January Snowdrops +*+* Testing Thread *+*+ Ring in the New Year with BFPs!

I know! Scan tomorrow
I hope you are keeping well x

oh wow I can not believe your 12 weeks already hon. Goodness it’s crazy how far all you pregnant ladies are getting. Hope you’re well
oh wow I can not believe your 12 weeks already hon. Goodness it’s crazy how far all you pregnant ladies are getting. Hope you’re well
Oh I also wanted to ask you ladies about something. I read recently that frer can supposedly pick up before implantation cos they can also detect hcg-h which is produced by the blastocyst before it implants. Now I'm not sure about this but then I also read this today about chemicals... (see pic). But I always thought to pick up on a test (usual kind anyway) that you had to implant for any hcg to be made?! Cos I seem to often get vvfainrt lines at 6-7dpo then they fade away which is what I was searching at the time I saw this.

Argh I just wrote loads of replies and then the thread refreshed and I lost them all!

@S_Dowd sounds like a really good plan for the day, I think you’re such an incredible person! Even when you’re feeling low, you’re looking for ways to feel better and checking in on others. Keep on being you! :hugs:

@josephine3 you can 100% keep posting all the tests you want! As a fellow POAS addict, it’s so helpful to be able to share them freely and without judgement!
I hope your call with the doc goes well! I’m not sure about that article you’ve found, I also thought hcg was only produced as a result of implantation.

@NDH your will power is amazing! I’d be surrounded by test wrappers and tweaking my 300th test photo to within an inch of its life by now! I hope your patience is rewarded by AF staying well away and getting a blazing BFP!

@PinkCupcakes massive sympathies for the cycle you’re going through right now. I know how hard it can be. I do see something on that middle test though!

@Suggerhoney :hugs: I know I’ve said this to you before but it’s worth repeating, charting is never an exact science, your LP appearing to being off by a day or two could be the result of ovulating at a different time of day, or having a delayed temp rise etc.
Fertility doesn’t just switch off so while you’re ovulating, you’re in with a chance! I know the part of your cycle that you’re in at the moment is miserable and can feel hopeless but I truly believe you’ll get your baby. Hang on in there!

So being on the verge of giving up myself and having no chance of medical help on the NHS (which I totally understand!) I looked into private options. I found a gynaecologist and contacted her. She managed to fit me in today and I’ve been prescribed letrozole! I’m feeling a bit in shock about it how quickly it all happened but now wanting AF to arrive so I can do my first round!
My temps have remained low and FF took the crosshairs away (always feels a bit cruel to get that notification!) so just hoping this cycle doesn’t go on forever!
@josephine3 I have never heard of this before. Interesting! I have always been puzzled when I hear of women getting early BFPs and then having implantation spotting after that. Huh, I definitely want to look into this more.

@jellybeanxx Awww thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much to me. You're so sweet and encouraging, and I appreciate it so much. I'm sooo glad you got an appointment and prescription so fast! That's wonderful news, and I hope this does the trick for you!!! I am sorry FF took the crossgairs away. That is so frustrating. Especially now that you have something new to try and are so ready for a fresh cycle. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long.
Oh wow that's good @jellybeanxx was it expensive to see her? What does letrozole do?

I also found this from a scientific study, I'll post the link too if anyone's interested. I didn't read the whole thing as you need a degree in biology to fully understand it lol

The Role of HCG in Implantation: A Mini-Review of Molecular and Clinical Evidence

View attachment 1113730

Wow! That’s mad! I’ll have to read the full study when I’m less tired but it if I’m understanding that right, it would explain why so many of us see faint lines before AF! How have we gone this long without knowing this?! Feels like something we should’ve picked up on before now :haha:
Well done Dr Josephine for being the one to uncover this! :lol:

The gynaecologist I spoke to wasn’t that expensive, certainly cheaper than I thought it would be! I can’t remember how much individual consultations are, I think around £50? But I opted to pay the monthly subscription which gives me telephone and email access. It was only £10/month! Then my prescription was just under £40. It was all very straight forward but I have an existing PCOS diagnosis and have responded well to clomid when I was TTC my eldest. Letrozole works in pretty much the same way apparently. The doctor said it was first choice of treatment now as it doesn’t thin the uterine lining the way clomid can do.
Well AF got me a little bit early I wasn't due until tomorrow morning.

Next AF is due on Feb 1 so I won't be testing til February now. Goodbye hopes for a summer baby (at least I hope so as I realy don't want to still be TTC 9 months from now). I'm half tempted to not even try this month now though as the due date from conception this month would be awfully close to my twins birthday and do I really want 3 October birthdays? But I'm too old now to be choosy about skipping months lol
Well AF got me a little bit early I wasn't due until tomorrow morning.

Next AF is due on Feb 1 so I won't be testing til February now. Goodbye hopes for a summer baby (at least I hope so as I realy don't want to still be TTC 9 months from now). I'm half tempted to not even try this month now though as the due date from conception this month would be awfully close to my twins birthday and do I really want 3 October birthdays? But I'm too old now to be choosy about skipping months lol

Oh no! That sucks. I'm so sorry the stupid witch got you.

I remember when DH and I first started trying and I really did not want a December baby. His birthday is in December and with all the holidays it just seemed like too much. It's funny what a few years can do. Beggars can't be choosers as they say lol. My little sister and I have our birthdays a week apart, and we loved it. We used to have combined skating parties at the roller rink with all our friends. So there can be up sides to it :-)
@Suggerhoney :hugs:

@PinkCupcakes did you test again? I just wanted to say be careful when dipping hpts and opks together. If you dip an opk first it can cause the hpts you dip after to have lines. Also if they touch while developing the opk can also cause the hpt to have a line. I learnt this the hard way in the past. Wishing you so much luck for a bfp

@S_Dowd I'm sorry for the bfns :hugs:

@josephine3 post as many tests as you want hun. It’s what the thread is for. I love seeing others tests.

@jellybeanxx i hope af shows her face so you can move on. Wishing you the best of luck and I hope the letrozole brings you your bfp. Fx’d

@NDH oh I’m sorry af showed. I can’t believe how much will power you had not to test once. I feel the same about having a September due date as I already have one on the 5th and one on the 13th. I worry about a winter due date because of all the illnesses. This winters been horrendous for them. Everyone just constantly seems ill. The thought of having a newborn through it all would be horrible. But I also can’t bring myself to put off trying at the same time. I was due in June with the one I lost which was perfect for me. My due date was my birthday. I’d be 18.4 weeks today, so close to finding out the gender. :sad2:

My son woke me half hour before my alarm again this morning but my temps have slowly gone down the last 3 days so I’m really hoping I did ovulate when it originally predicted because then af would be due between Thursday-Saturday. I’m just hoping it shows and takes the last of the faint lines with it. I’m so desperate to be able to start trying again. If tomorrows temp is down again I’ll feel hopeful she’s on her way. Feels weird to want af and stark white bfn tests :sad1:
@NDH aww that sucks that af showed early.
Thanks for the support ladies you are lovely I might post a few tests today lol. I'm so bad I always tell myself just to do one a day until around 10 dpo when there's more of a chance of it showing but then I see faint lines or hints and it just makes me test more. I've used about 15 already which is just stupid. I just had 10 more one step and a pack of 2 cb early arrive too oops. I must try and save the cb until at least tomorrow as with the chemical I had I didn't even get a line until 12 dpo so why I test from 6 I've got no idea really. Makes me then I'm out before I even get to sensible testing time. That being said here's my tests from this morning. Taken in timeframe, the clear and simple was fmu and the one step when I got back from the school run when sample was much darker. 10dpo today not seeing a whole lot, maybe something on the green one

Screenshot_20230110-102506.png Screenshot_20230110-102428.png
@jellybeanxx that all sounds great about the private consult so did you do it all over the phone? £10 a month sounds really good! If it comes to it I might have to get the name of the company from you x
Massive congratulations such a beautiful BFP and so dark for just 10dpo. I’ve never gotten a line b4 10dpo. It’s always 10dpo I get lines when pregnant. That’s with all my chemicals and my miscarriage and also with my 2 sons. Faint lines to. I can’t believe how dark yours is for just 10dpo. I hope you have a very healthy 9 months. What digital did you do? If it’s the one with weeks indicator there not as sensitive.

I can’t get over that line. I didn’t even have to zoom in. It was there pink and as clear as day. Did you use another Frer? im so so sorry the next tests didn’t have lines. That’s so devastating. You have been through so so much love. I want you to get your rainbow so so badly. I pray we both do my love. Hugs and love to you.

Your chart looks great. I have everything crossed for you. Thank you for always being so kind to me. Your such a lovely kind soul. Praying for us ALL to get our Rainbows so so much my love.

How are you doing hon? Must be nearly time for testing now. Really fx for you. And I’m glad your getting seen.
All my chemicals were never explained.
Was told it was bad luck. Hopefully you will get answers tho hon. I think recurrent pregnancy loss is more common than they make out.
There was 2 other ladies that also had 4 chemicals like
Me and then got pregnant with there rainbow.
Having recurrent pregnancy loss was so so hard but it gave me that hope I was still falling pregnant. I new I was fertile and that kept me going.
Have you thought about taking the Galatanised maca and folate and also baby aspirin from the moment you get a hint of a line.
That’s all I did differently and it worked.

now I’m taking it again along with coq10 but just not falling. Hopefully I will soon and it will be viable and vey healthy.
Really would love all of us that have been here ages now to all be in the same pregnancy group together. And the ladies here that have had losses.
I would love us all to be in the same due date group with healthy take home babies. Just feel like I’ve been on this journey with you all. It’s you guys that have kept me going. Fx for you love.

I’m so happy the doctor has put you on something. I’m praying this will help. And I really hope AF doesn’t keep you waiting to long. I’m so sorry the cross hairs were taken away that’s horrible. You know where I am my love. Here for you.

It’s always so scary going for that scan. I’m sure everything will be great. Good luck.

Sorry your feeling sick. Sounds strange saying this but I really want it all.
I want the feeling sick and the mega sore boobs. Preferably b4 the BFP like with my 3 year old. As much as feeling green everyday isn’t the nicest. It’s a good indication that baby is healthy.
With my miscarriage I didn’t have one symptom. I new something wasn’t right with the no symptoms.
So I want it all.
I pray so so much for my rainbow. I hate asking God for another baby when I’ve already been so blessed.
But since my miscarriage my heart has just ached for another baby.
It’s so so hard knowing I would of been having my baby on the 27th of January and still not being pregnant. I don’t know how I will get through that day.
I was due until 22nd February but like you I’m induced early at 37 weeks and that would of been 27th Jan. I worked it all out when I was getting blazing BFPs.
It’s devastating to still be trying.
I’m so happy you now have your rainbow growing in your tummy. Praying we ALL get our healthy take home Rainbows too.

There was a lady on here that was ttc when I was ttc in 2020. And she used to always start testing around 4 or 5dpo and get faint faint lines. Then later those lines would disappear.
She looked into it and found the same stuff you have found. It’s crazy isn’t it.

That’s why I never test until I’m 8dpo. I have caved a few times at 6dpo myself tho.
I am a pee on a stick addict. Esp if I’m actually pregnant. I can’t stop testing lol. I was even buying tests when I had a bump how sad is that. Just loved seeing that line and also experimenting with the hook effect.
the shop assistant must of thought I was crazy.
Please keep posting your tests, living through you guys at the moment.

I’m with @jellybeanxx you are the kindest and sweetest person. You have wanted a baby for years and here I am complaining after almost a year of trying when you been trying for years. And yet here you are being a true angel, being so supportive and so kind.
I’m so so thankful that we have you.
Just wanted to let you know how wonderful you truly are.

Oh no I’m sorry the stupid :witch: got you too hon.
But my goodness well done you for being so patient and not testing early. That takes a lot of patience.
Praying we both get our sticky rainbow :bfp:S at the end of this month or very early next.[-o<[-o<[-o<

I wanted a autumn/winter due date. I really didn’t want a summer due date. My 2 eldest were summer babies. August 19th and June 3rd and my youngest was born on September 5th and it was so so hot: I don’t like the heat at all.
having a newborn baby in mega hot weather and not being about to swaddle and snuggle them Because of the heat was so so hard. Found they just had to stay in a nappy or a vest and couldn’t dress them in cute onesies etc.
so when it got to September and October and November I was a little hesitant about trying because I wanted to avoid those hot Summer months.
But decided to still try because I new at my age I couldn’t risk taking a month or so out.

but now where in January I really want it to happen.
My youngest 2 were born in September.
I fell with them both in the January.
With my youngest I fell on the 7th jan and he was due right at the end of September and I had him on the 5th.
Was 30+c heat and no air con. Was absolutely terrible being in hospital in the heat. And then at home and trying to keep him cool. It’s so worrying because there not aloud to over heat.

Then my 3 year old son. I fell with him on the 23rd January and he was due on 14th October and I had him on the 23rd September.
That was absolutely perfect.
It wasn’t hot. And it wasn’t freezing cold: it was just perfect.
I’m due to ovulate around the 20th to the 24th January and that would mean a late September baby. Would be crazy having 3 September babies, but it’s such a lovely time to have a baby. So I would love it.
I pray for us both so much my love.

Oh my goodness I think I’ve wrote a book lol.
Had a good read through the thread and I hope I haven’t missed anyone.
If I have then my apologies.

CD4 today. I really hate this part of the cycle.
AF hasn’t been as heavy. Day 2 was heavy but now it’s slowed right down.
I feel AF isn’t as heavy as it used to be. I’ve noticed that for the last few cycles now that it’s not as heavy as it was the first few months of trying and also when we was ttc in 2020.
Maybe age or maybe it’s the coq 10.

will start the OPKs in a few more days. Probably around cd7 or 8 but will just just start with the strips and then the digital from around cd10.
Ovulation was cd15 last cycle so maybe be around the same or a bit earlier.
I ovulated on cd10 with youngest.
I would love that to happen again and to fall with my rainbow.
I remember I first got lines at 10dpo, but I was only cd20. It was great. And by cd22 I had a blazing BFP.
Was nice knowing sooner.

anyway been praying for us all.
Sorry I had to step away for a bit.
I’ll be on more and more as I get further in my cycle.
Don’t have much hope about this cycle, maybe I will feel differently when I get my peak opk. ,I really hope so much that this cycle will be the one [-o&lt;[-o&lt;[-o&lt;[-o&lt;[-o&lt;
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2dpo not much to report just gassy. Woke up with a headache and my ears hurt. Runny nose and cough. Hope it goes away by later today and I don't get sick.
@NDH aww that sucks that af showed early.
Thanks for the support ladies you are lovely I might post a few tests today lol. I'm so bad I always tell myself just to do one a day until around 10 dpo when there's more of a chance of it showing but then I see faint lines or hints and it just makes me test more. I've used about 15 already which is just stupid. I just had 10 more one step and a pack of 2 cb early arrive too oops. I must try and save the cb until at least tomorrow as with the chemical I had I didn't even get a line until 12 dpo so why I test from 6 I've got no idea really. Makes me then I'm out before I even get to sensible testing time. That being said here's my tests from this morning. Taken in timeframe, the clear and simple was fmu and the one step when I got back from the school run when sample was much darker. 10dpo today not seeing a whole lot, maybe something on the green one

View attachment 1113733 View attachment 1113734
Might see something on the blue handled one hard to say. They should start to darken up if real. Good luck
@Suggerhoney you are so good at keeping up with everyone I'm useless lol
@NightFlower that sounds like me, I had a headache this cycle right from ov until about 5 DPO, seems to have eased off now though.
So I just got off the phone from the doctor. She said all looked normal but the ovaries weren't seen clearly. She did say though that the right is almost double the volume of the left, at 10ml. Which is apparently normal for polycystic but the left looks 'normal' so no cystic masses seen there. Which is interesting as I'm sure I implanted both times on the left and that's where I feel ov pains and this cycle what I'm hoping was implantation cramping was also on the left! So maybe I ovulate from the left and the right is knackered lol
@Suggerhoney you are so good at keeping up with everyone I'm useless lol
@NightFlower that sounds like me, I had a headache this cycle right from ov until about 5 DPO, seems to have eased off now though.
So I just got off the phone from the doctor. She said all looked normal but the ovaries weren't seen clearly. She did say though that the right is almost double the volume of the left, at 10ml. Which is apparently normal for polycystic but the left looks 'normal' so no cystic masses seen there. Which is interesting as I'm sure I implanted both times on the left and that's where I feel ov pains and this cycle what I'm hoping was implantation cramping was also on the left! So maybe I ovulate from the left and the right is knackered lol
Glad your appointment went well. Did she say you can only ovulate from one side?
I'm 13DPO and still getting negative tests so I'm definitely out this month. Still getting cramping and AF is due on the 12th anyway so I will be waiting for the February thread to appear so that I can join that

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