January Snowdrops +*+* Testing Thread *+*+ Ring in the New Year with BFPs!

@NightFlower omg amazing progression! Everything crossed this is your take home baby. I kept my tests for ages haha but decluttering so got rid of them recently lol xx
Oh wow beautiful lines @NightFlower so happy for you. Stick beanie stick.

That’s so confusing hon. Hope you get answers soon. I’ve not had that happen b4.
How frustrating.
Oh lovely I’m so sorry your feeling so yucky, I hope it passes soon and you feel better asap.
I was cd9 yesterday and got my first flashy smiley face.
Had a load of very watery cm b4 bd last night. Last time we bd was early hours of cd8.
Now cd10 haven’t done a opk yet. Feeling dry so dont think it will be positive yet.
But interesting to get a flashy yesterday and just cd9.
I didn’t get a flashy smiley last cycle until cd11.
Here’s hoping ovulation will be earlier.

I really want this cycle to be the one, and am holding out so much hope because I fell with both my youngest in January.
I’ll be so devastated if I end up being out again.
Praying so so much for that sticky take home baby BFP.
Sorry AF came hon. But glad it’s a new fresh cycle and you can crack on with trying. Hopefully your cycles will be regular fx love ❤️
Morning ladies! I’m 2DPO today and woke up with a sore throat, ugh! Anyway, trying to find something to pass the TWW time.. lol the wait always kills me
It does go slow! 4dpo for me. My toddler threw up for the first time and it’s been a rough 2 days of vomiting. I hope he feels better soon. He’s usually so animated and always laughing and into mischief. Excited for that to come back.
Two nights’ lack of sleep may have effected my temps but still seems i have ovulated so thats a plus. However, I’m nursing SO much now to comfort him and keep him hydrated. It’s what’s most important so if it diminishes my fertility for a few months more, that’ll have to be fine. Still fx for this month. Gonna test 1/23
Congratulations NightFlower!!! Feel free to "clog the thread" with your tests! Seeing BFP makes me so happy.
5 dpo today and still feeling a bit crampy (though I think it may be partially due to gas). Also tmi, but I had a lot of CM this morning. I have a few FRER on hand and one digi FRER as well, but I stopped by Dollar tree and got a few test there this morning too (oddly with my 2nd the dollar tree test was positive before the FRER was!) Man I hate this constant feeling of not knowing! Unfortunately I don't feel pregnant yet, but I know it's still possible! Can't wait till I'm able to test!

Hope everyone is doing well today!
@NightFlower tests are looking really really good! We deffo all want to see them so post away!
@HalfricanMa same here re feeding, but I'm tandem feeding.....13 months and 2.5 year old toddler- I've actually had my period back since a few months after having the youngest, and had it back 2-3 months after the toddler- but now feeding 2... I'm just not sure I'm ovulating.

So this sounds a bit stupid - almost all the signs of O are there: clear LH surge for a day or 2, usually EWCM, ovulation pains (really specific!) and want to jump my OH. BUT- I've always used cervical position as a sign too, and it's just not SHOW, at any point. What does that mean!? It rises, softens a little bit- hard to tell if open or closed as I've had 5 babies- but it's definitely not show. Anyone else chart CP and find they don't have classic fertile position? Still possible to conceive? Seems to be really conflicting advice about how important the whole SHOW thing is.
Good luck to anyone coming up to testing!!!
Morning ladies! I’m 2DPO today and woke up with a sore throat, ugh! Anyway, trying to find something to pass the TWW time.. lol the wait always kills me

the 2ww always drags. Hopefully it picks up speed for you. Good luck hon.

It does go slow! 4dpo for me. My toddler threw up for the first time and it’s been a rough 2 days of vomiting. I hope he feels better soon. He’s usually so animated and always laughing and into mischief. Excited for that to come back.
Two nights’ lack of sleep may have effected my temps but still seems i have ovulated so thats a plus. However, I’m nursing SO much now to comfort him and keep him hydrated. It’s what’s most important so if it diminishes my fertility for a few months more, that’ll have to be fine. Still fx for this month. Gonna test 1/23

sorry to hear little one is sick. Hope he gets back to himself soon. We all had that stomach flu bug in December. It went around the whole house. Awful.

5 dpo today and still feeling a bit crampy (though I think it may be partially due to gas). Also tmi, but I had a lot of CM this morning. I have a few FRER on hand and one digi FRER as well, but I stopped by Dollar tree and got a few test there this morning too (oddly with my 2nd the dollar tree test was positive before the FRER was!) Man I hate this constant feeling of not knowing! Unfortunately I don't feel pregnant yet, but I know it's still possible! Can't wait till I'm able to test!

Hope everyone is doing well today!

5dpo is so early for pregnancy signs hon so plenty of time for symptoms to come in the next few days. I didn’t have many symptoms with my youngest.
I had sore boobs from 5 to 8dpo. And implantation pain at 6dpo and 10dpo. I also woke on the morning of 10dpo with acid reflux which is what made me test. And I tested BFP that day.

good luck love.
The 2ww Drags but I hate the waiting to ovulate. I feel like time has just dragged and dragged since AF showed.
Cd10 now and hopefully will get my peak soon.
Fx for us all so much.

@NightFlower tests are looking really really good! We deffo all want to see them so post away!
@HalfricanMa same here re feeding, but I'm tandem feeding.....13 months and 2.5 year old toddler- I've actually had my period back since a few months after having the youngest, and had it back 2-3 months after the toddler- but now feeding 2... I'm just not sure I'm ovulating.

So this sounds a bit stupid - almost all the signs of O are there: clear LH surge for a day or 2, usually EWCM, ovulation pains (really specific!) and want to jump my OH. BUT- I've always used cervical position as a sign too, and it's just not SHOW, at any point. What does that mean!? It rises, softens a little bit- hard to tell if open or closed as I've had 5 babies- but it's definitely not show. Anyone else chart CP and find they don't have classic fertile position? Still possible to conceive? Seems to be really conflicting advice about how important the whole SHOW thing is.
Good luck to anyone coming up to testing!!!

sounds like you are ovulating lovely. Could you temp for a few cycles just to be sure?

that’s what I did because I had a cycle where I didn’t ovulate at all. So I been temping for a few cycles and definitely ovulating.
Not temping this cycle just using opks.
If it helps on the cycle I didn’t ovulate I never got a proper peak. I got to matching lines a few times but no darker.
Where as normally when I peak I get a darker test line and lighter control line.
Weirdly on the cycle I didn’t ovulate I still had O pains so thought I did. But my temps stayed flat and I had no rise so new I definitely never ovulated that one cycle.

also when I was ovulating last cycle. My Cp was medium medium and open. Not high..
But when I was younger it would go higher.
the 2ww always drags. Hopefully it picks up speed for you. Good luck hon.

sorry to hear little one is sick. Hope he gets back to himself soon. We all had that stomach flu bug in December. It went around the whole house. Awful.

5dpo is so early for pregnancy signs hon so plenty of time for symptoms to come in the next few days. I didn’t have many symptoms with my youngest.
I had sore boobs from 5 to 8dpo. And implantation pain at 6dpo and 10dpo. I also woke on the morning of 10dpo with acid reflux which is what made me test. And I tested BFP that day.

good luck love.
The 2ww Drags but I hate the waiting to ovulate. I feel like time has just dragged and dragged since AF showed.
Cd10 now and hopefully will get my peak soon.
Fx for us all so much.

sounds like you are ovulating lovely. Could you temp for a few cycles just to be sure?

that’s what I did because I had a cycle where I didn’t ovulate at all. So I been temping for a few cycles and definitely ovulating.
Not temping this cycle just using opks.
If it helps on the cycle I didn’t ovulate I never got a proper peak. I got to matching lines a few times but no darker.
Where as normally when I peak I get a darker test line and lighter control line.
Weirdly on the cycle I didn’t ovulate I still had O pains so thought I did. But my temps stayed flat and I had no rise so new I definitely never ovulated that one cycle.

also when I was ovulating last cycle. My Cp was medium medium and open. Not high..
But when I was younger it would go higher.

Oh I know it's too early for symptoms, I meant intuitionwise. In the past, I've always just known I was pregnant before testing. With my last pregnancy, I knew right away. The morning after ovulation I just had a feeling, and sure enough at 7dpo my test was positive. I'll never forget it! I've always had great intuition like that, I knew what I was having each time too. Not sure how to explain it, haha. But, even if I'm not feeling that right now doesn't meant I won't at some point, and it's not over until the red witch shows!
Oh I know it's too early for symptoms, I meant intuitionwise. In the past, I've always just known I was pregnant before testing. With my last pregnancy, I knew right away. The morning after ovulation I just had a feeling, and sure enough at 7dpo my test was positive. I'll never forget it! I've always had great intuition like that, I knew what I was having each time too. Not sure how to explain it, haha. But, even if I'm not feeling that right now doesn't meant I won't at some point, and it's not over until the red witch shows!

With my second youngest I was the same I new from the get go so to speak, this time I sort of had a incling but I think I was protecting myself for heartache, I mean this time round I had heartburn from 3 or 4dpo I no early but still lol finger and toes so tightly crossed for you xx
@Suggerhoney okay that's interesting, so it's possible to be ovulating without that super high very very soft cervix (mine used to be almost mushy .. sorry to use such a gross word) maybe it is age or amount of babies!?
I should really temp I know; I even have the thermometer sitting next to my bed but I just haven't been ..I suppose partly because my my sleep is soooo disturbed still by baby that I wonder if it would be any use? I'm often awake 3 times a night and only dozing towards the morning and multiple wakes and snoozing the damned alarm etc ...!
Oh I know it's too early for symptoms, I meant intuitionwise. In the past, I've always just known I was pregnant before testing. With my last pregnancy, I knew right away. The morning after ovulation I just had a feeling, and sure enough at 7dpo my test was positive. I'll never forget it! I've always had great intuition like that, I knew what I was having each time too. Not sure how to explain it, haha. But, even if I'm not feeling that right now doesn't meant I won't at some point, and it's not over until the red witch shows!

It’s so strange. I new I was pregnant with my 3 year old son pretty much from about 2 or 3dpo. I just had a feeling. And then the symptoms started at 7dpo.

I’ve never been lucky enough to get a BFP as early as 7dpo. It’s always 10dpo for me if I am pregnant.
I would love to get a early BFP. But it’s always always 10dpo for me. And if no lines at 10dpo then I know I’m out. Fx for you love.

@Suggerhoney okay that's interesting, so it's possible to be ovulating without that super high very very soft cervix (mine used to be almost mushy .. sorry to use such a gross word) maybe it is age or amount of babies!?
I should really temp I know; I even have the thermometer sitting next to my bed but I just haven't been ..I suppose partly because my my sleep is soooo disturbed still by baby that I wonder if it would be any use? I'm often awake 3 times a night and only dozing towards the morning and multiple wakes and snoozing the damned alarm etc ...!

No mine was not supper high love. Very easy to feel and medium and no super soft. But definitely softer than the supper hard b4 ovulation.

also in both my last 2 pregnancies my cervix stayed low firm and closed until I was 24+ weeks.
It may be Because of previous births. Not sure but always read it goes high and soft when pregnant.
But nope that wasn’t the case for me.
@Suggerhoney okay that's interesting, so it's possible to be ovulating without that super high very very soft cervix (mine used to be almost mushy .. sorry to use such a gross word) maybe it is age or amount of babies!?
I should really temp I know; I even have the thermometer sitting next to my bed but I just haven't been ..I suppose partly because my my sleep is soooo disturbed still by baby that I wonder if it would be any use? I'm often awake 3 times a night and only dozing towards the morning and multiple wakes and snoozing the damned alarm etc ...!

Your baby is just a few months younger than mine. My son is 16 and a half months old.
@Suggerhoney thank you for the info and replies☺️☺️ I don't know about you but I find this age both very cute and totally infuriating! She's a very crappy sleeper though, like all of mine:-({|=
I have these two littles and 3 older ones of 9, almost 11 and 14...OH is so done but I just... don't think I am, I feel like I need to make peace with the idea of it being the last one BEFORE we TTC and with the last one we didn't, I just couldn't. I really never thought I'd have or want such a big family!
Which dpo are you at now? Your toddler has a cute name btw
I'm still here following along, good luck everyone coming up to testing!

It's weird with number 2 I seemed to know the moment we had sex that I would get pregnant, such an odd feeling but I was right!
@Suggerhoney thank you for the info and replies☺️☺️ I don't know about you but I find this age both very cute and totally infuriating! She's a very crappy sleeper though, like all of mine:-({|=
I have these two littles and 3 older ones of 9, almost 11 and 14...OH is so done but I just... don't think I am, I feel like I need to make peace with the idea of it being the last one BEFORE we TTC and with the last one we didn't, I just couldn't. I really never thought I'd have or want such a big family!
Which dpo are you at now? Your toddler has a cute name btw

I’ve been lucky with mine. There good sleepers but I remember Harley having another leap a few weeks back and he was waking in the night, he woke up last night a few times. But I manage to settle him back down,
Thank you my husband chose his name when we found out he was a boy, I new he was a boy from around 10 weeks onwards. Even tho he’s a toddler now, I still baby him a lot, I hope I do get to have another baby but I fear I may be too old,
We did have a hard time falling with Harley, we was ttc for 11 months and I had 4 chemical pregnancies in the space of 7 months, we was ttc the whole time I was 40 and I kept falling but then losing, then on the 11th cycle we fell with him and I was 41.

we been ttc for 11 months now again, I did fall last year twice, in April but ended at 4 weeks. So was another chemical. I then went on to fall again at the end of May and my tests progressed beautifully and I had matching lines on Frer by 13dpo and the ICs were all mega blazing too. I joined a due date group and had a ticker but sadly miscarried in the June at just over 5 weeks. And since then nothing, just BFN every month, it’s been just over 8 months now since I miscarried and nothing but BFNs.
im now 43 and just fearful that that loss was my last chance, it’s heartbreaking.
This is mine and my DH 5th baby we are trying for, we have a older son who is 12 nearly, a 10 year old dd, a 3 year old son and then little man who will be 17 months old on 5th feb.
I do also have 2 grown up children from my previous relationship. My eldest dd is nearly 20 and my son nearly 17.
I never ever thought I would have a big or even want a big family, but here I am.

I always feel selfish for wanting one more when I have already been so blessed. But since the miscarriage I’ve wanted it more then ever.
I’m currently waiting to ovulate, I’m
Cd11 today and had another smiley this morning. My 3rd one now. I had 4 flashy smileys last cycle then static so I’m hoping to get static soon. I’m doing Femometer strips too and there still very negative. But I know with OPKs they can change quickly. Hopefully ovulation will be really soon and I’m praying so much this cycle will be the one,
But it’s so hard to remain hopeful after endless BFNs.
I definitely still ovulating so that’s good, but I know that doesn’t guarantee a baby.
But I really hope this cycle will be the one I fall with my little healthy take home rainbow baby. sending so much baby dust your way lovely :dust:

I'm still here following along, good luck everyone coming up to testing!

It's weird with number 2 I seemed to know the moment we had sex that I would get pregnant, such an odd feeling but I was right!

how you doing lovely? Hope your ok <3

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