*** January Jellybeans 2015 *** - join & chat here :) 132 so far!

We have shots Monday. I've been back at work since Monday and its been okay. I'm pumping and its going good. I've brought home at least what she's drinking every day.
Hopeful, that's my worry when I go back (obviously sophie will be older but still having breastmilk) I just worry that with my job i won't get the chance to express often enough and my supply will slowly diminish. What age do they stop having breastmilk? I no a lot of toddlers still have a bottle before bed or in a morning but what age do they stop needing it to supplement their solid food Intake?
I had stitches and I think I feel normal now, have for maybe a week or so?
My bleeding stopped completely around 4-5 weeks and my period came at 6 weeks but all my soreness seems to have subsided for the most part at least finally so I'd assume not too much longer for you?

This thread has really does since everyone has had their babies, I'm kind of sad about it...
My personal goal is to breastfeed for a year. I made it clear the first day back that I have to pump and now I just go do it (unless someone is dying everything else can wait) usually I get hooked up and try to relax for a few. Once I have a good letdown I start working on paper work or a to do list because I don't do well with sitting still.
inmt with seth i took a good couple months for my swelling etc to all go back down again but id had a lot of intervention. Have you tried some arnica or anything like that?

pix - sorry to hear your two spent time in hospital with. Seth usually spends some time in hospital every year with it but we were lucky last year for once.

kailetski = it is sad but with everyone going back to work and being super busy i guess it was inevitable. I barely get time to check in on my journal :haha:

Rohan is doing ok on this new lactose free milk. farting like a trooper though and he didnt poo yesterday. he seems a bit less restless now though and his diarrhoea has stopped too. Seths Peadiatrician saw us on Tuesday for seths review appointment and she asked how Rohan had got on at his review. She was rather shocked and angry when i told her the ward staff told me he didnt need any follow up. she said for a normal baby with it no follow up was needed but when they were as sick as Rohan was they need to be monitored. So she is going to try squeeze us in as soon as possible so she can have a proper look over him. I am so glad that he is going to be under her care!

We found out too just how close we came to loosing him. She told us that she is the ONLY Pead in our hospital who is trained in paediatric intensive care! The anaesthetist who had been in resus hadn't wanted to ventilate him... he wanted to wait and see what would happen! So had she not been there it is very very likely that i would have been leaving that hospital without my sweet baby! I literally owe her Rohans life.
Hopeful: that's awesome that the pumping is going so well! I'm the same about having to do something too though; I HAVE to be productive at all times!

INMT: I'm all good down there (though, admittedly I haven't looked). I only had a teeny cut though so felt normal really quickly. It took a lot longer to heal after my first birth experience.

Kailetski: it is sad that it's a bit quieter, but I just assumed everyone finds it as difficult as me to have the time to check in now. I still love hearing everyone's updates though!

Sethsmummy: so glad Rohan is doing so well! And...wow...so glad he had that paediatrician in his corner. What a great Dr! They're fantastic up at Yorkhill aren't they?!

As for us, LO is doing great, and seems to be improving a little bit with his sleep (fingers crossed, touch wood etc etc etc!). His big brother has adjusted so well and so far I'm doing ok coping with the 2 of them. Bath time is the trickiest part of the day, but I know we'll get there with it. I've had a few 'moments' but they're over so fast...mostly down to one of my two boys being adorable or hilarious!

Happy Mothers Day ladies! Xxx
I have a question for any formula feeding moms on here!! My LO is sleeping from about 9:00pm - 6-7am. Which means we cut down from 6 feeds (we used to have one at 4am) to 5 feeds. I've upped his bottles to 6oz and he's getting and finishing about 30oz a day. Today he went 5 hours between feeds (wasn't showing cues of hunger or complaining), and it screwed up our schedule.

MY question is - should I feed him every 4 hours even if he isn't hungry to make sure he's getting his 30oz and being put to bed by 8-9pm?

Or... when things run late should i let him sleep and wake him around 10-11pm to fit in the 5th feeding?
Hi ladies! My depression meds haven't started working after 2 weeks, in fact it's worse than ever. I have a feeling if I told anyone what goes through my head they would put me inpatient for a few days. I can't do that because I'm breastfeeding, so ill just keep hoping the meds kick in soon. Please don't worry, I won't act on anything. Sometimes I literally hate being mommy. It sounds crazy even to me, I love my girls an would do anything for them, but lately I just would like to walk away and not look back. Sometimes I think they would be better off if I did. My husband drives me up the wall. His response when i try to tell him how I feel is to tell me to quit whining. He says he helps but h couldn't even wash the bottles I asks him to until I reminded him the next morning. He's always working unless it something he wants to do (hunting, burning fields for other people, taking my nephew hunting, kissing ass at the fire dept trying to get another job) all of this makes him let every night or coming home am leaving again. The two year old cries for him every day. I'm debating just telling him to leave. I'm by myself with the girls most of the time anyway. I literally have to wait until the middle of the night to soak in a warm bath. I'm gonna call an talk to the doctor Monday. Sorry I just needed to vent. I hope you don't think I'm crazy. I actually enjoys being at work this week.
Hi ladies! My depression meds haven't started working after 2 weeks, in fact it's worse than ever. I have a feeling if I told anyone what goes through my head they would put me inpatient for a few days. I can't do that because I'm breastfeeding, so ill just keep hoping the meds kick in soon. Please don't worry, I won't act on anything. Sometimes I literally hate being mommy. It sounds crazy even to me, I love my girls an would do anything for them, but lately I just would like to walk away and not look back. Sometimes I think they would be better off if I did. My husband drives me up the wall. His response when i try to tell him how I feel is to tell me to quit whining. He says he helps but h couldn't even wash the bottles I asks him to until I reminded him the next morning. He's always working unless it something he wants to do (hunting, burning fields for other people, taking my nephew hunting, kissing ass at the fire dept trying to get another job) all of this makes him let every night or coming home am leaving again. The two year old cries for him every day. I'm debating just telling him to leave. I'm by myself with the girls most of the time anyway. I literally have to wait until the middle of the night to soak in a warm bath. I'm gonna call an talk to the doctor Monday. Sorry I just needed to vent. I hope you don't think I'm crazy. I actually enjoys being at work this week.

Oh honey :hugs::hugs: You don't sound crazy at all! Being a Mummy is so incredibly hard, and can be totally overwhelming, and that's without being depressed. I think it can take a little while for the meds to work (a relative of mine is on antidepressants) but you should 100% talk to your Dr to see if that's normal for the ones you're taking. You sound like you could do with a break, so I can imagine that going to work actually gives you respite from all of it. But, is there anyway you can go for a 5 or 10 minute walk when your OH is around? Some time just for you could help so much. He really needs to step up, the kids are his responsibility too and you need his support! Could your Dr talk to him about his role, and wake him up to the fact that he's got a duty as a husband a a father to be there? I really hope things improve soon xxx
hopeful :hugs: Im so sorry theyre not working yet hun but buddy is right.. they can take a couple weeks to start making a difference. you are doing so well! Sometimes we just need a break from our mummy responsibilities so being back at work will be good for you :hugs: Your husband seriously needs to step up to the plate and help you out more. he shouldnt be off with friends he should be spending some time with his children.

wifey - if it were Rohan id just go with what he wanted.. as long as theyre gaining weight it should be fine. if he is draining all of his bottles up it another oz and see if he takes all of that. Rohan has gone the odd time through the day for 5 hours but its only once a day he does it. hes usually on 4oz every 3 hours.

buddy - they are amazing up there. I cant thank them enough. Although i hope we never have to go there ever again :haha: Especially since theyre not all happy about moving building so there are going to be some unhappy nurses when they all move. Glad your lo is starting to do better with sleeping hun!

Had to take Rohan back off the lactose free milk... he screamed and screamed and screamed all day friday because of being constipated! hes finally managed to poop pain free this morning.. i felt so bad for him. Id much rather him have slight diorrhea than be in that much pain.
Checkup and shots went okay! Doctor is concerned with her being small and the spit up so we now have zantac, a weight check next week, and a upper gi series. She is 8pounds and 4ounces, which is not quite 2 pounds above birth weight.
2 pounds in 2 months is not that bad Hopeful! Especially since she probably lost some weight right after birth like most babies do. It sounds like great weight gain to me! I think what a doctor told me once was a half an ounce to an ounce a day is good. Good luck with the Zantac. It won't help her spit up but it will make it less painful for her. The spit up is from reflux and is something she will grow out of.
is she staying on her centile hopeful or dropping? Try not worry too much :hugs: They will find something that works to help her. Seth had failure to thrive so let me know if you want to chat hun :hugs:
Hey ladies :) Hope you are all well!

Finally have a few spare mins to write a post!

We have just had a week of gastro bugs going around the house, thankfully Hazel didn't get it!! Poor Dev had it bad though and is only just back to himself!

I don't really have anywhere else to blah to at the moment so am posting here, more to just put it out there than wanting replies or pity or anything. I am struggling. A lot more than I thought I would be. This two kid biz is hard, (and you ladies that have more have me awe inspired!) Hazel is doing some form of proper sleep strike and only sleeps for 30 min blocks, this makes it so hard to spend any time with devon, it's hard enough to find the time to feed him, give his liquids etc. no time is left for stretching him or just playing and loving him. I feel like I am failing him big time at the moment. On top of that despite the fact she feeds well and often Hazel isn't putting on weight at the required rate prompting weekly weigh ins still. I feel like I am being graded by these people and quite frankly falling short of the mark. I know it will get better and easier as time goes by but feel on the verge of tears often at the moment which is just so unlike me, normally I can see the good side of everything and staying positive is the only thing that normally gets me through with devs disabilities. Hopefully I will get a good nights sleep soon which I feel will help me be more like myself?
She has stayed at 5th percentile, I think they arrogantly tryin to rule out other causes like strictures. Come to find out today that she as never added to my insurance even though I went in due in leave to add her. I'm so pissed. I couldn't get her zantac. I called my administrator at home and told her I need to meet with her first thing tomorrow. We go for the gi series next Wednesday.
That's a good gain, the health visitor keeps banging on about sophies weight gain to me as she looks like she's just about to drop below the 2nd centile, however she's gained an average of 4oz a week even with 3 weeks getting back to birth weight. Those charts are mostly based on formula fed babies and breastfed babies tend to gain slower, personally I'm happy with her weight gain, she looks right for her body and even though she has reflux and had a tongue tie she is being consistent.

I have decided to take her for cranial osteopathy, she has become increasingly restless lately and even laid here now next to her I can hear wind bubbling in her belly and she gives a little cry every now and then and farts occasionally, obviously sucking her dummy soothes her so when it drops out as she's going into a deep sleep she gets upset, which really isn't like her as a lot of the time unless she's upset she doesn't bother about it. I got about 2 hours sleep last night because she was so restless and upset so I'm going to give it a go and see if it helps, iv heard amazing reviews about it
Hey ladies :) Hope you are all well!

Finally have a few spare mins to write a post!

We have just had a week of gastro bugs going around the house, thankfully Hazel didn't get it!! Poor Dev had it bad though and is only just back to himself!

I don't really have anywhere else to blah to at the moment so am posting here, more to just put it out there than wanting replies or pity or anything. I am struggling. A lot more than I thought I would be. This two kid biz is hard, (and you ladies that have more have me awe inspired!) Hazel is doing some form of proper sleep strike and only sleeps for 30 min blocks, this makes it so hard to spend any time with devon, it's hard enough to find the time to feed him, give his liquids etc. no time is left for stretching him or just playing and loving him. I feel like I am failing him big time at the moment. On top of that despite the fact she feeds well and often Hazel isn't putting on weight at the required rate prompting weekly weigh ins still. I feel like I am being graded by these people and quite frankly falling short of the mark. I know it will get better and easier as time goes by but feel on the verge of tears often at the moment which is just so unlike me, normally I can see the good side of everything and staying positive is the only thing that normally gets me through with devs disabilities. Hopefully I will get a good nights sleep soon which I feel will help me be more like myself?

I know you aren't looking for replies or anything, but just wanted to send a :hugs: and say....you are not alone in feeling the way you do! Having 2 kids is a big step up from 1, and you've got a lot to deal with. I find bath and bed time is still a total shit storm at the moment; I can't seem to find a way of doing it that really works despite trying every variation I possibly can. Baby does not like to nap either, so I feel your pain with the struggle of divided attention during the day. It's tough sometimes! All the check ups do make you feel like you're being judged in the first few weeks, but you're doing great! Be kind to yourself! Hopefully things will be easier soon (like, maybe I can shower DS1 without having DS2 attached to my boob?)
Hey ladies :) Hope you are all well!

Finally have a few spare mins to write a post!

We have just had a week of gastro bugs going around the house, thankfully Hazel didn't get it!! Poor Dev had it bad though and is only just back to himself!

I don't really have anywhere else to blah to at the moment so am posting here, more to just put it out there than wanting replies or pity or anything. I am struggling. A lot more than I thought I would be. This two kid biz is hard, (and you ladies that have more have me awe inspired!) Hazel is doing some form of proper sleep strike and only sleeps for 30 min blocks, this makes it so hard to spend any time with devon, it's hard enough to find the time to feed him, give his liquids etc. no time is left for stretching him or just playing and loving him. I feel like I am failing him big time at the moment. On top of that despite the fact she feeds well and often Hazel isn't putting on weight at the required rate prompting weekly weigh ins still. I feel like I am being graded by these people and quite frankly falling short of the mark. I know it will get better and easier as time goes by but feel on the verge of tears often at the moment which is just so unlike me, normally I can see the good side of everything and staying positive is the only thing that normally gets me through with devs disabilities. Hopefully I will get a good nights sleep soon which I feel will help me be more like myself?

Don't feel bad Hun. I think we are all like that to start with. It's a big juggle trying to make sure they both get the attention they need but it's f such a short amount of time he probably won't remember once things get easier. :hugs: hang in there Hun it will get easier
I had weekly then two weekly weigh ins with Seth until he was 6months then it was once a month after that. Sometimes they just don't gain weight well. Seth was put on a milk called Patricia infitrini which is a double calorie milk. It won't be anything your doing that's causing it Hun don't worry. They'll get to the bottom of it.

She has stayed at 5th percentile, I think they arrogantly tryin to rule out other causes like strictures. Come to find out today that she as never added to my insurance even though I went in due in leave to add her. I'm so pissed. I couldn't get her zantac. I called my administrator at home and told her I need to meet with her first thing tomorrow. We go for the gi series next Wednesday.

Omg I'd be so mad. I hope you can get it sorted Hun
Sophie has her cranial osteopathy appointment tomorrow, I want my happy comfortable bubba back, she always seems so distressed

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