July 2014 rainbows :)

Sorry mamaoftwoboys thats horrible you been that sick everytime i feel bad ive even complaind about mine but glad you got medicine early this time and its helping you im no advise on the stretching pain not quite that far yet
I meant to pop on to let you all know how scan went but I feel asleep by 7pm right through until my alarm went off at 5.30am today!

So the scan was somebody training (the whole reason I got the scan) which meant I was in there about half an hour which was fine by me :) baby looks beautiful and could see heart beating away, the lady doing the scan struggled to get a picture to measure baby with but eventually the lady that was training her said "that'll do" I think because it had taken so long, they didn't tell me but I glanced at screen and it said 7w6days when should be 9 weeks so still 8 days behind like I was when baby was first measured. I'm not sure what to think of this, it seems to be pretty consistant, baby doesn't seem to be getting any further behind and I got a BFN at what I class as 13dpo so maybe I'm just looking too much into it all?

Also I looked at my midwife notes and shes got my weight as a stone lighter than I thought I was (haven't weighed myself since finding out pregnant) so either theres a mistake there or I've lost a stone :wacko:

I will try and post my scan picture on at some point, he/she looks like a little jelly baby :haha:

dairy - hope it all goes ok at doctors tomorrow.
Yay loup! I really want to see your jelly baby. So long as baby is growing consistently I'm sure it's fine. I really wish I'd had another scan after my 8 week one last time when bang measured 6+4 or something. If next week my baby is measuring smaller than it should I will inevitably freak out but it's nice to know it can all be ok!
Dairymomma - it's the pits isn't it? Even though everything is fine i still can't bear spotting so am on sex ban. hoping that's the issue. It's interesting you say about a UTI because i've been going to the loo a lot but not peeing very much, I don't have the other symptoms of UTI but I might check at my mw appointment.

Loup & munchkin - I know measuring smaller seems alarming for a lot of women - but when i went for my scan the other night i was measuring 2 days ahead again and said to the lady ' I must have ovulated earlier than i thought' and she said - probably not - at this stage we can only be accurate to within about a week....as in you could measure a week ahead or behind but not actually be literally a week ahead or behind because the measurements are so small, depending on the angle of the baby, how much it's moving. And also the Crown rump Length isn't the true crown rump length till about 9 weeks because you can't see it properly on the US. The margin for error is pretty big it seems. So....I wouldn't worry and especially not if your measurements are consistent!
Muchkin - thanks :) Try not to panic, I've spoken to 3 midwives now who have all said that it doesn't matter about being a week behind and that they wont officially date the baby because it could all change still. I suppose most people don't get these early scans to worry them!

Linnypops - Thats good to hear thanks! Guess I'll have to try and not worry now...easier said than done! How are you feeling? had any spotting since?

Is anyone thinking about using a doppler to get you through until 12 week scan?
Loup - Nope, not since the other day. Since bean is absolutely fine though i'm trying to just be really chilled if it happens again....I have a doppler and might try to use it again in a week or so - it was quite stressful when i first used it because i hadn't had scan yet and it took a good 10 minutes, literally, to find it. Really difficult to locate.
Glad you haven't had anymore fingers crossed it stays that way :)
I can imagine getting stressed out if I couldn't find hearbeat, I take it you found it eventually? When did you first try?
I want one mainly because I would love to tell family face to face that I'm pregnant but will only see them over christmas as they live quite far away. I doubt I'll get a scan before christmas now so I figured if I was 11/12 weeks and could hear heartbeat it would be good enough for me.
Loup - yep found it eventually - I was 8w 5d i think? I found it on the pubic hair line, it was so low i couldn't believe it! My suggestion would be to make sure you press down quite firmly, thought obviously don't hurt yourself, and also get to girps with the other sounds you'll hear like the whooshing sound of the placenta which is around similar rate as your own heartbeat. The LO's heart will be twice as fast at least and a definitive thud.
Hi all. I'm getting the flu jab tom. Booked a private scan for the 21st so we can tell parents at xmas all being well.
One week till my 1st scan im nervous but excited at the same time
Thanks for the advice linny, I've ordered one on months hire, I don't want to get ahead of myself yet but providing all ok I will buy one in the new year.
I've had my 12 week scan date through, Christmas eve!! The same date last year I had a scan to confirm I'd miscarried after losing the baby on 22nd. At least we can hopefully have some good news for the family this Christmas.

Nessaw & wannanewbaby- good luck with your scans coming up I'm sure they'll go great :)
Loup, i have one. I found the hb about 10weeks for my dd, but didnt try b4. I have tried on this pregnancy but nothing yet, but will try again next week as was only 7 weeks on monday when i tried, and Im a little 'fluffy' in the tummy area. so didnt expect to find it. think i will worry at 9/10 weeks if i cant find it, but not too worried about not hearing it yet!
i loved it with my daughter, used it every day until I could feel her kick constantly!
Sorry mamaoftwoboys thats horrible you been that sick everytime i feel bad ive even complaind about mine but glad you got medicine early this time and its helping you im no advise on the stretching pain not quite that far yet

lol no way wannanewbaby - complain all you like it's why we are here aren't we... for support for each other :) It's horrible, the stretching pains and the pain hit behind my knees last night, I hardly slept!
Ive had knee pain for several years due to a injury in a car accident and it is miserable i know exactly why you couldnt sleep i hope you get some relief soon
Linny-yeah it is. And what really drives me crazy is just when I start thinking I'm used to whatever is going on, it changes up again. Like now...I was just starting to think "okay, brown/pink cm is going to be my 'normal' for this pregnancy" and BAM, it stopped. Nothin' since yesterday afternoon. Hoping it stays away this time but expecting it to come back as usual. Still, it's nice to be able to go pee and not get that little stutter in my heart when there's pink or brown cm. Even if I know everything's okay, it's still heart-stopping for just an instant to see it.

Brrr....We've had a winter blizzard here and the temps are showing it. We got down into the negative temps today and the snowing and blowing hasn't stopped in about 3 days now. I'm SO ready for July to get here and not just cuz that's when bubs will be due. :haha: Getting nervous about my appt tomorrow but it's mostly because I'll have to drive an hour or more depending on how slick the roads are and how many drivers are out there who aren't ready for winter driving
Had some bleeding this morning.. I loss the baby :cry:
Are you sure? a little bleeding doesnt always mean you lost it?? I really hope thats not what happened if it is im so sorry
Are you sure? a little bleeding doesnt always mean you lost it?? I really hope thats not what happened if it is im so sorry

I went to the ER, cervix was opened :(
They did u/s and couldn't see much of anything, they think a big cyst ruptured and caused the miscarriage, hCG was very low when I got there too.

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