*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

Itsnowmyturn please can you let me know how you get on. Sophie sounds a bit like Henry, I'm sure the amount he cries is not normal and I am really beginning to worry that something is wrong. Tried him with meds for reflux and nothing changed and I've tried cutting things out of my diet, drinking fennel tea. Nothing seems to help at all and I am exhausted from hearing him Cry So much and trying to help him. One moment he will be happy and smiling, interacting with the world The next he is screaming uncontrollably :(
0203 the appointment was really interesting, she gently held her with her thumbs on her tummy n her fingers round her spine, she said sophie was very tight around her left thoracic spine, she spent about half an hour working on her and sophie relaxed as she worked on each bit then squirmed around as she moved onto the next bit. She did a little bit on her head but not much. Were going for another appointment next week but il be making it the last one before it becomes a big expense. She suggested all these changes to make diet wise and feeding wise but I just thought then I won't no what's worked so decided to keep everything else the same
ah never mind.. just read that theyre not suitable for anything other than in their own bed at night time :(

Its definitely small enough and I use it all the time. Or at least when he isn't with me!!!
My girls cry a lot too!!! They're both happy during the day, but what I've noticed is that they don't sleep much in the day time. Then at night they are moody because they are over tired. At one point a few nights ago, I thought Kaitlyn was colic as she cried roughly the same time in the evening,but then a few nights later, she was okay.

Today was one of those days they didn't get much sleep and its just after 10pm and they're both asleep.

Courtney refused to drink on me today! She just wanted formula or expressed milk. I was upset coz I love breast feeding my girls and I wanna continue, but she just cried eveytime I put her to my breast. She was so tired that she looked for comfort and I offered her my breast and she drank:)
I was really happy!

Those who bf, does it take a few seconds for your milk to come in or does it come in immediately? My girls have to be latched for a while before my milk comes(I get a burning sensation along the sides of my breast so I know when it comes in). Just wondering if its only me?
My girls cry a lot too!!! They're both happy during the day, but what I've noticed is that they don't sleep much in the day time. Then at night they are moody because they are over tired. At one point a few nights ago, I thought Kaitlyn was colic as she cried roughly the same time in the evening,but then a few nights later, she was okay.

Today was one of those days they didn't get much sleep and its just after 10pm and they're both asleep.

Courtney refused to drink on me today! She just wanted formula or expressed milk. I was upset coz I love breast feeding my girls and I wanna continue, but she just cried eveytime I put her to my breast. She was so tired that she looked for comfort and I offered her my breast and she drank:)
I was really happy!

Those who bf, does it take a few seconds for your milk to come in or does it come in immediately? My girls have to be latched for a while before my milk comes(I get a burning sensation along the sides of my breast so I know when it comes in). Just wondering if its only me?

Mine does that. Takes a dew minutes of him suckling then it let's Down. Last night he slept 6hours and only fed off of one side. I tried to pump but it wouldn't let down until he nursed later. It will let down every few minutes while he nurses. Sometimes it hurt .
My girls cry a lot too!!! They're both happy during the day, but what I've noticed is that they don't sleep much in the day time. Then at night they are moody because they are over tired. At one point a few nights ago, I thought Kaitlyn was colic as she cried roughly the same time in the evening,but then a few nights later, she was okay.

Today was one of those days they didn't get much sleep and its just after 10pm and they're both asleep.

Courtney refused to drink on me today! She just wanted formula or expressed milk. I was upset coz I love breast feeding my girls and I wanna continue, but she just cried eveytime I put her to my breast. She was so tired that she looked for comfort and I offered her my breast and she drank:)
I was really happy!

Those who bf, does it take a few seconds for your milk to come in or does it come in immediately? My girls have to be latched for a while before my milk comes(I get a burning sensation along the sides of my breast so I know when it comes in). Just wondering if its only me?

Mine does that. Takes a dew minutes of him suckling then it let's Down. Last night he slept 6hours and only fed off of one side. I tried to pump but it wouldn't let down until he nursed later. It will let down every few minutes while he nurses. Sometimes it hurt .

When I pump while one twin is nursing, I get more milk than doing it on my own!
Yeah, it does hurt! Mines more like a burning feeling.
I feel letdown on the opposite side to feeding and start leaking like crazy, can normally collect a couple of ounces. Not sure if that is normal or not :shrug: very rarely feel the letdown on the side I am feeding from.

I did wonder if Henry had colic but he seems happiest in the evening/night time. He has naturally set himself a bed time of 7.30-8.30 and often sleeps about 5-8 hours from that. It's during the day he seems so unsettled. One moment he can be so happy, cooing and smiling the next he is inconsolable and I really mean inconsolable we try everything to help him but nothing consistently works then he will calm down and be back to happy or fall asleep, he is sleeping a lot more than he used to but I'm guessing all the screaming wears him out. I don't know if it is a coincidence or not but it all seemed to start after his operation for the abscess, he just hasn't been the same since. Luckily I have a really good doctor who says I should keep going back to see him until we figure what is causing this. I just want my happy little boy back :(
0203 it's normal to leak if u have a strong let down, I leak a little and I get let down in between feeds too.
Sophie is generally worse in a morning with trapped wind, she scrunches up, strains, cries, farts and then snooze for a minute before starting again
I always leak when i m nursing, so I'm always wearing breast pads!

I use a manual pump when expressing but want to get an electric one. Is it better than the manual one?
Wildchic in terms of pumping and electric is better but I find hand xpressing is better, empties more
I've tried hand expressing, but find it too messy! Or maybe I'm not doing it right,lol. I'm trying to persuade dh to get an electric one but he's just brushing it off as I've got one. Will see on Monday if insurance will pay for part of it. If not, we'll just have to get it ourselves!
I feel let down a few seconds into the feed, and still get it in both breasts. Because baby is still feeding every hour or so, I get "phantom" let downs when he sleeps longer. Thankfully they've gone from proper leakage to just a few drops!

After starting to go three hours between feeds at night, he's been waking at least every hour for the past 3 nights...I'm bloody knackered! Last night he woke up 7 times in 8 hours: urgh! I know there's another growth spurt at 9 weeks so I'm hoping that's all this is, and that we'll be back to the 3 hours soon :coffee: Am I the only one dealing with frequent feeding still?
0203 it's normal to leak if u have a strong let down, I leak a little and I get let down in between feeds too.
Sophie is generally worse in a morning with trapped wind, she scrunches up, strains, cries, farts and then snooze for a minute before starting again

Oh yeah I constantly have break pads on but I am finding I am needing the change them less. I meant was it normal I only feel let down on the side he is not feeding on?

Henry feeds really frequently during the day going between 1.5- 2.5 hours but at night he sleeps for about 5-8 hours before going back to the frequent feeds. Hope your little one starts stretching out feeds a bit more and you are able to get some better sleep buddy

I tried gripe water with Henry today and he has been a lot more happier which has been lovely, his dirty nappies have been awful though really really stinky....is that normal?
I feel let down a few seconds into the feed, and still get it in both breasts. Because baby is still feeding every hour or so, I get "phantom" let downs when he sleeps longer. Thankfully they've gone from proper leakage to just a few drops!

After starting to go three hours between feeds at night, he's been waking at least every hour for the past 3 nights...I'm bloody knackered! Last night he woke up 7 times in 8 hours: urgh! I know there's another growth spurt at 9 weeks so I'm hoping that's all this is, and that we'll be back to the 3 hours soon :coffee: Am I the only one dealing with frequent feeding still?

I was wondering when that was. He nursed like mad yesterday and refused to let me put him down. I got absolutely nothing accomplished!! I worried it was still from his shots. But that was a week ago!

So no you aren't. I am as well. His longest stretches are in the morning. I get a workout and shower in and then that's it! Afterwards he will nurse every hour and a half. I haven't gotten my right side back up to par since I had a clogged duct. And the supplements help so much. Its odd since his big brother was a nursing champ and had my supply in overdrive.

I need a nap....

We have been slowly moving him out of our bed and into a cradle. He sleeps so much better now. Still getting up 3-4 times a night but at least he is giving me a decent block straight away.

I love my electric pump and I couldn't figure out how to hand express at all. Lo .
A week after injections is normal for them to be grumpy, their body is basically creating those antibodies so effectively fighting off the stuff they put in their body.
Sophie is still a huge grump, spoke to health visitor today and got the textbook shit of the trapped wind generally goes by itself by 3 to 4 months, not really helpful
So today we had our weigh in. Lo has gained another lb in two weeks!

Anyway, lady asked how it was going and I told her how lo has learnt to roll front to back this week. After praising her, she then asked if we had baby proofed our home yet? Surely it is too soon for that? When did you do it and what did you do?
Madelyn gained 4 ounces in 8 days according to the doctor but she had a 4 ounce bottle right before. They changed her to prilosec, told us to put cereal in her milk when she gets a bottle. We have a swallow study tomorrow and another weight check next week.
Izzie I intend to baby proof once she starts crawling n not befor, n even then il only do the basic stuff n then figure out the rest as I go along lol, might seem a weird way of doing it n obviously il sort the dangerous stuff but I also want her to learn that some things around her are not to play with, if she takes a particular interest in something il move it but she needs to learn that somethings aren't toys
Izzie I intend to baby proof once she starts crawling n not befor, n even then il only do the basic stuff n then figure out the rest as I go along lol, might seem a weird way of doing it n obviously il sort the dangerous stuff but I also want her to learn that some things around her are not to play with, if she takes a particular interest in something il move it but she needs to learn that somethings aren't toys

That's what I was thinking too. We'll child lock the cleaning cupboard, move a wobbly cd/DVD rack and put up a stair gate. Other than that I think we're good.
Swallow study showed severe reflux but no anatomical abnormalities. So for now we are continuing meds, supposed to start cereal and going for weekly weight checks. She's been a little pig today. She had sixteen ounces, and due to a new bra, stress, and who knows what else I haven't been able to pump but 12 ounces. Big kid fell and busted her face...

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