anyone started maternity leave yet? I've still got three weeks left at work but don't know of I can continue. It just makes me sad that if I leave earlier I will have less time off when the baby is born

I'm still working, and all going well, will be working until Dec 21st. Im trying to maximise time with baby and DS too, so figure as long as I'm comfortable, I'll keep working. Don't feel bad though Hun, if you're suffering, there's nothing wrong with taking time to relax and feel better before baby arrives x

Growth scan shows she is estimated to weigh almost 4lb already, I predict a 8 n half lb baby

Does everyone get a growth scan? I gave had plenty of scans, but no one ever mentioned weight or predicted weight. Mind you they were looking at more specific things. Would be interested to know.

In my experience growth scans are only offered if there are concerns. They're definitely not offered as standard in Scotland.
I just had a growth scan as I have a small bump, well I did but it seems to have exploded recently, when I lay down it disappears so as measuring that is the only thing they have to go on they sent me for a scan to make sure the baby was growing well. I won't be having anymore unless there are further concerns for her growth but at 4lbs already I can't see there being any need to.
Happy Birthday Hopeful:)

You ladies are really organized! I only have 5 sleepsuits which my mom bought, 2 tops, 2 pants, I've also got a few things that my dd never wore and I kept and a lot of bibs.
I need to start sorting myself out! We don't even have their cots yet!! I'm freaking out and dh is all calm, saying we still have enough time to get things! He doesn't realize that these babies can come whenever they want!!

I've also been at home since the beginning of November. Since I work for my dad, I've decided to stop working for the next year seeing that its twins. I hope I've made the right choice though!

Also, any of you ladies starting to get swollen? My hands and feet are swelling and it hurts! Is there anything I can use that will/can help?

Hope u all are doing great!

dont worry hun plenty of time to get organised yet :) just take it one step at a time and make yourselves a list and mark whats a priority :) I get swollen at the end of the day but it always goes down at night.

Happy Birthday hopeful.

Hope everyone is ok. We've had such a busy weekend. On Saturday we went to the Trafford Centre, took Alex to the grotto to see Santa, was well worth the money. I didn't book so thank god there were spaces. I only bought little miss a hat and pack of socks lol. Everywhere was just so busy and Alex started getting naggy.
Yesterday we went to the Christmas shop then to toys r us and mothercare, seen the bouncer I want. Scarlett got spoilt by her daddy, another snowsuit and some tops, my mum got the leggings to go with them.

We're all not well in this household. Alex has had a cough and cold for a week now, almost didn't make playgroup as he got up late, he's hardly eating only yoghurts really, although he ate mcdonalds on Saturday. OH has cought it and I have it but only slightly, although was losing my voice this morning. Ugh. Roll on when we are all better. Alex isn't sleeping much due to coughing which means I'm not sleeping much.

Good news on the housefront, we have to go and sign later today (AGAIN), then the evaluation will get done. The solicitors are just waiting on the last search and the mortgage offer. The contract is ready to sign and they said we should definitely be in by Christmas. Aslong as I can get my tree up and the kids furniture I will be happy, nowhere will be getting decorated til atleast next year though.

glad alex had fun seeing santa hun! and im glad things are finally getting done on the house front thats amazing news!!

Happy birthday Hopeful!

Wow wildchic, you're being super laid back about it all! Multiples generally come earlier too, don't they!?

Good news on the house front welsh girl! Hopefully there'll be no more hiccups and you're in ASAP!

I'm 33 weeks today! :wohoo: just 4 more until I hit full term. Scary! And under 50 days to go.... arghh!

happy 33 weeks hun :dance:

Happy belated birthday Hopeful!

Good luck with the housing Welshgirl! Hopefully it's smoother sailing from here on out!

Wildchic - We have so many clothes I have no idea what to do with them all. Our baby shower stuff was mainly newborn! I agree with Lolly though - Good for you for seeming so laid back about it all!

Wanted to put in a quick picture of our little lady from today - She's peeking her head out from between her knees! She always has her feet above her head! :) Also, from measurements, she weighs 3lbs 14oz and she's adorable. :happydance:


gorgeous scan photo hun <3 <3

Sorry I also meant to ask, is it normal that the baby's femur length hasn't grown in 2 weeks?

both my boys femurs measured behind everything else hun :) Rohans is doing the same. theyre just little shorties haha

Thanks for the birthday wishes! It was good! I was treated to a peaceful day and got some stuff Don for the registry. I sorted all the baby stuff we have and then couldn't sleep for wondering where to put it all. Other than a couple warm sleepers in newborn size, we should be good on clothes. I also need to find a coming home outfit, I bought one in newborn but it looks big, and judging by DD 1 she will need something smaller. Newborn clothes were too big on Marianne even she was full term. I also started buying for our hospital bags, and my sister bought me some stuff that should be here soon. I'm washing baby clothes now so I can start packing our bags and getting organized. Finally starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere.

OAN- I've been very uncomfortable all day. I keep having non painful contractions, heartburn and nausea. I think it's where she is sitting an causing Braxton hicks. We go back to the doctor on Friday so we will see then. I have to be careful at work because my boss worries and will send me home if she thinks I'm having contractions (Braxton hicks or not). Hope everyone is doing good!

glad you had a fab birthday hun! oh dear will she put you on maternity leave if she thinks your having contractions?

Lovely pic Jennuuh, what a cutie!

I'm not sure about the femur measurement INMT. Are they going to do another growth scan in a couple of weeks?

I've been so uncomfortable the past few days Hopeful, not so much with BH, but the way baby is lying is giving me a fair bit of bother. My SPD has definitely gotten a little worse as my bump has grown significantly in the past couple of weeks. In fact, one of the nursery teachers shouted out across the room that I looked as if I was about to pop...yup, a little embarrassing!

I have a little question for the ladies who already have a child: How are you thinking the nighttime routine will go (obviously not so much at first, but later on)? My DH works at night a lot, so I'm on my own for bedtime. At the moment we take our time and spend about 20 or 30 minutes over bedtime (which I love; it's such a nice time for us!), but I know I'm going to have to cut it down once baby arrives. At first I'm planning on just bringing the baby upstairs with us so I can feed etc whilst putting DS to bed. But, once we start getting this baby into a routine, I keep wondering how I'm going to put both of them to bed by myself. I guess I'll have to leave DS alone for a wee while, maybe while he's having his supper or something. How do you ladies do it? X

oh wow id have been a bit embarrased too :haha:

ds2 coming never affected ds1 for us. we always either took ds2 with us OR once he was old enough for routine ds2 was put to sleep first and then we did ds1. so Ds2 was put into bed at 7 (hed sleep for 2 hours then) and ds1 i put to bed at 8pm. :)

Yay for hitting 33 weeks ttc_lolly!! I hit it today - it's so amazing that full term is in only 4 weeks :) We are all so close.

Today I have my 33 week appointment at my obgyn. I'll book an appointment for another two weeks and then I start to see the Dr. every week. I find the short time between appointments makes time go by quicker. Also, we started our prenatal classes last night, that was fun - I look forward to our weekly classes from now on, they'll bring me right up to 37 weeks!

Tomorrow I finally have my followup ultrasound to see if my placenta moved up. I'm a bit nervous.

Anyways, have a great day ladies!

good luck for your scan hun!

Growth scan shows she is estimated to weigh almost 4lb already, I predict a 8 n half lb baby

Does everyone get a growth scan? I gave had plenty of scans, but no one ever mentioned weight or predicted weight. Mind you they were looking at more specific things. Would be interested to know.

no not everyone will get one hun. You automatically get them if your very high risk/had a small baby/had a big baby/have gd or a few other issues that require the baby to be monitored closely. Other times will be if the midwife has any concerns regarding the size of your bump then you would be sent for one to check babies size... but its not a very common thing.

afm - I was at the diabetic clinic again yesterday and am now on slow acting insulin overnight and quick acting insulin before every meal. hopefully it works.
my body is falling apart... i cant walk without pain.. or actually do anything without pain.. even turning in bed now is a mission and a half that includes a lot of grunting. Im getting daily contractions .. only one or two but ill be mentioning them to the midwife tomorrow. Iv had a headache i cant shift for the last couple of days and keep having dizzy/fuzzy spells (nothing to do with the GD) and have to sit down every time i pass a seat. I did a dip test last night and had ++ protein +++ketones (although id drank and eaten all day) and trace leukocytes. so tomorrow could be a fun midwife appointment. Also getting A LOT of discharge :dohh:
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Sethsmummy! Poor you! Sounds like you're going through a lot of discomfort right now. I know it's hard when you're already a Mummy, but is there any way you can get someone to watch the boys for an afternoon or something so you can put your feet up and rest a little bit? (I would never take this advice...I am terrible at asking for help, and even worse at taking it easy :haha: So, I totally understand if you just soldier on!). I hope the midwife appointment goes ok today xxx
:hugs: to everyone who needs them.

I haven't started maternity leave yet. I have 10 working days left. My last day is 16th December.

As for bedtime with 2 children, I'm not sure :lol: I guess we will all find what works for us when baby arrives.

I had a scare last night. I woke up wet. I rang L&D and they asked me to go in. Had to ring MIL to come watch Tristan at 2am! I went in and they did a swab which came back negative and monitored baby for a few hours. I've never been so scared!
Growth scan shows she is estimated to weigh almost 4lb already, I predict a 8 n half lb baby

Does everyone get a growth scan? I gave had plenty of scans, but no one ever mentioned weight or predicted weight. Mind you they were looking at more specific things. Would be interested to know.

Not in the UK unfortunately, unless they're concerned with fundal measurements, GD, high BP etc :flower:

:hugs: to everyone who needs them.

I haven't started maternity leave yet. I have 10 working days left. My last day is 16th December.

As for bedtime with 2 children, I'm not sure :lol: I guess we will all find what works for us when baby arrives.

I had a scare last night. I woke up wet. I rang L&D and they asked me to go in. Had to ring MIL to come watch Tristan at 2am! I went in and they did a swab which came back negative and monitored baby for a few hours. I've never been so scared!

I'm glad the swabs came back negative :hugs: I have days where I swear i feel a little gush, and TMI, I think it's just discharge :blush: could be worse, could be wee hahaha! Pretty sure it's not though... Unless I've sneezed :rofl:

Sethsmummy :hugs: hope this new insulin works better for you x

AFM, not much to report! I literally have everything now so feeling so much more relaxed and destressed. Just going to try and enjoy these last few weeks, even though I'm not sleeping great and my pelvis feels like it could crumble into a million tiny pieces at any given moment :lol: oh, and DD2 is waking at silly o'clock every morning meaning the bit of crappy sleep I do get is very short!

Bedtimes with 2 kids, it's easy! At the beginning it's a little difficult juggling bath times, feeds etc but just go with the flow and do what works for you :thumbup: babies are pretty easy and content to deal with, so I would just continue to make as much fuss as possible with your toddler before bed, include baby in story time etc and you'll find yourself falling into your own little routine in no time :) x
I agree with Lolly, bedtime for 2 isn't a problem. You'll get your own routine and find out what works best for you. In the beginning I would just keep doing what you do as baby won't have a routine to start with xx
:hugs: BB! So glad all was well with you and baby!

Thanks for all the comments regarding bedtime ladies: you're all awesome for reassuring a slightly nervous second time Mum! I figured it'd be much the same at first, but kept wondering how I'd go about things once baby starts getting into a rhythm. I know that it'll just happen naturally really, but I'm an overthinker sometimes! DS has always been a great sleeper (we lucked out. I kept it secret when he was little though :haha:), and 100% came up with his own routine and patterns which we just followed. I figure we'll do that again as much as possible this time, but I do think DS's routine will probably dictate things a lot more. I'm hoping to get baby to bed before DS, but we'll see...

Thanks again! X
Hi ladies! Had my scan this morning, my placenta moved up - the Dr. who did the scan was very happy with the placement. Baby is measuring at 34weeks6days (almost 2 weeks ahead) and he's about 5.5lbs! His estimated birth weight is 8.5lbs, I hope he's on time lol, 9lbs seems big. He's also head down and in position. Hope you're all doing well!

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