How is everyone doing today? I'm 12dpo and I got my BFP today! (okay it wasn't a huge bfp but more of a slight pink early bfp!!) To be honest I'm almost afraid to get excited about this because of my miscarriage a few months ago, but I'm going to retest tomorrow and sat. and call my OB Monday to schedule a first appt.
I posted the pic in the pregnancy test section, tell me what you think!
Congratulations! Fx for a sticky one! Do u know what a black outline on a temp means on ff? Hope yourbfp gets darker , excellent 12 bfps!
Congrats ttcmikeandme! Great news - hope the line gets darker and that it sticks!
And great news Katiekittykat - sounds positive. Lets hope for a BFP on the 24th (or before!).
Well, I've had another BFN this morning (DPO14/15) but no sign of AF either. Urgh - the 2WW (or longer) is horrible isn't it? I'm beginning to doubt whether I did O when I thought I did nowOr perhaps my LT is longer than 14 days?
Congratulations! Fx for a sticky one! Do u know what a black outline on a temp means on ff? Hope yourbfp gets darker , excellent 12 bfps!
I think its when the think you should test![]()
Congratulations! Fx for a sticky one! Do u know what a black outline on a temp means on ff? Hope yourbfp gets darker , excellent 12 bfps!
I think its when the think you should test![]()
But I'm only 9dpo![]()
Have you been temping? x